Into the Abyss

Saturday, November 23, 2013

In Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles, the PCs travel to the Abyss in their quest to heal the scar on Golarion known as the Worldwound. Though the PCs only dip their toe into the churning planar muck that is the Abyss, two articles appear in this volume to give readers more Abyssal material on which to chew. Unlike a nearly infinite plane, the pages in a volume of an Adventure Path are certainly finite, but Mike Shel does a stellar job filling the gazetteer of the Abyss to the brim. James Jacobs provides the other gazetteer shining starlight down on the Midnight Isles—in particular Alushinyrra, the Porphyry City and home to Nocticula. It's rarely a good idea to go to the Abyss, but saving the world is a hard job. After all, it's better to go there on your own terms than end up in the Abyss as a larva.

Illustrations by Fabio Gorla

Adam Daigle

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Tags: Fabio Gorla Pathfinder Adventure Path
Dark Archive

Creepiest larvae ever.

Awesome art for the Larvae! Awesome you hear me! My compliments to the Artist!

In that other artwork, do I see some Carnivorous Crystals?

I think there's going to be quite some oo-aa about getting an actual gazetteer on the abyss. Choosing Nocticula's home is definitely getting me excited.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Gancanagh wrote:

Awesome art for the Larvae! Awesome you hear me! My compliments to the Artist!

In that other artwork, do I see some Carnivorous Crystals?

I was super happy with the larvae illustration too!

Not carnivorous crystals. Those crystals are something far more sinister. That's an illustration of one of the rifts in the Rifts of Repose, a realm of the Abyss.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Why do I suspect that is where the Nayrnawhatever Crystals the Bad Guys have been using to jumpstart themselves into Mythic are mined?

At least one place where they're mined...

... is one of the Isles in Nocticula's realm, I think, because the elixirs are made from the essence of dead demon lords (and Nocticula has ganked more than a handful over the millennia). I want to say Vyriavaxus' corpse-isle in particular, but I might be remembering it slightly wrong.

It was mentioned in one of the other installments of the AP.

Alleran wrote:

At least one place where they're mined...

** spoiler omitted **
It was mentioned in one of the other installments of the AP.

Reply Spoiler:
So would that make the forms in the distance, the demonic-ly departed?
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