Hang Out With Lisa Stevens this Friday, May 4, 2012!

Paizo General Discussion

Paizo Employee CEO

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Hey y'all:

This Friday, I am going to be hanging out with my old buddy Peter Adkison on Google. We are going to be talking about the past, telling stories and answering questions! You can find the Facebook Event page here. Feel free to post questions you might want Peter to ask me there. You can also submit questions to the Google Moderator at this link.

This should be a really fun event! If you have liked past Auntie Lisa Story Hours or my Paizo Anniversary Retrospectives, this should give you more insight into the past and maybe even a peek into the future.

Feel free to ask me about my past companies: Lion Rampant, White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, and of course, Paizo.

I look forward to hearing your questions on Friday!


Sounds fun! :)

I assume that is 7-8 p.m. PST?

Paizo Employee CEO

Hobbun wrote:
I assume that is 7-8 p.m. PST?

I believe that to be the case!


The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Oh wow, very cool. I'll try and stop in.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm not going to lie, I want to be there for this but I want to see Avengers more.

Shadow Lodge

The Avengers is only in the theaters for one day?!?!

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Hey y'all:

This Friday, I am going to be hanging out with my old buddy Peter Adkison

I met Peter through my friend and gifted artist Stephan, I've not seen Peter in New York for awhile, I only get to say hello at Gencon these days, how has Peter been?

Someone should tell Bella Sara fanboy Sebastian that his hero will be with Lisa on Friday.


Hobbun wrote:
I assume that is 7-8 p.m. PST?

Yes, your assumption is correct.

Those who submit questions chosen by Lisa and Peter will be brought in first. If we have time, and space, we'll open the Hangout to anyone who's available.

I'll keep the Hangout open as long as Lisa is willing to stick around.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
0gre wrote:
The Avengers is only in the theaters for one day?!?!

There's always something about seeing the movie on release day. Especially if you've been waiting to bursting for months. :)

Ed Healy wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
I assume that is 7-8 p.m. PST?

Yes, your assumption is correct.

Those who submit questions chosen by Lisa and Peter will be brought in first. If we have time, and space, we'll open the Hangout to anyone who's available.

I'll keep the Hangout open as long as Lisa is willing to stick around.

I am guessing that it will be around 9ish Saturday morning Australian Eastern Standard time I could be wrong I all-ways mix the time zone thing up...

Ed will you be Podcasting the Hangout?

AstronomyCast Podcast their Hangouts... the Audio quality is not to bad considering.


The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Ed will you be Podcasting the Hangout?

The video recordings will be on Gamerati+ and the fan questions will be on Gamerati.TV

Ed Healy wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Ed will you be Podcasting the Hangout?
The video recordings will be on Gamerati+ and the fan questions will be on Gamerati.TV

Added Gamerati+ to my circles and subscribed to your YouTube channel.


The 8th Dwarf wrote:
Added Gamerati+ to my circles and subscribed to your YouTube channel.

This is a policy I can support! :)

Ed Healy wrote:
Hobbun wrote:
I assume that is 7-8 p.m. PST?

Yes, your assumption is correct.

Those who submit questions chosen by Lisa and Peter will be brought in first. If we have time, and space, we'll open the Hangout to anyone who's available.

I'll keep the Hangout open as long as Lisa is willing to stick around.

I'm apparently a Google+ Luddite - can you explain what you mean by "brought in first" ? Is this a video chat deal?

Just curious if I need to join Google+ for this, or how it all works out.

Forgive me if this has been explained elsewhere.


Brian E. Harris wrote:

I'm apparently a Google+ Luddite - can you explain what you mean by "brought in first" ? Is this a video chat deal?

Just curious if I need to join Google+ for this, or how it all works out.

Forgive me if this has been explained elsewhere.

You can't join a Google+ Hangout without a Google+ account.

We can only have 10 people in a Hangout at once, so we're limiting the initial audience to people whose questions were selected. After that, we'll just leave the barn door open.

But only those who have Gamerati+ in a circle will get invited to the Hangout at any point.

Will we be able to watch it without being in the hangout?


Brian E. Harris wrote:
Will we be able to watch it without being in the hangout?

I wish. If Gamerati was part of YouTube Live, you would. We're not... yet. I'm working on it.

That said, you'll be able to see the recording...

Cool. I'm not sure I want to dink around with Google+ yet, but if I can watch the recording after the fact, that'll be awesome.


Eh, I bit the bullet and joined up. Can't wait to watch (hopefully!)!

Super Genius Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you get the chance to hang out with Lisa, you should definitely do it. She's a wealth of information and stories about the industry, and an awesome person too!

I hope the 'hang out' went well.

R. Hyrum Savage wrote:
If you get the chance to hang out with Lisa, you should definitely do it. She's a wealth of information and stories about the industry, and an awesome person too!

Completely agree. I don't of course know her on the same level as yourself, Hyrum. But I've had the opportunity to talk with her one on one at Gen Con a couple of times and she is one of the nicest and most down to earth people you could know.

I didn't get a chance to hear any of her 'Auntie Lisa' type stories, but maybe I'll ask her this Gen Con. :)


Hobbun wrote:
I didn't get a chance to hear any of her 'Auntie Lisa' type stories, but maybe I'll ask her this Gen Con.

There was a decent amount of 'Auntie Lisa' tonight.

Apparently, the invites to people didn't start showing up until after Lisa had already left. There must have been a glitch. So sorry to anyone who was waiting for an invite.

Perhaps Paizo will come do another one...


Uploading Part 1 of tonight's recording to Gamerati+, now.

Part 2 will go up tomorrow night, or Sunday.

I'll be releasing the fan questions on Gamerati.TV next week, one each day, Monday thru Friday.


Part 1 is now live on Gamerati+ (in the Videos tab).

Liberty's Edge

Ed Healy wrote:
Part 1 is now live on Gamerati+ (in the Videos tab).

thank you for this. Also for anyone who is interested in similar recordings: Chronicles:Pathfinder & KnowDIrection podcasts both uploaded 'Auntie Lisa's Story Hour / Tales from TSR" from PaizoCon 2011 - both are certainly worth your time.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Hearing about the almost-death of Vampire and with RA now on Kickstarter because of the initial outlay I find myself wondering if Kickstarter is going to be the small publisher method of gaining capital. It does seem to be a method of finding investors for a variety of projects.

Now I'll go back to checking the furniture for spare change for RA.


Part 2 is now live on Gamerati+... I think I got the direct link right...

Just watched the first part - Excellent!

Thanks Ed, Lisa & Peter.

I used to read the credits of the various game books that I bought and wonder who these people were and what the game creation process was like. I love the history and stories behind it.



Thanks, T8D. Part 2 is up, and I'll be releasing the fan Qs this week - one each day - on Gamerati.TV.

Next week, I'll be posting a poll on Gamerati+ to see if people want me to do more of these Hangouts. I hope you'll respond to the poll... #hint

How many questions made the cut?


Brian E. Harris wrote:
How many questions made the cut?

Lisa answered 5.

Paizo Employee CEO

Ed Healy wrote:
Brian E. Harris wrote:
How many questions made the cut?
Lisa answered 5.

I would have answered more, but we ran out of time.


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Lisa Stevens wrote:

I would have answered more, but we ran out of time.


That just means that you'll have to do another session sometime :)

It was very interesting listening to the "war stories" from the early days. I'd love to hear the story from Peter Adkison's side as well. Perhaps you could interview him next time?

(I've still got a copy of The Primal Order with the "Rantings and Other Gibberish" by Lisa Stevens in the back. Plus our group still used the Whimsy Cards from Lion Rampant until quite recently..lol)


Fan Q Video #1 is up... Gamerati.TV!

Ed Healy wrote:
Fan Q Video #1 is up... Gamerati.TV!

Had I known there were only a few questions I would have asked some more...

Like who was Lisa's favourite Star Wars character?

What is her favourite Pathfinder Class?

What non paizo RPG does she like to play or would like to play?

Also one about being the one of the most successful and visible women in the RPG industry, are there other women in the hobby (business or creative) that we should be looking out for and does she think that female participation in the industry is increasing and how can we as gamers can support diversity in our hobby?


We had a couple dozen questions. She had time to answer five. Perhaps we'll convince her to do it again, sometime. #hint #wink #nudge


Fan Q #2 is live - this one about Kickstarter / patronage / crowdfunding...

Liberty's Edge

Wow, that's...a really interesting answer to that question.

Dark Archive

Jeremiziah wrote:
Wow, that's...a really interesting answer to that question.

Indeed. Let the wild speculation begin. I predict Bastardhall megadungeon!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Jeremiziah wrote:
Wow, that's...a really interesting answer to that question.

Wait... next week!?! That's this week!

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Jeremiziah wrote:
Wow, that's...a really interesting answer to that question.
Wait... next week!?! That's this week!

One could make the case that it's actually right now!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Ah! Failed link-fu! To the laptop, batman!

Edit2: Fixed.

Will this crossover result in variant chromium covers?


Q3 video is live: CLICKY LINKY


And... Lisa talking about 3rd Party Publishers and Paizo.com.


The 5th and Final Fan Q video from last week's Hangout is live.

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