
Gerald Colliou's page

Goblin Squad Member. ******** Venture-Captain, France—Paris 23 posts (81 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 81 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.


Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear friends,

It is with great sorrow that on behalf of the French PFS community we have to inform you of the unexpected passing of our friend Christophe Nogaret 49 years old, a regular player and adventure companion. He leave behind his wife and two kids.

The day before he was still playing with us his favorite character Swinny the weasel and his companion Diva the wolf , preparing for the adventures to come during the French Online Convention. It's seem than another star join the sky of Golarion, leaving us after an epic fight against the Qxal manifestation on the shores of Bhopal and after put the killing blow to him. Swinny the female goblin ranger finally going to stay on Bhopal to assist his inhabitants in this time of pain.

The same pain than afflict us to lose an adventure friend and companion.


Dark Archive


I am a Pathfinder Society Subscriber for PFS1 but seem last Year 10 scenarios (10-23) is not added, Why ?

And I have already Year 1 PF2 Scenarios added.

Also when we going to be able to have the Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-00: Origin of the Open Road and seem the Quest mdoule is not also part of the subscription can you confirm ?


Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Agree, it's why before deploy we use QA & UAT. Anyway not so important just hope to be able to update later and improve the system for the benefit of all of us

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Don't understand why implemented something who is not fixed with all stuff necessary to work well. Usually when something is in Development is not open to public. You usually have some different Environments. Like Development Environment, QA Environment, UAT Environment and at the end a Production Environment open to public (I agree than at minimum we have can have only two)

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Not sure to understand the difference, Because cannot change the name before to create a single post on this name ? Anyway seem I Cannot change the name. Anybody have a solution ?

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

7) Can we have also the option to see only character from a Specific Faction thru filter

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

John Compton wrote:

Product pages are in the web team's queue. Here's the basics of what's coming up.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–20: Countdown to Round Mountain (Tier 7–11)
Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–21: Slaver's End (Tier 5–9)

Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–22: Passing the Torch, Part 1: Who Wears the Mask (Tier 12–18)

Pathfinder Society Scenario #10–23: Passing the Torch, Part 2: Who Speaks for the Ten (Tier 12–18)

Some blurp plan to be post ?

Dark Archive

VykkDraygo wrote:
Natasha Salisfer wrote:
I want to know before plan to Dm this module, how many time we need to run the module ? A standard PFS Slot of 4-5 Hours is Ok ? Or we need to plan 2 Slots ?
I ran this last month. It took about 4 hours.

Other Question where we can find a Copy of this Module ? Seem No PDF available.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Hello All,

Seem the Database have some issue :

First :

I have this message when I reported -> Prestige does not count. Player has already played scenario at session ...

We can replay module (evergreen, stars, boon, Replayable like 8-07) so what I have this msg ?

I can understand this msg when we reported on the same character who can't have credit for the same module, but inthat case it's a differet character.

Secondary : Why we can report 0,5 / 1,5 for XP or PP ? It's difficult to reported character in slow advancement

And also what we can report more than 4 PP in some case we can win more.

Seem we need some adjutment

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Gerald Colliou wrote:


I going to reported some tables played at the end of last year, but when I log my account to reported on my event ID 86252 already created and declare on players chronicle, the event is not existent.
What event ? What y event is not there ?

Thks for your feedback.

Case Resolved. Thks

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris


I going to reported some tables played at the end of last year, but when I log my account to reported on my event ID 86252 already created and declare on players chronicle, the event is not existent.
What event ? What y event is not there ?

Thks for your feedback.

Dark Archive


Can you tell me when My Order 4021093 it's supposed to be deliver. I don't find any informAtion about the Status of this order make in July.


Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Congratulations. Hope to play again an online game wih you as Dm. All time fun & scary.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well Done Terry.

I'm sure you going run more Games at Conception soon. Always fun to play game with you since the first time we play together at GenCon UK2001, and after that, all the games we do thru the World and Online.

One of the best moment in game surely be the special LG Game we play at home run by French LG Triad. Sailing thru the planes and carounsing and drinking in The Stygian Delights Inn located in the Palace of the Tear in Gehenna.

Just wait now to play another Special with you as DM, surely Online, now I can't travelled like before thru the world to play.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

I loose again since 2 Days 7 sessions, that begin to be a lot between the near 20 I loose before and forever since the database change (impossible to check in my paper, i dont archive when its report).

I think you really need to make something to avoid each time you change the database to have same issue, i supposed you have backup, why you dont make rollback. I work in IT when we have problems in upgrade or evolution we make rollback until its fix we not working on wrong system or data, simple no ?

It'w become a nithgmare for your fellow Dm & PLayers, can you improve your system and when make wrong thinks rollback in previous situation and not make more problem.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Thanks Everybody,

We share the same hobby since many years, I have share some game session around the world or online with lot of you, sometime since more ten year if I count LG, hope it a beginning of more ten years :)

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

I have reported most of my games before the core reporting be added. And all name of the modules played have disapeard.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Alex McGuire wrote:
Thanks folks! I'm really glad to game in such an awesome area! I couldn't do it without amazing venture officers like Bill, Doug, Jeff and Zak. And the amazing player base at Mainstreet Billiards in Rochester has been fantastic. Here's to another 150!

Congrulations Alex. Really Appreciate some online sessions with you.

and Happy New Year to all my Michigan fellows, so long I past some days near Detroit.

PS : I just remember I need to reclaim also my 5th Star :)

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Andreas Forster wrote:

Prediction of Future Peril does talk about crossing off:

Prediction of Future Peril wrote:
crossing the associated bonus off the Chronicle sheet once applied

This means you can use each of the three bonuses once.

If you chose Prediction of Future Peril and used it to gain the +2 AC bonus in level 3, you cross that part off, leaving you with the option of +5 to a knowledge check or +2 to a save in future levels.
If you later use one of those two options, you cross it off, leaving you with the last option for future levels.
As soon as you use that last option, you cross it off and the boon doesn't grant any further bonuses.

Problem only 3 Bonus for 4 Dungeon level so not sure of that

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Felicitations Jesse

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris


Hope Billy still have time to run Games Online, because it's a very cool & fun Dm.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Paizo will not be attending Comic Con in any official capacity this year.

That doesn't mean folks can't get together and run games themselves, though. :-)

Go there where they plan the last LG Modules and the beginning of some Pathfinder Stuff write by a former Nyrond Triad of LG

Pathfinder Intro - Osirion Idol (Pathfinder RPG)
By Tom Kee. A simple pick-up and delivery was all it was supposed to be. Now you're fighting for your lives in the back streets of Absalom. And it started out as such a nice day too.

A mini-adventure intended to introduce players to the World of Golarion and the Pathfinder RPG. 2nd-level characters will be provided. Note: This is not a Pathfinder Society adventure, just a stand alone introductory mod.

Dark Archive 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Considering that I have volunteers from *eleven* countries outside of the United States, we'll most definitely encourage Pathfinder Society org play everywhere in the world.

What we won't, unfortunately, be able to provide are translated scenarios. We don't have the employee resources to make this happen.

Now you can add France & Swiss.

As organizer since the beginning of "Living Greyahwk" RPGA events in France (with now a participation at the GenCon France & the organization of BorderCon Event in Geneva with only Living Greyhawk stuff during 4/5 days).

I speak about Pathfinder with some players and DMs and decided during the last GenCon France with some Swiss (Dullstrand) & French (Ekbir) Triad with the end of "Living Greyhawk" to continue with Pathfinder in home campaign and surely with Pathinder Society if we can (around 50 actives players around the two countries), we have also the support of the main Organizer of "Living Arcanis" event in France.

And good news for French players & DMs crap in English, most of your stuff he's going to be translate in French localy. That good for the lauch of a new campaign, who seem to have a big interest in France (better than the 4th Edition).

We have decided to contact the local editor if they are interested to give some support to the Pathfinder Society (translation ? and events) and anyway I send you an email.


PS : Funny to see there some players I meet thru the world with Living Greyhawk, a good concept who Erik and Jason be member at the beginning.