Thaumaturge implement be use as exorcist spirit dwelling as well?

Rules Discussion

so is the thaumaturge basic mirror implement a mundane item? I ask for the purpose of stacking it as a spirit dwelling for a exorcist archetype. party is arguing that since I use it to produce a magical affect it's a non mundane item, I feel it's no different from a holy symbol some classes need them to cast but there still mundane.

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Spirit Dwellings and Remnants wrote:
A spirit dwelling can be any object, from an everyday item like a mirror, hand bell, or gemstone, to a custom clockwork device, so long as it can be held in one hand, is light Bulk, and doesn't serve another function (such as a weapon, shield, consumable, or magic item).

The bit I bolded is the important part. Examples can't be exhaustive without wasting pages, so "such as..." lists the most common adventurer possessions that might have "another function" but not all of them. Clearly a thaumaturge's implement has "another function" so no, I would rule that your mirror implement cannot moonlight as a spirit dwelling

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