Black Magga

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

There are spoilers, obviously, if you haven't done Hook Mountain Massacre yet.

Anyway, is it actually possible to encounter Black Magga currently? In Here Comes the Flood, she just sits next to the blessings deck, eating cards up every turn. And none of the other cards in the set specifically refer to her. That being said, she has combat stats! So I'm not entirely sure if they're just there for fun, if she can be summoned later in the game, or if I'm missing anything.


Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

She's not encounterable because she's intended to be a plot element rather than someone you fight. But she's certainly usable as someone you fight in any scenario you create.

I have strongly considered writing a Sandpoint Devil/Black Magga scenario, but have never gotten around to inflic… testing that on my developers.

Am I playing this right?

Two player game, 4 locations in play, and there are ten allies available.
I have gone through 5 rounds and Black Magga already has 13 cards.

I've already lost? I hope this one is doable.

Just because Magga has 13 cards doesn't mean it has 13 allies... But to lose 3 cards per turn is painful! You really need to get some locations closed and hope that the snake goes after an empty location *sometimes*!

Augury's obviously really important here too.

h4ppy wrote:

Just because Magga has 13 cards doesn't mean it has 13 allies... But to lose 3 cards per turn is painful! You really need to get some locations closed and hope that the snake goes after an empty location *sometimes*!

Augury's obviously really important here too.

Woops, I missed the part about Allies! Which I just realized. duh.

Makes it significantly easier (i.e. not *completely* impossible)!

My favourite thing about this scenario is that the henchmen 'stack' is shuffled up and split amongst the locations, so you have very limited information about how many henchmen/allies are in each pile.

Yikes, even with rolling a lot of 1s for Magga's cards we still got whupped. Only got about 7 allies, and just pretty much stopped counting halfway through Magga's deck. Watching the stack under her(?) get bigger and bigger as the game went on was a funny sight. Ended up a being a really weird scenario: Merisiel only got into one fight the whole time, and I think we only saw 2 henchmen.

I wanted to say thanks for this thread! We were a little bewildered about the slew of rules on Magga's card, but there being seemingly no way to encounter it. I suppose that falls under "the cards do what they say" (or they DON'T do what they DON'T say), but having some super-thick text on a Villain that never comes into play was a bit confusing. Not having read the cards in advance, I was sweating bullets assuming that as soon as we ran into one of those henchmen Magga was going to pop out and terrorize us.

So, I'm a little bit confused about Here Comes the Flood. It says on the card that if the blessing deck runs out to compare the allies you've placed under it with the allies under Black Magga. But what happens if you close all the locations first?

If you close all the locations before the blessing deck runs out, then just go ahead and do the comparison.

If you want, before you compare you can flip all the blessing deck cards over 1 at a time, because since you haven't defeated the villain, the scenario is not ended. Then once all the blessing cards have run out and the scenario ends, you can count the allies. But unless you enjoy flipping cards, I'd just go ahead and compare allies.

I haven't played it yet, but I would think closing all the locations would be really hard unless Black Magga eats a lot of your location decks due to unfortunate rolls. The henchmen don't give you the opportunity to close the location, so you have to eliminate all the cards to do so. And each location has 12 cards instead of 10. But I suppose it isn't impossible.

We've already beaten the scenario, so my question is more curiosity than anything: can the flood take cards from empty locations? Since the scenario explicitly said location DECKs we decided it couldn't, but that made for some crazy close calls. We lost the first time in a landslide (a mudslide, perhaps), and the second time we played I think we only won by 1 ally. Paging through the last 3rd of Black Magga's stack, knowing that one or two allies would turn our victory into defeat was pretty intense!

Yes, she can go after empty locations.

Ah. Ok. Yeah that does make the scenario nearly impossible. Someone else asked the same question.

The random location deck assignment SHOULD include empty locations decks as a possibility. So sometimes you get luck and Black Magga attacks an empty location.

Oh! I missed that thread. Well, then I'll feel proud we still eked out a triumph against all odds (though it took spamming several blessings every turn).

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