Steg |
Lets say I have 22 fame. If I went to the shop to purchase a +2 Longsword, it would cost me 8,315 gold. I cannot buy this item since my fame score limits my Maximum Item Cost to 8,000 gp.
If I buy a +1 Longsword for 2,315 gold, then later want to have it upgraded to a +2 Longsword, it would cost me 6,000 gold to do so. Can I do this with my fame at 22 (limit 8,000 gold) or do I need fame 27 in order to increase my gold limit above the final price of the item (8,315)?
How does this apply to an Arcane Bond? Lets say I received a free masterwork longsword as my bonded item. I can add magic abilities to it as if I had the required item creation feats, and if I meet the level prerequisites of the feat. So at level 5 I would qualify for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. The PFS FAQ says I can now upgrade my bonded longsword for the cost value of the final item as listed in the item's statblock.
Does this cost value allow incremental upgrades? Meaning upgrading a +1 Longsword into a +2 Longsword costs me a total of 3,000 gold? Or do I have to pay the full 4,000 gold which is what it would cost to enchant a masterwork longsword into a +2 longsword?
How much fame does a wizard require to upgrade his bonded +1 Longsword into a +2 Longsword?
13 fame? That's Max Item Cost 3,000 gp, which is what the wizard is actually paying. (Assuming the cost value includes incremental upgrades)
18 fame? That's Max Item Cost 5,250 gp, which exceeds the total cost of enchanting an existing masterwork longsword into a +2 longsword (4,000 gp).
22 fame? That's Max Item Cost 8,000 which is the total price of enchanting an existing masterwork longsword into a +2 longsword.
27 fame? That's Max Item Cost 11,750 which exceeds the price to outright buy a standard +2 longsword (8,315).
Lastly, the PFS FAQ on upgrading an Arcane Bond references "the magic item upgrading FAQ" which I am unable to find.
Brian Lefebvre |
You have to have enough fame to cover the total retail value of the item you are buying. Regardless of the gp you are spending on an upgrade at the time.
For an arcane bond item, you still have to meet the normal fame requirements to have the item, so 27 fame for a +2 weapon You simply pay the crafter cost listed at the end of the item's description, instead of the retail price listed at the top of the item's description.
Which means that you would spend 1000gp to upgrade to a +1 weapon from masterwork. +1 is always available so this can be done anytime. Then when you had 27 fame you could then continue to upgrade it to a +2 weapon at an additional cost of 3000gp. For a grand total of 4000gp spent making the weapon +2 from masterwork.
Serum |
Always look at the end price of the item when upgrading to see if you have enough fame to purchase it.
You would need 27 fame in order to upgrade a normal +1 long sword into a +2 long sword, and it will cost you 6000gp.
When upgrading a +1 bonded sword to a +2 bonded sword, it will cost you 3000gp. You'll still require 27 fame before you can upgrade it because the final price of the item is still 8315gp.
PS: I believe the "the magic item upgrading FAQ" refers to Can I Upgrade a Named Magic Item?, which itself references pg. 19 of the PFSGtOP.
JohnF Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Always look at the end price of the item when upgrading to see if you have enough fame to purchase it.
You would need 27 fame in order to upgrade a normal +1 long sword into a +2 long sword, and it will cost you 6000gp.
When upgrading a +1 bonded sword to a +2 bonded sword, it will cost you 3000gp. You'll still require 27 fame before you can upgrade it because the final price of the item is still 8315gp.
PS: I believe the "the magic item upgrading FAQ" refers to Can I Upgrade a Named Magic Item?, which itself references pg. 19 of the PFSGtOP.
Which was the correct page number for V4.1 of the guide - for the new V4.2 version, the corresponding text is on page 24