Kickstarter Chronicle

Pathfinder Society


Any updates on an ETA for this Chronicle and/or deliberately vague hints about its content?

Silver Crusade 4/5

TBH--they haven't even sent out the fulfillment email yet. It's been like three months now... *sighs*

It would be nice to have it before KublaCon.. But again, at this point.. We shall see.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind having mine for KingdomCon. But mostly I'm just hoping for a status update; they did initially say mid-March, I think.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Indeed. I was hoping to have it in hand for ConQuest. We're doing Race for the Runecarved Key and I'm pretty sure at least one of the 80-some people that'll be there will have one.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Project Update #44: Dev Blog about World Building in Pathfinder Online! wrote:
No update to report yet about the Fulfillment System. The team is still finalizing and testing it and we're on track to make it available in the 2nd half of March. Thanks for everyone's patience!

That's the last I heard from March 13th.

Are we talking about the 1st Thornkeep (technology demo) or the 2d Thornkeep/Pathfinder Online (actual game with Emerald Spire and mutagen rewards)? I'm assuming the second, but if somebody is wandering around looking for the first one, it's here:


The latter.

Grand Lodge

Agreed. This is really beginning to annoy the crap out of me.

Even an email update stating no further news would be better then limbo. Poor poor customer service Paizo.

I assume that if a product was posted by Paizo, but the promised money never materialized, and comms were not forthcoming, Paizo would not hesitate to take action.

Seriously Paizo, i reiterate. Any info is better then none.

Sovereign Court 4/5

The last update was barely a week and a half ago. I expect we'll hear something before the month ends. Probably this next week, even.

Sczarni 4/5

I think they said they were testing the fullfillment system, and hoped to have it ready by the end of the month

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Soo. A week overdue, and still no 'update email'?

I guess a phone call to my credit card provider regarding a non delivery of item is in order.

If Paizo cant be bothered telling us what is going on, i will threaten their license to trade. At least the ombudsman fine will give me some satisfaction.

they have annouced a delay in the fulfilment system

Sovereign Court 5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:

Soo. A week overdue, and still no 'update email'?

I guess a phone call to my credit card provider regarding a non delivery of item is in order.

If Paizo cant be bothered telling us what is going on, i will threaten their license to trade. At least the ombudsman fine will give me some satisfaction.

It's worth making one thing very clear here: the problem isn't with Paizo, but with Goblinworks, Paizo's business partner.

Grand Lodge

Is it? Have they given us sufficient information to know where it's all breaking down?

Sovereign Court 4/5

Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:

Soo. A week overdue, and still no 'update email'?

I guess a phone call to my credit card provider regarding a non delivery of item is in order.

If Paizo cant be bothered telling us what is going on, i will threaten their license to trade. At least the ombudsman fine will give me some satisfaction.

You're going to threaten the one company that makes Pathfinder because their business partners are having difficulties getting you your thank you??? Calm down a bit and just be patient, yeah?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:

Soo. A week overdue, and still no 'update email'?

I guess a phone call to my credit card provider regarding a non delivery of item is in order.

If Paizo cant be bothered telling us what is going on, i will threaten their license to trade. At least the ombudsman fine will give me some satisfaction.

I don't know about you but I used Amazon Payments to contribute to the Kickstarter. So if you do this, Amazon will get fined, which they probably won't even notice. If they do, they'll pass it on to Kickstarter, who probably won't even notice. And even if they do, they'll probably write it off as someone who doesn't understand how Kickstarter works, because they've said over and over again that they have no way of enforcing the rewards promised, let alone due dates. Then, if they do decide to yell at the funded company, it's going to be Goblinworks, not Paizo.

So ... have fun.



Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Ok, this is only me thinking out loud:

So Goblinworks promised a Pathfinder Society Chronicle, but only the Pathfinder Society team can create and/or validate this chronicle and as their workload is quite full the chronicle is a bit delayed. :-(

i'd rather have some delay for my Pathfinder Online chronicles than have some delay for my Pathfinder Society scenarios though... :-)

It's the fulfillment system and they recently provided an update on the Goblinworks blog:

Ryan Dancey wrote:
First, we want to apologize for not hitting our deadline with the fulfillment tool for our Kickstarter rewards. We told you it would be ready by the end of March, and we missed that deadline. Later this week we are doing a review of the functionality with the technology team from Paizo, and then we'll be able to announce a revised availability date. We sincerely apologize for this delay, and we know you are anxious to get your Rewards ASAP.

The Goblinworks blog is a good place to look for status info.

Grand Lodge

Wow, so many people telling me to calm down.

Perhaps if Paizo ( who are now responsible for this) would just send a freaking email and tell us, i wouldn't have to troll the forums for info.

Fail Paizo.

And as to threatening one company etc.. Ok, i purchase a hundred bucks worth of books/pdf's from Paizo, and tell them, i will pay at the end of the week. A month later (after they chase me up) i tell em, i sorry, my bank wont let me withdraw money, maybe next month, then the same a month later. Who's Paizo gonna send the creditors after? Certainly not the bank.

I will say again, dont leave it up to the forums, send a bloody email, to at least say 'no updates, delayed another week'.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:
I will say again, dont leave it up to the forums, send a bloody email, to at least say 'no updates, delayed another week'.

Except that the thing that is broken is the service for collecting everyone's emails. (Especially those who pledged as part of a guild and therefore didn't officially pledge as part of kickstarter.)

Sovereign Court 4/5

Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:
And as to threatening one company etc.. Ok, i purchase a hundred bucks worth of books/pdf's from Paizo, and tell them, i will pay at the end of the week. A month later (after they chase me up) i tell em, i sorry, my bank wont let me withdraw money, maybe next month, then the same a month later. Who's Paizo gonna send the creditors after? Certainly not the bank.

The difference is you did not purchase anything from them in this case. You supported their project and as a thank you are getting this. That is the point of Kickstarter and crowdsourcing. If we stop thinking of it as a purchase, we stop thinking we are entitled to things we aren't.

As for announcing delays, they are. On their blog. Just have to look at it. Not everything can or even should be handed to us.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Kickstarter is not a store. Pledges aren't purchases. The best thing you can do is hold your breath until you turn red and explode, but given how far Australia is from the USA, I doubt anybody will notice.

Paizo Employee Developer

There are many different rewards being offered as part of the recent Kickstarter, only one of which is the Pathfinder Society boon. We cannot provide the Pathfinder Society boon until the fulfillment system has been completed. That's still in the works, but once it's done, you and everyone else we need to gather information from (including, for example, your account name, PFS number, and the email address used on Kickstarter that determines your reward level) will be notified of how to provide us with that information. At that time, everyone who is entitled to a reward will get their reward at the same time as everyone else. Thank you for your patience.

Grand Lodge

Any word on the nature of the boon? Last report, it was still just a loose idea.


Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:

Soo. A week overdue, and still no 'update email'?

I guess a phone call to my credit card provider regarding a non delivery of item is in order.

If Paizo cant be bothered telling us what is going on, i will threaten their license to trade. At least the ombudsman fine will give me some satisfaction.

There was no item. Kickstarter is not a store, it is a place for you to be an investor in a company. You invested in Goblinworks which, like any investment, carries risks. One risk is delay of reward, and another is not getting a reward at all. To be clear: the rewards offered from the Kickstarter are not purchases you have made, they are things the company offers you in return for your investment. Ask any venture capitalist what recourse they have if they invest money in a company that doesn't succeed and you'll hear that they kiss that money goodbye. Is that likely in this case? I don't believe so, but it's still a possibility.

A very small part of me would actually love to see you try this tactic; I don't know that it's been tried before and I'd love to know whether the credit card companies would even press the issue, considering all the warnings all over the Kickstarter site. It would be an interesting test case.

Notwithstanding that if you funded through Kickstarter, you didn't pay Paizo - you paid Kickstarter, which means there's no risk to Paizo's trade license for failure to deliver. They didn't agree to send you anything, and they didn't get your money.

The much bigger part of me echoes the sentiments to relax. I've funded six Kickstarter projects over the past eight months, and five of them have seen delivery dates come and go. I'm not concerned, because I know that this is how investments work. They deliver as best as they can, and maybe miss projected delivery dates.

Sczarni 4/5

Wennalonn Fordaryde wrote:

Wow, so many people telling me to calm down.

Perhaps if Paizo ( who are now responsible for this) would just send a freaking email and tell us, i wouldn't have to troll the forums for info.

I will say again, dont leave it up to the forums, send a bloody email, to at least say 'no updates, delayed another week'.

I quoted the email sent to all backers on march 27th in your customer service thread which says exactly what you are asking them to send an email saying. So since they did what you are asking a week before you asked it, I think the people telling you to calm down are justified..

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