
Perram's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 439 posts. 8 reviews. 4 lists. 1 wishlist. 8 Organized Play characters.

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Liberty's Edge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

While Dragons and Things finishes out Paizo's Gen Con Online 2020, the crew here at Know Direction are signing out until the next one. We're really proud of the work our team did, and all of the incredible work that Paizo Inc.'s crew brought this year.

We hope you had a great time, and if you missed any of it: do not worry. We'll have audio recordings of it all on the podcast stream, and Paizo will have much of it on their YouTube channel, and we'll have the rest on ours.

If luck and health are with us, we'll see you all next year in person!

And as always, you can find all of our previous convention coverage and other Paizo news and gaming content at our web page: http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/

How have you all enjoyed the PaizoCon and Gen Con online offerings this year? We did our best to try and make it as much like the offline experience as we could.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey all,

I made these character sheets for my home games, and thought you all might like them. They're inspired by the official Playtest sheets and the old Forgotten Realms sheets for 3rd edition D&D.

I hope to make them form fallible... when I figure out how.

There are printer friendly versions as well in the zip.

http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2019/08/perrams-landscape-character-sheet-f or-pathfinder-second-edition/

Liberty's Edge

19 people marked this as a favorite.

This was such an amazing episode to do, I didn't expect that they would be THAT open about everything when it started.

  • Archetypes don't have to be class specific, but can be.
  • Prepared Spellcasting & Spontaneous Spellcasting both exist.
  • Metamagic still exists
  • Hero Points are Core - But different from what we've seen before.
  • Spells don't auto scale, you have to slot them higher (And yes, they admit this one was just like 5e's solution to the same problem.)
  • They intend to make PF2 Characters extremely customize-able and crunchy, not a dumbed down system at all for PCs.
  • Simple Monster Creation aimed at hitting similar stat ranges as PCs, unlike Starfinder's different balance for NPCs / Enemies.
  • Explanation of what Class Feats are, similar to Rogue Talents, but expanded. One every other level.
  • PF1E Paperback Books will stay in print until sales flag.

    And a lot more than that, its two hours of solid question and answering with very little holding back.

    Full Interview Available Here

  • Liberty's Edge

    A nice calendar I can hang on my wall with the in game year would be wonderful. If it doubled as a conventional calendar, great, but having something like this would be wonderful to hang up in the game room.

    You've got SO MUCH art you could use for it each year, and AND you could sneak in promotions for book release dates on it. Marvel does this for their comic books.

    It would make my life so much easier, and you could release a new one each year!

    Liberty's Edge

    It seems I have an entire shipment that is missing or was never processed. I don't have access to the downloads either. This is a follow up to my earlier email expanded.

    Missing Items I've noticed so far:

    Ultimate Wilderness
    Alien Archive Pawn Set (Pre-ordered in September)
    Iron Fang Invasion Pawn Set
    Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the Wastes (PFRPG)
    Pathfinder Adventure Path #124: City in the Deep (Ruins of Azlant 4 of 6)

    And there are probably more, but the site is very slow and its hard for me to sort through all the product lines to see which items have been released I haven't been sent.

    Liberty's Edge

    8 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey everyone,

    We recently had Owen and Jason on the show to really dig in deep on what you need to know to get ready for Starfinder. Including some real crunchy details on:

    • Character Creation
    • Advancement
    • Combat
    • Differences between Starfinder and Pathfinder
    • and a lot more.

    It gets really crunchy and elbows deep in details. We were really happy to have them on the show, and thought you all would want to see this one if you haven't.

    Check it out here:

    http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2017/07/know-direction-162-getting-ready-fo r-starfinder/

    Liberty's Edge

    I recently did three things in rapid succession:

    1) Subscribed to just about everything Starfinder. (Maybe actually everything?)

    2) Ordered a Limited Edition SFCRB

    3) Selected 'Gen Con Pickup'


    Now none of those products appear in my upcoming subscriptions.

    Just want to make sure everything is in order. Don't want to show up for my books at the con and not be able to get them. :)

    Thank you

    Liberty's Edge

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    As a long time subscriber to the different product lines, I have a 'My Downloads' page with hundreds of PDFs at this point, but downloading them is rather annoying, and I think the process should be improved.

    Problem #1 - Customization

    I have to click the link twice, after waiting 10 seconds the first time... but sometimes it still isn't done yet if its a hard cover. If I download the same book again? I /still/ need to customize it.

    I understand that this is to place the Watermark on the PDF pages, but it means downloading any one file takes several steps, takes time, and is in general an annoying process.

    Problem #2 - Downloading Multiple Files

    There is no method in place to easily download multiple files. So if I want to download all of my PDFs that I've bought, I have to do the above customization process every time.

    It's painful when I'm simply downloading every adventure in an AP, but when I'm trying to get my entire collection? Almost unbearable.

    If I'm going to use the PDFs at a convention or on my iPad or other tablet, I need to download them and transfer them to the device. This makes it very difficult to do.

    If there were a way to at least batch the process to download multiple PDFs at once, things would be a lot easier.

    Problem #3 - The File Names

    I just Downloaded Unchained. It comes in a zip file named PathfinderRoleplayingGameUnchainedOGLPDF-SingleFile.zip. But when I open that zip file so that I can pull the PDF out, I find a PDF named PZO1131E.pdf. Some apps won't read the PDFs inside zip files, so I have to unzip them, which means in order to know what file my book is I have to rename the file myself.

    Again, in the context of a single file, its annoying but not a huge effort. But when I'm dealing with a catalog of hundreds, having to personalize them, download them, unzip them, and rename them one by one? Very unsatisfying.

    So please, improve the system.

    Liberty's Edge

    Hey guys, one of my campaigns I run is based in Andoran, and more specifically, urban adventuring in the City of Almas.

    Besides the Inner Sea World Guide, Andoran, Spirit of Liberty, and Guide to Darkmoon Vale, what other resources are out there for the nation and hopefully the city of Almas itself?

    I'm hoping you guys may know of some adventures that take place there, and maybe even PFS Scenarios inside Almas, as I remember at least one, but can't put my finger on what it was.

    Any help at all would be great!

    Liberty's Edge

    Hey guys! Couldn't make the con? Made it but didn't sit in all the seminars? Don't worry! We've got you covered! Here at Know Direction: We Con when you Can't!

    We've got the majority of the seminars recorded to video, and a few more recorded as just audio.

    Ok! We've got TWO videos up now! And more to come!

    Paizo 2015 and Beyond Seminar - This is the one that they make the Occult Adventures announcement, as well as Inner Sea Races! And they talk a little about all the other things going on.
    Link: http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2014/08/gen-con-2014-paizo-2015-and-beyond- occult-adventures-races-of-golarion-announcement/

    Pathfinder’s Expanding Universe - This is the seminar with the most information about the deal with Obsidian Entertainment and talk of the digital version of the card game. It also talks about the miniature line, the new campaign coins medallion, and other tie in products.
    Link: http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2014/08/gen-con-2014-pathfinders-expanding- universe-obsidian-entertainment-card-game-more/

    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey gang! Here are the notes we have for the big announcements made at Gen Con 2014 for the Pathfinder RPG. We recorded nearly all the seminars this year as well and will be uploading them shortly.

    Announcements include:
    Hell's Rebels Adventure Path
    Inner Sea Races Hard Cover
    Occult Adventures Hard Cover (Includes Psychic Magic)

    Here are our notes:
    http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/2014/08/gen-con-2014-pathfinder-announcemen ts-hells-rebels-occult-adventures-inner-sea-races/

    Liberty's Edge

    Our first video of the Gen Con seminars is now available!

    Paizo Publishing 2013 and Beyond!

    Featuring: Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, F. Wesley Schneider, & Lisa Stevens

    Special thanks to our Gen Con Corespondent: Michel Lepage

    Liberty's Edge

    Know Direction Pathfinder Podcast Live – James Jacobs Interview, PaizoCon Review, Your Questions Answered

    Due to Scheduling we’ll be splitting our live recordings for the next episode of Know Direction into two parts this week.

    Tuesday, July 23rd at 8:00 p.m. EST (5:00 p.m. PST) we’ll do our banter segment where we’ll talk about PaizoCon and answer submitted Pathfinder questions as well as take live questions from the Audience.

    Thursday, July 25th at 7:30 p.m. EST (4:30 p.m. PST) We’ll be interviewing James Jacobs about the Pathfinder Adventure Paths, including the upcoming Wrath of the Righteous!

    YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/KnowDirectionShow/


    So, please join us on YouTube, and we'll be taking questions from the audience during the show.

    Liberty's Edge

    In addition to our PaizoCon coverage, we still have our regularly scheduled episodes!

    We talk with Erik Keith about his Valeros cosplay, and cosplay in general as well as customer service as Paizo Publishing and upcoming conventions. (Picture available on our Facebook Page)

    We take our best guesses about PaizoCon. (And are wrong!)

    Reviewed this Episode:
    Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicles of the Righteous
    Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Fey Revisited
    Pathfinder Pawns: NPC Codex Box
    Pathfinder Comics Issue 7

    Audio: http://www.35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=art icle&id=527:know-direction-66-cosplay-with-erik-keith&catid=35:the- tome-know-direction&Itemid=34


    Liberty's Edge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Know Direction’s PaizoCon 2013 coverage was made possible by the KD PaizoCon 2013 Con Team, including Mitchell Anderson, Sarah Bull, Darran Caldemeyer, Venus DeCoy, Robyn Nixon, and Justin Sluder. Huge thanks to them for all the help. If you like this special, check out 35privatesanctuary.com for more recordings from this and previous year’s PaizoCon, check out the Know Direction YouTube channel for seminar videos, and don’t forget to visit our sponsor at chimeragames.ca.

    I'll be updating this thread as the seminars are released!

    Audio: http://www.35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=art icle&id=526:paizocon2013-special-001-preview-banquet&catid=35:the-t ome-know-direction&Itemid=34

    Liberty's Edge

    Unfortunate circumstances mean that this year, I will not be able to attend. Please cancel my ticket and banquette ticket.

    Liberty's Edge

    Clicking on the Title should also expand / collapse instead of just the link at the top right.

    Liberty's Edge

    Paizo's editor-in-chief F. Wesley Schneider joins Ryan and Perram to banter on homosexuality in Golarion and gaming, easily the most insightful discussionthe banter segment has yet to see. We talk about RPG Superstar and Paizo's latest hirings in the news segment, we review Animal Archive, Liar's Blade, Open Gaming Monthly, and Evocative Vehicles in Read Magic, and we take your questions in the Know Questions segment, including a couple of questions for Venture Lieutenant Brian Darnell.

    http://www.35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=art icle&id=506:know-direction-58-homosexuality-in-golarion&catid=35:th e-tome-know-direction&Itemid=34


    Liberty's Edge

    Perram's Spellbook 2 Alpha Version 0.1

    In an effort to continue to bring you the best free spell cards available, Perram's Spellbook is getting a major upgrade! This new version of the app will include several user requested features. Expect this page to change rapidly and drastically over the next few weeks!

    The Big Feature List

    PDFs! - From now on, Perram's Spellbook will generate PDF documents instead of printable web pages. You can save them to your hard drive after it creates them, or print them out right on the spot. Since it is a standard PDF document, you'll be able to size, resize, and print on any device without having to worry about what browser you are using!

    Improved layout and graphics! - I think this will be obvious once you make your first set of cards. I worked hard to make them look good, guys!

    Exact Match Font Sizes - The spellbook will no longer print a second card when you can obviously see it could have fit on just one! It now knows exactly how many cards it takes, and will try its best to fit it onto a single card if possible.

    UPCOMING - Large Font Option - Fear not about the tiny text size on some cards! You'll be able to tell the app to manually print a larger font size. Doing this WILL mean that you'll have more cards to print as longer spells spill over to 2nd and 3rd cards.

    UPCOMING - List Format - Don't want cards, just a nice printable spell list? You'll be able to do just that! No headache required.

    UPCOMING - Random Spellbooks! - This one is for you GMs out there! Hit a button and a random spellbook will be generated instead of having to select your spells manually!

    UPCOMING - Better Interface, More Controls! - I know things look pretty spare right now, but don't worry. These controls and the whole app will be getting a face lift before launch.
    Your Feedback is Needed - Now More than Ever!

    Nearly every feature in Perram's Spellbook is the result of a user asking for it! So if you have any comments or questions, reply below!

    Liberty's Edge

    Our first official live show! comments very much wanted, guys!

    Me and Ryan talk about the new adventure format, completed projects, sugar gliders, People of the North, and user questions!

    Watch it Here:

    Liberty's Edge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Know Direction is now going LIVE, WITH VIDEO! Starting Wed. February 6th, 8:30 p.m. EST, 5:30 p.m. PST!

    Still keeping the same great show, same content, with the same schedule, but now live on YouTube every two weeks!

    We'll be taking feedback and answering your questions as you ask them!

    You can subscribe to our channel here:

    The best in Pathfinder News, Reviews, & Interviews, just keeps getting better!

    We would appreciate it if our fans could pass this message along, we'd love to have as many people there for our first show as possible!

    Liberty's Edge

    We meet Paizo developer Patrick Renie to discuss the Player’s Companion line, in particular the recent Blood of the Night, and our banter segment is filled with the latest news from around the Pathfinder community.

    Also as a Video Bonus, we unbox the Shattered Star Miniatures!

    You can listen to the episode here:
    Know Direction 55

    The Video Bonus is located here:
    Video Bonus

    Liberty's Edge

    As a bonus to our upcoming Know Direction 55, we have a Video Segment! Where we unbox the Pathfinder Battles Miniatures: Shattered Star set!

    You can watch it here:

    Liberty's Edge

    Know Direction episode 54 brings you more news and reviews than you can handle! Plus, we answer your questions, including a PFS question for Brian Darnell!

    You can listen to it here:
    http://35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=485%3Aknow-direction-54-early-january&catid=35%3Athe-tome-know- direction&Itemid=34

    Liberty's Edge

    What better way to close out 2012, the 5th anniversary of Pathfinder and the 10th anniversary of Paizo than a chat with Paizo CEO Lisa Stevens?

    This is one of my favorite episodes yet, please check it out.

    Listen to it here.


    Know Direction is part of thhe 3.5 Gaming Shelf podcasts, listen to this and other great podcasts at 35privatesanctuary.com

    Liberty's Edge

    When I try to use search, it just refreshes the current page.

    Liberty's Edge

    (Sorry if this is a double for you guys, just realized I submitted two issues to you yesterday and wanted to make sure you didn't think it was the same issue. Ignore if it is.)

    When I received my copy of the Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Deluxe Collector's Edition (PFRPG) Hardcover, the Hinge was broken off of it, and the pin that holds it in place was snapped in half.

    Because of my main interest in this as a collector's item, I would like to exchange it for an intact copy.

    Thank you all so much,

    - Perram

    Liberty's Edge

    The chocolate dice say they are shipped on Dec. 4th, but I haven't received them yet. It also says shipping cost was $0.00, but it isn't in a side cart and I wasn't given the opportunity to select a different shipping option.

    Liberty's Edge

    One of the charming things that I've seen other companies do for tournament leagues is provide badges for participation in them, or other small trinkets. For example, the little patches for War Machine or the odd figures for competing in a league in Hero Clix. These are rewards for regularly playing and participating actively in the community.

    And, in my opinion, completing an Adventure Path is a much larger achievement than playing through 6 weeks of a game league. I'd love to be able to give my players (and myself for GMing the darn thing for over a year) a little token or badge or something to honor that achievement!

    Now I could make them myself, and will, but I think it would be neat if Paizo had these available for us to get officially.

    Now I'm not saying they should be free or anything, but something the GM could buy for a hopefully small cost to give to their players when they finished the AP.

    It wouldn't have to be badges, it could but pins like the ones you give away at GenCon, etc... Or just any other cool trinket that you think could work. And I think it would be neat if it said something like:

    Rise of the Runelords: Survivor

    Alternatively, you could release a set for PCs that DIED in the APs, too. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ryan and Perram are back in full swing, with an extended review segment and the most questions ever asked for Know Questions, including our first PFS question for Venture Lieutenant Brian Darnell.

    You can listen the episode right here:
    http://35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=472:know-direction-48-prestigious-trailer&catid=35:the-tome-kno w-direction&Itemid=34


    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    How are the various names and naming styles generated in Gollarion? The example names are a huge help for the various races and ethnicity listings, but I want to make sure that my choices of names are consistent.

    I know that Gollarion is a real world analog... and getting names from different cultures listed is easy to compile... so I think it would be really helpful to have a good cheat sheet so that when my players hear the name of a person from Taldor, they recognize it as such, as opposed to someone from Cheliax or Galt, for instance.

    Liberty's Edge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    As you may have heard in Know Direction 47, I'm currently working on a complete revision of Perram's Spellbook, and I need your guys help. I want to make this the best spell cards available, PERIOD.

    The goals:

    • Better Looking Cards (Example Below)
    • Save Cards as PDF Files, to help resolve printing issues.
    • Using Inspirations from CCG and Board Game cards to make reading the cards easier and more compact. Using Symbols, etc...
    • Still having the cards be customizeable ! Important to include the option for both large and small text for users who are unable to read small text.
    • A cheat list option, instead of cards. Basically like a reference table of the basic stats without the full text description.
    • Ability to enter your caster stats in, and have the spell display modified numerical info like range and save DC based on level, stat, bonuses, etc...

    So please chime in with your requests and suggestions!

    Example Here.

    Liberty's Edge

    Since you're giving me a free copy at GenCon. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    The Know Direction Podcast will once again be releasing audio recordings of the majority of the sessions, presentations, and seminars of PaizoCon! So for those of you, like myself, who were not able to make it, this is the second best thing!

    These recording would not have been possible without the help of Justin Sluder, Jessie Banner, and Paul Rimmer. Thank you three for your help, support, and hard work. I’m sure the Pathfinder fan community appreciates it as much as we do.

    Our plan is to release a new segment every day as they finish editing.

    Our First Segment: The PaizoCon 2012 Banquet!
    You can listen to it right here!

    Liberty's Edge

    Ryan and Perram review the Advanced Race Guide and Dwarves of Golarion, answer questions speculating on the next adventure path, and discuss the (as of the recording) upcoming Pathfinder event of con season, PaizoCon 2012.

    You can listen to the show here.


    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Gamers' Guide to Pathfinder
    Sean and Barry bite into different chunks of Pathfinder crunch.

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    Ryan and Perram talk with Mike Brock of Paizo, the Pathfinder Society coordinator, about PFS season 4 and the upcoming con season.

    Listen Now!


    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Gamers' Guide to Pathfinder
    Sean and Barry bite into different chunks of Pathfinder crunch.

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    I was wondering if there would be a Pathfinder Comic subscription through Paizo.com or will I need to find some other way to purchase the comic regularly?

    Liberty's Edge

    When a link leads to a PRD section with an anchor tag, such as looking up the rules for Improvised Weapons, the page snaps to that section on top but THEN draws the banner menu on top of it, meaning you have to actually scroll up to get to the section you are looking for.

    A minor thing, I know, but though you would want to know.

    Tested on Windows 7 with IE 9, Chrome (newest version), and Firefox.

    Liberty's Edge

    My players just defeated this guy in our last session. He was a lot of fun, and they kept wondering what was in his head!

    Liberty's Edge

    I'm in a much better financial place now, and can continue.

    Thank you so much!

    Liberty's Edge

    NPC Database Launches!

    Now launching the NPC DATABASE! Using the NPC Database data from d20pfsrd.com, I've designed a front end so that you can easily look up over 900 open content NPCs from Paizo's Pathfinder Adventures!

    Mike's databases again prove to be a great source of awesome, and I just wanted to make it easier for GMs to use.

    ALSO! Fixed some bugs with Perram's Spellbook so that it will print better with all modern browsers!

    The database is available here: http://www.theGM.org/

    Original data from d20pfsrd.com

    Liberty's Edge


    Ryan and Perram discuss the winner of RPG Superstar, review Pathfinder Campaign Setting Distant Worlds, banter about their games, and more.

    You can listen to it here:
    http://35privatesanctuary.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article &id=420%3Aknow-direction-36-crowd-source&catid=35%3Athe-tome-know-d irection&Itemid=34


    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Gamers' Guide to Pathfinder
    Sean and Barry bite into different chunks of Pathfinder crunch.

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    Ryan and I speak with Pathfinder Lead Designer Jason Bulhman about the upcoming Advanced Race Guide (ARG) and Ultimate Equipment (UE). They don't argue with him, that's just an unfortunate coincidence.

    Listen to the episode here.


    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Gamers' Guide to Pathfinder
    Sean and Barry bite into different chunks of Pathfinder crunch.

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    Ryan Dancey joins Ryan and me to talk about the making of the OGL and his involvement in Goblinworks, developers of the upcoming Pathfinder Online MMO.

    You can listen to the episode right here:
    Know Direction 33 - Ryan Dancey

    The Know Direction Podcast is part of the Gaming Shelf at 35PrivateSanctuary.com. There you can listen to this show and other great shows such as:

    3.5 Private Sanctuary
    Ryan and Matt look at the classes and the races, the flavour and the crunch, the best and the worst of Dungeons & Dragons 3.5

    Gamers' Guide to Pathfinder
    Sean and Barry bite into different chunks of Pathfinder crunch.

    World of Sexton (AP)
    Skyth's World of Sexton actual play podcast

    Dwarfed Podio Book
    The epic fantasy satire, Dwarfed.

    Liberty's Edge

    After seeing Sean K. Reynolds' recent facebook update where he showed his most commonly referenced books (Sean K Reynolds | Facebook) I was surprised that he marked each of them on their bottoms!

    And then I remembered that I hadn't marked ANY of my Pathfinder RPG books.

    I used to write my name in the inside cover of each of my RPG books with a black marker.

    I never, however, used a highlighter or such inside the book.

    Do you guys mark your books and / or highlight them?

    Liberty's Edge

    It may be late January, but it is early 2012. Ryan and me look back on the biggest news and best releases of 2011. And Paizo developer Rob McCreary talks RPG Superstar, Skull & Shackles, and Rob McCreary.

    Click Here for the show!

    Look forward to your feedback!

    Liberty's Edge

    I've already got a copy of the original printing, but I wanted to just say that I'm glad that there is another chance for more Pathfinder gamers to get this awesome book!

    Liberty's Edge

    Hey all, I painted four Sinspawn and thought I would share. Not the best paint jobs in the world, nope, but I like the creepy guys.

    Inspired by Paizo's own paint day, me and my friends decided to meet after work twice a month to paint minis together. I'll be painting a LOT of the pathfinder minis for my Pathfinder games.


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