Rumors of CRB update?

Product Discussion

Silver Crusade

Is there a plan to update the Core Rule Book soon? If so, when and is it mainly just errata or material information that most players will want to update to.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There have been no statements indicating a new edition. When they sell down their print run, they'll do another printing that will reflect a new set of errata.

There have been a few errata that have been substantive, but most have been typo and formatting. Bestiaries have tended to have some numerical fixes. You can see what they have been in the past on the product pages for the individual items to see what I mean.

I also highly doubt there will be a major change within the next year or two. They have plotted out the RPG line a while in advance and the next product is Pathfinder Unchained, which is where they would put the kinds of substantive changes you're talking about as optional rules. None of my musings are official, though, as I'm just a somewhat attentive observer.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The CRB gets errated with every printing, thou I'm not sure if there is one around the corner.

Pathfinder Unchained, coming this April, will be a book of alternative rules which are supposed to exist beside but not replace the CRB.

So that's pretty much that.

Silver Crusade

I think rumors might be popping up because of the new CORE campaign mode.

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

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There are no plans for this at the moment.

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