In Pathfinder Adventure Path #76: The Midnight Isles, the PCs travel to the Abyss in their quest to heal the scar on Golarion known as the Worldwound. Though the PCs only dip their toe into the churning planar muck that is the Abyss, two articles appear in this volume to give readers more Abyssal material on which to chew. Unlike a nearly infinite plane, the pages in a volume of an Adventure Path are certainly finite, but Mike Shel does a stellar job filling the gazetteer of the Abyss to the brim. James Jacobs provides the other gazetteer shining starlight down on the Midnight Isles—in particular Alushinyrra, the Porphyry City and home to Nocticula. It's rarely a good idea to go to the Abyss, but saving the world is a hard job. After all, it's better to go there on your own terms than end up in the Abyss as a larva.
Adam Daigle