Elevated Bonus?

Rules Questions


I am running a game and I have come across a situation where I have attackers in an elevated position over 5ft in the air. Do they get an attack bonus for ranged or melee attacks either damage or to hit and do they get an AC bonus for being more difficult to attack?

I have looked through some books but I have not found the answer. Any assistance would be appreciated.

According to the table for combat modifiers (in the Combat chapter of the Core Rulebook), an attacker on higher ground gets a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls (there's no bonus for ranged attack rolls).

NO. you only get a higher ground bonus for being on higher ground. Not ranged.

They MAY get a cover or concealment bonus depending on what they are flying behind but no bonus From flying...


Thanks. They arent flying but standing on top of a boardwalk over five feet up. Would that be some sort of cover bonus for AC?

Would really depend on angle and such.

They might get cover, depending on the position of the attackers.

Some attackers may be directly beneath the boardwalk, in which case they can't attack at all. Other attackers will see less than half of their target (+4 bonus to AC), some attackers will see more than half of their target (+2 bonus to AC), while yet others may be far enough away that they can see their targets completely (no bonus to AC).

You'll have to mentally (or physically) draw lines from an attacker's square to see if there's any cover, as per the rules for cover.

(On a side note: Some of the enemies may also have cover against the PC's attacks)

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