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Putting the Powered Armor in Armory!

Powered armor—high-tech defensive suits that move under their own power rather than using the muscles of the wearer—have a long history in science-fantasy stories, dating all the way back to E.E. "Doc" Smith's 1937 Lensman novel Galactic Patrol (one reason the Lensman books appear in the Starfinder Core Rulebook's Inspirational Media list). The conceptually serve as armor, steed, and sometimes even weapon for super-advanced knight of high-tech settings, allowing a character to act as science-fantasy cavalry. There are five suits of powered armor in the Core Rulebook, which is just enough to give an idea of how such gear works in the game, but certainly isn't anywhere near enough to cover all your possible powered armor needs.

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Tags: Leonardo Borazio Starfinder

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknight (PFRPG)

Expanding the Ranks of Hell

Beyond the seven well-known orders of Hellknight—Chain, Gate, Godclaw, Nail, Pyre, Rack, and Scourge—there are several minor orders. Among these are the vicious Order of the Coil, revenge-obsessed Sargavan interlopers, the Order of the Pike, a band of renowned monster hunters, and the Order of the Glyph, who you might already know from the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path. Some of these fringe groups number among the most heroic and villainous of the Hellknight orders, but heretofore little has been said about them. The Lesser Orders section of Path of the Hellknight changes that. While these orders hold a great deal of interest and potential, especially with some of their niche focuses, they have less of a footprint in the Inner Sea Region, and, appropriately, in this book. But I didn't want to leave readers gravitating toward these orders adrift. As a result, each of these orders references which major Hellknight order it's most similar to. This guidepost points readers toward an analogous major order with options to crib from. It's a quick fix, but it opens the door to a variety of options for Hellknights of these minor orders. Beyond this, you'll find plenty of new details, histories, and options for these orders. To show off a bit of that, here's a few snippets from one, the Order of the Wall.

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Damien Mammoliti Hellknights Leonardo Borazio Maichol Quinto Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths (PFRPG)

Spreading the Good Word of the Inner Sea!

By now, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Faiths has shipped out to friendly local game stores and subscriber inboxes everywhere, giving you details on some of the lesser-known gods of the Inner Sea—and a couple of them really bug me!

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Tags: Firat Solhan Kiki Moch Rizky Leonardo Borazio Pathfinder Campaign Setting Ralph Horsley Shen Fei Will O'Brien

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