Gay Bandit Lovers in Golarion


Dark Archive

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From AP 31 p. 21, "The Stag Lord found out that the bandit
had withheld treasure and executed him to make
an example of him, but not before he sketched a
picture of the tree and told his lover about
the stash. Unfortunately, that other
bandit met an entirely different (but
no less final) fate on his attempt to
track down the cache (see area H)."

Not that I care, but I don't think you guys have ever shown "alternative lifestyles" before.

Edit: And I did have "Men in Tights" start singing in my head.

Liberty's Edge

chopswil wrote:

From AP 31 p. 21, "The Stag Lord found out that the bandit

had withheld treasure and executed him to make
an example of him, but not before he sketched a
picture of the tree and told his lover about
the stash. Unfortunately, that other
bandit met an entirely different (but
no less final) fate on his attempt to
track down the cache (see area H)."

Not that I care, but I don't think you guys have ever shown "alternative lifestyles" before.

Actually, for a sizable RPG company, there are quite a few.

My favorite is in Rise of the Runelords:

Cyrdak Drokkus, owner of the sandpoint theatre, and Sir Jasper Korvask(a paladin).

Quote ROTR #1 Page 66:
"Although Cyrdak enjoys flirting with all of Sandpoint’s young women, his romantic relationship with Jasper (area 40) is one of the town’s worst-kept secrets."

What I love about it is that it is cute theatre boy plus rugged paladin, and I loved playing it up in game.

There is a few of these in Paizo works. I usually mention them to my players when I come across them and we love it. (Yay Paizo!)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
cyrusduane wrote:
chopswil wrote:

From AP 31 p. 21, "The Stag Lord found out that the bandit

had withheld treasure and executed him to make
an example of him, but not before he sketched a
picture of the tree and told his lover about
the stash. Unfortunately, that other
bandit met an entirely different (but
no less final) fate on his attempt to
track down the cache (see area H)."

Not that I care, but I don't think you guys have ever shown "alternative lifestyles" before.

Actually, for a sizable RPG company, there are quite a few.

My favorite is in Rise of the Runelords:

Cyrdak Drokkus, owner of the sandpoint theatre, and Sir Jasper Korvask(a paladin).

Quote ROTR #1 Page 66:
"Although Cyrdak enjoys flirting with all of Sandpoint’s young women, his romantic relationship with Jasper (area 40) is one of the town’s worst-kept secrets."

What I love about it is that it is cute theatre boy plus rugged paladin, and I loved playing it up in game.

There is a few of these in Paizo works. I usually mention them to my players when I come across them and we love it. (Yay Paizo!)

Also Queen Ileosa and her bodyguard in Curse of the Crimson Throne. I wouldn't be surprised if there's one somewhere in every adventure path.

Dark Archive

Paul Watson wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if there's one somewhere in every adventure path.

Find the gay couple, win a prize?

This sort of thing really helped in our ROTR group.

One of my players is bi and while he was romancing the womenfolk in the game, he wanted to play a more open character. After the party heard some of the stories about some of the charcaters in town, I realised that the players were mature enough to handle it too. I told him "go ahead". At that point, none of the other players (or me as a GM) knew that our fellow player was bisexual. And, nobody really cares one way or the other. (Which is a cool change from the 80's when I was GMing and one of our players turned out to be gay and the other players felt very uncomfortable and one even left the group.)

(Not that a player needs my permission as GM to play the romances they want.)

And the fact that when this shows up, its not a "hey, look at this! A gay couple!" but just more of a thing that is part of the game.

And ROTR does a nice job of showing that a same-sex relationship is OK, Cyrdak is a nice guy. But that there is also prejudice to rile against: the Scarnettis.

Just one more reason they (the Scarnettis)are badguys.

Kingmakers in Tights would be great too...

So, way to go Paizo.

Liberty's Edge

The title of this thread alone is enough reason for me to buy Kingmaker.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I just checked the encounters about those two, I was mistaken male pro-nouns are used after all. Can't really blame them have you seen the chick who works with these guys? Eeesh. Although Svetlana isn't too bad looking from her quest picture.

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