"By Faith and Steel" (Caravan Crossings) (Inactive)

Game Master Me'mori

"Faith led them on their paths, Iron clad their frames while belief did the same to their heart..."

Current Characters

Ekaym Smallcask
Sovereign Court Alexander Kilcoyne

(4,709 posts)
Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist
Ernesto Blanco

played by therealthom (10 posts)
Female Fighter
Zathe Dakamon

Male Human Paladin / 2

played by Alexander Kilcoyne (12 posts)

Current NPCs

Spindlelock Servant

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3
(2,849 posts)
Brigh Statue
The Lost Voice


played by Me'mori (1,317 posts)