Bastards, Devil's and Treason! - Council of Thieves PBP

Game Master CaptainCortez

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Coming right up! said Janiven, smiling, as she poured a good helping of Whiskey into a metal tankard for the Tiefling Paladin.

I know of you, and..... her tone seems to flicker from compassion to a more serious, almost hate filled response at this point, but not directed towards you - I called you here to help myself and a few others achieve something. Rest assured, I work under my own...and Arael's terms, but more on that when the others arrive. she whispers.

As Araraxus turns from the woman to greet the others, Janiven continues monitoring the food, making sure it's not spoiled, before the man once again speaks with her.

Dinner isn't going to be ready for a little while, so you should make yourself comfortable while you can.

You detect no evil.

As Araraxus walks away to greet the others, Janiven listens to Dahrehn, but it doesn't take much to see she's got a lot on her mind.

Quickly moving from out behind the bar, she pours the still hot steel kettle of tea into a mug, remaining mysterious in her response.

You'll have a lot more to work with once you've heard my proposition later. I can promise you that.

The milk and sugar can be found on the table by Keil.

There's nothing suspicious about these people really. They all have their own reasons for being here, and that's all you know.

Can I get a Sense Motive from everyone please? The DC is 26. If you roll that or above, look at the GM tag Lirandra typed above.

Oppressing the Oppressors - Has a nice ring to it, mutters Janiven quietly in the background.

As Keil looks over to Janiven, he can see her with her arms outstretched and wide, leaning forward but still standing, as she takes a deep breath and distributes her torso weight across the table. Time is getting on and it seems her mind is somewhere else in this brief instance.

As you continue to watch the woman, she takes down some plates from a rickety shelf and brings them over to the table.

Now's not the time for disagreements. While we wait for the last of our guests, the night grows darker and our time here runs low.

Returning to and from the kitchen area once more with the cutlery she remarks; We'll have to get started on the dinner now. My last guest will have to have hers heated up. That is of course if she decides to take me up on my offer.

Janiven then spends the next few minutes in silence as she dishes your dinners up, before serving them to you all in silence. It appears she has things on her mind as she frequently stares toward the front door absent-mindedly.

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Watching Janiven go about her preparations, Keil again catches her glancing to the door. Her absent-mindedness raises a concern, These last few guests aren't very punctual. But why be so distracted? There is something about these absences that seems to worry her...

It has been some weeks since Keil has been offered a hot meal. He smiles and thanks Janiven as she puts down his plate. The smells rising from his plate are intoxicating to the Tiefling. Mouth watering, he longs to dig in, but politely waits for the others to start. Distracting himself, he returns to watching Janiven. Catching her eye, Keil asks cordially, Is this the first meeting of this kind?

All you know is that she's distracted by something, and the source of her concern appears to be the front door.

Of this kind, yes, and one of most importance she says sharply, before pulling her chair back and sitting next to you.

As she sits, her breasts catch your eye, though she's too distracted right now to notice your wandering gaze.

Playing about with her dinner a bit, her frustration shows more as she pokes the food with her fork, forcing words out through her disappointed tongue; And after all the effort I put in, the dinner isn't even that satisfying.

Dinner by the way, is Venison cooked in Red Wine with new potatoes and rich, thick, maroon coloured gravy. Small baguettes rest in a basket at the center of the circular table.

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Keil shakes his head clear. Watching this woman is making him distracted; distracted from a good meal! Finally the Tiefling gives in to the intoxicating smells luring his palete. Digging in, Keil's expectations are not disappointed, Ummmm... The food seems to melt in his mouth. Loading up his fork with as much as it can hold, he fills his mouth again, Ummmmm... The Tiefling chews the gusto, Sooo hungry...

Janiven wrote:
And after all the effort I put in, the dinner isn't even that satisfying.

Keil's tentacles twitch. Swallowing hard he looks at the woman in bewilderment. With tiny puffs of smoke mingled amongst his words he replies, I know I may not be the best one to judge, but if you're not going to eat that... Keil points his fork at Janiven's plate.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

"Thank you Janiven, the food is excellent. I'll wait for the others to arrive before I ask my questions."

Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Character sheet here

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Dahrehn chiuckles at Keil. "Been a while, friend? You ought visit the mission of Shelyn in the artist's district when next you are hungry. They'll not turn away a hungry soul, though I hope this is not our last meal together. To our gracious hosts!" He raises his cup to Janiven and Arael.

Arael is someone Janiven referred to, but aside from you guys, only she is here.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus shakes his head at Dahrehn, "Nonsense, Keil. Join with me, brother. My organization can use someone with your skills whom is willing to fight for justice. You'll find that we take care of our members. I promise you'll never have to eat in soup kitchen again."

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Missions - Keil remembers them well. For a young Tiefling down on his luck, a mission seemed like an easy meal. Desperate, he'd tried one creed or another. The food was good. But the priests wanted to send Keil to an orphanage.

Keil looks up from his dinner and swallows, Hummmph, tried those. They'd promised life in an orphanage would bring Keil happiness. The priest was wrong. Ridicule awaited. Shaming. Anguish. Guilt for living.
Slowly shaking his head, They proved,... troublesome.

Turning his eyes to Araraxus, Keil's tone is sombre, Organizations? Full of rules, hierarchies. Criticism. We'll see...

HP: 8/8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | AC: 13 | Touch: 13 | FF: 10 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +4

Lirandra, observes as the others try not to stare too openly at Janiven's exposed cleavage. Politely taking a bowl she blows delicately over her food, leaning forward and accidentally providing a short glimpse of her own charms. Taking a bit she leans back and slowly licks her lips with relish. "The food is more than passable" she says to Janiven softly. "but I think we'd all like to know why you've asked us here. I don't really want to be caught in this sort of company by anyone I might know. It'd be sooo bad for my reputation. What would everyone think I'd grown a taste for?"

Character sheet here

"Though I am enjoying the company, I, too, am curious as to our purpose. My plays poke at the ridiculousness of our current governance, but that is the work of the patient. I have watched the rise of the Thrice-Damned House over our fair land with my own eyes. You," he points at Janiven, "You are a lovely woman prepared to take swift action. I'm not sure I can see how I will help your endeavors."

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus pounds his fist on the table and points at Dahren, "You can help by joining the resistance movement! It's time for bold action! It's time to take up arms against the evil and corrupt House Thrune! Who's with me?"

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

My poor Tiefling.... :P

Hoping to evade anymore attention, Keil averts his eyes from the group and returns to his meal.

Happy they have turned the conversation to other matters, the Teifling chokes down the rest of his Venison and washes the morsel down with the rest of his tea. ..What? Swift action? Keil strains his ears. Resistance movement?! Does Araraxus seek more than what we are willing to offer? He glances up momentarily to reach for a baguette to soak up the gravy.
More to the point, Lirandra's right, I too hope Janiven speaks soon...

At Keil's comment, Janiven looks at him with slight concern.

Whether the food is good or not, this is all I have for now, so I'll make do. I'm just glad that you are all enjoying it because being honest, it's far from nice.

Still... she pauses for a moment as she once again looks towards the door of Vizio's Tavern.

Janiven seems a little distant from you all right now, with her change in personality coming across very differently to that of when you first met her.

Dahrehn's comment makes the woman smile briefly as she looks over to him, but that smile quickly turns to a most worrisome appearance.

As conversation continues, Janiven, although acting a little odd, still listens to your concerns and quietly responds as she averts her eyes from the front door and peers to the left and right windows.

I'm just waiting on one other. she quietly airs, before bluntly stating Arael's late.

Grabbing a green and fanciful necklace she wears around her neck, she begins to play with it, twiddling it around with her fingers as she responds to your concern for visit, in somewhat of a calculative and quiet manner.

All in due time... she whispered with an air of determination.

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

It was getting later than he would like, if he was to make it all the way to Vizio's before night fully fell he would have to hurry. He paused outside the place taking a look about for anything that seems out of place. perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
He hurried across the lane entering the place through the front door He glanced about the empty place and blinked at the strange collection of people at the table, one of whom he at least recognized as the woman who slipped him the note.
"what a strange group to come across." He began quietly taking the hood off of his cloak and trying to offer a friendly sort of smile.

Regardless of what he sees, he will make his way into the room, what he saw will just change how much he speaks.

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Hearing Janiven's words and the change in her mood disquietens the Tiefling. The world is indeed cruel, to torment someone so fair as she... A need to console her erupts in his chest, but he has little experience in what to say. Seeing her necklace Keil asks, Is that a gift from Arael?

HP: 8/8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | AC: 13 | Touch: 13 | FF: 10 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +4


Does Lirandra recognise the newcomer (Trendon) or Dahrehn or any of the others from around town?

(If necessary) Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Character sheet here

Dahrehn quietly continues eating his meal, looking up when the new arrival walks in. He stands to greet and take measure of the tall, dark haired individual.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus puts his hand on his sword,"Who is this Janiven? Is this who you were waiting for? I don't like surprises. Why don't you tell us what's going on."

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Janiven's response will have to wait for another time. The sudden appearance of the pale human has captured the attention of those present.
Keil pays the newcomer little attention. Choosing to watch the other's reactions instead, Keil once again leans back in his chair and begins to pick the remaining food from his fanged teeth. Araraxus is quick to react, as is Dahrehn, Keil smiles at Lirandra. What's she thinking? The Teifling quickly looks the other way least she suspect his is spying. Besides, Janiven is certain to ease some of the tension now.

Lirandra - Nope.
Keil - Janiven just looks down at her necklace and shakes her head as you question its origins.

As tension in the room rises it's apparent that those present grow more and more concerned with the current situation. Janiven's not letting up on anything, the people she's invited to attend this evening meal/meeting are left in the cold, and more and more people seem to be turning up, only maybe now, the point may start to become apparent as the next series of events begin to unfold.


As the door swings open, Janiven perks up. The look in her eye is somewhat hopeful and it seems that just for a brief moment, the woman's worries had been cast aside. This wasn't the case however.

As Trendon entered, Janiven feared the worst from the moment she realised it wasn't Arael at her door.

Rushing up, the lovely looking woman accidentally lifted the table as her legs violently collided with the underside of the wood.

You made it after all! I was expecting one other but it appears she has other things to be doing right now, so I think now is the best time to explain why I've gathered you all here today.

Moving over to the kitchen, she dishes up one last meal, bringing it over to the table in somewhat of a rush as she quickly reassures everyone that Trendon was also summoned here by herself.

Please everyone, you can relax. I've summoned you all here today because I have something of the utmost importance I wish to ask of you all.

Standing tall, the woman positions herself in the center of the room as she paces back and fourth with agitation.

I know you're all wondering what's going on, and I'm sorry I've left you in the dark until now, but I was hoping Arael would have been here by now. Regrettably, I fear the worst and what I'm about to say is treason of the highest offense. So, if you wish to separate yourself from this, you'd best leave now as I wouldn't want to be held accountable for any harm that may or may not come to you.

Moving over to the front door, Janiven shutters the windows and bolts the front door across securely before making her way back to the open pace at the center section of Vizio's Tavern.

This shouldn't take long, and I guarantee you'll all be home safely before the sun sets. Should any of you wish to stay here for the night, I can also make arrangements to see it done. So, without any further delay, let me get onto the main point in your attendance here tonight.

Speaking from the heart and even with distraction, Janiven's passion is clear to all as she delivers her main speech.

Once again, thank you all for agreeing to attend my meeting here tonight.I have chosen each of you for a singular reason — everyone here,
myself included, has suffered, whether we realize it or not.

With each breath she takes, her excitement and determination builds.

I have lived in Westcrown my whole life, and although I love this city, I must admit, as must you, that despite our peace and prosperity, we continue to suffer. Fear should not be an expected part of life, and yet each night brings fear to our doorsteps. Yes, Westcrown has been safe from war and famine for nearly seventy years, and yes, our businesses have prospered — but this safety and prosperity has been bought in the coinage of fear and prayers to Hell. Other lands live free from tyranny. Other cities do not fear the night. Other governments do not cede the streets to monsters of the infernal shadows. Westcrown was once such a place, and she wants to be such a place again. Westcrown is not only her buildings and canals and docks and history — she is also her people. Westcrown is our friends and neighbours, our mothers and fathers, our siblings and cousins, our sons and daughters!

She continues, each breath shorter and each word filled with more determination than the last, as she builds up to the climax of her speech.

With but a small group of supporters and dedicated brothers and sisters, we can earn the trust and admiration of those people. A Westcrown free of these shadowy beasts that stalk our streets is one step closer to a Westcrown free of the devil that is the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune!

What you've just heard is treason and you all know it. What you do from this point onwards will alter your fates and the very world that you've grown accustomed to!

For some, this speech may shock you, for others fear would have just been struck into your very soul, but for a select few, justice has just presented itself in the most unexpected of places.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus stands up and slams his sheathed weapon on the table."You have my sword, Lady Janiven. Death to House Thrune!"

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

While the others react, Keil considers Janiven's words. So, this is what she meant by "a better future" and "improving the state of Westcrown"... His hands press together as though in prayer before his face. To stay will mean more dangerous times ahead, more exposure. Things I've learned to avoid in order to survive.
The Tiefling watches Janiven intently. Leave now and things will be as they have. Alone, scouring the streets, helping those I can when fate leads them to me. But how long can I persevere?
Keil looks into Janiven's eyes. The very flame that appeared as she spoke of the people suffering still lingers. The people. She means to do this, with or without us. Westcrown's lower class will rally behind this movement. There will be more suffering...unless. Unless she has the right people behind her. A cloud of smoke billows out of the Tiefling's mouth as he sighs, But am I the right choice?
He has made up his mind. But now a flood of questions comes forward, Are we the only ones she's asked so far? ...

As Keil has a lot on his mind, I'm going to run with the idea that his thoughts are going to take up some time. Once one or two more players have had a chance to react, he will start asking questions.

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

"You speak of rebellion? are you sure we are ready for this, The hellknights they snuff out such thoughts quickly. No tyranny lasts forever, perhaps this spark of yours is enough to light a flame."

He frowned slightly and looked over the group, he may have seen the woman before, though in the throng of people in the taverns he could be mistaken. He did turn to the hothead tiefling pledging death.

"Perhaps friend we should start here in Westcrown, and discretely." He said finally getting closer to the group.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus looks suspiciously at Trendon, "Who are you, sir? You must be new to Westcrown, because you clearly over estimate the Hellknights. We have been in rebellion versus the Hellknights for years now. A small group whom is willing to take bold action could easily tip the balance of power."

Araraxus turns to the group,"My friends, we must be that group. We must stand for liberty, freedom and justice!"

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

I am a humble servant of she who represents hope, and devotion to a cause, she whom has the will to rise up against oppresion, but the hellknights are not to be underestimated.Only a fool or a paladin underestimates his opponent. The fact I've never heard of you tells me your lengthy rebellion has borne no fruit. Sit down friend I preach caution not fear." He said simply eyeing the tiefling with a hint of... disapointment.

"This humble follower of the Everbloom will aid you but faith friend... try to have some of it." He answered simply crossing his arms. If this was some sort of set up he was well and truly in it now, he hoped that pretty woman (janivian)wasnt some trick spy set up.

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Smirking, Keil's eyes narrow as he muses over the exchange between Trendon the Pale (Used with respect - Just trying it out :)) and Araraxus.

Speaking clearly Keil remarks, Relax gentlemen. You both tread paths to the same destination. Thin wisps of smoke cling to his words like steam rising from his hooded form, Araraxus, we are here by Janiven's invitation. She holds the right to suggest our course of action. I'm sure she will reveal more of her plan to those willing to accept her cause. No sooner do these words leave his lips than Keil stops and looks to Dahrehn and Lirandra. Do you? Shifting his eyes to Janiven, he nods purposefully, Yes, I will accept your offer. adding, You do have a plan, don't you?

Character sheet here

Dahrehn chortles at Araraxus' outburst, but simply raises his tea glass to take a sip, cautiously watching the ensuing exchange. Two hellbloods and a gaunt human. I can work with that.

He stands, "Yes, Miss Janiven, as My friend with the deep hood asks, if you have a plan - a plausible plan - I will use my influence to carry it out. Do not count on me for physical violence, for the most part, however. My skill is in stirring up crowd's of loyal followers."

He raises his cup to the others, finishes the tea, and heads towards the bar. "Vizio used to keep a good brandy here once upon a time..."

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus sits down and shoulders his great sword, "Dahrehn, this is no time for getting drunk. You need to take this seriously. I respect your skills as an actor, but this is no theatrical production. What Janiven proposes is deadly serious."

He then turns back to the pale human,"You still haven't told us your name. I assume you were invited here by Janiven and you're here to help us. What shall we call you?"

Araraxus will detect evil on the man.

Araraxus - You don't detect any evil coming from the man. Also, not sure where Lirandra's gotten to but hopefully she's still interested in playing!

Character sheet here

"On the contrary, this will require a most elaborate production. One that draws ever increasing attention to the excesses of the House of Thrune, and keeps us alive at the same time. Believe me, a drink is definitely in order." Dahrehn continues his search.

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

"My name, is well you may call me Trendon. Although if you were wise You wont give me yours. I hold no illusions about my abilities to keep my tongue should i find myself on the Hellknights rack. As I said earlier, you speak of rebellion, I 'preach' it. But patience is an important trait.
He moved to the table and sat down beside the pretty human lass who for the most part was quiet.
" Miss Janivan I assume? A pleasure." He said to the woman who had just given the speech, a name to the face finally.

HP: 8/8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | AC: 13 | Touch: 13 | FF: 10 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +4

Lirandra sits back watching the exchange between the others. Finally she leans forward, directing all her attention towards Janiven. "Just what is it precisely that you plan?" she asks. "I don't know what you promised these others, but to me you offered a possibility of... Well you know what you promised. Just what would you have us do? What can a few outcasts do against the House of Thrune?"

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus nods to ranger, "Well met Trendon. Yes, patience is a virtue that I often seem to lack. I will work on that. Despite your guidance, I will tell you my name - Araraxus Black Star. There's little risk since I'm already wanted by the Hellknights for treason. I look forward to fighting at your side."

Janiven leans forward on the edge of the dinner table and nods to Araraxus.

Very well.

Grabbing a glass of wine from the table, she turns around and speaks to all those in attendance as she rummages through the cupboards, finding and handing Dahrehn an old, dusty Brandy bottle that still holds some form of liquid.

I can appreciate this is a lot to take in, but you're all here today because you've shown me something within each and every one of you, and that is that you all wish for a better life, a better living quality and a better tomorrow, and I believe that you all have the passion and determination to see this through.

Swigging some more of her wine, she gently places her hand on Dahrehn's shoulder as she walks back towards the table.

As Araraxus and Dahrehn converse across the room, Janiven looks to Araraxus and remarks; Let him. This is a lot to take in, and people deal with things in multiple ways. If our actor needs a drink to help take things in, I have no issue with that, so long as it brings the courage needed to see things through and doesn't cloud his reactions or judgement.

Moving around to each and every one of you, Janiven encircles the table, observing your reactions and forming relations with one another, shaking Trendon's hand also.

Trendon, I'm glad you could make it here today. We've already lost one of the people I enlisted, so I thank all those of you in attendance once more.

As Lirandra asks for further information, Janiven raises her hand and makes a bold, but by no means false statement.

I have promised each and every one of you something, and it is my intention to follow through on all that I have said. More so, it's a case of when to strike, not if. Rest assured, your contributions to this cause will see triumph to your own goals, and if all goes well, our input will remove the House of Thrune for good!

Now, some of you have more sway over the public than many. Janiven looks primarily towards Dahrehn here, before glancing at Lirandra to continue her statement. but, our actions are to be kept secret between ourselves, and to a few select others. Foolishly discussing tactics over drink in the public eye will likely get you imprisoned or worse....executed, and myself and Arael aren't yet in a position to free you of such situations, so please, be careful outside of these confined walls.

Sighing, Janiven continues to express her goals and ideals in the hope to further cement the bond of trust between herself and all those around her.

Speaking a little quieter, wary of those passing by under the twilight sky outside, her intent becomes clear.

I believe that we can improve the lives of the people of Westcrown, but we must take care not to appear as rebels or rioters. Within our newly formed group, we must work to win the admiration and support of the citizens by doing good deeds around the Town and providing what aid we can wherever and whenever possible. Key to this tactic is the fact that Westcrown is largely ignored by the rulers of Cheliax as a home-in-exile for the old nobility. As long as we work to win the hearts of Westcrown’s citizens by carrying out nothing but good deeds and avoiding as many direct entanglements with the government as we can, the House of Thrune will continue to ignore what they’ll interpret as “petty squabbling” in the old capital, while we continue to make progress in the removal of each and every "Thorn" within Westcrown's side.

The look of confidence on Janiven's face looks unbreakable, even with the consequences of failure looming over each and every one of you.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Araraxus nods at Janiven, "Your views are consistent with the teachings of the Church of Iomedae. The Hellknights allows the Church to operate in the city because they do not believe the Church to be a direct threat. But, I must admit, I prefer a more militant approach. The Church has been employing passive resistance since Earth Fall, without success. I am willing to do as you say Janiven, but I believe that the Government must be forcibly removed."

I'm aware of that, but this time I believe things to be different. Arael has contacts within the Church of Iomedae and regularly makes records of his meetings there. Perhaps you have seen him? He should have been here by now though. This causes great concern.

Regardless, Janiven remains hopeful.

Due to the somewhat secretive nature of the meetings, I'll let you do a Knowledge Local untrained of DC15 to determine whether you've seen him before or not. It's not in the book, but blends well with your backstory. :)

DC15 for Araraxus only:
If this is the same man you've seen in the Church a handful of times in the past, Arael is a Half-Elf Cleric of Iomedae with glistening black hair, often seen with a serious expression on his face, and a serious tone to go with it. He always seemed professional and analytical in a calculative way whenever you saw him, though his intentions have always remained a mystery.

Character sheet here

Dahrehn says, "Ah, wonderful! That old devil left it behind. To his health!" He pours a glass to sip, while taking out a cigarillo to light, realizes he doesn't have one, then leaning over to Keil to see if he has one.

After Janiven's presentation, Dahrehn claps. "Inspired! Win them with goodness, something I can get behind: building fame. Excellent!" He takes a pull on the cigarillo, then points to Janiven emphatically. "This Arael - who I do hope arrives soon - what is his role in this? What's he contribute to your plans?"

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

Janiven's words stir mixed feelings in Keil. On the one hand, he is relieved to hear she did have militant ideas of storming the House of Thrune. But then, how was her proposal different to what he was already doing? Mulling over her words, the Tiefling's tentacles discretely fidget under his hood like a cat's tail. Yes, but on a grander scale...more organized.

Remembering his questions, Keil sits forward to catch Janiven's eye, Are we the only ones? or have there been others gathered to this cause? If so, how many? You'd said we were the most important, are we to be the face of your group? I have no worries about being seen, but others here might. And my face is not the most inspiring. As though checking off items on a list, the Tiefling continues, You'd eluded to freeing the people of the Shadowy Beasts that stalk the night, do you know what they are? Is there a way to rid ourselves of their plague? How is it... Realizing that Janiven cannot give him the answers he seeks with him continually adding to the list, Keil stops mid question. Trails of smoke linger curiously over his head, waiting on Janiven.

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

I was unaware that the inheritor'f followers felt so, especially since as far as i can tell, your faith is tolerated. Helping here however is the first ripple in a wave that will eventually rise to topple the decadent crown.
He paused for a moment listening to the other tieflings words and making a slight frown.
"It might be best we do not know whom or how many gather to this cause friend, In small groups and cells, it becomes impossible to stop a movement in one fell swoop. Perhaps however I am too cautious. Indeed I would hope this Areal shows up soon. We have much to discuss."

Th- was Janiven's attempt at replying to Keil and Dahrehn, before being rudely interrupted by a sudden pounding on the front door.

Taking a defensive stance, Janiven swiftly drew her longsword and peered out of the window. Not seeing anything, she hastily (but at the same time hesitantly) unbolted and opened the door, only for a small boy to come stumbling in.

Morosino! she exclaimed.

Out of breath, the young and frightened teenaged child called out; They've got Arael!, before doubling over in a coughing fit, no doubt brought on by his hurried run here.

Janiven’s face grew grim, but she comforts Morosino, asking him to explain himself.

At a moments notice the lad recovers enough to spurt out, The Dottari nabbed Arael, and the Hellknights of the Rack are trying to get custody of him! There’s a bunch of Hellknights on their way here now! I only just made it in here; they’ve already surrounded us!

Suddenly, the sound of clanking armor can be heard all around, and although somewhat distant, the clanking appears to be getting louder by the moment.

Gently pulling the boy out from the doorway, Janiven slams the door shut once more, bolting it with immediate effect. Turning around to you all, she presses her back to the door, lifting her fingers up to her mouth, gesturing you all to remain silent with nothing more than a simple Shh!

Character sheet here

Dahrehn snubs out his cigarillo, and crouches down to the floor to make as low a profile as possible.

HP: 8/8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | AC: 13 | Touch: 13 | FF: 10 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +4

Lirandra starts at the sudden entrance of the boy. At his words she turns on Janiven... "What have you gotten us into? The Hellknights?" At the sound of the armoured soldiers she pales and pulls her rapier from its scabbard and crouches down, trying to do her best to sink into the ground. "Is there another way out of here?" she gasps out in a subdued whisper.

Male Tiefling Paladin of Iomedae 1; HP 8/8, AC 17, Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2, Init+4, Greatsword +4 (2d6+4/19-20x2)
Bluff +4, Diplomacy +2, Perception +1
Tracked Resources:
1/1 Smite Evil

Local knowledge check: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Araraxus drops to one knee and looks for any alternate exits out of the tavern.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

Kayal Rogue (6th): HP 40/40 | AC18/20* v Traps T16 FlF13 | BAB +4 , M+9 R+9 | | CMB +3, CMD +18 |Fort +3 Ref +10/+12*Traps Will +3 | Perc +16 (Traps +18) | Init +6 | Stealth +19/+22 dim light | Disable Dev. +21 | Villainous Points: 3 ... Watch Rotation - 1st: Brok/Ranalfus. 2nd: Vargrenz/Keil. Last: Grezzor/Praetor
Stats & Tactics:
Tactics: Flank + sneak (3d6) | Acrob. +14/+18 TS | Climb +8 | Escape +13 | Know (Planes) +11 (Dungeon) +12 (Local) +10 (His) +8 | Sense Mo. +6 | Slight of Hand +16/+19* | Flees @ 4/40 HP

With the sudden appearance of the boy, Keil blows out the candles on the table. Moving to the door, Keil carefully peers out of one of the cracks in the shuttered windows.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7- Can he see outside?
Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29- Being careful not to give away his presence at the window.
His heart beating rapidly, the Tiefling turns to Janiven for direction and whispers, Back door?

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

He too rose and moved, only he slid to behind the bar and to cover, debating his response. Crossbow or guisarme... he gripped the haft of his weapon and took deep breathes seeking to calm himself half rising from a crouch to glance over the bartop.

Do we barricade the doors and windows with some of these tables? He said lowly enough for them to hear

As you peer through the thin gap between the window shutters, true to what the boy had said, guards are already on their approach and one of which you know already.

Standing about 15ft away from the front door, an armoured Hellknight, a superior of such, can be seen observing Vizio's Tavern while a much smaller, less armoured guard can be seen talking to him.

It's hard to make out most of what's being said, but your position does allow you to overhear something.

Keil and anyone who can roll a DC20 Perception:

Captain Grimvak, sir! We have the Tavern surrounded and all known exits have been accounted for! speaks a voice somewhat young and inexperienced.

Good. The rebels have been compromised. Now, all men advance. It's time to put an end to all those guilty of their crimes against the House of Thrune! Resistance will not be tolerated! spoke a voice much deeper and powerful than the last.

You see Captain Grimvak sliding a large Mace out from the side of his belt, and as he approaches the front door, the man beside him raises his sword, shouting Advance! and following command, the eight men you can now see outside the front of the building make their way towards the shuttered and boarded windows surrounding you, including the one you're peering through!

As you all remain quiet, trying not to make a sound following everything you've just discovered, you can all hear a voice abruptly shout Advance!

As Keil hides by the window and Janiven continues to press her back against the front door, a large cracking thud suddenly catches you off guard as the noise is centered on the door just beside Janiven's head.

Peering up with a look of shock on her face, Janiven looks to the point of impact only to see a spiked metal ball stuck halfway into the wooden panels that make the front door, well, a door.

Moments later the glass windows on the other side of the shutters are smashed inward and without further delay, Janiven keeps low but urges you all to follow her, gesturing with hand signals as she tries to point you all in the right direction.

I know you're in there! shouted a voice from outside.

Come out and we might let you live! said another.

The last however appeared to be the deep spoken man that some of you had heard before; There's no use running! We all know you're in there and rest assured, after I'm done with you, your heads will be displayed on Pike's outside this very tavern, reminding all those who oppose Westcrown's power what consequences such actions will bring! It's only a matter of time before we get to you and the time is ticking!

Intimidate Check - Those who fail grow frightened for as long as you remain in Vizio's: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Janiven's currently 15ft away from the front door, heading towards the middle of the room.

Male Human (chelaxian) cleric 3/sorc 4 HP:42/43 AC 17 T - 13 FF 15 F-+5 R +4 W +9

Go Go Go! He called out lowly clambering from behind his hiding spot to advance torwards Janiven his guisarme at the ready. He knew one thing as scared as he was, the first hellknight through the door would get a chance to speak to his patron god soon enough if he and his guisarme had anything to say about it.

Is there something we roll to resist said check?

will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Will save vs Fear. I don't use intimidate in my own games much, but that seems like the logical way forward.

HP: 8/8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | AC: 13 | Touch: 13 | FF: 10 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +3 | Will: +4

Will save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Frantic with fear Lirandra stands and runs to follow Janiven

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