Pathfinder Society Module Selection *possible spoilers*

GM Discussion

Grand Lodge 2/5

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An email I wrote to a new PFS GM who is looking to start up a play group about module selection and story arcs. Figured I'd share it with the larger community as well :)

First of all I believe this is insight that I have gained with my experience and exposure to Pathfinder Society. I have not read or played all the modules, but based on the ones I have played these are my thoughts for starting up a new PFS Group that will help immerse everyone in this things which make Pathfinders Pathfinders.

I strongly believe in getting the players based in Absalom. There are some good resources over at the Pathfinder Wiki for determining which mod is for which level and where it's located at. Part of their back story should include their training as Pathfinder initiates, which means a few years spent in Absalom minimum. I like to play up the fact with a new party that they have all been recently 'confirmed' as field ready Pathfinders. The Seeker of Secrets book gets into more detail about this, but it's awesome to get that party assembled for their first mission briefing and really have the Venture-Captain stress to them that this is their first test and the like. However, if for some reason you or your party starts to become smitten with another area of Golorian you can try and cherry-pick modules from that area instead. Absalom has the most however, and several that are set elsewhere may have you getting a mission brief in Absalom and then shipping off somewhere else in the Inner Sea. I'm going to break down the story connected modules to give you an idea how you can weave them together.

Grand Master Torch - Grand Master Torch is a recurring NPC in at least 3 modules I can think of. He is an information broker and puppet master. Many GMs like having a recurring NPC that they can really develop a personality around. #1 - Silent Tide, #14 - The Many Fortunes of Grand Master Torch and #45 - Delirum's Tangle all feature GMT. There is some text in #45 which GMT references the help the Pathfinders gave him in #14. I have only actually run or played in #45 and I used it as the 1st Adventure to kick off my group in September. It's set in Absalom and I just skipped over the little text reference to the PCs having met Torch already and made that their 'first' meeting with him. Delirum's Tangle is a FANTASTIC module and I would highly recommend using it as part of an Absalom base. It takes place under the sewers of the city, features some very interesting skill based puzzle challenges for the party and the BBG (big bad guy) at the end is totally f!*#ing awesome. There is the small problem that it does feature a potentially party killing trap however. Depending on how you feel about that as a GM you may wish to avoid all together. I had a table of 4 players brand new to PFS and my best friend who was starting his 2nd character at level 1 and I fudged it in a dramatic fashion when it should have been a total party kill (TPK). Killing players on their first game isn't a good way to get them back to the table :) #1 Silent Tide is a very highly rated and fan favorite module which I have some how managed to never play or run, but it was the very first PFS module released and since people love it so much I assume it's flagship. The main reason I recommened #5 - Mists of the Mwangi to you over it was based on the fact that Mists just got the revised publishing under PFRPG rules instead of 3.5. There are supposed to be more official Season 0 conversions in the works but they are sort of on a 'when we can' schedule for the conversions. #14 - The Many Fortunes of Grand Master Torch takes place outside of Absalom in the nation of Qadira, other than that I can't tell you much about it.

Blackros Museum - The Blackros Museum is becoming an iconic location within Absalom for Pathfinder adventures. There are now 3 modules set there, #5 - Mists of the Mwangi, #35 - Voice in the Void, and #02-11 The Penumbral Accords. #5 you now have in your hands, and it is a blast. There's undead, there's monkeys, there's evil mist, and it's all located in a simple map. #35 has the PCs returning to Museum, this time to the basement level. It's creepy and very cool. It'll probably blow the PCs minds, but I would save this for the 5th or 6th session you run, you don't want to burn them out on the Blackros or make it seem like everything bad happening in the world happens there :) #02-11 is a recent release that I plan to run but haven't yet, I've got it on my calendar for February though. This also takes place on the main floor of the Museum so it uses the exact same map as #5. Some people might find that a little cheesy, but I find it awesome. They know the location already so it's familiar and should be the same. There's no reason you couldn't run #02-11 before #35 but I feel like going to a different part of the same place helps break it up. I'd sprinkle these 3 mods in the first 8-9 sessions.

Among the - There are two mods here #7 - Among the Living and #49 Among the Dead. They center around a cult of evil doers and are both set in Oppara the capital city of Taldor. Taldor is a short distance from Absalom and is one of the 5 factions player can be a part of. If you have Taldane faction PCs they will be excited for the chance to jouryny to the homeland. #7 features a lot of undead attacking an opera house. Good stuff. The zombies in it can hit a little hard so you might want to wait till they are 2nd or 3rd level. #49 should be run several sessions after #7, as there is some implication in the text that some time has passed between the two, but it also takes place in Oppara. #49 is very trap heavy and could be quite deadly.

The Devil We Know - This is a 4 part series (#29, 30, 41 and 48) and has some really cool stuff going on for it. It's also set in Taldor, but this time in Cassomir which is their naval stronghold. This one can also be broken up and intermixed over several sessions. There are quiet a few modules set in Taldor as a whole and you could really get into a whole Taldor tour if you wanted breaking up 'Among the' and 'Devil' with a few other standalone modules set in Taldor. Parts 1 and 2 don't seem to be that connected on the surface and you fight the twin brother of the BBG from part 1 in part 2, but it's very easy for the PCs to even overlook this fact the way it is presented in the module. However, part 3 is very cool. It features some awesome puzzle solving stuff and was a lot of fun to run. I'm running part 4 this week and need to start reading and getting ready for it...hopefully it's cool.

City of Strangers - There are 2 parts (#51 and 52) here and they actually should be run back to back. The last act of part 1 and the first act of part 2 are the same scene. These mods are really, really cool. They are very sandbox, the location is very cool and they are the lead in for the entire plot arch for Season 2. These take place very, very far from Absalom in the city of Kaer Maga which is a richly detailed city state in it's own right that is a wretched hive of scum and villainy ;) These modules introduce the players to the Shadow Lodge which are a group of Pathfinders who are splintering off on their own and feel that the Decemverite is out of touch and ineffective. This element can create serious questions and uncertainty for the PCs and I would only use them once the PCs firmly have their feet under them as Pathfinders, so you can pull that rug out from under them :)

Before the Dawn - There are 2 parts (#02-01 and 02-02) which are the first two modules for Season 2, and they feature the Shadow Lodge as well as the Aspis Consortium as recurring baddies. I've only played 02-01 and plan to run 02-02 in February. Part 1 is also very sandbox/open ended and a lot of fun. Also meant to be played back to back as I understand it. I'm hoping to play part 2 next week so I haven't read it yet :). It also takes place very far from Absalom, this time in Bloodcove in the Mwangi Expanse. I would save these until after you've introduced the Shadow Lodge as a plot element.

There are some other higher level story arcs as well, but for now are a little beyond the scope here.

There are plenty of stand alone modules you can sprinkle in to give you the kind of flow you want. Some of the highlights for me include:

#4 - Frozen Fingers of Midnight - Very cool mystery investigation and powerful magical device with a curse set in Absalom. Lots of fun.
#6 - Black Waters - This mod was almost retired, but they changed their mind at the last minute due to fan feedback. A lot of people think this is a great October/Halloween module to run. It can be very dark and creepy. Think dead wet girls. Takes place in Absalom.
#24 - Decline of Glory - Pathfinders are sent to help secure a location for a new Pathfinder Lodge in Taldor, can feel very cool for the PCs to be a part of the Society in a bigger way. Could be a good one off as part of a Taldor tour. The PCs could be sent by the Society to Cassomir for #29 to help out with that problem then be sent on to #24 to help establish the new lodge because of their growing renow and after their success with all that could head off to Oppara to help in the Taldane capital and take it all from there.
#33 - Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible - I cannot tell you how much I love this module. It's set in the Isle of Jalmeray which has a very Hindu/Indian feel to it. There are two things going for this module which I love. First of all in the first encounter the PCs are supposed to lose, and they know that going in. They are supposed to take a dive in the 1st round and make it believable. Watching the party try and figure out how to do that is entertaining as hell. The 2nd thing is that you can defeat the BBG with a diplomatic victory. This is very refreshing to kill everyone which is usually what happens in most other modules. It's a great feeling for the PCs to feel like they talked the situation down from the brink. I strongly recommend this module to be run as the 3rd or 4th session.
#39 - The Citadel of Flame - This is a very cool module set in Qadira about a temple that was buried under the desert sands. It had a very special place in my heart as it also is tied to the church of Sarenrae which is the deity of my cleric character.
#45 - Delirum's Tangle - As previously mentioned, set in Absalom and very, very, very cool mod :)

Given a perfect world: #5, #4, #33, #35, #39, #29, #24, #7, #30, #6, #49, #41, #48, #51, #52, #02-11, #02-01, #02-02

The Aspis Consortium - Sadly this is a little bit of a missed opportunity. There was a module, #11 which is now retired from play where the Consortium was featured as an oppositional group to the Society. So potential reoccurring baddies. Part of #29 is 'working with' them for the mutual benefit of both organizations but now with #11 feels like a miss. They actually feature quite prominently in #02-01 but now the PCs don't really have the same exposure with the raid on the PCs from #11. There may be other modules where they feature prominently that I'm not aware of.

Seasons Change - There are 3 seasons of play and each one means something slightly different. They are in part based off the publishing schedule of 2/month +4 at Gen Con (28/season). Modules 1 - 28 make up Season 0, 29 - 56 make up Season 1 and now in Season 2 they've gone to a #(Season)-(Number) format. You'll also notice in your Mists which was just republished they use #0-05. Season 0 was all published under the 3.5 rules, there was no Pathfinder Roleplaying Game yet. Season 1 marks the start of the PFPRG rules as well as each module having a possible 2 Prestige possible. Most Season 0 only have 1 possible, but there are a few exceptions here and there. Season 2 is the start of what is to be a season long (and probably longer) meta plot arc (the Shadow Lodge).

Hopefully you find this helpful and not just me rambling incoherently.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

Thanks for the comprehensive post! It really helps those new to judging for PFS to get a group off the ground.

The Exchange 4/5

Joshua Archer wrote:
Thanks for the comprehensive post! It really helps those new to judging for PFS to get a group off the ground.

I too love this post. using it to plan out my new Boise Group (lodge?).

Grand Lodge 2/5

You are both quite welcome. The GM I originally wrote this for is going to pretty much follow my perfect world picks and I'm going to run #33 for his group. I'm stoked :)

If either of you have more questions or anything you can contact me via email and I'm happy to answer/help!

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

I've also used recurring characters and groups to build continuity between adventures, sometimes adding short roleplaying scenes to inform players about their relationships with the Pathfinders.

The Blackros Family: This extended clan has members in many lands near the Inner Sea. As such, a successful Knowledge (local) or Diplomacy check while seeking information might instead introduce the PCs to one of the lovely and influential Blackros women, a merchant or antiquarian. Aware of the party's adventures in

the Blackros Museum
, she'll be glad to meet the Pathfinders who aided her family, providing information or supplies.

Grand Master Torch:
Spoiler for Silent Tide:

When I've run the Safes in the Siphons scene, I had Torch order his minions to set up trestle tables in the middle of the chamber, where the party's antics could amuse him and his followers. He cheered on those whose efforts were most impressive and jovially mocked those who failed to entertain.

Spoiler for The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch:
When I ran #14, I added a short encounter with Torch on shipboard as the party sailed for Qadira. This helped remind the players of their previous dealings in Silent Tide, and also foreshadowed his appearance in the bathhouse. "Perhaps you'll have time to join me for a meal after our arrival! After all, one cannot be all business when travelling!"

Liberty's Edge 4/5


Interesting stuff!

Any thoughts on including either sanctioned module in the string?

Master of the Fallen Fortress

The Godsmouth Heresy

Grand Lodge 2/5

Callarek wrote:


Interesting stuff!

Any thoughts on including either sanctioned module in the string?

Master of the Fallen Fortress

The Godsmouth Heresy


You could certainly include MotFF at the start, however the 0 PA feels like a disservice to the players to me.

You could probably include Godsmouth after #51 and #52 since they PCs are in Kaer Maga, but because of the level restriction on the module you'd have to either move them up to the front of the chain or do some weird "play 1st level versions of your characters and then take credit on your real characters" thing which to me somewhat breaks the immersion I'm going for. I have yet to really process Thod's suggested Society hooks, but on the surface for me it (Godsmouth) feels out of place where there are plenty of easy fits to grab from.

Grand Lodge 2/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I just checked the mods vs. tier and there is a mistake in the layout, you won't be able to play #02-11 at that point the PC will be higher than 5th level.

I submit the amended which gets you to level 8:
5, 4, 33, 35, 39, 29, 24, 7, 02-11, 30, 6, 43, 23, 49, 41, 48, 51, 52, 02-01, 02-02, 31.

The Exchange 4/5

Any set in the city of Katapesh yet? As i research the inner Sea background I think I would love Katapesh as a unique city based campaign setting. but also as a PFS Setting. so I ask if any of the many you listed already set here?

Grand Lodge 2/5

raylyynsedai wrote:
Any set in the city of Katapesh yet? As i research the inner Sea background I think I would love Katapesh as a unique city based campaign setting. but also as a PFS Setting. so I ask if any of the many you listed already set here?

Only the now retired Asmodeus Mirage.

Also, I can't share this link enough times :)

The Exchange 4/5

Luv that link!

some one needs to tell the wiki folk their totals next to each location are all 0 though. kind of misleading. ;)


and booo on the retiring of a scenario in such an awesome location...

<in best Chelaxian voice> Hyrum! Crack the whip over the writers! /wink

seriously though i cant say this enough your writers rock! keep up the good work!

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Mark Garringer wrote:
raylyynsedai wrote:
Any set in the city of Katapesh yet? As i research the inner Sea background I think I would love Katapesh as a unique city based campaign setting. but also as a PFS Setting. so I ask if any of the many you listed already set here?
Only the now retired Asmodeus Mirage.

*Shudder* That was such a terrible module too. I stole some concepts from it for a home game I'm running, but really, it was bad.

Sczarni 4/5

raylyynsedai wrote:

Luv that link!

some one needs to tell the wiki folk their totals next to each location are all 0 though. kind of misleading. ;)

The numbers there actually tell how many sub-categories there are for that specific category,0s just mean that it is the furthest down the category tree possible.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

One concern I've found with using Season 0 adventures is that they have to be run with the D&D 3.5 versions of the monsters, traps, and hazards. (This isn't just "'cause the rules require it." Several monsters got beefed up between D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder. If you try running those encounters with PF "equivlents" to the intended monsters, the party will die.) I would hesitate using too many of these too soon with a group of players who are also new to the Pathfinder RPG.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Chris Mortika wrote:
One concern I've found with using Season 0 adventures is that they have to be run with the D&D 3.5 versions of the monsters, traps, and hazards. (This isn't just "'cause the rules require it." Several monsters got beefed up between D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder. If you try running those encounters with PF "equivlents" to the intended monsters, the party will die.) I would hesitate using too many of these too soon with a group of players who are also new to the Pathfinder RPG.

I haven't really noticed any issues. Can you provide examples?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Actually the first example goes the other direction. Let's suppose a scenario set in Taldor has an ogre zombie.

In D&D 3.5: 55 hp, 40' speed, AC 15. With a greatclub, hits with +9 bonus, for 2d8+9.

Applying the Pathfinder zombie template to the Pathfinder ogre, we get a creature with 24 hp (and that's after we add in Toughness), 30' speed, AC 18 (well, that's a little better, because the PF ogre is better armored), and hits with a greatclub with a +8 bonus for 2d8+8. Also, the Pathfinder monster has the giant subtype, so all the gnomes, dwarves, and rangers with giants as favored enemies perk up.

So, that's a big encounter that gets washed out.

But I recall the "My DM's a cheater" thread from about a year back, where someone tried to run "Many fortunes of Grandmaster Torch" with a Pathfinder critter, which was about 2 CRs higher than the analogous 3.5 monster that the module had intended.


Mark, thanks for this list! Yesterday, I started some new players (and one experienced player) using #5 and #4 as recommended, and everyone had a blast.

One thing about #5 as a first scenario--if you take many blows, it can be tricky to recover them in #5 without access to the nigh-compulsory CLW wand bought with the first two PA (and money very tight to get healing potions if you want your weapon and armor). In our run, thanks to some good rolls for the undead, the only PC to remain conscious from the undead fight was the monkey-tized Gnome Sorcerer, who was confusedly scampering about aimlessly. I had to throw in a random Pathfinder trainee who went to check on the museum and bought a potion with some of the party's loot to be fed to the oracle (much hilarity ensued in the RPing of the exchanges between the trainee and the ape-sorcerer).

In that sense, Frozen Fingers first (with its two Cure Moderate Potions and more RPing encounters) to build up some cash might help newbies avoid a healing crunch.


Great list, esp. as we just have new players joining.

Grand Lodge 2/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Revised to include First Steps:

I1: In Service to Lore
I2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
I3: A Vision of Betrayal
#00-04: Frozen Fingers of Midnight
#00-05: Mists of the Mwangi
#01-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
#01-35: Voice in the Void
#01-29: Shipyard Rats
#01-30: Cassomir's Locker
#00-06: Black Waters
#00-01: Silent Tide
#01-39: The Citadel of Flame
#02-11: Penumbral Accords
#03-01: The Frostfur Captives
#01-45: Delirum's Tangle
#01-51: The Shadow Gambit
#01-52: The Twofold Demise
#01-41: Crypt of Fools
#01-48: Rules of the Swift
#02-01: The Bloodcove Disguise
#02-02: Rescue at Azlant Ridge

Also set it up in a spreadsheet to track a few other interesting bits :)

2/5 *

I like most of the scenario selection you’ve given, but I have the following comments on the order. After reading your comments on the other thread, perhaps we just philosophically disagree (and have a different player base that wants radically different things).

Level 2: #00-04: Frozen Fingers of Midnight and #01-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
Imo, these scenarios should be played at level 3 at subtier 4-5 (assuming 6 players), because they're too easy at level 2 at subtier 1-2. Also, Assault is better thematically at subtier 4-5 apparently.

Level 3: #01-35: Voice in the Void: I understand it's more interesting at subtier 6-7.

Level 3: #01-29: Shipyard Rats, Cassomir's Locker, Crypt of Fools, Rules of the Swift: It’s personal taste, but I don’t like this series at all. My personal feeling is that I'd rather GM 4 high quality independent scenarios than GM 4 average scenarios, just because it's a series.

Level 4: #00-01: Silent Tide and #00-06: Black Waters
Season 0 scenarios are ridiculously easy and should always be played up whenever possible.

We did Silent Tide at Gencon with level 2 PCs (two level 1s also) at subtier 4-5, and it was extremely easy, no challenge. If it's no challenge to a level 1-2 character, I can’t imagine there would be any point at running it with at level 4.

Level 5: #03-01: The Frostfur Captives: As much as I LOVE Frostfur Captives, there’s almost no point (besides storytelling) running it at level 5 at subtier 4-5. I ran it twice at subtier 4-5 with level 2s and the combats were never challenging (even with improved tactics), it was just right.

Level 5: #01-45: Delirum's Tangle: Delirium is another scenario that has a great story but non-challenging combats. I’d play it at subtier 4-5 at level 3.


Jason S wrote:

Level 4: #00-01: Silent Tide and #00-06: Black Waters
Season 0 scenarios are ridiculously easy and should always be played up whenever possible.

We did Silent Tide at Gencon with level 2 PCs (two level 1s also) at subtier 4-5, and it was extremely easy, no challenge. If it's no challenge to a level 1-2 character, I can’t imagine there would be any point at running it with at level 4.

Silent Tide is indeed ridiculously easy, and our group at average level 3 laughed off Subtier 4-5, even the level 1 character.

However, Black Waters is dangerous due to one encounter

The allip encounter fascinated all but two of our large party, and one (my Fighter) was ridiculously lucky not to be fascinated by either of the two allips. First allip fascinated the Rogue, second fascinated everyone but me and the Zen Archer (including the Rogue again) The GM rolled 7 rounds on the fascinate that hit most of the psrty. If my Fighter and the Zen Archer hadn't been insane tanks against incorporeal (Zen Archer had AC 21 at first thanks to Mage Armor until they kept draining his Wisdom) we would have lost the two of us at least in the rounds of the fascinate, and we were also the top incorporeal killers, since the Rogue, if unfascinated couldn't sneak attack them and the Heavens Oracle couldn't Color Spray them.
The rest is also quite easy.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Mark Garringer wrote:

Revised to include First Steps:

I1: In Service to Lore
I2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
I3: A Vision of Betrayal
#00-04: Frozen Fingers of Midnight
#00-05: Mists of the Mwangi
#01-33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible
#01-35: Voice in the Void
#01-29: Shipyard Rats
#01-30: Cassomir's Locker
#00-06: Black Waters
#00-01: Silent Tide
#01-39: The Citadel of Flame
#02-11: Penumbral Accords
#03-01: The Frostfur Captives
#01-45: Delirum's Tangle
#01-51: The Shadow Gambit
#01-52: The Twofold Demise
#01-41: Crypt of Fools
#01-48: Rules of the Swift
#02-01: The Bloodcove Disguise
#02-02: Rescue at Azlant Ridge

Also set it up in a spreadsheet to track a few other interesting bits :)

Mark, thank you so much for this list. I hope to shake your hand at a Con one day.

Edit: Hmm... perhaps I missed this in literature I've read through, but what about people who have selected a new faction after completing First Steps? How do they get a chance at full prestige/fame?

Edit 2: Found my answer in another thread.

shadowcat wrote:

c/p from the PF Organized Play Guide:

"All Previous Seasons: For the first three seasons of the
campaign, only five factions were available for characters
to ally with. As such, members of the five new factions
introduced in Season 3 playing older scenarios must
utilize faction missions from another faction, as follows.
• Grand Lodge faction PCs should treat Osirion faction
missions as their own for all pre-Season 3 scenarios.
• Lantern Lodge faction PCs should treat Qadira faction
missions as their own for all pre-Season 3 scenarios.
• Sczarni faction PCs should treat Taldor faction
missions as their own for all pre-Season 3 scenarios.
• Shadow Lodge faction PCs should treat Cheliax faction
missions as their own for all pre-Season 3 scenarios.
• Silver Crusade faction PCs should treat Andoran
faction missions as their own for all pre-Season 3

Grand Lodge 2/5

xebeche wrote:

Mark, thank you so much for this list. I hope to shake your hand at a Con one day.

Edit: Hmm... perhaps I missed this in literature I've read through, but what about people who have selected a new faction after completing First Steps? How do they get a chance at full prestige/fame?

Glad you are finding it helpful!

I'm not quite sure I understand your question though. At the end of First Steps #3 they are supposed to select a faction. Can you try an rephrase it maybe? :)


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