[Interjection Games] Strange Magic 2 launches at noon EST today, 7 / 10!

Product Discussion

We're finally ready to roll, ladies and gentlemen! Strange Magic 2, a new collection of non-Vancian spellcasting for Pathfinder and 5e, launches today at noon EST (GMT-5).

Preview the campaign before it goes live, or pick up the 45-page preview PDF (available just before noon) that shows off the systems that are getting expanded. The release order for the component thirds of Strange Magic 2 is as follows:

Herbalism (PFRPG, then 5e)
Cartomancy (PFRPG, then 5e)
Onmyodo (PFRPG, then 5e)

And we're live! :)

backed! looking forward to these products :)

It'll be a long haul, to be sure, but the end result will most definitely be worth it.

Backed at the $40 level!
Here's a link to the campaign!

And backed. Oh, there's a preview doc too? ;)

Yeah, for once I'm letting people look at what they're funding. Absolute MADNESS, isn't it?

I'm not sure if it's the art or the preview, but I've pulled down 10 people from Kickstarter's discovery queue in the first day. For me at least, that's an absolute record, and it's got me considering the trickle of the whole middle portions of the campaign in a VERY positive light.

Backed the campaign, now just need to find ways to spread the word.

I've got no idea where the 5e folks congregate. Ideas?

Well, you can start with Paizo's own "4th edition (and beyond)" board, which has a lot of 5e discussion. Other than that, the rpg.net forums have a section for advertising your own products and such. ENWorld has a 5e following too. I think you can post about a Kickstarter on GitP, but only in one thread and only with stringent restrictions.
At the very least I'd suggest making a thread on the 4e/5e portion of the Paizo forums....

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Maybe reddit? Not sure, I don't really have much interest in it myself.

Backed. Loved Strange Magic and this seems like it could be quite fun. Anything to give my players more options for casters that are NOT Vancian makes me happy.

Luthorne wrote:
Maybe reddit? Not sure, I don't really have much interest in it myself.

Aye, I'll give Reddit a shot. The Pathfinder subreddit has left a bad taste in my mouth ever since Endzeitgeist got attacked on it, but I suppose I may as well.

137ben wrote:

Well, you can start with Paizo's own "4th edition (and beyond)" board, which has a lot of 5e discussion. Other than that, the rpg.net forums have a section for advertising your own products and such. ENWorld has a 5e following too. I think you can post about a Kickstarter on GitP, but only in one thread and only with stringent restrictions.

At the very least I'd suggest making a thread on the 4e/5e portion of the Paizo forums....

Thanks a lot, Ben. I'm making a move on the 5e boards now, and enworld appears to respect press releases with front page coverage, so I'll hit that up, too. As for the forums that segregate advertising traffic to an unloved side area, like giantitp and rpg.net, I'm not going to bother. Giantitp's one thread is nothing more than a bloated trap, and rpg.net will get maybe 25 sets of eyeballs on the project.

Just took a look at the Preview doc - the addition of the sample cards for the cartomancer is great. Looking at the cartomancer, II can see a lot of room for customization for that class.

How do the cards interact with the Kickstarter? I'm not talking physical rewards, more on the level of art and/or creating more content (stretch goals?).

I'll be having a card back done up professionally for them. Beyond that, I'll just make a slightly-sexier version of the front and roll with it.

Kickstarter keeps freezing my computer and messing stuff up - not sure why - but I got a pledge in. ^^

Thanks for your dedication, Rednal!

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Well, you DO have a history of making fun and interesting subsystems... XD How could I resist?

GM Rednal wrote:
Well, you DO have a history of making fun and interesting subsystems... XD How could I resist?

Make a Will save?

On a more serious note, Strange Magic 2 is due to surpass the backer count for Strange Magic 1 before the first week is out. Now that's progress!

Just shy of $3700 - that's over 90% funded with three weeks to go. :)

I'm interested in the first two, no three stretch goals. I actually like PrC's with flavor and that don't detract from the character's advancement thematically. And I've been hounding Bradley for a Dark Petitioner since the initial release of the Onmyoji. I'd also like to see unfettered shikigamis, but only if we get instructions for making cute kitsune, tanuki and other origami critters out of paper, yanno, like real origami instructions. Not necessarily at miniature scale.

We're just shy of $4000 right now: $3992 to be exact. The guy who pledged $1 to bring it up to $3992 just about gave me a heart attack.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


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Well, sounds like we'll get there, then!

EDIT: Yup.

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Congratulations to Interjection Games!!

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