Alch |
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Here are a few questions about the new rules for Alchemists in the Ultimate Magic and Ultimate Combat rulebooks. They mainly concern archetypes and feat requirements.
1)Instant Alchemy:
Does 'Instant Alchemy' still work in the same way for those archetypes that don't get 'Swift Alchemy' and 'Swift Poisoning' (Internal Alchemist, Beastmorph and Ragechemist)? IE, when they get 'Instant Alchemy' at level 18, do their alchemical crafting and poisoning speeds "catch up" with those of a normal Alchemist.
2)Clone Master:
Does the 'Clone' spell, which is added as a 6th level extract at level 16, only clone the Alchemist or can it be used on a piece of flesh of any creature?
3)Internal Alchemist:
-Since the Internal Alchemist does not have the 'Throw Anything' class feature, does that mean he only adds his Intelligence modifier to damage from 'Bombs' but NOT to damage from thrown splash weapons like a flask of 'Alchemical Fire'?
-Why is 'Extra Ki' listed among the possible 'Bonus Feats'?
At level 10, 'Dream' and 'Nightmare' are added as 4th level extracts, while they are available as 5th level extracts in the Formulae list of the Advanced Player's Guide. Is this intentional? If so, could a Psychonaut then also add and prepare them as 5th level extracts?
5)Tumor Familiar:
Does an Alchemist with this discovery count has having the "familiar class feature" (which is the prerequisite for certain feats like: 'Evolved Familiar')?
6)Bottled Ally:
-Does an Alchemist with this class feature count as having the "ability to cast summon nature's ally" (which is the prerequisite for certain feats like: 'Moonlight Summons')?
-In the same way, does an Alchemist with this class feature AND the 'Planar Preservationist' feat count as having the "ability to cast summon monster" (which is the prerequisite for certain feats like: 'Skeleton Summoner')?
7)Rage Mutagen:
Does an Alchemist with this class feature count as having the "rage class feature" (which is the prerequisite for certain feats like: 'Furious Finish')?
blackbloodtroll |
1)Yes, it all sort of "catches up".
2)If you have the infusion discovery, I don't see why not.
3)Throw anything is a bonus feat, the listing for the ability to add extra damage to is a separate line, thus should be retained. My guess for extra ki is multiclassing.
4)Yes, you get them early.
5)Yes, and you can take improved familiar.
6)Unsure, but you can use augment summons, the feature describes you being able to.
7)No, it is a special kind of mutagen, but that means you can stack it with rage!
Alch |
2)If you have the infusion discovery, I don't see why not.
I mean by default.
As far as I can see, with this extract no one drinks anything. The extract is applied to the piece of flesh, from which the clone then grows. This is why I'm asking if the standard rule, which states that the Alchemist always is the only target of an extract he drinks, still applies.3)Throw anything is a bonus feat, the listing for the ability to add extra damage to is a separate line, thus should be retained.
As I see it, the Alchemist has a class feature called 'Throw Anything', which includes the bonus feat 'Throw Anything' as well as the Intelligence modifier bonus damage rule.
Since a base class' class feature is replaced by an archetype's one in it's entirety, I suspect this might also include the bonus damage rule part.Sean K Reynolds Contributor |
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1) Ultimate Magic says on page 14:
If an archetype replaces a class ability that is part of a series of improvements or additions to a base ability (such as a fighter's weapon training or a ranger's favored enemy), the next time the character would gain that ability, it counts as the lower-level ability that was replaced by the archetype. In effect, all abilities in that series are delayed until the next time the class improves that ability. For example, if an archetype replaces a rogue's +2d6 sneak attack bonus at 3rd level, when she reaches 5th level and gains a sneak attack bonus, her sneak attack doesn't jump from +1d6 to +3d6—it improves to +2d6, just as if she had finally gained the increase at 3rd level. This adjustment continues for every level at which her sneak attack would improve, until at 19th level she has +9d6 instead of the +10d6 of a standard rogue.
So the question is, "Does instant alchemy fall into this category?" It's certainly an improved version of swift alchemy, and uses similar language. However, it's not quite in the same category as something like sneak attack +1d6, sneak attack +2d6. Part of this uncertainty stems from this clarification text being written after the APG, and we might have named the APG abilities differently if we had that rule in mind, such as accelerated alchemy (double speed) and accelerated alchemy (full-round action). Lacking clear language that says instant alchemy is a direct upgrade of swift alchemy, we should proceed as if it isn't. Therefore, when you hit alch level 18, you get instant alchemy.
This doesn't affect swift poisoning at all, because I consider crafting and applying poison to be very different skills/abilities.
2) Extracts only affect the alchemist unless you have the infusion ability.
3) Throw anything refers to the class feature, not the feat, so he loses both. Internal alchemist is based on Asian philosophy of regulating bodily energy and essence, which is a very monk-like idea. The feat is listed there for alchemist/monks or other multiclassings involving ki.
4) The psychonaut gets them early. He can add them at level 5 if he wants to, but there's little point in doing that.
5) Yes, it counts as a familiar.
6) Alchemists don't cast spells, so if the feat or ability says it requires you to be able to "cast summon spells," he doesn't qualify. The ability specifically calls out Augment Summoning as applying to this ability, so it's an exception (he's not really summoning anything).
7) Where is this rage mutagen class feature?
Interzone |
Ragechemist (Archetype)
Some alchemists create mutagens that tap into a primal anger that fuels their physical transformation. These alchemists have little control over their altered selves.
Rage Mutagen: At 2nd level, whenever a ragechemist creates a mutagen that improves his Strength, that mutagen grants the rage chemist a +6 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to natural armor, and a –2 penalty to Intelligence. Furthermore, while under the effects of this mutagen, whenever the alchemist takes damage, his rage grows, with detrimental effects. At the end of each turn that he takes hit point damage, the ragechemist must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 15, or DC 20 if any of the damage came from a critical hit that turn) or take a –2 penalty on Will saving throws and to Intelligence. These penalties end 1 hour after the mutagen ends and stack with themselves. If the penalty lowers the ragechemist's Intelligence score to 0, the ragechemist is comatose until 1 hour after the mutagen expires. This ability replaces poison use.
From Ultimate Combat
Alch |
Thanks for answering so quickly and in such detail. This is why Paizo is the best!
This doesn't affect swift poisoning at all, because I consider crafting and applying poison to be very different skills/abilities.
The 'Instant Alchemy' class feature also reduces the poison application time to an 'immediate action'.
Your explanation for the alchemical crafting speed is also applicable to the poison application speed. Thus both speeds should "catch up" upon gaining the 'Instant Alchemy' class feature.7) Where is this rage mutagen class feature?
The 'Rage Mutagen' is the first class feature of the Ragechemist. It's in the Ultimate Combat rulebook on page 25.
Alch |
Thanks for answering so quickly and in such detail. This is why Paizo is the best!
This doesn't affect swift poisoning at all, because I consider crafting and applying poison to be very different skills/abilities.
The 'Instant Alchemy' class feature also reduces the poison application time to an 'immediate action'.
As I see it, your explanation for the alchemical crafting speed is also applicable to the poison application speed. Thus both speeds "catch up" upon gaining the 'Instant Alchemy' class feature.7) Where is this rage mutagen class feature?
The 'Rage Mutagen' is the first class feature of the Ragechemist. It's in the Ultimate Combat rulebook on page 25.
EDIT: I had to repost this post, for some reason it disappeared from the thread.
Alch |
Here is another thing I noticed:
8) Vivisectionist:
The recommended discoveries include several bomb types ('Plague Bomb', 'Poison Bomb' and 'Sticky Bomb'). However, the Vivisectionist has the 'Bomb' class feature completely replaced by his 'Sneak Attack' class feature. These discoveries are thus unusable for him.