Adventures in Wrack (Zweihander)

Game Master scranford

Mystery, Mayhem, and Marauding in the world of Wrack.
Fortune Points 6/7
DM Dice



  • Brunhard [dice]1d10+8[/dice]
  • Skeggi [dice]1d10+7[/dice]
  • Nuriah [dice]1d10+7[/dice]
  • Murgrim [dice]2d10+8[/dice]
  • Aurelie [dice]1d10+8[/dice]
  • Kurdran [dice]1d10+6[/dice]

Marching Order

1. Brunhard (Carrying Map and Pike)
2. Kurdan
3. Litttle Aurelie
4. Mule 1? (Led by Kurdan?)
5. Nuriah (Leading Frye and donkey 1)
6. Skeggi
7. Frye and Donkey 1
8. Mule 2 (Led by Skeggi)
9. Donkey 2
10. Murgrim.

Double File
Aurelie-----------Mule 1
Frye/Donkey 1-----Mule 2
Donkey 2----------Murgrim.

Watch Schedule

1. Brunhard
2. Kurdan
3. Murgrin
4. Skeggi

101 to 150 of 164 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | next > last >>

Pilgrim | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 5/11/17/23): Moderate | Initiative: 7 | Movement: 7 | Fate Points: 1 | Corruption: 6

Nuriah scowls as she takes the other donkey's reins from Skeggi, not trusting the doddering scholar to do much with it.

She watches the knight and sellsword advance towards the smell of death, then tightening her hold on the two donkeys, moves forward, edging along to the last rise, until she can peek over and see what's going on...

Resolve ( apprentice, standard): 52: 1d100 ⇒ 90

Despite her interest in the varieties of death, the scene over the rise discomfits her greatly, and her knuckles white against the rough leather of the donkey's reins, she pulls the animals back down aways, out of eyesight of the horror over yonder.

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Murgrim looks to keep count of the remaining band, the animals and their ward. He leads them after Brunhard and Skeggi, trying to keep some order as tensions rise. "Dagda's will..." he mutters under his breath as he hears his companion call out.

Resolve when catching sight of the scene (apprentice, standard):52: 1d100 ⇒ 73

Awareness to watch the surrounds and group as they approach.(apprentice, standard):53: 1d100 ⇒ 97

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Human (Furgen) Envoy | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 4/10/16/22): Lightly Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Apologies for my absence.

Aurelie had been in fine spirits, at least given her usual demeanor, during the heckling of Frye. At the scent and buzzing, she became wary and her hand crept toward her dagger. At the cry of distress, she drew the stiletto and stepped forward. Brunhard and Skeggi quickly displayed their desire to go help, and that was little surprise--Brunhard was a knight, after all, honor-bound to help the innocent, and Skeggi was a warrior by nature. Aurelie was neither of these, but she was familiar with the hard lot of children, especially poor young girls. And she was unyielding in her devotion to Saint Serene, and the need to make a difference in the face of danger and hardship--whether by words or by blade.

So when the two tall, strong warriors move forward with weapons ready, they're joined by a small woman with a wicked knife in hand and a fiercely determined steel in her eyes.

Resolve (Standard, Apprentice) 51: 1d100 ⇒ 50 By the skin of her teeth!
Awareness (Discern Details vs. Priest) 46: 1d100 ⇒ 85

Upon viewing the scene, Amelie is nearly overwhelmed by the horrid violence of it, but she thinks back to her training at the monastery. There are many dangers in the world, many horrible things, and the Sisters of Serene are trained to witness such atrocities... and, if the time comes, have a hand in some of them. Such wanton killing as this would never spring from a Sister, but neither would one be sent screaming from such a sight.

When Brunhard speaks up, Aurelie's thoughts aren't far from Skeggi's, but she pushes them aside. She's seen the knight fight before, and knows that although such proclamations may be foolish, he is more than capable of fulfilling his deathly promises. And his shouting comes from a good place. Yes, these monsters are wicked, agents of Chaos and death, and for that they must die.

Aurelie grips her knife tightly for a moment, but her hand naturally relaxes into the loose, able grip of a trained fighter. A stiletto might not have the military tradition of a pike, might not be recognized as a warrior's tool like a sword... but oh, the things a skilled hand can do with such a sharp, wicked blade.

Of course, all that said, Aurelie isn't about to just charge in and start stabbing. Let's see how things go.

Resolve (Standard, Apprentice) 56: 1d100 ⇒ 8

Awareness (Standard, vs Priest) 43: 1d100 ⇒ 60

not getting any details from that

Struck by the the horror of the scene before Kurdran, his muscles began to impulsively twitch, the veins in his neck bulged, and a fury flared up inside him. His hand flexed tightly around the haft of his morgenstern as he slammed it against his shield, then he let out a bloodcurdling cry, "Blasphemous monster, your blood will fall!" And charged the priest leading the ritual.

Round 1

Charge the priest (2 AP)

Martial Melee (apprentice, charge +20) 76: 1d100 ⇒ 3

damage: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 1) + 6 = 9

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

OK Finally...

NOTE: Keep in mind that the part has a pool of (7) Fortune points that can be used to alter events (See PG 23), but if you spend those they end up in my misfortune pool.

The nauseating smell, unsettling chanting, and just wrongness of the scene before the group almost overwhelms the small party... Surely this is not happening.


  • Brunhard 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
  • Skeggi 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
  • Nuriah 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
  • Murgrim 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (3, 2) + 8 = 13
  • Aurelie 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
  • Kurdran 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
  • Baddie Priest 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
  • Baddie Minions 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Murgrim, trying to help Nuriah control the panicking mules, tops the rise, and witnesses the carnage in front of him. Wordlessly he drops the reins of the animals, as they retreat at a swift walk away from the scene. His eyes darting quickly around the area, he is sure he sees flickering shadows behind every tree, and malice behind every boulder. He stands for the moment watching the scene unfold.

2d10 ⇒ (7, 5) = 12 Fear Stress
+6 Corruption

Skeggi steps forward determined to help in anyway he can, but though a veteran of many conflicts he is unable to come to grips with the scene unfolding before him. Though he stands firm, bile rises in his throat, and he is unsure if those dark shapes in the water are moving or not.

2d10 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 Fear Stress
+6 Corruption

@ Brunhard
The scene before the brave Knight is frightening, but his intense training, strong will, and drive to do what is honorable keep him steadfast. He issues forth his loud challenge to the vile shaman, calling him forth to brutal combat. He starts forward through the bloody water, and casually notices a large brown eye floating where he treads, paying it no heed as he concentrates on his ordained enemy. In the back of his head he wonders why the Leviathan lets another such as this vile saint share his waters.

The brave little warrior, steps forward patting the pale visaged Skeggi on the shoulder as she steps up beside him. The fear was palpable but her training... and curiosity gave her strength, and the familiar dagger in her hand gave her courage.

Nuriah heads forward pulling the reigns of the animals, but is not prepared for what horror awaits over the rise. Her knees weaken, and she turns away from the carnage, leading the bucking animals back down the hill and out of sight of the horrid scene.

2d10 ⇒ (1, 6) = 7 Fear Stress
+6 Corruption

The ever eager Kurdran steps forward only a second behind the others, and witnesses the blood and gore with... almost a smile. As the mighty warrior steps forward, to deliver his proclamation, the fury emboldened Berserker, throws caution to the wind, and charges through the muck, and water, attempting to bypass the turning kobolds, and engage the man behind this carnage.

OK We'll now act in initiative order, and kick this thing off. I'm going to let Kurdran act first in the surprise round, as he would not have hesitated upon seeing the carnage, and he's already rolled his attack... However there will be two Opportunity attacks as he charges past the kobold cultist on his way to his target.

Pukka (3) 1d100 ⇒ 53 Hardened Spear Attack (55%), Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Ixtiln (4) 1d100 ⇒ 96 Hardened Spear Attack (55%), Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Frook (Shaman) 1d100 ⇒ 84 Ceremonial Knife (Parry*)
Normally his parry would be at -20 % due to the difference between a ceremonial dagger and a Morgenstern, however weaving through the minions is worth 10%, and short dwarven legs through water is another 10% so I'm calling it a wash.

The kobold on the left's aim is true, but the speed and ferocity of the attack, combined with the thickness of the Dwarves armor deflect the point of the spear from doing any real damage. In his haste to protect his leader, the other kobolds plants his spear for maximum damage, but the Charging Kurdran steps aside from the spears point, and only finds air.
Kurdran's morgenstern finds it's target, as the distracted priest weakly tries to impose his blood dripping ceremonial dagger between himself and the blade of the raging dwarf, resulting in a jagged gash on the priests torso.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Round One

Frook (Shaman)
All PC's.

"You are too late Blasphemers! It comes"!, and with a maniacal laugh, the insane shaman rips at his wound to make it bleed a little more, and dives into the water coming up a few yards behind the raging dwarf, waist deep in the water. Maneuver 2-AP. He then pulls something from his pocket, and incites some vile words, waving a small bone in his off hand as he does so. 1d100 ⇒ 83 Incantation (55%). 1-APThen growls in disgust, as nothing seems to happen.

Standard Awareness


The water in the middle of the bloody whirlpool, begins to heave up and down much like something breathing in and out, and foul smelling gas bubbles begin to surface and burst, with a sulphur like odor.

Pooka and Ixtin continue their assault on the intruding Dwarf. "His head... Hit his ugly head"! Called Shot* 2-AP

Pooka 1d100 ⇒ 78 Hardened Spear (55%), Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Ixtin 1d100 ⇒ 64 Hardened Spear (55%), Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
* NOTE: No Dodge or Parry for called shot success.
But in their eagerness to poke out the mean dwarves eyes, their spears only clank on his helmet.

The other cultist turn, and pull forth small wicked javelins, forming a skirmish line, and throwing them at the intruders.

Pooka too @ Brunhard
1d100 ⇒ 80 Javelin (45%), Damage 4

Pooka Also @ Skeggi
1d100 ⇒ 62 Javelin (45%), Damage 4

Thorrid @ Murgrim
1d100 ⇒ 42 Javelin (45%), Damage 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

Slashish @ Arelie
1d100 ⇒ 49 Javelin (45%), Damage 4

Most of the Javeilns fly off course, but the horrified Murgrim sees one of the javelins strike true.

Note: You can review the Combat section on how to spend AP's and dodge or take another action. Most of you have a total of 3-AP's per round. Also, if you don't have your damage track, and/or Peril track in you profile, this is a grand time to add them.

BATTER UP - Everybody

Male Human Hedge Knight | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 8/14/20/26): Seriously Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Round 1

As the company's beserkr engages the shaman drawing blood, Brunhard watches with hard eyes.

He shifts, about to moves toward the scrap, only to be given pause by the ritualistic actions of the crazed shaman;

Standard Awareness (Perception): 1d100 ⇒ 21

The knight's scarred brow furrows as he watches the murky waters, pointing his pike as he bellows a warning;

"By The Deep! Something foul has been summoned... Ware the waters! Ware them!"

Filled with righteous fury the knight strides forward (1AP) and stabs at the nearest kobold with his pike (1AP)

"Wretched scum! I offer your lives as bait to The Leviathan! Heed me Lord of the Seas and guide my red hand!"

Standard Melee Attack (Apprentice 45+10) - PIke (Reach): 1d100 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Damage: AB+Fury: 4 + 1d6 ⇒ 4 + (3) = 7

(2/3APs used)

SB: Not sure if the "nearest kobold" can constitute the shaman, or one of the line of skirmishers?? Either way Brunhard engages 1 yard away - utilising the Pike's Reach quality...

Female Human (Furgen) Envoy | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 4/10/16/22): Lightly Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Aurelie takes in the scene as the battle unfolds with surprising calm--surprising for those who haven't traveled with her before. Few would expect the frail woman, who professes duties as an emissary and sometime scholar, to stand so firm in combat. But Aurelie's eyes are jaded by decades of conflict, and her hands easily grip the knives she's employed to great effect in the past. So when the kobold throws a javelin at her, she sidesteps even as it falls aside and darts in, her wicked knife cutting in a sudden, swift arc at the creature.

(1 AP to Move at a Walk, 1 AP for a Melee Attack. 1 AP in reserve for Dodging/Parrying.)
Simple Melee 51: 1d100 ⇒ 32 Success
Damage, CB 5: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Face 6: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Total 15.

Because the stiletto has the Fast Quality, the kobold takes a -10 Base Chance to any attempts to Parry or Dodge. Additionally, because it has the Vicious Quality, an extra d6 Chaos Die is rolled to determine if it has any Injuries, although it's also Weak, so it can only deal Moderate or Serious Injuries, not Grievous.

Hardened warrior or no, Skeggi's face turns pale at the sight of the foul, unnatural magiks being unleashed. However, as Aurelie calmly walks past him to engage with the kobald, the sellsword's face brightens and he mutters something angrily and unintelligible at himself. As a kobald spear flashes by, he quickly begins to move forward on the petite woman's right flank to engage, and brings his sword down in a chopping attack at one of the creatures.

1 AP to move, 1 to attack, 1 held in reserve

Martial Melee vs 55: 1d100 ⇒ 70

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Parry javelin from prior round:61: 1d100 ⇒ 94

Murgrim groans and feels his gorge rising at the horrors all around. The shadows move so threateningly as he tries to look everywhere at once. Unluckily failing to see the javelins flying towards him, raising his shield too late. A strike of pain from his shoulder makes him stagger, but his thick frame keeping him almost naturally upright.

Seeing the fleeing animals makes him want to follow, but swallowing his fear despite the sudden cold sweat he advances to aid his companions. Moving to strike the kobold who hurt him with the broad blade of his sword and remove some of the taint from the world. And maybe keep themselves alive.

Attack:61: 1d100 ⇒ 42 For: 1d6 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 damage (with 1d6 ⇒ 5 chaos extra from vicious).

1 AP Move, 1 AP Attack, 1 AP Spare

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pilgrim | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 5/11/17/23): Moderate | Initiative: 7 | Movement: 7 | Fate Points: 1 | Corruption: 6

Peril Threshold not exceeded ! Whew.
Resolve (Apprentice):52, From ROAD TO ENLIGHTENMENT talent, Standard test to avoid Corrption: 1d100 ⇒ 97 Darn, 6 Corruption recorded.

Having turned away from the horrible scene, Nuriah gripped the two reins tightly and took a few steps down the hill to safety.

Then she stopped...the fear was dissipating as she shook her head at her silliness. They've seen many disturbing things on the road, why was this so different!

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Nuriah could hear the sounds of her comrades taking the action to the cultists.

Spying a nearby tree, she trotted the donkey's over and tied them up as tightly as she could, looking sideways at their charge, her shoulders fall in resignation, "I can't leave you alone, can I?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As the shaman dives away, Kurdran swings again furiously (reaction: opportunity attack; 0 AP) at the horrid creature.

Martial Melee (apprentice) 56: 1d100 ⇒ 55
damage: 2d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 + 1 = 13
(base fury + vicious fury + AB + light offhand)

Turning to the two kobolds trying to stab him in the head, he growls, "Hit me in the head?! How about I crush your SKULL?!" (called shot - 1st kobold's head; 2 AP)

Martial Melee (apprentice) 56: 1d100 ⇒ 27
damage: 2d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 + 1 = 12
(base fury + vicious fury + AB + light offhand)

1 AP remaining

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

I'll get up a post tonight, since everyone's checked in now.

@Kurdran: Note that the Shaman took the "maneuver" combat action, which costs 2-AP, but avoids opportunity attacks. Since there was a misunderstanding of the Fury dice rule, I'll just take the first d6 you rolled for each damage roll.

The Kobolds have a "Racial Hatred" against Dwarves which gives them an additional fury dice damage.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........


*Murgrim (K5) 1d100 ⇒ 61 Parry (55%)

*Skeggi (K4) Miss

*Brunhard (K2) 1d100 ⇒ 85 Parry (55%)

*Aurelie (K3) 1d100 ⇒ 46 Parry (55%)

*Nuriah Shames scholar into taking control ob beasts

*Krudran - Smashes into Shaman... No parry for called shot.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The party quickly closes to combat the kobolds, as Kurdran continues his assault on the Shaman. The bubbles and smell coming from the center of the whirlpool continue to escalate.

2d6 ⇒ (4, 3) = 7 Chaos Dice (From lightly wounded + Vicious)

4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 1) = 15 Chaos Dice (From Grievously wounded + Vicious).
1d100 ⇒ 37 Grievous Injury (Maimed Foot)

1d100 ⇒ 29 Toughness test (35%) or shoved beneath the waves (Powerful).

Kurdran's first attack sends the priest reeling to the side with a jagged cut, then his follow-up attack sends the man head-over-heals into the churning carnage of the water, with his backswing removing all the toes from the man's left foot. His blood darkens the water, as he sputters somehow to the surface.

The man takes a hit to his Peril track, to cast (Sanctuary). Anyone must make a resolve test to attack him.


*K1 - Follows after the Dwarf who's using the priest for a pinata, stabbing outwards with his spear.
(2-AP) Aim (+20%)
(1-AP) Spear 1d100 ⇒ 68 Spear Attack (75%); 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5) + 4 = 10 hole in Dwarf.

His well aimed blow seems to actually draw blood from the crazed Dwarf.

*K2 - Turns his attention to the loud mouth knight brandishing his long pike. "Ahhhh! he screams at the night bring up a handful of bloody, muddy muck from the bottom of the stream and slinging it at the Knight.

(1-AP) Parry (55%) 1d100 ⇒ 4
(1-AP) Dirty Trick 1d100 ⇒ 74 Guile (35%)
[1-AP) Attack 1d100 ⇒ 68 Spear (55%)

The stout little creature ducks half into the water, and interposes his spear between his head and the Knights Pike, causing the blow to go awry, but the mud flies past the vigilant knight, and as he turned away from the impromptu mud bath, it caused the wiley kobold's spear attack to miss.

*K3 Aurelie with cold intent in her gaze swings her sharp little dagger at one of the interposing Kobolds.

[1-AP) Parry (45%) 1d100 ⇒ 94

But her blade slides down the creatures spear, cutting deeply into his torso. 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 Chaos Dice (Lightly + Vicious).
"I'll rip your throat out b&&$+". the high pitch of the injured Kobold echos through the pass.

(2-AP) Called Shot 1d100 ⇒ 9 Spear (55%); 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 hole in girl With the spear finding it's target, but without much force behind it... perhaps due to some mostly severed pectoral muscles.

*K4- Skeggi scrowls at one of the murderous little beasts, and swings his trust sword at the little creature, but he hadn't counted on the water slowing down his approach, and his blow sailed over the crafty creatures head, invicting a laugh from the beast.

"Die! Die! Die!" he or she... hard to tell, bellows in a high pitched rant, bobbing and weaving as he waits for just the right moment to strike.

(2-AP) - Aim (+20%)
(1-AP) 1d100 ⇒ 15 Spear, Aimed (75%); 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 hole in swordsman

And succeeding in hitting where he aimed, but finding his blow rather weak.

*K5Murgrim grunts in pain, then in anger as he pulls the javelin from his shoulder, and slings it to the ground. He then moves up to the offending launcher, and swings his sword down in a vicious chop.

(1-AP) Parry (55%) 1d100 ⇒ 18, and is somehow able to turn aside the angry mans blade.
"My little sticks will make you bleed again".
[1-AP) Aim (+10%)
[1-AP) Spear Attack (65%); 1d100 ⇒ 12; 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1) + 4 = 7 Hole in other dwarf.

Once again hitting his chosen spot, but delivering little force.

*K6 1d5 ⇒ 5 Pick a target
This cowardly Kobold with a patch over one eye, chooses to follow his closest ally, and to attack the hated Dwarf next to him, that has proven he bleeds.

(1-AP) Aim (+10%)
(1-AP) Attack 1d100 ⇒ 48 Spear (65%); 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 = 9 other hole in other dwarf.
(1-AP) Reserve

He then steps back smiling, and licking his fangs at his handiwork, and holding his spear out in defensive position.

Nuriah was able to convince her elderly charge to be useful, and the gravity of the situation, seems to have brought him back to his senses, as he takes the animal leads, and begins to tie them off.

ROUND 2 Baddies have gone, Group is up.

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

I take it the first post were the parries for this round. Murgrim just dropped to Moderately wounded and thus has a chance of injury also. Waiting to see if he has one prior to having turn.

Female Human (Furgen) Envoy | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 4/10/16/22): Lightly Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Mostly for my own benefit, I'll mention that the 6 damage from the kobold exceeds Aurelie's damage threshold (4), so she's now Lightly Wounded.

Aurelie doesn't grin as her knife cuts into the creature's chest, but she feels a grim satisfaction in the blood that pours forth. This is the work of the gods, and that makes it the work of good Men. Her thoughts are interrupted by the foe's snarl and counterattack. The speed and precision of its spear is uncanny and surprising, and Aurelie feels it stab at her side before she can dodge or knock aside the blow. Fortunately, her own cut seems to have weakened the creature, and the weapon only draws a thin line of pain from her--no sudden weakness, no sticky warmth spreading across her gullet.

Still, the kobold has proven itself no mean enemy--if there are such things--and Aurelie's quick mind figures it best to end this fight quickly. She may not be a tall or stout warrior trained in martial combat like some of her companions, but Aurelie is fierce and quick, and unafraid of using every advantage she can get in a fight. So as she steps in toward the kobold, she quickly feints left before kicking a spray of the stinking water into its eyes, hoping to blind the creature before she thrusts in again with her knife. (1 AP for a Perilous Stunt--Dirty Trick, 1 AP for a Melee Attack, 1 AP in reserve for defending.)

Dirty Trick (Guile, 47): 1d100 ⇒ 47 What a move! The kobold needs to resist with Awareness or be temporarily Blinded, meaning it can't Counterspell, Dodge, or Parry until the beginning of its next turn.
Attack (Simple Melee, 51): 1d100 ⇒ 66 Gurk, critical failure.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Murgrim wrote:

I take it the first post were the parries for this round. Murgrim just dropped to Moderately wounded and thus has a chance of injury also. Waiting to see if he has one prior to having turn.

Moderate Wound: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Chaos Die

NO Wounds

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Murgrim grunts in pain as another pair of blows strike at his large form, luckily his leather armor withstanding the first blow. Coughing up a glob of bloody flem to spit at the creature. "Die!" he commands as his broad blade swings overhead to crush the creature into the ground.

2AP)Called Shot on K6:61: 1d100 ⇒ 6 for 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 Fury explosion 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Leaving 1AP for parry

using my remaining AP to attempt a parry against the attack

Parry(Combat + Shield) (56%): 1d100 ⇒ 45

Fighting both the shaman and the kobolds, Kurdran gets his shield up just in time to deflect the vicious blow aimed at him by the kobold.

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Can I use a Fortune point on that last "1" I rolled. Which would make it a 6 and thus grant another explosion? If its not it would change my total roll to a 21 for damage. If it does explode again then:1d6 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23 damage total. Kobolds against dwarves are nasty, going to try to put one down in a blow.

Male Human Hedge Knight | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 8/14/20/26): Seriously Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Round 2

Brunhard scowls with contained anger as he looks between the kobold and the bubbling morass at the centre of the pool...

As the kobold stymies his strike, the knight pulls his pike back attempting to catch the creatures spear on the larger weapons hooked head;

Disarm - 1AP (Agility 46) : 1d100 ⇒ 82 (Make a Coordination Test. Foe must Resist Coordination or be Disarmed. Lose weapon and cannot use primary hand until next Turn.)... Or not.

With a roar of frustration he rams the pike back toward the creature;

"Enough wretch! You tarry me too long from my true opponent!"

Standard Melee Attack (Pike - Apprentice 52): 1d100 ⇒ 38

Damage: AB+Fury: 4 + 1d6 ⇒ 4 + (4) = 8

2/3APs used - 1 reserved for Parry

Skeggi grunts as the little runt's weapon slides harmlessly off his armor. Eyes narrowing to slits, he silently watches the bobbing and weaving critter chanting for the sellsword's death. Spotting a sliver of an opening, his sword suddenly snakes out at the enemy!

Take aim (1 AP)
Attack (1 AP)

Martial Melee 55+10: 1d100 ⇒ 65
Damage: CB+Fury: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Mortuary sword has the Vicious quality

1 AP remaining

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........


Other thing Initiative: 1d10 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 Initiative

Several weaving, sinuous, thick tentacles rise from the water. If you thought the smell was terrible before, now it is almost a physical blow. Dead bloated fish float up from the depths, crawling with maggots, and the flesh of the animals and humans making up the dam begins to rot. A deep bone shaking groan erupts as the beasts hideous head rises from the depths, it's twin jaws snapping at the air, and the single eye on it's own stalk seems to take in the scene as if deciding who to eat first.

OK Sorry guys. Another Standard (+0%) Fear test here or another trip down the Peril ladder.

The Shaman cackles wildly, and once again flourishes the bone, chanting words to the same spell again. 1d100 ⇒ 58 Incantation (55%), then with desperation tinging his shouting shakes the bone, and dips it in the water, chanting the last vile word over again. Using the misfortune point he just got. 1d100 ⇒ 63 Incantation (55%). And a look of horror fills his eyes as his prayers go unanswered. "What is wrong... I don't understand... I did everything right".

1d100 ⇒ 22 Resolve (55%)

At the Shamans voice the beast turns it's one eye to the Shaman, and two long slimy tentacles reach out for the now frightened man... and it horrifies you to see that the man knows what is happening to him.

1d100 ⇒ 90 Slimy Tentacle 1 (70%)
1d100 ⇒ 59 Slimy Tentacle 2 (70%)

He is able to jump aside from the first tentacle, but the second wraps around the man, it's sharp barbs penetrating his skin, and lifts him high into the air.

K1 1d100 ⇒ 38 Resolve (40%)
K2 1d100 ⇒ 82 Resolve (40%)
K3 1d100 ⇒ 78 Resolve (40%)
K4 1d100 ⇒ 32 Resolve (40%)
K6 1d100 ⇒ 9 Resolve (40%)

The horror of the beast not only affects the adventurers, but also it's smaller minions, and Pooka too (K2), and Pooka Also(K3), drop their weapons, and run for the opposite bank. [ooc]Opportunity attacks can be made

K1 Runs towards the dam, takes cover behind it, and slings one of his remaining javelins at the Dwarf who started all this.
1-AP Run
1-AP Take Cover (Medium)
1-AP Throw Javelin (I missed, but lost the attempt somehow)

Opportunity Attacks can be made

K2 Tries to join his friend behind the dam, but his wounds make it more of a chore for him, and he weaves as though drunk.

2d6 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7 Chaos Dice: Moderate Wound 1d100 ⇒ 62 Rattled Brain (-3 Initiative)

1-AP Run
1-AP Take Cover (Medium)
1-AP Throw Javelin: 1d100 ⇒ 57 (45%); Damage 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8
Opportunity Attacks can be made

Dinner is ready. I'll get up the posts for K6 later tonight.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

OK. So K6... also known as Slasish gets his own post.


1-AP Load (Get Javelin)
1-AP Move Upriver
1-AP Sling Jevelin at hated bleeding Dwarf (Murgrim)

1d100 ⇒ 26 Javelin (45%); 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 5) + 4 = 15 Damage
1d6 ⇒ 1 Exploding die Total of 16 Damage

NOW you're all up, starting with those pesky Resolve Rolls.

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Resolve:52: 1d100 ⇒ 65

The monstrous overhead sword blow driven with the bulk of Murgrim's body cleaves the kobld in twain. His savage grin and shout of triumph although, turns into a cry of wordless horror at the creature emerging. His wild hair standing further on end, the grey stark in the dying light.

Dropping to Peril:'Ignore 1 skill rank'

Parry:51: 1d100 ⇒ 52

As the kobolds blow strikes at him truely he tries to get his shield interposed, but the length of the shaft scrapes along the rim of the shield. The deep hatred of the kobold for dwarf kind allowing it return the favor shown to it's comrade.

Ouch, two more wounds, now at 'Greviously Wounded' pausing again for injury rolls prior to completing turn.

Round 3

Resolve (will(46)+apprentice): 56: 1d100 ⇒ 11

Kurdran laughs cruelly as he smashes the shaman's leg and sends him flying back into the water. As the monstrosity emerges from the deep, Kurdran guards his soul. You've seen worse... he thinks to himself as he cracks his neck.

About to focus on the beast, he notices the kobold who had been trying to skewer him run away. "Not so fast..." and swings his morgenstern at the kobold running for cover

Opportunity Attack against K1 (0 AP)
Martial Melee (combat(46)+apprentice): 56: 1d100 ⇒ 45
damage (fury+combat+light offhand): 1d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9

After the wretched kobolds fling their javelins at him from behind the dam, one going wide and the other barely gouging his hardened leatherarmor, Kurdran decides its best not to leave a threat behind him and follows the kobolds, charging menacingly.

Charge (2 AP), Attack against K1 (1 AP)
Martial Melee (combat(46)+apprentice+run amok): 76: 1d100 ⇒ 24
damage (fury+charge+combat+light offhand): 2d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 + 1 = 12

Pilgrim | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 5/11/17/23): Moderate | Initiative: 7 | Movement: 7 | Fate Points: 1 | Corruption: 6

Nuriah gives the old man a hard stare ,helping him to tie off the reins, "Now, Uncle, no matter what your hear from over yonder hill, don't be coming over, now. Understood? Good."

With that, the girl sprints back up the hill , pausing as she gains the see the monstrosity emerging from the charnel pool.

Resolve, standard (apprentice):52: 1d100 ⇒ 18

"Arawn, preserve us!" she exclaims,before running down towards the pool to help her friends.

Is she close enough to run up and attack..say the kobold by the dam?

Male Human Hedge Knight | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 8/14/20/26): Seriously Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Round 3

Resolve (Standard) 50: 1d100 ⇒ 36

As the horror rises from the fetid waters, Brunhard curses under his breath and half-heartily attempts to skewer his fleeing kobold foe;

Opportunity Attack vs K2 (0AP)

Opportunity Attack (Pike - Apprentice 52): 1d100 ⇒ 83

As the kobold flees, the knight grits his teeth, raising his bulwark to shoulder and advances pike readied... He moves toward the aberration as it rends it summoner (Walk: 1AP), before pausing muttering a prayer as he searches for an apparent weak spot on the thing (Take Aim: 1AP)...

"Lord of the Seas! Guide my pike! Let it bite deep like your shark children and send this abomination back to the fell place it crawled from!"

... before spearing the creature (Standard Melee Attack: 1 AP)

Standard Melee Attack (Pike - Apprentice 52): 1d100 ⇒ 18

Damage: AB+1d6Fury+Gatecrasher: 4 + 1d6 + 3 ⇒ 4 + (6) + 3 = 13 Face Fury: 1d6 ⇒ 3 Total of 16 damage

All APs used... Mulled using a fortune point to cover the attack above and keep one in reserve or to convert the Face Fury to a 6 giving me 22 damage for the attack - what say my brave companions?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Paizo Account was down all day till now. I'll get up a next round post tomorrow.

3d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4) = 11 Chaos dice (Murgrim's Wound)
And fate is on his side.

@Aurelie: Something should have happened with your critical failure, but since I forgot we'll let it go this time.

@Nuriah: By spending (2) AP's on a Charge, you'll have one left for the attack.

@Kurdran: We're all still getting used to how to run combat in this game. It's a little complicated with the AP's and reactions, so I'm being a bit lenient on posting time. Feel free to post any attacks you might have missed, and we'll retro to round (2). Remember that the Shaman was under a "Sanctuary" Spell in Round 2, so you have to roll a Resolve test in order to even attack him.
Or in lieu of that I'll allow your charge action that you just completed to somehow work, though they are on the other side of the flesh dam, so technically it wouldn't really be possible to charge through waist deep water, and over a flesh dam. Your choice.

@Murgrim: You can use an Opportunity attack, as can anyone within melee range to attack (1) retreating target.

NOTE Let's keep all rule questions about things happening in gameplay in the gameplay thread in "ooc" blocks, so I don't have to go back and forth between the gameplay and discussion threads. Any questions outside of the gameplay or immediate questions can remain in discussion.

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Ok, taking attack on guy destined to greviously wound Murgrim.

As the kobold retreats having seeing its friend crushed under the massive broadsword Murgrim attempts to pull if from the dying creature towards the fleeing one.

Broadsword:51: 1d100 ⇒ 71

But it escapes to throw its spear into the off balance dwarf.

By the way, does making the Fury dice a 6 with a Fortune make it explode again?

Male Human Hedge Knight | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 8/14/20/26): Seriously Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

@Murgrim: Not sure re: Fury 6's. Hence why I baulked at implementing it until we'd come to some kind of consensus on if it's worth burning a Fortune Point.

@Supreme Being: I'd presumed the summoned abomination was on our side of the rotter-dam? Without a map for reference I'm a little hazy on where we all are...

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

With a worried and wild eyed look Murgrim looks over the scene, his teeth clenched in a snarl as he attempts to bear the pain of the deep wounds. Fist tightly around his sword, bathed in the blood of evil. But the imperilment of his companions in arms against so foul a foe. The slaughter of the innocents makes his mind. Gathering courage he attempts to remove a second kobold from this world.

2 AP)Charge against K6:51: 1d100 ⇒ 55
(Lost rank in skill dropped skill from 61 to 51)

1AP Held for parry.

Round 3

Resolve (52): 1d100 ⇒ 27

1 AP: Aim
1 AP: Melee Attack

Ignoring the monstrosity rising from the pool for the moment, Skeggi presses his attack against the kobold. "You should have run with your little friends."[/ooc]

Attack (55+10): 1d100 ⇒ 94

[b]"If I don't kill you, that thing will."

1AP remaining

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Pilgrim | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 5/11/17/23): Moderate | Initiative: 7 | Movement: 7 | Fate Points: 1 | Corruption: 6

Round 3

Taking a deep breath and keeping her eyes on the kobold, cursing her peripheral vision that keeps the abomination in the pool within her sight, Nuriah charges down the incline,

Charge, 2 AP

drawing her ax back behind her right shoulder, clearing her hips as she'd been instructed countless times by Brunhard, the ax whistling through the air towards the kobold's scaly skull.

Melee Attack, 1 AP...none left

Melee Attack,axe, (56): 1d100 ⇒ 98

But, her foot slips on a wet rock and her aim is completely disrupted, the axe head splashing mightily into the water beside the kobold.

Female Human (Furgen) Envoy | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 4/10/16/22): Lightly Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Resolve (Standard, Apprentice) 51: 1d100 ⇒ 24

As some strange, horrible thing rises from the water, tentacles lashing, Aurelie's mind is again startled by the scene. But once more, her memories go back to training in the monastery, and her resolute faith in justice and her own capabilities. Many are the dangers and trials of the world, and great is the power of Chaos. But greater still is the spirit. Temper your will, and none shall break it.

So the tiny woman stands fast, and when the kobold before her breaks its rank, she doesn't hesitate to strike out with her dagger.

Opportunity Attack, Simple Melee (Apprentice) 51: 1d100 ⇒ 98 Bah

That jab doesn't connect, though, as she's still off-balance from her watery kick. She glances at her companions, seeing how they fare--Skeggi locked in a fight with a kobold, Brunhard standing fast against the creature, the dwarves fighting on as well--and decides that it's better not to let such a monster run free if she can help it. Her occupation may be as an emissary, but her greater duty as a believer in the Saints is putting down such darkness when she may. So with quick and nimble feet she chases after the fleeing kobold, and crashes into it with a dagger between the ribs. (2 AP to charge, 1 to attack.)

Simple Melee (Apprentice) 51: 1d100 ⇒ 52 ...You're kidding me

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Sorry guys. Crazy weekend. I'm on a business trip next week (Work is crazy right now), but should be able to post from the hotel most evenings, including tomorrow night, to move this along.

@MurgrimI'm pretty sure the dice explodes like any other six. It states the roll is treated like rolling a six. If I'm wrong maybe the lurking designer will correct me.

@Brunhard Two Kobolds are on the other side of the Flesh dike, one is trying to run up river, and one is still trying to be brave. The Shaman is in the loving embrace of the creature, and everyone else is in the shallow water of the dam. Where the Kobolds were it's 6" to 1' deep, and in the middle it's about 6' deep.

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Sorry about the slow posting guys. I didn't realize I was going to have such a hectic work travel schedule when I started the game... but I'm still pushing ahead.

Round 3 resolution
@ Kurdran:Kurdran continues to press the attack on the Kobold bold enough to attack him. The creature first attempts to head towards the horrid dam, then looks over his shoulder, sees the abomination rising from the water, pees himself, and take off for the opposite band. First Brunhard has stabbed him, then Kurdran, smites him as he tries to run away, then charges after him, and smites him again.

3d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4) = 15 Kobold Chaos Dice
1d100 ⇒ 79 Grievous wound: (splintered elbow)

His blow solidly striking the creatures elbow, as it tries to shield itself, and you can clearly see fragments of bone sticking through the skin, as it's spear falls to the ground, the Kobold clutching the bloody remnants of his arm in pain.

@ Murgrim: You've clearly seen better days, as it seems as though you've angered the gods. Though you clearly sent one of the creatures back into the cauldron, their weapons seem to be finding you with precision, and the pain of the wounds is almost as intense as your embarrassment at the injuries caused by these hated foes. Hunched over in pain you dash towards the javelin tosser who is pointing at you and laughing, but your loss of blood, and the slipperiness of the terrain, cause your blow to go astray.

@ Brunhard: You take another half hearted swing at the retreating kobold, but it seems that Kurdran has taken a particular dislike for him, and you are distracted by the horrendous creature rising from the depths... It shouldn't be possible... but there it is. Your back and resolve stiffen, and you drive your pike firmly into it's ... well whatever it is that you've just hit. Dark purple blood erupts from the wound, hissing as it hits the water, and you can see that it's acidity is beginning clinging to the end of your pike, and might soon began to eat away at the metal tip of the weapon.

1d6 ⇒ 4 Chaos Die

But though your pike struck deeply it seems to have only drawn the creatures attention.

@ Nuriah: Nuriah comes flying into the scene, bellowing like a banshee, but in her eagerness to make a solid impression, she slips, and is barely able to keep her balance, as her axe splashes deeply into the water missing the kobold, but slicing a curious frog completely in half (NOTE: No experience for the frog slaying... though it might offer opportunity for a fitting nickname).

@ Aurelie: Her mind deep into the battle, she notices the monstrosity emerge from the water, but she compartmentalizes it as something to be dealt with in time. She kicks up a spray of bloody water into the Kobold in front of her, and it cries out in pain, dropping it's shield to the water, and rubbing frantically at the mess in his/her eyes. As the other nearby Kobold flees in panic at the summoned beast, she swings at it, but snags it's clothing just enough to make her next blow on the one she'd just blinded to throw off her aim, as she cuts one of the straps holding the Kobold's javelin quiver off, dropping that object into the river as well.

@Skeggi: Skeggi belows an empty threat at the lone remaining, wounded Kobold, and swings his sword at him with ill intentions, and even more ill aim, and the sword sails at least a foot above the crying, blinded kobold with it's spear and javelins floating in the water at it's feet.

<<<END OF ROUND 3>>>

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........


The monstrous creature pulls the screaming shaman closer, and a toothy maw opens up, where one did not exist a moment ago, and with a slurp, the Shaman disappears into the beast. You can see that the touch of the things skin has eaten away at the cultists flesh, and he was probably dead before the thing consumed him. With another flailing tentacle it reaches for the crying Kobold in front of the rest of the group. (1-AP)

1d100 ⇒ 14 Tentacle (70%) (1-AP): Damage 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 The Kobold crying sharpens to ear-piercing heights for just a moment, and is suddenly quited, replaced by the sound of several bones cracking inside it's battered body at once.

As the Shaman is consumed, Brunhard, and Kurdran notice that the wound that Brunhard just inflicted on the beast, closes, and seals leaving not a trace of the damage. {1-AP)

The beast then turns two of it's stalked eyes towards Brunhard, and the man sees a strange intelligence in that glare. Brunhard hears a voice in his head.


Put away your puny weapon salt brother. It is not your time to die. Perhaps soon your master and mine shall come to arms but for now this is not your battle.

Shaman Descends to the gates of hell, and is assigned his hair underwear, and given a bucket of glowing coals and a pick.


Kobold #1 screams in terror from behind the dam, and begins running, splashing, swimming, crawling away as fast as his legs and arms will let him.
Since he's on the other side of the dam from everyone else there will be no opportunity attacks.

Kobold #2 Crouches in pain and terror at the base of the dam, and just out of the water... He begins to limp away, horrified at how bad his day has gotten. Kurdran can take an opportunity attack on the poor wounded creature if he wishes. Brunhard is too distracted at the moment to do the same.

Kobold #3 Weaves and dashes first heading towards the opposite bank, then changing his mind, and charging back through the gathered party. Aurelie, and Nuriah may make opportunity attacks as the creature tries to run past them. Skeggi is just a bit too far away for that.

Kobold #4 prepares to join his dead companion back in the cauldron.

Kobold #5 has already began to boil in the Cauldron.

Kobold #6 somehow uninjured this creature decides that discretion is the better part of valor, and slings his last javelin at the bleeding murderous Murgrim, before dashing away.

1d100 ⇒ 62 Javelin: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10 Damage

But in his haste to make tracks, the javelin sailed over the dwarves head, almost hitting his friend who is trying to head back the way they came from.

Murgrim can take an opportunity attack at this kobold if he wishes.

<<<Party is up>>>

Peril (8/14/20/26): Imperilled | Damage (7/13/19/25): Moderately Wounded | Init: 2d10+8 | Move: 5 | Fate: 1 | Corrupt: 25

Note that Murgrims previous round attack was a crit fail in case of GM adding something extra. Here is the extra physical peril roll 2d20 + 2 ⇒ (4, 7) + 2 = 13 Moving him one more down the peril track.

AoO on kobold:51: 1d100 ⇒ 5 for 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 damage.

Looking at the creature with some despair, knowing that he was in no state to engage the beast in battle besides his companions Murgrim scans the area. His eyes alight upon a one of the javelins hurled so cruelly at the party and sees a way to contribute without throwing himself into the maws. Slipping through the bloody muck to the tool he lets his sword drop and spins to hurl the snatched up weapon into the chaos fiend with a roar of pain at his movements.

Thrown javelin:51: 1d100 ⇒ 13 for 1d6 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 damage.

Male Human Hedge Knight | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 8/14/20/26): Seriously Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Round 4

As he witnesses the aberration take, then heal the keen hit he scored gives the doughty knight pause.

He holds position, bellowing back to his companions-in-arms;

"Retreat! All of you! This thing is beyond us... Finish any kobolde scum, then withdraw!"

Brunhard begins to back away, shield and corroded pike still as he attempts to get distance betwixt himself and the abomination... Maneuver (2AP)

As he shifts away the knight defiantly curses the creature;

"As you spake unto me Creature of the Abyss; destiny will perhaps draw us into bloody conflict again... Should it, you will find this servant of The Leviathan with sharper teeth!"

1 AP remaining should our abyssal friend change its mind...

Damn, my post on Sunday did not go through, not sure why. @Supreme Being, sorry for my confusion, I am still trying to visualize the scene as its evolving, and I figured as they only used a 1 AP move to get around the wall, it would not be hard to charge to them but forgot how deep the water was. I do not want to complicate things further, so I will just let the Round 3 charge succeed, and try to keep game flow more clear in my mind in the future.

As the badly beaten kobold attempts to flee, Kurdran swings his morgenstern once again with vicious glee.

Opportunity Attack (0 ap)

Martial Melee (combat(46)+apprentice): 56: 1d100 ⇒ 20
damage (fury+combat+light offhand): 1d6 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 6 + 1 = 10

Round 4

Move (1 ap)

Kurdran heard Brunhard's call to withdraw, and taking a glance at the monstrosity before them, he judged it a wise choice, even amidst the blood haze of battle. Taking the cue, he turned and moved hastily away from the depth of the pool.

2 AP remaining

Female Human (Furgen) Envoy | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 4/10/16/22): Lightly Wounded | Initiative: 8 | Movement: 6 | Fate Points: 2 | Corruption: 0

Opportunity Attack, Simple Melee (Apprentice) 51: 1d100 ⇒ 62

Aurelie tries to swipe at the retreating kobold once more, but her balance is still thrown off. She's unused to fighting in water like this, and in the thick of combat it's difficult to adjust. As she finds her footing, though, she hears Brunhard's call and turns to regard the knight. Her gaze also falls on the terrible beast now half-risen from the swirling waters, and between the sight and her companion's words, Aurelie steps back. Such an abomination surely should be destroyed... but there are other matters at hand, and a scholar to protect and guide. Besides, the Sisters of Serene are well aware that throwing away your life does no one good.

So Aurelie also splashes back through the water, retreating to dry land alongside her companions. Spending AP as needed to do so, although keeping 1 in reserve just in case.

Pilgrim | Peril (Threshold 7/13/19/25): Unhindered | Damage (Threshold 5/11/17/23): Moderate | Initiative: 7 | Movement: 7 | Fate Points: 1 | Corruption: 6

Round 4

Nuriah faint's hears Brunhard's shout, as she scrambles to pull her axe out of the water.

For a moment, she watches as the frog she cut in twain slowly sinks into the water, then her head snaps up to see the kobold she attacked slinking away ,but another running towards her...trying to flee.

Her axe somes up , streaming water, as she tries to intercept the fleeing kobold with it's blade....

Melee, Standard (56): 1d100 ⇒ 26
Damage: 5 + 1d6 ⇒ 5 + (1) = 6

Round 4

Frustrated by the way his own fight has gone and feeling more than ready to put some distance between himself and the monstrosity in the pool, Sulki makes to start a careful withdraw. His shield remains held ready as he bellows a repeat of Brunhard's order. "C'mon then. Back we go!" However, rather than heading directly back himself, he instead moves first towards Nuriah, aiming to put himself between his shieldless companion and the beast.

1 AP for movement and 2 in reserve? I'm a bit foggy as to locations and distances at this point

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

DM Rolls


K6 - 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10 Chaos Dice 1d100 ⇒ 92 Light Wound
{Twisted Ankle - Movement (-3_}
K2 - 3d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) = 8 Chaos Dice
K3 - 1d6 ⇒ 2 Chaos Dice

The Hellbeast opens another maw, and drops the recently deceased K4 into it before turning to the offending javelin of Murgrim, and speaking through two recently opened blubbery mouths to both Brunhard and Murgrim.
Brunhard & Murgrim


My patience grows thin salt brother. Rein in your near dead brethren, or hs shall serve to feed my growing hunger. Escape now before I change my mind.

The beast then lurches towards the makeshift dam, breaking it apart with his bulk, and weaving a tentacle towards the kobold standing there with his eyes closed convinced that if he can't see the the enemies, they can't see him.

1d100 ⇒ 38 Tentacle Attack (70%) Grabbing up the stupid beast and pulling it towards his mouth, while another tentacle grabs the headless corpse of the slain families dog and pulls it towards it's bulk.

K-1 - Preparing to be part of the Hell Beasts meal
K-2 - Jumps to his feet, and tries to move away from the seething cauldron of blood and body parts, but takes a blow from Kurdran as he tries to escape... which only hastens him along.
K-3 - Passes Nuriah headed over the rise, and running into the Scholar and the companies beasts of burden as he tops the hill.
K-4 - Being crunched and digested
K-5 - in the Caldron of creation.
K-6 - 12 yards away from Murgrim (Closest PC), and hightailing it as fast as he can upstream... though the attack from Murgrim as he retreated knocked him off balance, and caused him to injure his ankle.

The party is now up. For all intents and purposes the combat is over if you retreat, and head back over the rise, while the Hellbeast eats. If you wish to continue... feel free.


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

@Murgrim: slashes out at the Kobold as it tries to run by him, scoring a hit and wounding the little beast. He slips on a rock after the slashing blow, and his little ankle swells immediately, and his retreat is perhaps not as fast and graceful as he'd like. He then whirls and grabs a floating javelin, and with a grunt of pain spins and hurls it at the hulking hellbeast, scoring a hit just below one of its eye stalks. You hurt all over...

@Brunhard: Brunhard realizing that this is a battle for another time promises the beast retribution at a future time, and begins to back away, shielding the others as he moves away.

@Kurdran: Kurdran turns and smashes the Kobold who dared confront him as he tries to make his pitiful escape. Brunhard's words seem to get through to him however, and he makes his way towards the honorable human knight, and gritting his teeth, is able to tear himself away from his kobold foe... keeping an eye on the Hellbeast as he goes.

@Aurelie: As the Kobold she had been battling turns first towards the opposite bank, then attempts to run past her over the rise that the party approached from, the little beasts hesitation fooled her honed instincts, and the little creature was able to duck under her hurried ripost. She hesitates for a moment at leaving the hellbeast alive, but then realizes the value of Brunhard's words and begins to retreat back over the rise in the trail of the escaping kobold.

@Nuriah: Nuriah is raising her axe out of the water, and for some reason the scatterbrained Kobold almost runs into the blade as she retracts it from the water. The blade scours a deep cut on the ribcage of the fleeing monster, but he hardly seems to notice in his blind panicked retreat. Slinging frog guts, and kobold blood off her axe, she joins Aurelie in headed back towards her charges.

@Skeggi: Skeggi seeing that they should retreat and live to fight another day, still imposes himself between the raging Hellbeast and the retreating members of the party, making sure that if the unpredictable beast changes it's mind, the he'll be able to slow it down enough for the others to escape.

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