Marshal Blanc |

The station platform of Winter Junction is a wooden construction, solid enough and just off the ground. Long planks hammered into more of the same, raised up to keep travelers out of the mud on the rare rainy day, and a bit out of the dust on the more common dry ones. The rest of the town--if it can be called that--can be seen from the platform, about a dozen buildings in all. The most prominent are the station itself, which also serves as the postal office and jail, essentially housing all the government authorities present in the settlement; and the general store, which is itself little bigger than the few houses.
Winter Junction isn't meant to be a booming residential town, tough. The whole purpose is in its name. Winter Junction is simply a stopping off point for the rails headed in and out of Neverwinter, a day's horse ride Back East, about half a day by train from the city. Cargo is shipped here to be picked up by carriage or rider, and goods stop here to be inspected, when necessary, on their way in.
Of course, our story is concerned with folks heading away from the city. Folks going Out West, to the Frontier.
At present, there's one man and one wagon at the Winter Junction station platform. The wagon is heavily laden with basic goods: flour, salted pork, beer, shovels, picks, crowbars, lanterns, oil, and so on, perhaps a hundred dollars of the type of equipment needed for digging. The man is one Anders Hornby, the deputy stationmaster of Winter Junction. He's old and bent and thin, and wears simple clothing with a government cap on as he waits.
His waiting is almost over, as four figures simultaneously step onto the platform and approach the wagon. They've come from different walks of life, different places and pasts, but they're here for the same reason, now. They're westward bound, headed for Phandalin.

Tex Powderblack |

A grizzled but youngish dwarf, his beard not yet streaked with gray steps onto the platform, his spurs ever so slightly tinkling with each unsubtle footfall. He pulls his gun out, keeping it pointed at the ground, checks the action on the hammer, checks the cylinder and then spins it as he pushes it back in, then finally holsters it again, glancing warily to his left and to his right. After a moment, his darkened face brightens remarkably. "Well, howdy y'all," says the dwarf cheerfully. "Y'all hitchin' yer wagons to this here uh... Wagon, also?"
After a second, he thumps his chest (the sound somewhat muffled by his prodigious beard) and says "Texarkana Lee Powderblack at'cher service, but since we're all in this one here together, I reckon you can just call me Tex." His smile is enthusiastic, and overall his cheerful face seems to clash with his somber black clothes.

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Two men standing on the platform as the train arrives. One, a young human man dressed in dusty businessman attire with a black bowler hat. The other, a gnome standing a full 4' wearing traveled breaches with a light plaid shirt and a vest the same color as his breaches. The gnome seems to be doing all the talking and the businessman seems rather bored.
As Tex walks up and asks about the wagon, a call from behind signals the all clear to board the train. Hearing the call, the businessman seems to let a sigh of relief and turns to the gnome. "I just asked if you were interested in buying some of my famous remedy for what ails ya, I wasn't askin of the inner workins of a damned train!" And with that the business man grabs his large travel case and double steps it to the locomotive.
The gnome looks to Tex and smiles. "I've all done and hitched'. 'Fraid that fella won't be joining us though. I was trying to tell him of the healing power that steam can have on a person. Seems he wasn't all that interested. They call me Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank, you can just call me Jack if you prefer. Good ta meet cha mate!"
Jack has a short but wild looking blue beard with fairly bushy eyebrows. His leather hat is as worn as the rest of his attire and has a leather satchel strung over his shoulder crossing his body to the other side. He doesn't appear to be carrying a side arm.

Eberac Blackcoal |

A dirty looking dwarf covered in various pelts and leather, some accessories hanging from various places on his supposed clothing, mainly feathers.
A small pouch hanging with a small knot on his side and huge warhammer on his back, Eberac steps on the platform with heavy stomps and gruffs out with a thick accent "Oy, I heard tha' here be som' human, who wanna hir' some muscles, ay?"
Looking at other dwarf, gnome and human, Eberac spit on his hand and offers it to others, sooth covering his hand and spit gleaming on it "Ay, They be callin' me Eberac Blackcoal. Be som' time when I be her' in the town. Heard dat they be giving good works her' so me thought whae not"

Marshal Blanc |

The old human man smiles, a tad foolishly, and nods at Aren and the rest. "Yep, this is the spot fer the wagon guards. You must be the four of ya, right?" He visibly counts the group and nods again. "I'm Anders, just holding the wagons for you. The dwarf fella went on ahead to Phandalin, you're to meet him there. Wagons to Barthen's Provisions, if I'm not mistaken. I got the letter if'n ya wanna read it." Anders pulls a letter out of his vest pocket and waves you toward the wagon, already hitched to a pair of horses.
"It's all loaded up and ready to go, you got all yer supplies here. There's water and food for you lot and the horses under the sackcloth in back, enough for your trip out that way. Should be a couple days; just head out that road, take the sign for the Triboar Trail, then the sign for Phandalin. Don't need anything else, then?" Anders smacks his dry lips and looks at you expectantly.

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Jack smiles broadly at his four new companions and steps forward to take the letter from Anders. "Lets just have a look-see shall we?" With the letter in hand he walks over to the wagon. The gnome puts his leather satchel and backpack on the wagon and then opens the letter to read it.

Tex Powderblack |

"Well pleased to meet'cher!" Says Tex enthusiastically, spitting in his own hand and shaking Eberrac's. He crosses his left hand over his right and grabs Aren's as well. "That's right lad, good to meet ya too!" He uncrosses his arms and twists, putting Eberrac and Aren into a handshake, freeing his hands so he can clap Wallaby Jack on the back. "You'll have to tell me all about that steam thing ya mentioned. Later though, I figure."
He listens carefully to the instructions, nodding to the old human and committing Triboar Trail and Phandalin to memory. "Thanks for holding onto everything for us Anders," he says, giving a warm nod to the older gentleman. "We'll be sure to take good care of it. If that's all you've got to tell us, I reckon I don't have any questions or concerns." He sets his ruck on the wagon next to Wallaby Jack and reads over the gnome's shoulder.

Marshal Blanc |

"Sure thing, fella." Anders hands the folded paper to Jack and stands by while the gnome reads it. The letter is short and to the point, explaining what Anders has already said: Gundrenn Rockseeker rode ahead to Phandalin, accompanied by Sild Winter, his security chief. He's expecting the wagon to arrive in a few days' time, so it looks like it's time to get going.
"If that's all, then I wish you boys good luck. Say howdy to that dwarf fella for me, an' keep an eye out for bandits an' such on the road!" Anders chuckles and steps back, ready to wave you off once you're all loaded up and ready to go.
You guys can decide who drives the wagon, the rest of you are riding. Not that it particularly matters.
The first day and night of travel pass by without anything of interest--a couple riders pass on the road, but otherwise it's quiet travel. You folks may or may not be much for talking, but there's plenty chance to get to know each other as much as'll be allowed.
The second day, you turn onto the Triboar Trail by midmorning, and continue traveling along at a good pace. Shortly after lunch, though, you come around a bend to a grisly and ominous scene. A pair of horses lie dead in the middle of the trail, blocking the path from anything larger than a walking man. Several black-feathered arrows are lodged in each of the carcasses, clearly the cause of death. As you slow the wagon and your own horses begin to prance nervously, you look around and realize that the trail has dipped low here, with small rock rises on each side, sparse brush, boulders, and the occasional tree providing more cover. Seems like a good place for an ambush...

"Aren" |

during the Journey:
Aren introduces himself by name and then doesn't say much. If anything, it appears that he is unaccustomed to being around people.
At the scene of the dead horses, Aren will say "We should go take a look and see if there is anyone who needs our help. There might be someone hurt down there, and we should also take a look and see if the things that did the ambushing are still around."

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Jack is not the greatest at handling the horses but he's willing to give it a shot.
During the trip Jack asks "So what brings all of you out west here? I kinda like it here. Pretty different that the ol bush back home. Either way though, I think this trips been going off quite well."
As the wagon stops at the ambush sight, Jack says a short incantation in conjunction with a few strange gestures. For a moment a feint shimmer surrounds him and then disappears. Casting Mage Armor "I do think being a sneak might be a good way to go here. "

Eberac Blackcoal |

During the journey Eberac speaks to himself from time to time, murmuring occasionally something about pelts, water and good hunting grounds.
Hearing the question from Jack, Eberac shrugs his shoulders "Na, me just kind' figure it out that it wud be nice to see new places. Also be hearin' of a new things, like thos' boomsticks you be carrying. Would lik' to get one of them for me self, if ya know what I mean. All boom and that like" speaking bluntly and words coming out as they formed in his mind
Seeing the carcasses and arrows, Eberac looks around and seems a bit eager about the possibilties "I dunn' about you peeps, but I be smelling a possible brawl. Somethin' to get me blood running, hehe" chuckling to himself as Eberac begins to lift his hammer while dropping from the horse.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Marshal Blanc |

Sorry all, I've been on the road, busy visiting family, and haven't had time to check in, also wanted to see if Tex had anything to say.
Eberac drops down to the ground and lifts his hammer, glancing around. He quickly spots the obvious danger that accompanies the roadblock: a half-dozen goblins attempting to hide in the cover around the trail. The others see them as well, and are unsurprised when the goblins move to attack--Aren even has the opportunity to act in the moment before they do.
Aren <--
Wallaby Jack
Aren: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Eberac: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Tex: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Wallaby Jack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
Goblins: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Aren's up. 4 of the goblins are within 60 squares, so in range for a pistol, and they're all within range of a rifle. 4 have bows, 2 have small melee weapons.

Tex Powderblack |

Wooooo sorry, had an excruciating week, my mom's getting evicted and we're trying to pack up all her everything.
--Back on the trail--
"It ain't my first time out on the frontier," chuckles Tex. "But that prairie wind always feels somethin' lovely blowin' through m' beard." He thumps Eberrac on the back. "Aye, I'd imagine it'd be feeling even better through yours, old timer!" He laughs bawdily and loudly (though probably not with anyone else) before landing one heavy, overlarge hand on Aren's shoulder and winking at him. "Don't worry lad, you'll get to feel that too, once you've done and grown up a bit."
"If you want a fine boomstick, talk to the Powderblack Co. or one of their fine retailers," He says after Eberrac brings up his desire for a gun.
Throughout the journey, he'll take the reins whenever anyone wants a break, but doesn't seem too skilled with horses either. He wakes every morning in time to watch the sun rise, and holds a golden badge to his heart and prays as he does so.
--At the ambush site--
"Aw, this ain't even a little bit right," says Tex, stepping off the wagon, landing a little softer than the other dwarf and reaching for his pistol.
Let me know if I have time to draw before my action, if not I'll make do. :)

Marshal Blanc |

Ouch, very sorry to hear that, Tex. Best wishes to you and yours. Also, my apologies for not responding sooner.
Aren draws his pistol and leaps down from the wagon, moving forward to slide behind a rock closer to the goblins. I'm assuming you'd want cover.
The goblins themselves are quick to attack. Two come dashing out of cover with sharp, makeshift melee weapons, and one, equipped with a small axe, chops it at Aren as it comes near. The youth tries to duck back, but the goblin surprises him, and the axe sinks deep into his thigh, drawing a well of blood and sharp pain. Aren, take 6 damage.
Meanwhile, the other four goblins fire arrows from their bows, one at each of the party. Eberac is unflinching as the arrow grazes along his skin, but each of the others are hit--Aren in the shoulder, causing him to black out from pain (5 damage, bringing you to 0, unfortunately); Jack directly in the chest, also dropping the gnome (8 damage, dang); and Tex in the shoulder, although only the arrow's tip pierces flesh (3 damage). That quickly, things go south for our heroes, from spotting the ambush to trouble in an instant, as half their number falls.
Everyone's up, although I need death saving throws from Aren and Jack. Tex, you can draw a weapon for free as part of your turn, so go ahead and start shooting. Apparently you guys are gonna need it.
Aren Range: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Eberac Range: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Jack Range: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Tex Range: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18 Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Jack begins the arcane gestures of an offensive spell when *SKPLIRTCH!* a crude arrow pierces his magical protections and dives into his chest critically wounding him. He slumps on the wagon bench unconscious.
Death Save: 1d20 ⇒ 20
Woot! Auto stabilize. the natural 20 mean I'm also conscious at 1 hp correct?
If so this is how Jack will finish his turn.
Jack comes to with a light cough. Although the pain of the arrow in his chest is excruciating, he stays bent over hoping the goblins don't shoot him again while he regains his bearings.

Eberac Blackcoal |

Round 1
A small menacing grin appears on Eberac face as he gives happy chuckle "Ay, tim' to get mah axe meet some bone and meat. It be a drumming time boys, but with your skulls" as he begins slowly walking towards goblins.
The sudden drop of Aren in front of him manages to rise his eyebrow a bit and soon another sound of the gnome being hit and dropping, manages to cause snarl escape from Eberac.
With a sudden fury, Eberac lunges forward towards the goblins as he raises his massive hammer overhead and brings it down towards one of the goblins
Rage 1/2
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
1d12 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
HP: 15/15

Tex Powderblack |

Tex draws his pistol, takes a potshot at one of the goblins well away from Eberrac and starts jogging towards Aren. The gnome still looks like he's drawing breath, but the lad looks like he's having a rougher time of it. "Dammit boy," he mutters as he picks up into a jog, "Why'd you have to run so damn far?"
Attack with Revolver: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Welp. I shot the hell out of that tumbleweed what happened to be driftin' on by.
Also, for purposes of determining whether I need to double move and slide to home and Lay on Hands for Aren next round, how far did he run?

Marshal Blanc |

Eberac dashes forward with his hammer held high, and the goblin lets out only a brief squeal before having most of its upper body smashed at once. The wild-eyed dwarf casts his gaze about at the other attackers, as though daring them to strike. Tex, meanwhile, fires at the goblin standing over Aren's body, but the shot glances off the rock. Jack comes to after his brief blackout, but keeps his head down to avoid further fire.
Jack is indeed at 1 HP, and Aren has one success on his death saving throws. Eberac has killed a goblin, and Tex, I'm assuming, moves into cover at the end of his movement (since there's enough around for people to do that if not in melee). Since Aren double moved forward, let's say that you could move forward and Lay on Hands in one round.
The goblins' assault continues, with the archers splitting their attacks between the two dwarves before them. Two arrows thunk into the dirt of the trail, but Eberac is sliced deeply in the ribs (8 damage) and Tex catches one in the gut, briefly doubling him over from the pain. The axe-wielding goblin by Aren only stares, though, clearly unnerved by the ferocity of Eberac's attack.
You guys are up again--yeesh, the rolls against you are rough, but three of you are up and fighting still, and remember you can use an action to use a healing surge (I'll let you use your 1 hit die) if you want.
Tex Attacks: 2d20 ⇒ (8, 20) = 28 Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 9

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Way ahead of ya on the healing surge.
Jack crawls quickly over the wagon bench into the back of the wagon trying to catch his breath. Every time the arrow shaft bumps into anything Jacks face balls up in pain. Once under the cover of the wagon, Jack assesses the damage and does his best to forget the pain. He had read about mind over matter. So he tries to apply those techniques.
Surge: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Jack after a moment breaks the front half of the arrow off and looks down suprised that the bleeding has stopped for the moment. "Croiky! It actually works!"

Eberac Blackcoal |

mhm, isnt that damage actually halved against Eberac? Due to him as a barbarian having Resistance against bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage?
Raging among the goblins Eberac raises his greataxe as he moves towards another goblin, ignoring all the pain and giving long widing arc as his axe split the wind
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
1d12 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
HP: 11/15 or 7/15

Tex Powderblack |

(Shootin': Aiming as a Bonus Action): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
You'd like to hope so, and this time he might actually do it. :P
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 3
or not
Slowed slightly from the bullet he just took, Tex huffs and puffs behind cover for a second before popping up and firing, resuming his jog towards Aren. "Get on back to where you came from you goldarned lily-livered ambushin' sonsab$*~!es! I said git!"

Marshal Blanc |

Eberac's mighty blow cleaves the goblin by Aren, freeing up the space for Tex to slide into cover there. As he moves, the gunslinging dwarf fires, catching one of the goblins in the leg.
The archers return fire, and another hail of arrows comes shooting down at the dwarves--seems the goblins either haven't noticed Jack, or haven't decided to shoot at him just yet. Two arrow hit Eberac, one skimming along his thigh (1 damage), but the other strikes him high in the stomach, bringing searing pain despite his rage (5 damage). Behind cover, Tex fares a little better, with one arrow glancing off the rock, but the second hits him in the meat between his neck and shoulder, and he finally drops himself (5 damage, which by my count does drop you to 0).
Eberac and Jack are up, and I need death saving throws from Aren (last one for you if you succeed) and Tex, unfortunately. You guys can't seem to catch a break here.
Tex: 2d20 ⇒ (15, 7) = 22 Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Well I was half righ. Just didn't drop him.
Jack peeks over the wagon chair and sees two of his companions down and the third riddled with arrows. Oh boy oh boy. Not good. Quickly stringing together the arcane words needed to produce a jet of acid, he then ducks behind the bench again to crawl to the back of the wagon.
Acid Splash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Wow we really can't catch a break.

Eberac Blackcoal |

As the pain pushes through his rage, Eberac curses as he spits blood out of his mouth and grabs the arrow, ripping it out of his stomach while beginning to move towards archers, being consumed by his rage and losing all reasoning as he begins to wildly swing his Greataxe
Greataxe Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Greataxe Damage: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Healing Surge: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 or Healing Surge: 1d12 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Was it 1d6 or the full 1d12 for the healing surge? Rolled both to be just sure but there was not so big difference in the end
HP: 11/15 or 14/15

Tex Powderblack |

I'm just gonna go ahead and roll my next death save so that when next round rolls in we're not waiting on me.
Death Saving: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Aaaaaaand we're one and one for now.
Half-conscious, Tex puts a hand to the wound, trying to stem the blood flowing around the still-embedded arrow. "You ain't brought me back just for this, I reckon. C'mon..." He breathes trying to collect himself and sit up before slumping immediately back to the ground, grunting in pain.

Marshal Blanc |

Woops, lost track of where we were.
Wallaby Jack tries to fire an acidic blast at one of the goblins, but it splashes against a nearby stone, sending up a spray of smoke, but nothing more. Eberac, meanwhile, ducks into some cover and takes a moment to focus his rage, pushing away the pain and the blood and the arrows sticking to him.
The goblins, however, seem less inclined to take a break, and fire another volley, this time divided between Eberac and Jack. Their aim seems less spectacular now, though, and the arrows skitter off rocks and hit the side of the wagon, leaving Eberac and Jack unscathed for now.
Everyone up except Tex, Aren needs 1 more success, and while Eberac technically would lose his rage now by the rules, I'm not a big fan of that, at least in this fight. I'd guess I'll rule rage loss more on circumstances and such than just "You didn't attack and didn't get hit."
Jack: 1d20 + 4 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 4 - 5 = 101d20 + 4 - 5 ⇒ (11) + 4 - 5 = 10

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Jack moves from behind the wagon heading for the tree line. He stops midway and fires another jet of acid. Aiming for the wounded goblin that Tex shot. If that goblin is next to another goblin he will take damage as well.
Acid Splash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Marshal Blanc |

I'll say they are, yes. I also just double-checked the spell, and it calls for a Dexterity saving throw on the goblin's part rather than an attack roll on yours. It's a little late to go back and alter old results, but I'll try to keep up on that from now on.
Saving Throws, DC 14: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 101d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Jack darts out into cover and sprays another glob of acid. This one has somewhat better luck than the last, and two goblins shriek in pain as their skin begins to melt away, steam rising up and one corpse falling to the ground.

Eberac Blackcoal |

His wounds healing rapidly and the blood flow stopping, Eberac moves out of cover and approaches the last standing goblin(s) as he swing his axe
Greataxe attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Greataxe damage: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Greataxe damage Crit: 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
I would also be fine with the ruling of not being anymore in range but I can understand. The game just started and we were already close enough for TPK... talk about luck or unlucky

Marshal Blanc |

No problem either way, one damage roll alone would be enough to kill a goblin. In fact, being that I want you guys to win, and I always play Rule of Cool if I can help it...
With a roar, Eberac charges up the embankment on one side of the trail, vaulting over a stray rock as he leaps for the goblin archers there. The pair shriek and try to step back, but with one mighty swing, Eberac cleaves through both of the creatures, his axe cutting a wide arc of death.
The last goblin, seeing its compatriots dead and feeling the burning of the acid itself, lets out a scream and throws its bow to the ground. It takes off away from the trail, winding through some of the scrub and other obstacles on its way, apparently giving up on this particular fight.
Combat is over unless people decide to give chase to the goblin. I'll also say there's enough time for one Medicine roll each from Eberac and Jack, should they wish to attempt it, before Aren and Tex have to keep rolling death saving throws; currently Aren is at 2 successes and 2 failures, and Tex is at 1 success and 1 failure.

Eberac Blackcoal |

The Rage slowly disappearing and exhaustion slowly seeping into his muscles, Eberac moves towards otherwise as the fresh blood and bits of goblin drops from his axe.
Approaching the bodies to check on Thema, Eberac notes that both are still alive gut barely and begins immediately apply first-aid with the little knowledge he has
healing: 1d20 ⇒ 4

Wallaby Jack Fizzlecrank |

Jack peaks out of the bushes he was finding cover in to see a awe inspiring final blow from Eberac. Thinking to himself "Need to remember not be makin that one mad"
Looking around, Jack notes the direction the last goblin runs off and then turns his attention to his companions. Running up to Aren who fell at the same time as himself.
Heal: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Oh for Petes sake! Sorry Aren!