Black Dragon

William Bumgarner's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (29 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 30 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Dark Archive

I very humbly request a code; this is a thing that I have been needing very much. :)

Dark Archive

I played the above using my Tengu Vigilante (Avenger Specialization) named Drake Mallard. So far, I'm loving the class. Most of the time the party didn't even know I was there. I passed my civilian identity off as a scholar who was recording the exploits of Pathfinders to be put within the Chronicles, but as soon as trouble started I Stealthed my way out and in-character the group thought I chickened out (excuse the pun). I shadowed them for a while until they got into combat, then I popped a smoke bomb and revealed myself in a dramatic manner as befitting a masked avenger of the night. Combat-wise, I like the Avenger's "Assault Training" class ability, as it essentially lets me have a Dex-based character (which is my favorite to play) while still getting the effect of a full BAB. I cannot wait to get a few levels on this guy and test out some of the Vigilante Talents, but even if I never become great at combat the role-play and theatrics of this class are exactly the kind of thing I've been wanting in Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

I received the exact same message as snowyak and dated on the same day from the account "Email Alert". Seems like this is happening to a good number of people.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There simply MUST be a portrait of Drendle Dreng....

Dark Archive

I built a Barbarian who worships Szuriel, Horseman of War, and I absolutely love that bad boy. Really brings on the smashy-smashy with that Greataxe.

Dark Archive

Okay; I see what you were getting at now. Basically, a Werebat-kin can't take the Wolf Style feat because that's a different lycanthropic race entirely. That one I totally misinterpreted. But I'm fairly positive it's been established now that Wolf Style *is* a racial feat for Werewolf-kin.

Dark Archive

I'm not seeing how it means they can only take racials, but even if it's true and there's something I'm missing that wouldn't make sense at all. There are only a handful of feats in that book and if Skinwalkers were to be restricted to racial feats only they would be the absolute weakest characters ever. I suspect that would be clarified should there ever be a Skinwalker boon. The Wereboar, Werecrocodile, Wererat and Wereshark-kin are given no racial feats, meaning that they would have none whatsoever.

The text says that those racial feats are only available to Skinwalkers, not that those are the ONLY feats available to them. Unless there's invisible text I can't see, I'm even more confused now.

Dark Archive

Thank you, Jeffrey Fox; that was the only answer I was seeking when I posed the question. I've only been at this for a little over a year and there is a great deal I find ambiguous or just flat-out confusing. I don't have time to sit and read every single tiny little rule and notation and what-not and just asked for a simple "yes, it's racial" or "no, it's not racial" to clear up my confusion. I didn't want or ask for this to become a fight and I'm sorry I *ever* asked a question. I'll never do that again.

Dark Archive

Again I have to disagree; it says racial feats are only allowed for skinwalkers. But there's nothing in the text of the book itself that says Wolf Style is a racial feat. To the contrary, it says "can be used by ANYONE", which I feel would disqualify it AS racial.

Dark Archive

Then there probably SHOULD be a mention of it, one way or another; this isn't the first time I've found that Additional Resources page to be confusing. And I'm not the only one, as several other people I've spoken to are of the opinion that the text within "Blood of the Moon" disqualifies Wolf Style as a racial feat, which is what prompted this question. The way it reads should be changed to "Feats are only available to skinwalkers". That can't be THAT hard, can it? Clears up a lot of muddy water and removes any and all debate over whether Wolf Style is a racial feat or not, because it firmly states that it wouldn't be legal anyway.

I'm not trying to be a jerk or rock anyone's boat or get a rule changed (though I'll freely admit I wouldn't mind if that were to be a sole exception to the feats in the book), but I absolutely hate things that are seemingly ambiguous and arbitrary, which is all I seem to encounter with that page.

Dark Archive

Then people had better stop using spells from the Advanced Player's Guide; they aren't listed on Additional Resources, either, so they must be illegal, too.

Dark Archive

The Additional Resources does indeed list many things which are illegal. What I want the ruling on is is Wolf Style constitutes a racial feat. A good deal of other feats in "Blood of the Moon" do say they are only for those races (example: "These feats are available to werebat-kin".), but Wolf Style reads quite differently, as I said in my first post.

Whatever official ruling comes down I will abide by; I just want it crystal clear one way or another.

Dark Archive

But there's also no mention of the Wolf Style being a racial feat, which muddies the issue.

Dark Archive

The thing I want to know centers around the Wolf Style Feat in "Blood of the Moon"; is that considered a racial feat as per Additional Resources? The source book itself says "The following style feats were developed by werewolf-kin monks, but can be used by anyone with an affinity for
wolves and their kind," which would imply that anyone can indeed take it. It all seems rather vague and I'm looking to clear this up.

Dark Archive

I, too, have a question about this archetype's 0-level spells:

On the Witch's spell list is "Spark", which is of the Fire School. Given the statement that the Winter Witch cannot learn or cast spells of the Fire descriptor, doesn't that mean that you're basically swapping Spark for Ray of Frost?

Dark Archive

Notepad++ helped a lot; it actually let me see where line 628 was and that I was trying to add the modification in COMPLETELY the wrong part of the document. Everything works 100% fine now. Thanks!

Dark Archive

I tried making the modification, Mr. Bender, but then I got an error whenever I tried to load PCGen (removing the line restored it to functionality), so I'm not sure I did it right. The lines are not numbered so I had to take my best guess (I opened this in Notepad, so if there's a better program I'd very much like to know). I placed it right under "Rampart" and right above "Rebuke" in the first section of the LST file, since these seem to be in alphabetical order unless I'm way off. There seems to be a lot of data for the other spells (indicating school, range, etc.); does that all have to be entered as well? And does spacing on the tabbing matter?

Dark Archive

I'll make the modification for now. Thank you, good sir. And you've got a mighty fine alpha build here; I can see this program going far.

Dark Archive

Feel free to take your time; there is absolutely no rush on this.

Dark Archive

I know the book (and thus the archetype) are not implemented; I have the PDF of Inner Sea Magic and I was mostly asking about a way to manually add Ray of Frost to the Witch's Level-0 spells to make it work for the time being (it is literally the one and only thing I am hung up on). If that can't be done, that's fine.

Dark Archive

I'm getting it from "Inner Sea Magic", but I guess it's the same archetype either way. I am using 6.02.00, and this is what I have loaded:

Princes of Darkness - Book of the Damned, Volume 1
Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh (Conversion)
Dragon Empires Gazetteer
Guide to the River Kingdoms
Heart of the Jungle
Inner Sea Bestiary
Inner Sea World Guide
Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society
Guide To Pathfinder Society Organized Play
Blood of Fiends
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Dragon Empires Primer
Dungeoneer's Handbook
Dwarves of Golarion
Faiths of Balance
Faiths of Corruption
Faiths of Purity
Gnomes of Golarion
Goblins of Golarion
Halflings of Golarion
Inner Sea Primer
Orcs of Golarion
Pirates of the Inner Sea
Qadira, Gateway to the East
Sargava, the Lost Colony
Advanced Player's Guide
Advanced Race Guide
Bestiary 2
Bestiary 3
Core Rulebook
Ultimate Combat
Ultimate Equipment
Ultimate Magic

So what is a Jira and how do I open one? (I hate being n00bish about this, but up until now I've done all character creation by hand and have zero experience with these types of things).

Dark Archive

I just started using PCGen the other day and slow speed aside I like the program's utility and flexibility so far (made four test characters with it in two days, which is incredible seed for me). The only issue I'm running into is that I'm making a Witch of the Winter Archetype and I can't add Ray of Frost to my Level-0 spells as the archetype allows. Is there a way to manually add a spell to the spell list that I'm just not seeing?