To Small Companies, Small Groups & Independent Agents

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm currently seeking out tight knit groups and independent agents that want to keep their individual identities to team up with the Magistry for the betterment of a Neutral Good Settlement. Where exactly is still to be determined by the land rush results, but if our choices go well we'll be located in the North.

We will be an ideal location for small groups that want to come together for the protection of the settlement's inhabitants, but otherwise have the freedom to do their own thing.

You can find our listing on the land rush here:

The Current Settlement Focus:
Upgrading the defensibility of the settlement
Upgrading facilities used for crafts that upgrade the defensibility of the settlement
Arcane and Martial training facilities
We will also be working towards facilities for other tradeskills, prioritized after those that contribute to settlement defense upgrades
(Preferably non-aggressive) Expansion
(More to be announced by location)

Current Settlement Support:
The Magistry itself is about 35 members strong at the moment (though more will be joining us later) with some of our settlement support already coming from The Steel City Knights, and independents. In order to build a successful settlement though we will need, and want, the support of at least a couple other moderate sized companies and as many free agents and small companies as we can. We've also started discussions with other friendly groups towards lucrative trade agreements.

This settlement will also be supported by the Ash Knights, Magistry's combat & PvP focused division. The Ash Knights are a separate Protector Company with more of a PVP focus than Magistry proper, but their guild announcement has been withheld until after the initial land rush.

Dysfunctional Forums:
I wanted to make a settlement thread but unfortunately the ability to edit posts is a no-go around these parts, so after today I'll let this thread fall off the great cliff of page 1 (All threads die on page 2 from suffocation, it's in the rulebook somewhere). The name of the settlement will depend on location and a new thread will be started tomorrow when it's finalized. (Not that anything in the land rush is really final after the first week but we'll at least know if we got our preferred terrain type.)

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Bah, They don't want to join some dusty Wizard's Guild, when there's exploring and treasure to be had!

The ladies aren't impressed by your ability to conjugate a Thassilonian verb; they want to see the colour of your gold!

Come to Thod's lodge in Landrush, and we'll see if you've got what it takes to be a Pathfinder.

Goblin Squad Member

Wizard's guild? Do I look like a wizard to you??

Goblin Squad Member

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For the record, only Thod and KC are allowed to poach on my threads. You have squatters rights granted for humor value.

Goblin Squad Member

Anyone looking to join a good aligned settlement should definitely consider this one, we are looking forward to a thriving exchange of goods and services with Magistry and are excited to get to know those as share a settlement with them.

Some of the services we will provide as part of these efforts will be Rogue and Cleric training at discounted rates, and easy access to goods transport and mercenary services. Magistry is a great company to fall in with and we are certainly open to adding more companies to our list of allies.

Goblin Squad Member

Darcnes wrote:
Some of the services we will provide as part of these efforts will be Rogue and Cleric training at discounted rates, and easy access to goods transport and mercenary services. Magistry is a great company to fall in with and we are certainly open to adding more companies to our list of allies.

This is actually going to work out really well for members of both settlements....we are going to compliment each other well both in terms of terrain type/resources and in terms of training focus. Looking forward to this relationship.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:
For the record, only Thod and KC are allowed to poach on my threads. You have squatters rights granted for humor value.


THANKS for that !! So if you are looking for some like minded PFS players - I'm trying to build up a settlement that can be used as gathering place for all PFS players.

Have a look at PFS Settlement close to the Emerald Spire

After all - the Pathfinder Society really should try to get a foothold in PFO and somewhere close to the Emerald Spire just seemed the right spot. But you won't go wrong with Magistry - we will be welcoming to any PFS player no matter which alliance they are from provided they don't misuse our hospitality.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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What happened before in Aragon

Theodum found himself much further to the North then he had expected. He took out the map of the area and with red ink circled the place he had just barely escaped from without being hurt or robbed.

He wouldn't be that lucky a second time. He then looked at the map again and moved towards the next place where he expected a settlement. This looked much more welcoming to him.

Theodum took a short walk around the place. Darn - this looks really nice and comfortable. Did I really decide to go back to field work - build something up from scratch - do the dirty work for the Decemvirate without being properly rewarded.
Didn't I learn anything in my years as Pathfinder field agent?

Looks like the Magistry would be a much better place in my old age to retire. Why not let the youth do all the work ...

Aahh - but where would all the young Pathfinders go?

He looked again on the map - especially the North of it. He circled it with a large green marker and noted next to it - "To be visited soon".

He then looked back on the map that now showed a red cross next to the Emerald Spire, a red circle and a green circle.

Seems I slowly manage to find my way around.

Goblin Squad Member

<Magistry> Toombstone wrote:
Wizard's guild? Do I look like a wizard to you??

More like something a Wizard might summon, to be honest...

Freevale contains the Mammoth Knights, Mooncalves, a hypothetical graverobbing guild, and the Chaotic Lawfuls, among some other minor companies. Don't mistake joining someone's settlement for sacrificing your individuality! Adopt Freevale as your company's patron, and discover how close the magic can be!

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Don't mistake joining someone's settlement for sacrificing your individuality!

That's a good reminder for smaller groups looking for a home. Small groups, you're desired right now, so take your time and find the right home.

Magistry is certainly among those looking for other companies with whom to share our settlement.

I guess that's kind of obvious, given the thread we're in, isn't it :P

Goblin Squad Member

KC: Your poaching might work better if it wasn't a duplication of our marketing. We're already trying to let people keep their individuality. Try telling them the benefits of kobold raiding. NOTHING LIKE STOPPING AT THE MOON RADISH PATCH AMIRIGHT? (Sorry, random kingmaker reference)

Goblin Squad Member

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:
(Sorry, random kingmaker reference)

One should never need to apologize for random Kingmaker references.

<Magistry> Athansor wrote:
KC: Your poaching might work better if it wasn't a duplication of our marketing. We're already trying to let people keep their individuality. Try telling them the benefits of kobold raiding. NOTHING LIKE STOPPING AT THE MOON RADISH PATCH AMIRIGHT? (Sorry, random kingmaker reference)

I'm more just pointing out that every guild lets you keep your individuality, with some exceptions. Don't want the independents thinking that's a rare thing in the current "market".

Goblin Squad Member

It's a good thing to point out. I've received a lot of messages/emails about it though, as a lot of people still equate the guild land rush to "JOIN THIS GUILD".

Goblin Squad Member

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Magistry is a great move for these smaller groups. Hope it works out.

Goblin Squad Member

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
I'm more just pointing out that every guild lets you keep your individuality, with some exceptions. Don't want the independents thinking that's a rare thing in the current "market".

Well, we sure allow companies who join Taur-im-Duinath to keep their individuality ... as long as it's an *Elvish* individuality.

Goblin Squad Member

Like a shining beacon of hope, in the vast darkness of despair, Magistry's call to arms again sits atop the forums.

Pick up arms, brothers and sisters, and join us in the light.

We eagerly seek other companies as devoted to each other as we are to our own, to join us in our settlement. The bonds we have with each other are what will allow us to prosper. Surrounding yourself with the right people is what will lead to a fun, worthwhile, and lasting experience in this game, hopefully for years to come. Small companies, you are highly sought after right now so take your time and find the right people with whom to share a home.

We happily invite individuals who have not yet found that right group of people to consider us, as well. Our focus is on each other and on our settlement, and we will enjoy a lot of freedom to pursue our own interests in Magistry.

Any good aligned or True Neutral group or individual is welcome.

Anybody with any questions, please feel free to PM either myself or Athansor. I'm an eyeball and he's a bird, so the choice might come down to whether you're more comfortable with someone staring at you, or squawking at you.

Join Us

...punch and pie

Goblin Squad Member

How does Magistry feel about me, hmmm?

What do you have planned for diplomats (as in the skill training/buildings, not embassies and treaties and whatnot)?

What is your objective size, both population and area (I understand exact boundaries will not be existent)?

What are taboos?

Is there any sort of behavior (in-game rp stuff, not like grieving and whatnot) that you are against/won't allow?

What is your disposition of armed forces (be vague if you wish, I'm asking what you feel about mercs making up some guard slots)?

What is your look on alignments?

Gov't type, how it was chosen, why, who is allowed to rule, how long that rule lasts, goal for leadership, and dessimination of orders throughout land (e.g. indefinite tyrant by nature of ownership, main guild and signed allies only, each "district" of settlement and owned lands has a subruler chosen by tyrant)?

Please, feel free to pm me if you desire.

Goblin Squad Member

Athansor might have some concrete ideas about some of these(and he might not), but honestly I think it's still too early to be making a lot of concrete decisions. What we don't know still outweighs what we do know, and it doesn't seem useful to make arbitrary decisions based on incomplete information, that you're just going to change down the road anyway.
Aren't I helpful :P

Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:
How does Magistry feel about me, hmmm?

Mostly apathy, but I blame your plague doctor mask.

BrotherZael wrote:
What do you have planned for diplomats (as in the skill training/buildings, not embassies and treaties and whatnot)?

PLANNED? Nothing quite yet. We aren't barring our gates though, and further can't really be determined until we know more about the in-game mechanics.

BrotherZael wrote:
What is your objective size, both population and area (I understand exact boundaries will not be existent)?

We'll be seeking non-aggressive expansion for the most part, and our objective population will be whatever can efficiently operate the settlement and surrounding structures/POI. This will probably have a lot to do with how active the average member of the settlement is. Settlement protection is also a concern when it comes to population. Our primary concern, in fact.

BrotherZael wrote:
What are taboos?

Sometimes we let Calistrians in... OH, OHHH, not what you meant. As a settlement laws/rules may pop up by popular opinion but Magistry rule #1 is just "be good to each other". Other than that we don't really want to be policing people constantly.

BrotherZael wrote:
Is there any sort of behavior (in-game rp stuff, not like grieving and whatnot) that you are against/won't allow?

Only alignment concerns come to mind. As a Neutral Good settlement (with more of a lawful leaning than a chaotic one) certain RP might clash with other characters at the settlement. I'm sure the settlement wouldn't take too kindly to one of its members putting out a contract on another.

BrotherZael wrote:
What is your disposition of armed forces (be vague if you wish, I'm asking what you feel about mercs making up some guard slots)?

We hopefully won't need to use mercenaries to guard our settlement, but if it came down to it, the protection of our people comes first. (Answer is, not likely)

BrotherZael wrote:
What is your look on alignments?

Neutral Good is the popular choice, Lawful good fully supported and appreciated. Chaotic good gets some wary eyebrows as troublemakers but should fit in okay with the right attitude. Lawful Neutral preferably good-leaning but fine either way. True Neutral the same as Lawful neutral, and Chaotic Neutral accepted with the same description as Chaotic Good. The evil alignments may have a tough time in our settlement as we'll have a fair bit of paladin traffic eventually.

BrotherZael wrote:
Gov't type, how it was chosen, why, who is allowed to rule, how long that rule lasts, goal for leadership, and dessimination of orders throughout land (e.g. indefinite tyrant by nature of ownership, main guild and signed allies only, each "district" of settlement and owned lands has a subruler chosen by tyrant)?

We've been reluctant to label any of these since we really have no idea how they'll be implemented. We favor the oligarchy (ruling council), and we'll be getting input from companies and independent members of the settlement on as many issues as we can. We know that they'll only be implementing dictatorship to start, unfortunately. The specifics of when council members are changed and how it's done have not been worked out yet, and likely won't be until in-game mechanics are made available and we know how those work.

Goblin Squad Member

Hope that helps you get some new members.

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