Age of Modern Magic

Game Master Dragonborn3

Magic is back! How are you dealing with that, and do you even know? For that matter, does anyone else on Earth?

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Roger Z. Detson wrote:
He keeps playing, getting deeper into the song, glancing up at the guy who nearly shook hands to see if he's understanding.

With a look around, the guy grabs an abandoned drink and holds it for a second before he places it down. What's left in it is frozen solid, and he seems shocked he did that.

"What... what did you do? What did I do? Last time it was fire..."

Burne Sopzich wrote:
TattBoss82: So...can he help? Where can I find him?

Moonlit: He's in New York. Got a thread on this site with the address and contact stuff

the_bleak: thought about going to see him too, sounds like he's got a plan

Elise Quartermaine wrote:

"Um, your school allow that hair, or is it....are me?" She sighed as her hair changed from green to an alarmingly vivid purple. "It keeps doing that. I wasn't really into adventurous hair colors even when I was as young as I look. It's...unnerving."

She looked curiously around the apartment. "Is your mom here?"

"Neat. Sorry, but this is a dye. Mom'll be here in about five minutes, but we can wait out here if you want." He leans against the door for a bit, trying to think of something to pass the time. He finally reaches up and moves his hair back, revealing a slightly pointed ear. "My mom.. she, uh, doesn't know about the ear thing. Don't want her to worry, you know?"

"Okay, here's a hint about moms. We worry more when you keep stuff secret. And now I'm worried that my kids might also be developing, changes." She rubbed her hand across her face. "Their dad would totally flip out."

She glanced around to make sure nobody was watching and pulled off her hat, feeling very slef-conscious about her ears. "These are the least of my problems, but they definitely qualify as inconvenient," she said, just as quickly pulling her hat back on to hide her long pointed ears again.

"Yeah, well... my mom. I'll tell her when I want too."

"Tell me what?" A women asks as she rounds the corner, making Gerald jump and run a hand through his hair with a self-conscious grin- which happens to hide his ear.

"I, um, said she was cute..." He admits sheepishly. She swats his arm.

"Forgive my son. Did he even introduce himself before he tried flirting with you? I apologize for my son. Please, come in." The lady says, ushering both Elise and her son into the apartment without a thought. Almost immediately a black cat rushes out of nowhere and mews at Mrs. Murai, who laughs and picks it up. "This is Honey Pot. I hope you don't mind cats, but Dr. Rassmussen did say you have one too. She's really a nice cat. She is." She tells Gerald when he laughs.

"Mom, you complain about me possibly flirting before introducing myself, but you introduce your cat before asking her name."

"Oh... I'm so sorry, dear! What's your name?"

Putting this here to make the connection.

Jared Pearson wrote:
Jared catches the mans eye again as he's trying to leave. Wait, the BLBC Block Party? Where's that? I'm not from around here and . . . Jared trails off uncertainly. I've got to find help somewhere, he thought to himself.
Jeremy Umbrahn wrote:

He walks out into the brightness of the city and immediately hears a raised voice coming from nearby, and curious, heads to see what it's about. He sees Jared standing there, looking confused, and another man walking away hurriedly. Hmm, better approach this one carefully, and maybe I can offer some "assistance", Jeremy says to himself as he walks over too Jared, unnoticed until he's only a few feet away.

Hello sir, you seem to be lost. Anything I can help you with? he says in a polite tone.

Iron Hands Techmarine (Rank 1) | Wounds: 19/19 | Armor rating: 8 | Fate: 3/3 | Renown: 0 | Active Conditions: None.

An insistant banging wakes Feliks up, and he rolls over and groans something unintelligible at the door to his bedroom; really it is jus the door to the basement. A woman's voice filters through the door.
Feliks, honey, you are going to be late for work if you don't get up.
Again he growls something incoherent at the door, then slowly sits up on the edge of the bed. Hid head hurts again, it always does when he has the new dream. After a moment, the fog lifts slightly from his brain, and he heads to the bathroom to deal with morning necessities. He can tell by how he moves that the kung fu is back. Glad of that I am. For a day I was awesome, then I was just me. I hope I stay awesome this time.
The wait for the N and the ride into the city were uneventful, just the way Feliks likes it, except for the guy that looked like he was really really sick. Seriously, skin is not supposed to be that green. Just before he steps into Gray's Papaya, he passes a girl with decidedly golden skin. Not tanned, but actual golden skin; and it doesn't look like paint either. As Feliks puts his apron on and clocks in, he tries to push any weird skins out of his mind for the next six hours.

Male Elan 1 Cryptic
Draconian Narrator wrote:
Burne Sopzich wrote:
TattBoss82: So...can he help? Where can I find him?

Moonlit: He's in New York. Got a thread on this site with the address and contact stuff

the_bleak: thought about going to see him too, sounds like he's got a plan

Burne goes over to the other thread and looks up this guy's information, sending him an e-mail asking for more info. As he hits send, that ache in his muscles and joints return, as he grows 2 inches in 20 seconds. He fights to not shriek out in pain, letting out little murmurs instead to not attract Rose's attention. As it passes and he gets a brether, Rose knocks on the wall, indicating his first ink is here. He gains his composure and opens the door, waving the guy back.

Rose give him a quizzical look but says nothing, as the guy walks in to Burne's tat room.
"Heyas. Umm...I looked at the catalog, and I'd like # 17, but with the colors of #214...hey wow, did you ink your own arms?" he asks.
"Yeah, I did the wrists up to.." he trails off as he looks at his own arms, as the tats now have a prismatic color to them, like foil baseball cards. They don't quite look the same and have a strange significance to them, now. He stares at them in wonder for a bit, then remembers the guy is there. "Before you ask, no, I won't do the same colors for you. Really expensive ink. Sorry. So which tatts?".
This guy was the pushy type, so it suprised Burne when he backed off, and set to explain which pattern he wanted with which colors.
He sat the guy in the chair, loaded his inks and fired up the gun. In his mind's eye he could see the pattern actually unfold as he did the tatt, like he was using a stencil on the guy's arm. He smiled. Maybe this change wouldn't be so bad after all...

Elise raised an eyebrow as she was sort of caught up in the swirl of activity. "Thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Murai, was it? I'm Elise Quartermaine. Er. that's not my real name, but since the changes....I'd be hard put to prove I'm actually myself these days. It seemed easier to use the messageboard name. Hello, Honey Pot," she said with a nod to the black cat. "I'm pleased to meet you. This is Portia," she added, pulling the curious siamese kitten out of her pocket. Portia mewed.
"Er, and there's no need to apologize for your son. Aside from the talking before thinking thing, which seems to be a common problem at that age, he was perfectly polite."

"Umm...this is kind of a weird question, but is the bathtub here reasonably deep? And if not can you point me in the direction of a bucket? I"m okay for now since Dr. Rassmussen thankfully has a utility sink in the bathroom at his office, but I figured I should know where stuff is for later. Ummm....I have gills. I start choking on air if I don't wet them regularly."

M Dwarf Alchemist 1
Draconian Narrator wrote:

The doctor shakes Alistair's hand firmly

"Not a problem, Mr. Duncan. If you are worried about being overheard, come in and have a seat. I have a lot I need to ask you too." Dr. Rassmussen steps back into his office, motioning for Alistair to take a seat. "I got a few details from Dr. Andrews, but I'd like to hear what you have to say."

"Overheard? No, I was just trying to figure out why everybody is glowing these days. Those two guys talking out there, you, that girl I saw leaving... I keep getting shorter, talking gibberish, what the h@ll is going on?"

Alistair Duncan wrote:
"Overheard? No, I was just trying to figure out why everybody is glowing these days. Those two guys talking out there, you, that girl I saw leaving... I keep getting shorter, talking gibberish, what the h@ll is going on?"

Dr. Rassmussen seems to think a moment.

"Mr. Duncan, I think you have something very interesting there. Please, come in and sit down. This girl you saw, was she tall with multicolored hair?"

Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"Er, and there's no need to apologize for your son. Aside from the talking before thinking thing, which seems to be a common problem at that age, he was perfectly polite."

"I'll have you know that I did think first. I thought 'she looks cute' and then you knocked on the door and I thought 'she must be the one from the doctor' and then I said you were cute."

Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"Umm...this is kind of a weird question, but is the bathtub here reasonably deep? And if not can you point me in the direction of a bucket? I"m okay for now since Dr. Rassmussen thankfully has a utility sink in the bathroom at his office, but I figured I should know where stuff is for later. Ummm....I have gills. I start choking on air if I don't wet them regularly."

"It's just through there." Mrs. Murai says, pointing out the bathroom and ignoring her son. "As you can see, we've got a very nice little apartment. The tub is deep enough for your... gills. Dr. Rassmussen tol me there were people who changed physically, but I guess I never really believed it until now."

"Gills are pretty cool though, right? I mean, you could swim as long as you wanted with no problem." Gerald adds, getting just a tiny bit nervous. "Except the whole 'choking on air' thing. That doesn't sound good."

"It's a lovely apartment," she agreed. "And thank you so much for letting me stay here. It's been...interesting the last few days. My kids are terrified every time they see me. They don't believe I'm me because I look so different," she said, sadly. "Mostly, I just want things to go back to how they were."

"But I'm also pretty sure that I would have thought gills were cool too if this had happened when I was younger," she said smiling a little at Gerald's enthusiasm.

She bit her lip. She was embarrassed about the changes. She had spent so long trying to be normal. She was afraid of how people would react to her now. But she might as well get it all out in the open.

Elise took off her hat. "I used to be a lot shorter and definitely on the overweight side. You know, last week. And now I have elf ears. Really freaking obvious ones. And gills," she added, pulling her hair up away from her neck and tilting her head so they could see the faint pink lines along her neck, right behind her ear. Her hair turned pale aquamarine as she let it fall back across her shoulder. "And color changing hair. And a kitten that's just a bit too smart for a kitten that I can't leave even if I want to. That's why I came all this way. I was hoping....I was hoping there was a....a cure or something....I'm getting used to disappointment."

Male Human - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Gunslinger 1

Axel finishes his Mexican Hot Chocolate, ordering another. He reviews his notes, two people moved to the top of his list.

Tall, thin teenager. Knit Cap, odd color hair (dye?), trenchcoat. Asthma?

Bearded man, stocky, short. Wild eyes. Looked directly at me, seemed surprised, not worried.

If they are doing something illegal, don't seem worried about it.

Axel quickly checks Safari, notices a new topic for a meet up in a cemetery near Columbia University. He signs up to meet with the unknown individual for tonight, the first of the possible meetings.

I think its time I paid the good Doctor a visit once Bearded has left.

Iron Hands Techmarine (Rank 1) | Wounds: 19/19 | Armor rating: 8 | Fate: 3/3 | Renown: 0 | Active Conditions: None.

Feliks passes a largely uneventful day at work, though he does hear several people talking about a pulse, weird stuff happening to people and a website that seems to talk about it. I wonder if this is what has happened to me? I take three Kung Fu classes when I was a kid, and now the pulse, and all the sudden I am Jet Li? When he gets off work, he takes the train back to Coney Island.

Once he is back in his basement, he checks out the Unknown Power website. After reading a bit he finds Dr. Rassmussen's contact information, and details about meeting with others at some kind of night club. Yeah, that will happen. Apparently people have forgotten that they live in New York; now we are all supposed to meet with strange people in strange places afterr dark. Still chuckling to himself, Feliks sends an email to Dr. Rassmussen:

Dr. Rassmussen,
I don't know if I fit the category of those with whom you are working; people who got messed up by this 'pulse.' What has happened to me is that I can suddenly use Kung Fu as if I had been studying it for ten years. I do not really want it to go away, so I hope you can tell me if this is permanent or not.
Cheers, Feliks

Email sent, Feliks heads upstairs to take a shower, but as he stands up, he gets a very strange disoriented feeling like the basement is shrinking right before his head smashes into one of the main beams in the ceiling. Stars whirling through his vision, Feliks sees the basement tilt sideways until the floor is pressed to his right side. He doesn't have time to wonder what happened before his vision goes dark.

M Dwarf Alchemist 1
Draconian Narrator wrote:

Dr. Rassmussen seems to think a moment.

"Mr. Duncan, I think you have something very interesting there. Please, come in and sit down. This girl you saw, was she tall with multicolored hair?"

"I couldn't see her hair, she was wearing some kind of cap. What's going on, Doc? I wake up one day, shorter and hairier, the next day not so much, today I'm talking gibberish and seeing people's auras? What's wrong with me?"

Male Human - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Gunslinger 1

Axel finishes the Mexican Hot Chocolate, and pulls up the news, to see what has happened around the world.

Bearded is certainly taking his time.

M Dwarf Alchemist 1
Axel 'Ace' Arandorn wrote:

Axel finishes the Mexican Hot Chocolate, and pulls up the news, to see what has happened around the world.

Bearded is certainly taking his time.

:) I'm stuck in an office with the narrator who apparently has a malfunctioning pc. I don't want to just leave, he might have something more to say to me.

Male Human - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Gunslinger 1

Oh, I know. Maybe the doctor is reviewing his data? That could take a while. XP

Alistair Duncan wrote:
"I couldn't see her hair, she was wearing some kind of cap. What's going on, Doc? I wake up one day, shorter and hairier, the next day not so much, today I'm talking gibberish and seeing people's auras? What's wrong with me?"

"Technically, I think the correct question is what is different about you. At the moment, you are undergoing some kind of change, like the others who felt the pulse. The lady you saw with the cap? She has gills now. Others have pointed ears, or small horns. If you read some of the posts on Unknown Power you'll find other examples."

"You're the first one to be able to see auras though." The doctor admits as he writes down the information almost feverishly. "If I'm correct in the assumption, that means you can tell which people are changed and which aren't. That will be invaluable in my research. Being able to who is the telling the truth will let me map out where the 'pulse' came from and if we can find that, we could work on reversing the effects."

"If you could answer the usual questions, that'll be appreciated too. Start with when you first noticed the changes, and anything else that seemed unusual. Where you were, approximately if you don't want me to know the exact location, will be useful too."

Axel 'Ace' Arandorn wrote:

Axel finishes the Mexican Hot Chocolate, and pulls up the news, to see what has happened around the world.

Bearded is certainly taking his time.

Nothing appears on any of the news sites, a strange thing for such a event. A few old reports about people with abilities do show up after a few more tries. All of them were how they were really hoaxes though, and how they were disproved. None are any newer than a few years though, and don't seem to be related to anything found on #UnknownPower.

Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"I was hoping....I was hoping there was a....a cure or something....I'm getting used to disappointment."

"That's not a good attitude to have." Mrs. Murai says as she picks up her cat. "Unless getting used to disappointment is the way to be even happier when you aren't disappointed. If you expect it, you should do everything you can to avoid it. Clouds with silver linings are everywhere if you look." She looks right into Elise's eyes. "From one mother to another, I will do what I can to help you see your children again."

Draconian Narrator wrote:
Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"I was hoping....I was hoping there was a....a cure or something....I'm getting used to disappointment."
"That's not a good attitude to have." Mrs. Murai says as she picks up her cat. "Unless getting used to disappointment is the way to be even happier when you aren't disappointed. If you expect it, you should do everything you can to avoid it. Clouds with silver linings are everywhere if you look." She looks right into Elise's eyes. "From one mother to another, I will do what I can to help you see your children again."

"Thank you," she said hoarsely, blinking back tears. "That means a lot to me....More than anything I just want them to be able to recognize me again."

"Come on, I'll show you your room. You can get settled in while Gerald does something he's supposed to instead of flirting with our guest. Like his homework."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it. You're just making a big deal of it because I hit on an older woman." Gerald says with a smirk, though he does go to what is apparently his room and shuts the door.

Shaking her head and sighing, Mrs. Murai leads Elise to the guest room. It's pretty simple, with a nice bed and a small tv. A few paintings decorate the walls.

"It's not much, but maybe you'll be able to make it home while you are here. A bed is probably a welcome sight after your trip."

"It definitely beats a bus seat," she joked. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here. Honestly this room looks heavenly. And a lot safer than anything my limited funds could afford."

"Don't mention it. I can't think of a better way to help Dr. Rassmussen than to give a fellow mother a place to stay. Don't even think about offering to pay rent either." She says sternly. "You put whatever funds you have back in your bank account. Besides, having someone else around for conversation will be a welcome change."

She laughed. "I know what you mean. Even though my kids aren't little anymore, I still can't drop the habit of narrating everything like I did when they were babies to teach them how to talk. And I know I look like a complete fruitcake talking to myself all the time."

"Just let me know what I can do to help. Household chores or whatever. I'll go crazy just sitting around when I'm used to having to run around all the time trying to keep up with everything, so I really would like to help...I may see about getting a temporary part-time job too. This could take longer than I originally planned."

Male Elan 1 Cryptic

repost as a refresher...from part of my last post...glad you're back DB3!

Burne wrote:
Burne goes over to the other thread and looks up this guy's information, sending him an e-mail asking for more info.

Iron Hands Techmarine (Rank 1) | Wounds: 19/19 | Armor rating: 8 | Fate: 3/3 | Renown: 0 | Active Conditions: None.
Feliks wrote:

Feliks passes a largely uneventful day at work, though he does hear several people talking about a pulse, weird stuff happening to people and a website that seems to talk about it. I wonder if this is what has happened to me? I take three Kung Fu classes when I was a kid, and now the pulse, and all the sudden I am Jet Li? When he gets off work, he takes the train back to Coney Island.

Once he is back in his basement, he checks out the Unknown Power website. After reading a bit he finds Dr. Rassmussen's contact information, and details about meeting with others at some kind of night club. Yeah, that will happen. Apparently people have forgotten that they live in New York; now we are all supposed to meet with strange people in strange places afterr dark. Still chuckling to himself, Feliks sends an email to Dr. Rassmussen:

Dr. Rassmussen,
I don't know if I fit the category of those with whom you are working; people who got messed up by this 'pulse.' What has happened to me is that I can suddenly use Kung Fu as if I had been studying it for ten years. I do not really want it to go away, so I hope you can tell me if this is permanent or not.
Cheers, Feliks

Email sent, Feliks heads upstairs to take a shower, but as he stands up, he gets a very strange disoriented feeling like the basement is shrinking right before his head smashes into one of the main beams in the ceiling. Stars whirling through his vision, Feliks sees the basement tilt sideways until the floor is pressed to his right side. He doesn't have time to wonder what happened before his vision goes dark.

Trying to get gameplay to update for me again. Glad to see you back DB3!

Burne Sopzich wrote:
Burne goes over to the other thread and looks up this guy's information, sending him an e-mail asking for more info.
Feliks wrote:

Still chuckling to himself, Feliks sends an email to Dr. Rassmussen:

Dr. Rassmussen,
I don't know if I fit the category of those with whom you are working; people who got messed up by this 'pulse.' What has happened to me is that I can suddenly use Kung Fu as if I had been studying it for ten years. I do not really want it to go away, so I hope you can tell me if this is permanent or not.
Cheers, Feliks

"I'm certainly popular today..." The doctor says as he computer dings twice to let him know he has two new emails. With an apology to Mr. Duncan, he types out quick replies and sends them.


To: TattBoss82
From: DocRass
Subject: Info

I'm researching the event, referred to as 'the Pulse' by many, that seems to have changed our world. I'm keeping records of these changes as more and more people contact me, to see if there is a pattern. In addition, I'm also asking for the general location each person was in an attempt to map out where the event came from.


To: Feliks
From: DocRass
Subject: Category

I'm not researching those who got 'messed up'. I'm researching everyone who has been changed by this event. You aren't the first to tell me of increased martial prowess. Any other details you can provide would be appreciated, like any physical change or the general location of where you were when the event happened.

Male Elan 1 Cryptic

Burne will tatt his appontments for the day, then check his e-mail as an afterthought in the evening...

To: DocRass
From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info

A pulse? I don't know anything about a pulse. I just know a couple days ago I...changed a bit. color change...I can see things in my mind...patterns...and I think I can effect them. Of things I already knew, I seem to 'get' more than before.
Anyways, I live in the Bronx and work on Manhattan.

Are you a real doctor? I don't want to be cured, but I suppose I could use a check up...make sure everythings ok?

Iron Hands Techmarine (Rank 1) | Wounds: 19/19 | Armor rating: 8 | Fate: 3/3 | Renown: 0 | Active Conditions: None.

Feliks comes to with a raging headache. Still lying on the floor, he remains still for a moment trying to remember what happened. Something hit my head... Putting a hand to his head, Feliks feels a sticky wetness, and his hand comes away red. What the hell did I hit my head on? Feliks slowly sits up, and instantly begins considering how chopping off his own head might not be that bad of an idea. Some time later, after the pain and nausea fade, he raises his head and looks around for what he could have run into that hard. After a few minutes of fruitless searching, his eyes come to rest on the steel I-beam that runs the width of the basement and the dark reddish smear on it. How the hell? That must be seven feet up! How the hell did my head hit that? But he knew there had been no blood on the beam before. Getting carefully, and slowly, to his feat, Feliks reached up and felt the reddish smear on the beam; it was still just a little tacky. It IS blood. What is going on? After cleaning the blood off his head and off the beam, Feliks sat down at his computer and noticed that he had mail.

Dr. Rassmussen wrote:

To: Feliks

From: DocRass
Subject: Category
I'm not researching those who got 'messed up'. I'm researching everyone who has been changed by this event. You aren't the first to tell me of increased martial prowess. Any other details you can provide would be appreciated, like any physical change or the general location of where you were when the event happened.

To: DocRass

From Feliks
Subject: Re: Category
Hey Doc,

I was visiting my cousin in Queens two days ago. As I was headed home, at about 9:30PM, three guys tried jumping me. I felt dizzy for just a moment and when the dizziness was gone, it was like I was channeling the spirit of Jet Li. My mind felt detached, like I had time to see everything, like slow motion sequences in a movie, and I somehow knew exactly how to move to defend myself. Even their knives were no match for me.

After the fight, I could not find the Kung Fu within me again until yesterday morning. I woke up and started doing kata in my basement. It has been there ever since.

On another note, possibly related, I just woke up after nearly bashing my brains out on a steel I-beam in my basement. I am 5'11", and the beam must be 7' off the ground if it is an inch. There was blood on my head, and on the I-beam. I dunno how it happened.

Do you know if this stuff will be permanent?

Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"Just let me know what I can do to help. Household chores or whatever. I'll go crazy just sitting around when I'm used to having to run around all the time trying to keep up with everything, so I really would like to help...I may see about getting a temporary part-time job too. This could take longer than I originally planned."

"A little help around the apartment would be nice. I'd have Gerald do it, but... well, he somehow managed to switch the colors of our plates around using the dishwasher, so I'd rather not risk him watering the plants. Might turn them carnivorous. And get them to fly."

"Truthfully, there isn't much to do around here." Mrs. Murai admits apologetically. "Gerald keeps his room clean on his own-'to keep you out of it' he tells me-and the apartment is rarely out of order, though that's probably my doing. I guess you could dust if you got desperate."

"Really? Wow. That's...a lot different than my house. Missy and Caleb are like miniature tornadoes, I swear. I'm not even sure how they make so much mess....well, I guess let me know where you keep the dusting rags," she said with an attempt at a smile.

Burne Sopzich wrote:

To: DocRass

From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info
Are you a real doctor? I don't want to be cured, but I suppose I could use a check up...make sure everythings ok?

To: DocRass

From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info

I do not handle check ups of the people changed, for my expertise lies elsewhere. Rest assured though that I am a real doctor. If you want a check up though, I do know someone who is aware of the event as well. Are you familiar with Bellevue Hospital on Center First Avenue and East 26th St in Manhatten? Doctor Gale has checked out people like you quite a bit these past few days.

Assume all of the emails at the moment are sent after Alistar leaves.

Feliks wrote:

To: DocRass

From Feliks
Subject: Re: Category
Hey Doc,

I was visiting my cousin in Queens two days ago.
Do you know if this stuff will be permanent?

To: Feliks

From: DocRass
Subject: Re: Category

The possibility of the permanency of these changes is still unknown. Many people have reported the changes going away for a short amount of time before coming back and staying.

As for your most recent injury, I think you temporarily changed height(your weight mostly changed as well). Changes in height and weight seem to be very common among my patients. If you believe your injury is serious, I can suggest a doctor in Manhatten who can look you over.

Elise Quartermaine wrote:
"Really? Wow. That's...a lot different than my house. Missy and Caleb are like miniature tornadoes, I swear. I'm not even sure how they make so much mess....well, I guess let me know where you keep the dusting rags," she said with an attempt at a smile.

"I'm sure we can find something else around here for you to do. If you like to cook, I'm always trying new recipes anyway. You could organize things so they can be found easier, or separate the... I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"Yes!" Comes Gerald's muffled reply through the walls.

"Do your homework! I'm sorry about the rambling. Sometimes I don't even notice I'm doing it. Perhaps getting a part-time job would be best. I'd hate to think of you just going crazy because you have nothing to do."

M Dwarf Alchemist 1
Draconian Narrator wrote:
Alistair Duncan wrote:
"I couldn't see her hair, she was wearing some kind of cap. What's going on, Doc? I wake up one day, shorter and hairier, the next day not so much, today I'm talking gibberish and seeing people's auras? What's wrong with me?"

"Technically, I think the correct question is what is different about you. At the moment, you are undergoing some kind of change, like the others who felt the pulse. The lady you saw with the cap? She has gills now. Others have pointed ears, or small horns. If you read some of the posts on Unknown Power you'll find other examples."

"You're the first one to be able to see auras though." The doctor admits as he writes down the information almost feverishly. "If I'm correct in the assumption, that means you can tell which people are changed and which aren't. That will be invaluable in my research. Being able to who is the telling the truth will let me map out where the 'pulse' came from and if we can find that, we could work on reversing the effects."

"If you could answer the usual questions, that'll be appreciated too. Start with when you first noticed the changes, and anything else that seemed unusual. Where you were, approximately if you don't want me to know the exact location, will be useful too."

"I first noticed a change Saturday morning when I woke up in Greenwich, that's in Connecticut. I got shorter and grew a beard. I was normal on Sunday except for a really bad headache. Then, this morning I was short and hairy again and I spouted some kind of gibberish at a customer. Dr. Andrews suggested I see you. Are you telling me this is happening to other people?" Alistair paces back and forth as he talks to Dr. Rasmussen. "What do you want me to do, Dr Rasmussen?"

Alistair Duncan wrote:
"I first noticed a change Saturday morning when I woke up in Greenwich, that's in Connecticut. I got shorter and grew a beard. I was normal on Sunday except for a really bad headache. Then, this morning I was short and hairy again and I spouted some kind of gibberish at a customer. Dr. Andrews suggested I see you. Are you telling me this is happening to other people?" Alistair paces back and forth as he talks to Dr. Rasmussen. "What do you want me to do, Dr Rasmussen?"

"Try to go on with your life as best you can. I'm pretty close to pinpointing the origin of this event, which seems to have spread across the globe. People all across the world have reported changes, ranging from physical to... more. If I can find the source of this event, then maybe people can be able to choose between going back to the way they were or staying the way they are."

Male Elan 1 Cryptic
Draconian Narrator wrote:
Burne Sopzich wrote:

To: DocRass

From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info
Are you a real doctor? I don't want to be cured, but I suppose I could use a check up...make sure everythings ok?

To: DocRass

From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info

I do not handle check ups of the people changed, for my expertise lies elsewhere. Rest assured though that I am a real doctor. If you want a check up though, I do know someone who is aware of the event as well. Are you familiar with Bellevue Hospital on Center First Avenue and East 26th St in Manhatten? Doctor Gale has checked out people like you quite a bit these past few days.

Burne will call and try to make an apt with Dr Gale.

To: TattBoss82
From: DocRass
Subject: Re: Info

Thanks for the info. I'll check into it.
I'm not usually very civic minded...but if you need anything or learn anything, I'd like to know about it.

Male Human Bard/1
Draconian Narrator wrote:
Roger Z. Detson wrote:
He keeps playing, getting deeper into the song, glancing up at the guy who nearly shook hands to see if he's understanding.

With a look around, the guy grabs an abandoned drink and holds it for a second before he places it down. What's left in it is frozen solid, and he seems shocked he did that.

"What... what did you do? What did I do? Last time it was fire..."

Oh my, a dotted thread resurfaces!

Roger stares at the frozen drink. "Honestly, I have no idea. Do you know anyone else here? I do, I mean, but who can do that."

Roger Z. Detson wrote:
Roger stares at the frozen drink. "Honestly, I have no idea. Do you know anyone else here? I do, I mean, but who can do that."

"There is one, but he wanted me to make sure you were the real deal before he decided to meet you. He's kinda paranoid with all this stuff, and I can't really blame him. Weird things are happening, and not everyone is going to be with it, you know?"

M Dwarf Alchemist 1
Draconian Narrator wrote:
"Try to go on with your life as best you can. I'm pretty close to pinpointing the origin of this event, which seems to have spread across the globe. People all across the world have reported changes, ranging from physical to... more. If I can find the source of this event, then maybe people can be able to choose between going back to the way they were or staying the way they are."

Alistair thanks Dr. Rasmussen and leaves the office, after getting the doctor's email address and cell phone number. He steps into the coffee shop across from the office for a latte and, maybe, a scone. It's mostly empty, only a few people nursing cups and checking their tablets. Only one of them has the glow Alistair has come to dread seeing. "I think I saw him here when I went into the office," thinks Alistair. "Maybe I should check him out."

He picks up his drink, sees that the barrista wrote "short and hairy" on it, glares at her and walks away. As he's passing the stranger's table, he abruptly sits down. "Hi, you following me?" he asks, sipping the bitter brew.

Male Human Bard/1

"just show me...can't be weirder than anything else here."

The teen pops his neck and a moment later another guy-who also doesn't look old enough to be here either-walks over.

"So he's got one?" The dark-haired newcomer asks.

"Yep, seems to make people brave through music."

"Well, that's a neat one. Can you do anything else?" The new kid asks Roger.

Male Human - Garuda-Blooded Aasimar Gunslinger 1

Thread Necromancy Ritual: Success! To avoid future explosions, use less eye of newt. Welcome back!

Surfing the net always has the possibility to lead one astray, whether it be with cat gifs or looking at the latest updates to Moonstuck. As a result, Axel almost didn't see Bearded until he sat down. "Hi, you following me?" His voice is rough, and that coffee he has smells very strong.

Axel raises an eyebrow for a moment, then simply smiles. "Can't say I know what you mean. This shop has the best Mexican Hot Chocolate in the city." Axel gestures at the half-empty glass of cooling Hot Chocolate, and hits a button his iPhone, darkening the screen. "You new in town? Names Axel." Axel reaches across with his left hand, an opportunity to shake hands.

Of note: A perception check of 10 will note that Axel was on Facebook. His iPhone has a small screen, but he keeps it at maximum brightness.

Male Human Bard/1

Roger is surprised by the question. "Um...haven't tried anything else..." He extends a hand and tries to produce fire or ice...nothing.

"Wait...I feel something..." He relaxes and speaks words, but again, no effect. "I think I need...fireflies..." He appears very confused.

"Ok, one more try." He says something different and several cups slowly lift from the table. It's all Roger can do to keep them from crashing to the group as he stares at them.

Roger Z. Detson wrote:
"Ok, one more try." He says something different and several cups slowly lift from the table. It's all Roger can do to keep them from crashing to the group as he stares at them.

"That was seriously cool." Dark-hair says, though he seems strangely unimpressed. "I can do this." He reaches over and grabs the frozen drink, breaking the plastic cup before muttering a word. Slowly, the cup fixes itself until it looks like it was never broken.

"So, any clue as to why this is going on?"

Burne Sopzich wrote:
Burne will call and try to make an apt with Dr Gale.

Burne manages to get an appointment set up fairly easily. Dr. Gale keeps a fairly open schedule it seems, and can see Burne as early as 11:15 tomorrow morning.

Burne Sopzich wrote:

To: DocRass

From: TattBoss82
Subject: Re: Info

Thanks for the info. I'll check into it.
I'm not usually very civic minded...but if you need anything or learn anything, I'd like to know about it.

To: TattBoss82

From: DocRass
Subject: Re: Info

I appreciate the offer, and will remember it if I the need arises. Thank you for contacting me.

Male Elan 1 Cryptic

Burne will accept the 11:15 appointment, and just take an early lunch.

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