
Dr. Zephyrus Vitruvian's page

629 posts. Organized Play character for I'm Hiding In Your Closet.

Full Name

Zephyrus Vitruvian, Ph.D, M.D.




Alchemist 10

|AC 23*, T 16*, FF 17*|HP: 90*/70|F +10, R +14*, W +2* (+4 vs poison/+2 vs fear/contact disease/+1 vs inhaled disease/poison/stench)|Init +6*, Perc +17|CMB +9 CMD 25*|17/18 Bombs, 0/1 Mutagen, 10/10 Healing, 0/1 Tattoo


CN male





Special Abilities

medical skills, dark epiphany, insane genius, knowledge of life, death, and those states between and beyond, Shadow Lodge secrets


Chaotic Neutral




Blakros Museum, Absalom


Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnomish, Sylvan, Abyssal, Aklo, Necril, Yithian, Osirian, Kelish, Varisian, Orvian


mad scientist

Strength 14
Dexterity 22
Constitution 10
Intelligence 27
Wisdom 6
Charisma 8

About Dr. Zephyrus Vitruvian

"The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance."
- Socrates

5'8'', 120 lbs.; straw-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes; rarely expresses emotion, aside from the occasional paroxysm of manic determination; studied at the renowned Lepidstadt University of Ustalav; had some sort of experience, encounter, or epiphany involving Groetus that set the course of his life: an ongoing search for some staggeringly important secret or answer that he insists can only be found in the mysteries of alchemy; pursues his research with a singularity of purpose that leaves him with no time for the petty politics of the Pathfinder Society, which he joined primarily for the sake of the wealth, power, and connections he needs for his quest, although he is not unappreciative of the thrills of adventure; possesses a specially-made "Smine" dueling rapier; while adventuring in the River Kingdoms, he was killed by an Elf-hating harpy who shot an arrow through his heart, then brought back to life - and brought a major breakthrough with him back from the Great Beyond

Voice of: Gene Wilder

Primary Motivator: Understanding
Secondary Motivators: Creation, Purity
Tertiary Motivators: Beneficence, Achievement, Torment
Emotional Disposition: Apathetic
Moodiness: Labile
Outlook: Pessimistic
Integrity: Conscientious
Impulsiveness: Controlled
Boldness: Cautious
Agreeableness: Disagreeable
Interactivity: Reserved
Conformity: Heterodox
Sense of Humor: Morbid

If he were an ice cream, he would be...liquid nitrogen-white tea

If he were a pie, he would be a...honey pie

If he were a soup, he would be...black chicken soup

If he were an historical building, he would be...Castle Frankenstein



Experience: 28

Prestige: 20

Fame: 49

Prestige Awards:
personal laboratory

Faction Objectives:
Season 6:
Recover Named Text +
Recover Spellbook +!
Recover Named Artifact +!
Recover Cursed Item Without Succumbing to its Curse +!
4+ Ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) +!
Total Goals met: 4

Faction Rewards:

Harvestman's Bane
Pawn of the Grandmaster
Reaver of Reavers
Diguo-Dashu Archaeologist

Overcoming Your Fear
Impressive Influence
Foiled Plans
Gift of the Ghaele
Rescued Natalya Yagevna
Fool Me Once
Smine's Best
Crown of Spring and Summer
Evoking Day (Skill Bonus)
Evoking Day (Amanuensis)
Year of the Shadow Lodge Combat Boon
Secrets of Thuvian Alchemy
Esoteric Item Research
Unwavering Resolve
Lissalan Library
Crushing Victory

Deaths: 1
- shot through the heart by an Elf-hating harpy

Perils: 2
- driven catatonic by sanitarium-staffing totenmaskes
- dominated by a vampire

Hit Points: 70 (10d8+10+7)
Initiative: +4
AC: 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dexterity)

Other: +1 dodge bonus vs weapons in the Spear group

Speed: 30 feet

BAB: +7/+2
CMB: +9
CMD: 23 (24 vs disarming and sundering)

Attacks: "Atropos" +10/+5 (1d6+3 plus 1d6 electrical/18-20) or "Vanth" +12/+7 (1d8+3 plus 1d6 acid/x3) or Bomb +12 (4d4+8 fire or cold)

Other: +1 trait bonus to all critical confirmation rolls

Saving Throws:
Fortitude: +10
Reflex: +12
Will: +3
Other: +5 vs inhaled poisons, +4 vs all other poisons, +2 vs fear and contact diseases, +1 vs inhaled diseases and stench; +10 effective Constitution for determining threshold of death by hit point loss, +5 when determining death by Constitution loss (is unconscious and comatose upon losing natural Constitution); immune to sleep, paralysis, nonlethal damage, and cold

Skills: Appraise +12, Climb +3, Craft (Alchemy) +31, Disable Device +22, Fly +9, Heal +31, Knowledge (Arcana, History, Nature, Religion) +26, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Engineering) +11, Knowledge (Geography, Local, Nobility, Planes) +10, Linguistics +12, Perception +17, Profession (Any) +1, Sleight of Hand +20, Spellcraft +24, Survival +6, Use Magic Device +15

Other: +8 to Day Job Rolls; +level to Craft (Alchemy) checks to make items; +1 to Intimidate checks against enemies proficient with rapiers; +2 to Intimidate checks against worshippers of Zyphus; +2 to Diplomacy checks in Irrisen and against centaurs; +2 to Sense Motive checks against current and former Pathfinders; +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks against worshippers of Lissala; +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (Religion) checks regarding Lissala and Her cult; +2 to any Knowledge or Linguistics check 1/adventure

DC to demoralize: 19

Favored Class: Alchemist (+7 hit points, +3 skill points)

Racial Abilities:
Low-Light Vision
Keen Senses
Memories Beyond Death (History, Religion)
Elven Weapon Familiarity

Combat: Anatomist
Magic: Precise Treatment

Armor Proficiency (Light)
Weapon Proficiencies (Simple, Elven, Bombs)
Throw Anything
Breadth of Experience
Toughness When Prestige is 21+: retrain into Extra Discovery (Immolation Bomb)
Skill Focus (Heal)
Extra Discovery (Lingering Spirit)
Extra Discovery (Smoke Bomb)
Extra Discovery (Preserve Organs)
Extra Discovery (Frost Bomb)

11th or 13th level: Extra Discovery (Spell Knowledge: command undead)

Class Features:
Bomb 4d4+Int 18/day (DC 23)
Infused Curative
Swift Alchemy
Swift Poisoning
Simple Reanimation
Power Over Death


GP: 1,336

formula books
alchemist's lab (at home)
courtier's outfit and jewelry (at home)
cold weather outfit (at home)
doctor's outfit
doctor's mask
alchemist's kit
Formula Alembic
Hybridization Funnel
Handy Haversack
Cauldron of Brewing
adventurer's sash
masterwork thieves' tools
healer's kit (8 uses remaining)
mess kit
grooming kit
scrivener's kit
1-oz vial of ink
6 sheets of parchment
9 days of Elven trail rations
sewing needle
"Moksha" (+1 Deathless Mithril Shirt)
Cloak of Resistance +1
"Atropos" (+1 Shock "Smine" Rapier)
"Vanth" (+1 Adaptive Corrosive Composite Longbow)
26 cold iron arrows
20 silver arrows
20 blunt arrows
10 thistle arrows
8 adamantine arrows
3 +1 Elf-Bane Arrows
Belt of Physical Perfection +2
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (keyed to Knowledge [History, Religion])
Sihedron Brand of Endurance
1 potion of cure light wounds
scroll of cure moderate wounds
wand of detect secret doors (4 charges)
wand of ray of enfeeblement (16 charges)
wand of shield (47 charges)
wand of inflict light wounds (50 charges)
wand of animal messenger (3 charges)
wand of resist energy CL 7th (8 charges)
wand of ray of exhaustion (7 charges)
1 dose of blackfingers paste
3 doses of smelling salts*
2 antiplagues*
2 antitoxins*
3 flasks of acid*
3 alkali flasks*
3 flasks of alchemist's ice*
3 flasks of alchemist's fire*
2 flasks of shard gel*
1 packet of flash powder*
1 burst jar*
1 jar of bottled sunlight*
1 case of alchemical glue*
1 dropper of alchemical glue accelerant (19 doses)*
2 vials of alchemical solvent*
1 ampule of vermin repellent*
1 jar of distilled terrap sap*
1 packet of alkali salt*
3 vials of alchemist's kindness*
1 vial of wismuth salix*
2 vials of twitch tonic*
1 tube of armor ointment*
1 flask of mending paste*
1 tin of antiemetic snuff*
1 flask of anesthetic wine*
1 pouch of bone paste*
2 tubes of rusting powder*
1 jar of embalming fluid*
1 ball of meditation tea*
2 flasks of padzahr*
1 packet of troll styptic*
1 ampule of soul stimulant*
3 syringes of crude reanimating fluid*
1,250 gp worth of Orvian black salt*
Quantium golem pendant
Koboldfriend token
small collection of ancient Lissalan texts

* = cannot be sold


- Infusion
- Spontaneous Healing
- Healing Touch (fast healing 5, 10 rounds/day)
- Smoke Bomb
- Preserve Organs 25%
- Lingering Spirit
- Plague Bomb (DC 23)
- Frost Bomb (DC 23)
- Mummification

12th level: Madness Bomb

16th level: Elixir of Life

Infusions Per Day:
1st - 7 (DC 19)
2nd - 6 (DC 20)
3rd - 5 (DC 21)
4th - 3 (DC 22)

Infusions Prepared:
1st - targeted bomb admixture, heightened awareness, monkey fish, longshot, true skill, true strike, ?
2nd - false life, barkskin, spider climb, stalwart resolve, lesser restoration, fire breath
3rd - simple reanimation, simple reanimation, countless eyes, elemental aura, lightning lash bomb admixture
4th - breath of life, caustic blood,

Formula Book #1 - "Principia Vitruvian":
Pages: 100/100
1st - cure light wounds, polypurpose panacea, body capacitance, shield, blend, enlarge person, reduce person, comprehend languages, true strike, monkey fish, ant haul, detect metal, detect secret doors, detect undead, longshot, bomber's eye, crafter's fortune
2nd - false life, twisted innards, cure moderate wounds, invisibility, vomit swarm, fire breath, lesser restoration, bull's strength, eagle's splendor, bear's endurance, owl's wisdom, cat's grace, fox's cunning, see invisibility, barkskin, defensive shock, blood armor, enshroud thoughts
3rd - simple reanimation, undead anatomy I, remove disease, heroism, cure serious wounds, remove blindness/deafness, resinous skin, clay skin, thorn body, remove curse, temporary graft
4th - breath of life

Formula Book #2:
Pages: 94/100
1st - phantom blood, heightened awareness, scarify, Petulengro's validation, vocal alteration, disguise self, long arm, expeditious retreat, jump, touch of the sea, waterproof, endure elements, keen senses, true skill, targeted bomb admixture
2nd - aid, delay disease, delay poison, adhesive blood, skinsend, catatonia, Aram Zey's focus, darkvision, perceive cues, certain grip, spider climb, levitate, resist energy, elemental touch, radiation ward, stalwart resolve
3rd - fly, countless eyes, disable construct, burrow, protection from energy, elemental aura, bouncing bomb admixture, lightning lash bomb admixture, toxic blood
4th - greater false life, neutralize poison, caustic blood, eyes of the void, viper bomb admixture

Formula Book #3:
Pages: 12/100
4th - decollate, restoration, touch of slime