Stag Lord

ibayboy's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. 179 posts (206 including aliases). 9 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

Happy New Year from NEW ZEALAND

Can anyone answer a question about the Bloodwind. How does it travel to and from the Dreamlands. The PC's can catch sight of it on the Sellen river, and it releases monsters, but don't encounter it. They interact with in in the Dreamlands, but can't take it back. Am i missing something.

So how exactly do you strangle someone without any special items, feats or abilities?
The Aerial Servant has the smother ability, which hastens suffocation, but it relies on the victim having to hold its breath. Constrict, grab, and grapple, are silent on suffocation, as are Air and Elemental subtypes. CRB suffocation rules are silent on ways to cause it.
So how would an Aerial Servant, in a normal room, with lots of free PC air, get this ability to work.

Hi Paizo, happy new year! I was checking on my order, which was placed in early November, as it hadn't arrived. I see that it's pending because one item is unavailable. Can this item be removed so the rest can proceed?

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Its that time again, Happy New Year 2016 from...New Zealand

Its that time again, i'll start.

Happy New Year from Wellington, New Zealand.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'll start this off... Happy New Year from Wellington, New Zealand.

Any idea if/when these will be available? I'm looking at you Liz

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Having just finished running a Serpents Skull campaign, I wanted to show everyone a full set of paper minis. It was good having just the right minis for each encounter. They look great, and worked a treat, on a budget.

here is a look at all of them post game

Thought i'd start this off, even if i'm a coupla hrs late.
HAPPY NEW YEAR from Wellington, New Zealand.