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"Once a week, its strings can be strummed so as to produce chords that magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, etc. The effect
produced in 30 minutes of playing is equal to the work of 100
humans laboring for 3 days."
Anyone have some good stats on how many buildings, mines, tunnels or ditches 100 humans laboring for 3 days can make?

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100 x 8 x 3 = 2,400 man hours
Google search yielded this: (bold emphasis mine)
Subject: Man Hours involved in home construction
I'm trying to figure out the average number of Man hours of employment
generated by the Construction of one new home in Canada. Even more
specifically, Newfoundland, but I doubt that information exisists.
Subject: Re: Man Hours involved in home construction
Dear X,
It really depends what kind of house it is, doesn't it?
From the sources I found, a building a small house takes several
thousand of man hours, bureaucracy and equipment purchase not
included, when the amount of time depends on the number of people
working on the house and their experience in such endeavours.
For example, a cordwood wall could be theoretically completed in 34
hours. If you multiply it by the number of walls, and add other
components of the house (assuming that you use a built-in kitchen for
example), you'll reach an estimate (SOURCE: Day Creek Journal, "How
Long" <http://www.daycreek.com/dc/HTML/journal060902.htm>).
A person, who built geodesic house, reported that "The time required
for the basic fabrication is about 72 man hours. This would be for a
trained worker using simple jigs in a proper environment. This equates
to 9 working days or 12 weeks of part time work of 2 hours every other
day." (SOURCE: "24' Diameter Geodesic House"
<http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/robert_conroy/24diamet.htm> ).
If you buy a house the is already modular (a kit), this will be
easier, than if you plan everything and construct the materials
yourself, not to mention the beaurocracy involved.
An article in the Guardian states that in general, "the fastest
self-build kits can be put up in a few months, although most projects
take at least one year." (SOURCE: "Build a dream house" The Guardian
10/06/00 <http://www.selfbuildabc.co.uk/self-build-news/self-build-house.htm>) .
In the case of "FirstDay cottages (one of the many available
commercial modular houses), its marketing team claims it takes between
600 to 1,000 man hours to complete (SOURCE: FirstDay Cottage,
Another system prides to be able to complete a house in 100 man-hours,
given 3-4 workers (SOURCE: Omni-Globe Building System, PDF Document,
More modular homes:
http://directory.google.com/Top/Business/Construction_and_Maintenance/Desig n/Plans/Kit,_Modular_and_Cabin/?il=1
In a list discussing such things, a member recommends "You should
realize that even a small house generally takes man-hours in the
thousands, and this time will be longer for those without expertise
(like most things)." (SOURCE: "Re: Community members doing the
building (was: rich and poor)",
<http://csf.colorado.edu/archive/1998/balance/msg00168.html> List's
homepage: Sustainable community discussion groups
Other people with experience also estimate it by the thousands (and
like me, saying that it is very different from one house to another):
Q: "I know 'average' anything is hard to pin down. But would someone
with some experience hazard a guess at the average man-hours to build
a house?"
A1: "4-man crew (2 very experienced, two experienced) with all the
tools (and necessary permits and licenses!):
To end of mechanicals: 3 months (1,920 man-hours)
To end of finish carpentry: 10 weeks (1,600 mh)
To the exhausted move-in: 6 weeks (960 hours)
Total Time: Seven months (4,480 hours)"
PDK Recommendation:
Lyre of building 30 min: 300 man days = 2400 man hours
A.Quality House:
i) Nice/good home by modern standards take 4480 man hours, using 4 experienced crew, two of which are "very experienced" i.e. 2 at 10 ranks and 2 at 5 ranks (modern people have higher standards which raise the quality/time needed, but benefit from modern tools, which reduces the workload, so for game purposes, let's assume 4480 man hours gets you a nice/good medieval home)
ii) one hour lyre of building = 4800 man hours (general laborers) = very plain house or very little nice house or very little cozy cottage
iii) one hour lyre of building with player having at least 5 ranks in perform string or relevant home building skills = 4800 (experienced crew) = little nice house or little cozy cottage or plain house
iv) one hour lyre of building with player having at least 10 ranks in perform string or relevant home building skills = 4800 man hours (very experienced crew) = nice house or cozy cottage or large plain house/inn

thomas nelson |
No value is given except for human, so assume 100 humans with no modifiers or skill ranks, I would also assume the workers take ten.
That means 1000 gp per hour of playing or 100 gp if the workers take ten.
The DC of craftsmanship has to be low in this case but the device does not give us anything to go with.

BiggDawg |

As long as they can make the DC 18 Perform (string) check. Remember that they don't even roll until 2 hours of playing so in that time they get at minimum of 4x the above calculated work and 2x that every hour and successful check thereafter. Someone skilled enough, +17 or more, can play continuously without fail until they pass out from exhaustion (probably at least 8 hours though the forced march rules give some guidance for going beyond). Technically 8 hours is the most crafting work you can do in a day, but this is a Perform check. So 8 hours is the minimum for the most amount of time it can be played and in that period you can do 16x the above listed work as those are based on half hour intervals.