Arcane bond bound item question

Rules Questions

i am not sure if this has been posted in the past (i google'd / forum search tool and it found nothing that answers the question i have)

I'm planning on making an Arcane archer in the next upcoming game i am going to be playing in (rise of the runelords (probably pathfinder new edition))

I am debating between first level being a wizard or the one level of fighter (probably unbreakable for the die hard / endurance.

if the bound item can be a masterwork (bound item description) composite bow, but i want to know if the strength requirements (ie a composite bow needing a + 3 strength) would cost extra gold out after adventuring or if i got it for free.

IE my bonded item is a masterwork composite bow or a masterwork composite bow requiring +3 strength (16 strengh)


Grand Lodge

Should be free.

Wizards who select a bonded object begin play with one at no cost. Objects that are the subject of an arcane bond must fall into one of the following categories: amulet, ring, staff, wand, or weapon. These objects are always masterwork quality.

CRB seems to think its free.

Liberty's Edge

The masterwork bow would be free if taken as a bonded item. But the other qualities aren't free, so you would have to pay for special materials and a strength bonus above the default value, +0.

thanks diego that was essentially what my friend said too i could have a composite long bow but would either have to enhance it to the + 3 str myself or pay the gold for it to be done by a crafter

Lantern Lodge

I don't think there's a way to change a bow to a different STR rating by crafting, but in any case, you could always add the adaptive magic quality to the bow for 1000 gp (plus the cost of the minimum +1 enchantment).

Liberty's Edge

Captain Zoom wrote:
I don't think there's a way to change a bow to a different STR rating by crafting, but in any case, you could always add the adaptive magic quality to the bow for 1000 gp (plus the cost of the minimum +1 enchantment).

I think that, at the character creation, it is possible to get a masterwork bow rated for your strength as a bonded item paying only the difference between a normal masterwork bow and one rated for your strength.

In the PFS forum there is a old post from the coordinator saying just that.

Modifying the bow after character creation would either require enchanting it with the adaptive property or discarding the old bow and bonding a new one.

Scarab Sages

Diego Rossi wrote:
Captain Zoom wrote:
I don't think there's a way to change a bow to a different STR rating by crafting, but in any case, you could always add the adaptive magic quality to the bow for 1000 gp (plus the cost of the minimum +1 enchantment).

I think that, at the character creation, it is possible to get a masterwork bow rated for your strength as a bonded item paying only the difference between a normal masterwork bow and one rated for your strength.

In the PFS forum there is a old post from the coordinator saying just that.

Modifying the bow after character creation would either require enchanting it with the adaptive property or discarding the old bow and bonding a new one.

As a bonded item, doesn't the upgrading/enhancing cost half normal, so the adaptive quality would only cost 500?

(Edit): as well as the str bonus, if one were to not have adaptive right off the bat?

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