|AC 23*, T 16*, FF 17*|HP: 90*/70|F +10, R +14*, W +2* (+4 vs poison/+2 vs fear/contact disease/+1 vs inhaled disease/poison/stench)|Init +6*, Perc +17|CMB +9 CMD 25*|17/18 Bombs, 0/1 Mutagen, 10/10 Healing, 0/1 Tattoo
CN male
Special Abilities
medical skills, dark epiphany, insane genius, knowledge of life, death, and those states between and beyond, Shadow Lodge secrets
"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."
- Socrates
5'8'', 120 lbs.; straw-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes; rarely expresses emotion, aside from the occasional paroxysm of manic determination; studied at the renowned Lepidstadt University of Ustalav; had some sort of experience, encounter, or epiphany involving Groetus that set the course of his life: an ongoing search for some staggeringly important secret or answer that he insists can only be found in the mysteries of alchemy; pursues his research with a singularity of purpose that leaves him with no time for the petty politics of the Pathfinder Society, which he joined primarily for the sake of the wealth, power, and connections he needs for his quest, although he is not unappreciative of the thrills of adventure; possesses a specially-made "Smine" dueling rapier; while adventuring in the River Kingdoms, he was killed by an Elf-hating harpy who shot an arrow through his heart, then brought back to life - and brought a major breakthrough with him back from the Great Beyond
Faction Objectives: Season 6:
Recover Named Text +
Recover Spellbook +!
Recover Named Artifact +!
Recover Cursed Item Without Succumbing to its Curse +!
4+ Ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) +!
Total Goals met: 4
Faction Rewards:
Harvestman's Bane
Pawn of the Grandmaster
Reaver of Reavers
Diguo-Dashu Archaeologist
Overcoming Your Fear
Impressive Influence
Foiled Plans
Gift of the Ghaele
Rescued Natalya Yagevna
Fool Me Once
Smine's Best
Crown of Spring and Summer
Evoking Day (Skill Bonus)
Evoking Day (Amanuensis)
Year of the Shadow Lodge Combat Boon
Secrets of Thuvian Alchemy
Esoteric Item Research
Unwavering Resolve
Lissalan Library
Crushing Victory
Deaths: 1
- shot through the heart by an Elf-hating harpy
Perils: 2
- driven catatonic by sanitarium-staffing totenmaskes
- dominated by a vampire
Other: +1 dodge bonus vs weapons in the Spear group
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +7/+2
CMB: +9
CMD: 23 (24 vs disarming and sundering)
Attacks: "Atropos" +10/+5 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 electrical/18-20) or "Vanth" +12/+7 (1d8+3 plus 1d6 acid/x3) or Bomb +12 (4d4+8 fire or cold)
Other: +1 trait bonus to all critical confirmation rolls
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +10
Reflex: +12
Will: +3
Other: +5 vs inhaled poisons, +4 vs all other poisons, +2 vs fear and contact diseases, +1 vs inhaled diseases and stench; +10 effective Constitution for determining threshold of death by hit point loss, +5 when determining death by Constitution loss (is unconscious and comatose upon losing natural Constitution); immune to sleep, paralysis, nonlethal damage, and cold
Other: +8 to Day Job Rolls; +level to Craft (Alchemy) checks to make items; +1 to Intimidate checks against enemies proficient with rapiers; +2 to Intimidate checks against worshippers of Zyphus; +2 to Diplomacy checks in Irrisen and against centaurs; +2 to Sense Motive checks against current and former Pathfinders; +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks against worshippers of Lissala; +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (Religion) checks regarding Lissala and Her cult; +2 to any Knowledge or Linguistics check 1/adventure
DC to demoralize: 19
Favored Class: Alchemist (+7 hit points, +3 skill points)
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Proficiencies (Simple, Elven, Bombs)
Throw Anything
Breadth of Experience
Toughness When Prestige is 21+: retrain into Extra Discovery (Immolation Bomb)
Skill Focus (Heal)
Extra Discovery (Lingering Spirit)
Extra Discovery (Smoke Bomb)
Extra Discovery (Preserve Organs)
Extra Discovery (Frost Bomb)
11th or 13th level: Extra Discovery (Spell Knowledge: command undead)
Class Features: Alchemy
Bomb 4d4+Int 18/day (DC 23)
Infused Curative
Swift Alchemy
Swift Poisoning
Simple Reanimation
Power Over Death