Divine Bond and Bless Weapon?

Rules Questions

Can both of these be used on the same weapon and stack for the limited purpose of bypassing DR?

For instance 4th Level Paladin has +3 heavy flail. She activates her Divine Bond and chooses to turn her weapon into a +4 heavy flail. She then casts Bless Weapon on the same heavy flail. For bypassing DR ONLY is it now considered a +5 weapon?

They are both classified as enhancement, but bless says it is not actually an enhancement bonus on a bonus to bypassing DR.

Also same Paladin with same weapon. If the she activates her Divine Bond to get flaming and then casts Bless Weapon is the item +3 Flaming for attacks but +4 for bypassing DR?

I think it pretty obvious the auto confirm for crits of Bless Weapon would apply in both circumstances.

No, any actual enhancement (even a +1) supersedes Bless Weapon's "treated as having a +1 enhancement".

Bless Weapon does not give you a +1 enhancement increase for bypassing DR, it is treated as a flat +1 for bypassing DR.

Put another way, Bless Weapon allows you to:
1) Bypass DR/Magic of evil creatures (the only thing +1 enhancement does vs DR).
2) Deal damage (the normal 1/2 damage) to evil incorporeal creatures (what a +1 enhancement does vs incorporeal creatures).
3a) The weapon becomes good aligned allowing you to bypass DR/Good (not related to the "treated as having a +1 enhancement").
3b) The weapon becomes good aligned allowing you to shut down Regen/Good (not related to the "treated as having a +1 enhancement").
4) Automatically confirms critical hits vs evil creatures (not related to the "treated as having a +1 enhancement").

In short, only clauses 3 and 4 matter on a weapon with a +1 enhancement and clause 3a doesn't matter on a weapon with a +4 enhancement.

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