New Character creation issue and others thinks 4 / 10

Pathfinder Society Playtest

Grand Archive 4/5 *****

3) Because of that have I have now a default Name, and cannot change it ! Why ? I have already post more than 10 posts since I play PFS/SFS with different avatar, don't see the need to post 10 times with this specific avatar for nothing (but I can do if you want spam), just to be able to change my default character name.

2/5 5/5 **

I am sad to say, as you are well on your way to your 10th post, but you read that incorrectly.

You can change it until you have made 10 posts, not after 10 posts. So you're bizarre spam spree just locked in that name.

Dark Archive 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Not sure to understand the difference, Because cannot change the name before to create a single post on this name ? Anyway seem I Cannot change the name. Anybody have a solution ?

2/5 5/5 **

We're not meant to be making PFS2 characters yet. There was a brief period where people could except the factions weren't implemented, since factions are required, it gives an error. You cancel out of it, but the character is still created using the default name generator: your account holder name and a sequential number. They've "fixed" it now so a character isn't created when you cancel out.

No changes (like character name) are saved until you actually submit the changes, which you can't do until factions are implemented.

The warning reads something to the effect of "You can change your profile name until you have made 10 posts." That is, once you posted your 10th post, the name is locked in, forever, as your account holder name.

If you had been patient or asked your questions on something other than your new, incorrectly named profile, then you'd still have time to change your profile name when the system is ready to be used.

5/5 5/55/55/5

You also didn't need to make different threads for the experiments.

Dark Archive 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Don't understand why implemented something who is not fixed with all stuff necessary to work well. Usually when something is in Development is not open to public. You usually have some different Environments. Like Development Environment, QA Environment, UAT Environment and at the end a Production Environment open to public (I agree than at minimum we have can have only two)

2/5 5/5 **

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And none of us have ever made a mistake pushing code... or in life in general...

Dark Archive 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, France—Paris

Agree, it's why before deploy we use QA & UAT. Anyway not so important just hope to be able to update later and improve the system for the benefit of all of us

I also had problems with the characters, especially when the load times are long, maybe it's all related!

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