6 players in search of DM for Skull & Shackles pbp


Reply here or send me a message if you are interested. We are motivated and ready to go, we just need someone to lead the way.

Hey there,

sounds pretty good. I am an experienced offline DM and would like to earn my first "online-spurs".

If anyone of you has some pbp-experience and can help me organizing play, then I´d like to be in.

Please consider the fact that I´m German and therefore my English is "only" good, but not my native language. (But I know how to use leo.org).

Another noteworthy point is that time difference applies: My posts could be some hours delayed/ in advance (depends on perspective of course).

So if you are still interested, I would highly appreciate your positive answer, after which I would buy the first part of the Adventure Path and prepare it for you.

Tim Bürgers wrote:

Hey there,

sounds pretty good. I am an experienced offline DM and would like to earn my first "online-spurs".

If anyone of you has some pbp-experience and can help me organizing play, then I´d like to be in.

Please consider the fact that I´m German and therefore my English is "only" good, but not my native language. (But I know how to use leo.org).

Another noteworthy point is that time difference applies: My posts could be some hours delayed/ in advance (depends on perspective of course).

So if you are still interested, I would highly appreciate your positive answer, after which I would buy the first part of the Adventure Path and prepare it for you.

Definitely interested. I would be happy to act as the facilitator so you can focus solely on running the campaign. The party may be down to four players as two have started in other campaigns. If that is fine with you we can get started whenever you are ready. I would suggest a higher point buy for character creation if we run a four player party (maybe 25 points). I had no problem reading your message so I doubt your English will be any sort of hindrance.

Good luck. These seem to be popular. Saw that Tim is German and wanting to say something as respect people who are able to do things like this.

Okay, here we go.

@Robbgobb: Thank you!

Please create your characters with the following things in mind:

- 22 point buy
- all core races are all core races are allowed

Piracy is a very good background for exotic characters. I will nevertheless decide on a case-by-case-basis, if an exotic race is okay. Some may cost a few build points extra (e.g. aasimars, which are pretty good compared to the core races).

One thing I don´t like is, when an exotic race is just used to minmax. If you want to be an orc, there should be better reasons than just that additional four points of strength.

So if you want to play a non-core-race then just tell me and we will find a way.

- Starting wealth: Average for your class
- Classes: No gunslingers, please. Rangers: Please tell me your favored enemies. In very extreme cases, I might restrict one or two favored enemies, even if they are recommended in the player´s guide. I played Second Darkness with a dwarven elf-slayer once and it was pretty boring for most other players at the table...
- Traits: Pick one campaign-trait and one of your choice. No Focused Minds, please.
- Hit Points: Full at Level 1, later on the rounded-up average (d6=4; d8=5; d10=6; d12=7)
- Remember: It´s a seafaring-campaign. So all these heavy-armor-monsters may want to put MANY ranks into swim or leave their armors at home...

When you´re finished, fill in the following questions:

- name, gender, alignment, race, class, defining class feature (e.g. bloodline, arcane school, archetype...)
- abilities
- feats
- skills
- spells
- major equipment (weapon, armor...)
- short (!) summary of your background
- description of appearance or picture

I´m quite curious what your characters will be!

@Tim: You are welcome as I have been sick and lurking these boards a lot. Have a lot of free time to do so most days and you stepping up in another language is great. I am not part of the group that requested this. Just bored enough to read recruitment threads as I avoid the gameplay ones.

...then get well soon! :-)

So I finally created an alias for DMing this campaign!

Having read the introduction, there are a few additional points concerning character creation:

1. Choose one tiny piece of your equipment that is easily concealable on your body (a holy symbol, a dagger, an arcane-bonded ring...).

2. Keep the rest of your equipment separate from your character sheet. Calculate AC, atk-bonus etc. unarmed and unarmored.

3. If you have an animal companion, familiar, mount or some other companion, don´t choose it before beginning to play.
Exception for witches and other classes whose powers dependt wholly upon such creatures: You choose your familiar normally.

Don´t be afraid. You won´t pick your starting equipment for nothing.

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