File Off the Serial Numbers (PFRPG) PDF

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File Off the Serial Numbers is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game-compatible sourcebook giving advice and examples for using existing monster stat blocks in new "roles" as NPCs. For example:

  • Use a young black dragon's stat block as a CR 7 lizardfolk sorcerer
  • Use a dark creeper's stat block as a CR 2 rogue
  • Use a succubus's stat block as a CR 7 enchanter
  • Use a xill's stat block as a CR 6 monk or rogue
  • Use a yeti's stat block as a CR 3 barbarian

This PDF gives over 80 examples of how to use existing monster stat blocks as humanoid NPCs, explains how to quickly swap or ignore irrelevant monster abilities, and includes tables quickly summarizing roles by CR, class, and creature size. The point of File Off the Serial Numbers is to get more use out of the monster stat blocks you already have, and save you time when you quickly need an NPC or adversary when the PCs take an unexpected turn.

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Great for the Money!


I tend to be kind of jaded by anything that anyone "recommends" as a good tool for GMs. By this point, it's not that the advice out there is bad, it's that odds keep getting better and better that I've heard it before.

That doesn't stop me from looking though and in this case, I'm really happy about what I stumbled over.

I'd thought of this idea before... *snort* No, not really. I just wish I had. And that's what makes this pdf so worth the money. Sean Reynolds does a great job of presenting his idea simply and quickly. You're bound to read the first few paragraphs and think to yourself, "Self, why hadn't I thought of this before."

Every improv style GM out there has had those moments when she wants to be able to create a memorable encounter on the fly. Up until reading this, what that meant was having an index in my head of available monsters that I could easily mix and match to form a good encounter.

That's worked for me for time out of mind, but it turns out that is a very two dimensional approach. Filing off the serial numbers adds a third dimension to the mix by letting you take the index in your mind and merge cards.

And for the less improv GMs there's even more to think over. If you usually painstakingly plan out your encounters, the possibilities are even greater.

It's definitely worth the two bucks to add another good tool to your GM toolbox.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you're curious about what sort of info is presented in this PDF, take a look at some of my old livejournal #monster posts, as I doled these out over several months a while back. File Off the Serial Numbers presents this information in a different format, but it's the same idea.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
If you're curious about what sort of info is presented in this PDF, take a look at some of my old livejournal #monster posts, as I doled these out over several months a while back. File Off the Serial Numbers presents this information in a different format, but it's the same idea.

Thanks! This helps me make a decision to purchase even easier. Thanks!

Whoa, a recent one! Interesting.

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Who did the art, Sean?

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The cover art is by the excellent Gerald Lee, who also did the cover to Darkness Without Form, Hungry Little Monsters, and The New Argonauts.

Good to see you doing some of your own publishing! I absolutely loved the New Argonauts. Is there a bit of a friendly rivalry between you and Minotaur Games now? :)

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very cool. Thanks, Sean - been looking forward to this for a while.

Designer, RPG Superstar Judge

Odraude wrote:
Good to see you doing some of your own publishing! I absolutely loved the New Argonauts. Is there a bit of a friendly rivalry between you and Minotaur Games now? :)

We're boycotting each others' PDFs out of spite. :)

Silver Crusade

hey now, look at the snazzy cover art!

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