Ruins of Pathfinder: The Mysterium Compact (Mythic) (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

“Nothing is yet in its true form.”

                                      -C.S. Lewis
Current Location: Ancient Ossuary

151 to 200 of 355 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | next > last >>

Male Fey-touched (Idyllkin) half-elf Commoner 1

Seeing Alyona's steely expression and understanding that beneath it is fear, Taeo goes over and puts his hand on her shoulder, whispering "It's going to be OK."

While others light their torches, Taeo looks around a bit more, still hoping to find a loose stone. Failing that, he picks up a femur from the bone pile and swings it around a bit, trying to get a sense of how it's going to throw.

Male Human Commoner 1

"I think I'll pass on lightin' the torches for now; Princess said what I was thinkin' there better than I could've," Erik says in a low voice, glancing back and giving Alyona a nod.

He turns his gaze forward again, moving with Stands on the Spiral down the south passageway; the weight of the prybar on his shoulder is comforting in a place like this. "Everything's gonna be fine. We'll find Ilesea, we'll all get back to the wagon safe and sound, and Lady Ichihara won't even know we've been gone. Yeah," Erik says, just loudly enough that the others can hear him, and hopefully quietly enough that anything else that might be in here with them, desecrating bones or hungering for human flesh, can't. His voice sounds curiously flat, though, leeching some of the force from his bravado.

Not lighting a torch.

When Taeo touches her Alyona at first she still looks still angry at him, but it relents when she sees he's only trying to be nice. "Yeah, I hope so too." She moves to maintain her position in the center of the group, keeping the lantern raised despite her aching shoulder and arm muscles.

Also not lighting a torch.

Human Commoner 1, HP: 6/6, AC: 15/15/10, SV: 0/5/-1, INIT: +2, CMB: +0, CMD: 15, ATT: None, PERC: +3

Shen Hua simply follows the others. Her formal Tian robes completely inappropriate for fighting as are her wooden sandals. She keeps her hands each inside it's opposite sleeve where possible and walks carefully.

Her expression betrays no fear, yet neither does she seem particularly prepared to fight or even run should danger present itself. If anything, she appears to be a flower sitting in the dark with a storm approaching. Mildly curious, she does not seem to be as aware as the others as to the danger of their setting.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Taeo passes ahead of the group towards the web-shrouded doorway where a tall alcove is stacked ceiling high with the femur bones of long-dead people. One of the long bones is easily tugged out of the stack, brittle looking and yellowed with age, wisps of cobwebs hanging off of one rounded end. Testing its heft, it likely will throw like an awkward tree branch, but could also double as a makeshift club. It's something at least.

Once they've made their decision to head down the southward-leading corridor, the group moves as a whole within the azure illumination of the lantern Alyona carries. Only Alanar moves ahead of everyone, bravely serving as a vanguard for the group, his darkvision allowing him to serve as a scout.

The hallway is a long one, traversing twenty feet intermittently displaying more alcoves stacked with skulls, some twisted and disturbed, resting in place at odd angles. More fibrous spider webbing hangs in sheets from the ceiling and walls, tangles of wrapped carcasses dangling in them about the size of mice. Mice.

What kind of spider eats a mouse?

Stairs descending another ten feet underground break up the straight hallway, and above the stairs a stone plaque affixed to the slops of the ceiling prominently reads, "Rest Eternal; The Teachers of Man." The stairs are easily navigated, and leads to another twenty-something foot long corridor. Ultimately, the group pauses on coming to a four-way junction.

Behind them, the path they've taken has disappeared into shadow beyond the lantern's light. To their west is a large alcove prominently displaying a standing human corpse with linens wrapped around its bones only barely concealing the skeletal truth beneath. The body leans up against the gentle slope of the alcove, holding a regal pose it has been locked in for centuries. Its bones are decorated with glittering bits of gold and precious stones in the ornate finery that imagination associates with kings and emperors. Threadbare clothing in the shape of regal vestments adorn its wholly skeletal body.

Below the alcove, a copper plaque green with patina is etched with the name Saint Alacarus of the Order of the Shield. Held in Saint Alacarus' hand is a cavalry saber sheathed in a jeweled scabbard. Around the saint's neck is a solid gold symbol of an open eye flanked by a pair of alabaster wings.

As awe-inspiring as the saint's remains are, the opposite side of the hall features a large chamber with a fifteen foot high ceiling adorned with the colorful flecks of long-faded murals. Another jeweled corpse is visible in an alcove at the far wall, laying down across an ancient and decayed chaise lounge, its posture reclined as if lounging in wait for some conversation to begin or perhaps end. This skeletal corpse, however, is disturbed by the presence of its head snapping to the side the moment the muted glow of Taeo's torch comes into view. There's a chittering sound from the skeleton, and four red pinpoints of light illuminate in each of its eye sockets.

With a startling quickness, the skull sprouts four spindly spider legs bristling with fur and detaches from the body, crawling down in a horrifying gait before its jaws open revealing the head and mandibles of a spider the size of a tangerine.

At the back of the group, Shenhua hears something scrabbling across the stone. Turning to look over her shoulder, she can barely make out another form scuttling along in the dark. Another ornately jeweled skull with spider legs protruding from it like some sort of malevolent hermit crab. It stands at the top of the stairs, legs twitching and mandibles undulating open and closed.

Up ahead, Alanar can't see what the others do, but can hear the clattering sound of something moving in the dark. Up ahead there's a confusing junction of more four-way paths and corpse-laden alcoves, descending stairs and spider webs. This place was a maze of tunnels.
          << Encounter: Spiders in the Ossuary | Round I | Hazards: Dim Light | Encounter Map: The Ossuary >>

Initiative Rolls:

Shenhua: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Alanar: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Aldon: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Alyonna: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Anlessa: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Deriku: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Taeo: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Skull Spiders: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Erik: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Erik = 23
Taeo = 19
Aldon = 16
Shenhua = 11
Anlessa = 10
Skull Spiders = 9
Alyonna = 6
Alanar = 5
Deriku = 5


Femur Bone (Improvised Weapon; Fragile):

Damage: 1d4 bludgeoning 20/x2
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.

Cavalry Saber (Martial Weapon, Masterwork, Fragile):

This is a short, curved sword with a single sharp edge. However, this jewel adorned saber is purely decorative and not truly designed for battle, despite having a sharp cutting edge.

Damage: 1d6 18-20/x2
Masterwork: A masterwork weapon imparts a +1 bonus on attack rolls
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.

Knowledge (Nature) DC 10:

This creature is a vermin colloquially referred to as a "skull spider." They reside in areas of tombs and other places where skeletal corpses can be found. These spiders lair in the skulls of the dead, using them as mobile homes and protective shells. A skull spider has darkvision out to 60 feet.

Knowledge (Nature) DC 15:
A skull spider's bite is poisonous and can sap a man's strength.

Skull spiders cadaverous homes are vulnerable to breaking. A critical hit with a bludgeoning weapon shatters a skull spider's skeletal armor and deprives it of its natural armor bonus until it can find a new skull to reside in.

Knowledge (Religion) DC 15:

Saint Alacarus of the Order of the Shield is a renowned hero of Aroden's faith, having fought alongside the Last Azlanti Aroden against the demon lord Deskari in the nation of Sarkoris in the year 4433.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Erik, Taeo, Aldon, Shenhua and Anlessa may take their turns now.

Human Commoner 1, HP: 6/6, AC: 15/15/10, SV: 0/5/-1, INIT: +2, CMB: +0, CMD: 15, ATT: None, PERC: +3

Shen Hua presses back against Anlessa, grabbing the bigger girl's arm in a vice-like grip. Mesmerized by the weaving legs of the spider, she stands transfixed with one arm upraised, pointing at the spider on the stair.

Knowledge: Nature: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Shen Hua holds her action. If anyone else attacks the spider, she will Aid Another. If the spider charges her, she will attempt to grapple the spider by grabbing the skull and throwing it back up the stairs.

Female Human Commoner 1

"Ugh. Didin' anyone place bets on gross stuff in here? 'Cause I think this's a winner," Anlessa remarks, wrinkling her nose as she looks behind her at the spider. Teeth grit together as she looks around the room in quick fashion for something to defend herself with, but is jostled back to the matter at hand when Shen Hua grabs her arm. Surprised, Anlessa looks back at the Tian girl, then at the spider.

Taking a deep breath, she straightens her posture and nods to herself. "If'in anyone has another one of those bones tucked away, or somethin' more solid, we could use it back here right quick like," she says, swallowing down a bit of fear as she steps forward, meaning to get between the spider and Shen Hua for at least for a moment. Sure, she's had to defend herself before, but this... this was something else entirely, and she wasn't sure how to approach it.


Move Action: 15 feet - 1w, 2n
Standard Action: Ready Action - kick spider if it moves in her square, because it's the best option she has right now.

Hopefully a ready action doesn't totally muck up things, it was the best I could think of this late. It's the least important part of that turn anyway. Should I go ahead and make a preemptive roll for that attack?

Male Human Commoner 1

When the skull moves, the blood drains out of Erik's face, leaving him looking nearly as pale as the bones all around them... and then those horrible, skittering legs...

Run away, Erik. Run away with your tail between your legs, why not? The halfling girl will be alright. The spiders might even spin her a cozy little hammock, like they did for those mice back there, that awful voice in the back of Erik's mind mocks.

He doesn't waste time with a reply, only sets his feet, hefting the prybar as he watches the chittering thing in the alcove. "Let's get movin'," he says, managing to keep his voice mostly steady despite the roiling of his stomach. "We got someone waitin' for us, and there's nothin' worth stickin' around here to see; one good lick oughta split this thing like a piece of rotten fruit," he boasts.

Move Action: None.
Standard Action: Readying action to attack eastern Skull Spider if or when it comes into range.

Male Human Commoner 1

He can't stop his eyes from widening at the sight of the spider. He thinks it's a bit more than gross, to be sure. Disturbing, certainly. Disgusting, surely. Dangerous, most probably.


And then a second one shows its face.

"Double s+*$."

Aldon thinks he probably shouldn't be swearing right now. Doesn't really help the situation. His mother had told him not to do it, period, and had reinforced the lesson with soap. On the other hand, he was under threat by spiders in skulls. He can't imagine she would blame him too harshly.

And there was at least something he could use to defend himself and the others. Hopefully, anyway. He wasn't fully confident in his ability to use it well... but he could certainly try. It would be a blessing if it was even still keen.

He moves south and west, past Deriku and into the alcove. He scrabbles onto the slope and grabs the hilt of the saber. He hesitates a moment. This was probably going to bestow him with a curse or something similar, wasn't it?

"Sorry about this, pal. Er, sir. Alacarus? Whatever."

He doesn't imagine that a half-assed apology would be enough to cover him from any beyond-the-grave malevolence, but better safe than sorry.

Aldon pulls the saber from its scabbard, looking briefly down the blade. He frowns and then huffs exasperatedly. It was keen, yes. The bane of his enemies, no. Still, it should slice well enough.

Move Action: 15ft - 2s, 1w.
Move Action: Retrieve the sword.

Male Fey-touched (Idyllkin) half-elf Commoner 1

Taeo’s entire body shudders ”Eee-yuuch!!”

Hearing Anlessa call for assistance, he squeezes back to the back so that he can get a good shot at the spider. Can these things be scared off? Maybe?!

As the creepy arachnid scuttles toward them he throws the femur at it, shouting "GO AWAY!"...and overshoots, seeing the femur fly right past the spider and clatter against the stone floor. D#mmit! Well, maybe it helps to scare the thing off?


Throw: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1

Move: squeeze to back, beside Anlessa.
Stnd: Wait until the spider is 10' away, then throw femur at it.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Up on the north hall stairs, the skull containing the long-legged, black spider scuttles forward, then suddenly springs down the stairs, landing with a bony clack against the stone floor. It leaps towards Anlessa out of the dark, but finds itself meeting a swift kick that knocks it aside, clattering back down to the ground and laying motionless for a few moments. It gets back up, hisses, and springs forward again. Anlessa stomps down, but the skull scrambles between her legs and leaps up, biting her on the calf hard enough to draw blood. The wound burns slightly and tingles with faint numbness afterward before the spider hops away, hissing again with mandibles spread open.

Were that not bad enough, the other spider scrambles with great speed towards Erik, leaping up at the young man with legs spread. The boy winds up with the profoundly heavy iron prybar and tried to batter the skull away, but he over-exerts himself and the iron bar smashes into the corner of the doorway with a loud crash and shards of stone. The spider lands at Erik's feet, and the boy whips the bar down at the ground, shattering a stone tile but missing the spider entirely. It springs up and bite him on the arm, leaving a streak of blood as its large mandibles sink into flesh.

Erik shakes the spider off, its bony shell clattering to the floor, multiple red eyes peering out of the open mouth as the spider hisses noisily.


Skull Spider (North Hall)
Full-Round Action: Charge Anlessa (-2 AC/+2 Attack)
INTERRUPT > Anlessa; Ready Attack <Unarmed Strike>: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 (hit!)
>> Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3 Nonlethal Bludgeoning (very badly hurt)
INTERRUPT > Anlessa; Attack of Opportunity <Unarmed Strike>: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9 (miss)
Skull Spider, Attack <Bite> Anlessa: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12 (hit)
>> Damage to Anlessa(Minimum 1): 1d2 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0 1 damage
>>> Anlessa: Fort Save > Skull Spider Venom (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 (pass)
Skull Spider (East Chamber)
Full-Round Action: Charge Erik (-2 AC/+2 Attack)
INTERRUPT > Erik; Ready Attack <Iron Prybar>: 1d20 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 4 - 2 = 6 (miss)
INTERRUPT > Erik; Attack of Opportunity <Iron Prybar>: 1d20 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (11) - 4 - 2 = 5 (miss)
Skull Spider, Attack <Bite> Erik: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19 (Hit)
>> Damage to Erik (Minimum 1): 1d2 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1 1 damage
>>> Erik: Fort Save > Skull Spider Venom (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 (pass)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Alyona, Alanar and Deriku may take their turns!

Male Ifrit Commoner/1

The ifrit blinks and turns around when he hears the signs of battle going on behind him - he can't exactly see what it is that everyone is fighting, however, bodies blocking the way. No way to help the others, so he can do only one thing at this point.

"Run!" He hisses to the others, before continuing to press forward. They had to save Ilesea, after all. So it was better for them to not be noticed.


Standard Action: Total Defense (+4 AC)
Move Action: 15ft - 3s.
Stealth check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Alyona continues to hold the lantern up, hoping the others will handle the spiders. She stands ready to kick one should it try to bite her.

No movement

Readied attack: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Non lethal damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

Stands on the Spiral studies the skeletons with interest by the pale blue light of the lanterns. “Stands on the Spiral knows this man, he was—” he says, interrupted by the flare of torchlight and shielding his eyes for a moment.

As the alarm rings around him, Stands on the Spiral doesn't see the threat until they’re already upon him. Seeing no lit torches nearby with which to light his own, he steps into the doorway beside Erik and swings wide above the spider skull, using his unlit torch as a club.

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

5 ft. Step, SE

Melee (torch, unlit): 1d20 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (9) - 2 - 4 = 3

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4


           ROUND I RECAP
Stands on the Spiral studies the skeletons with interest by the pale blue light of the lanterns. “Stands on the Spiral knows this man, he was—” he says, interrupted by the flare of torchlight and shielding his eyes for a moment.

When the skull moves, the blood drains out of Erik's face, leaving him looking nearly as pale as the bones all around them... and then those horrible, skittering legs.

Run away, Erik. Run away with your tail between your legs, why not? The halfling girl will be alright. The spiders might even spin her a cozy little hammock, like they did for those mice back there, that awful voice in the back of Erik's mind mocks.

He doesn't waste time with a reply, only sets his feet, hefting the prybar as he watches the chittering thing in the alcove. "Let's get movin'," he says, managing to keep his voice mostly steady despite the roiling of his stomach. "We got someone waitin' for us, and there's nothin' worth stickin' around here to see; one good lick oughta split this thing like a piece of rotten fruit," he boasts.

Taeo’s entire body shudders ”Eee-yuuch!!

Hearing Anlessa call for assistance, he squeezes back to the back so that he can get a good shot at the spider. Can these things be scared off? Maybe?!

As the creepy arachnid scuttles toward them he throws the femur at it, shouting "GO AWAY!" -- and overshoots, seeing the femur fly right past the spider and clatter against the stone floor. D#mmit! Well, maybe it helps to scare the thing off?

Aldon can't stop his eyes from widening at the sight of the spider. He thinks it's a bit more than gross, to be sure. Disturbing, certainly. Disgusting, surely. Dangerous, most probably. "S#!+."

And then a second one shows its face.

"Double s#!+."

Aldon thinks he probably shouldn't be swearing right now. Doesn't really help the situation. His mother had told him not to do it, period, and had reinforced the lesson with soap. On the other hand, he was under threat by spiders in skulls. He can't imagine she would blame him too harshly.

And there was at least something he could use to defend himself and the others. Hopefully, anyway. He wasn't fully confident in his ability to use it well... but he could certainly try. It would be a blessing if it was even still keen.

He moves south and west, past Deriku and into the alcove. He scrabbles onto the slope and grabs the hilt of the saber. He hesitates a moment. This was probably going to bestow him with a curse or something similar, wasn't it? "Sorry about this, pal. Er, sir. Alacarus? Whatever."

He doesn't imagine that a half-assed apology would be enough to cover him from any beyond-the-grave malevolence, but better safe than sorry.

Aldon pulls the saber from its scabbard, looking briefly down the blade. He frowns and then huffs exasperatedly. It was keen, yes. The bane of his enemies, no. Still, it should slice well enough.

Shen Hua presses back against Anlessa, grabbing the bigger girl's arm in a vice-like grip. Mesmerized by the weaving legs of the spider, she stands transfixed with one arm upraised, pointing at the spider on the stair.

"Ugh. Didin' anyone place bets on gross stuff in here? 'Cause I think this's a winner," Anlessa remarks, wrinkling her nose as she looks behind her at the spider. Teeth grit together as she looks around the room in quick fashion for something to defend herself with, but is jostled back to the matter at hand when Shen Hua grabs her arm. Surprised, Anlessa looks back at the Tian girl, then at the spider.

Taking a deep breath, she straightens her posture and nods to herself. "If'in anyone has another one of those bones tucked away, or somethin' more solid, we could use it back here right quick like," she says, swallowing down a bit of fear as she steps forward, meaning to get between the spider and Shen Hua for at least for a moment. Sure, she's had to defend herself before, but this... this was something else entirely, and she wasn't sure how to approach it.

Up on the north hall stairs, the skull containing the long-legged, black spider scuttles forward, then suddenly springs down the stairs, landing with a bony clack against the stone floor. It leaps towards Anlessa out of the dark, but finds itself meeting a swift kick that knocks it aside, clattering back down to the ground and laying motionless for a few moments. It gets back up, hisses, and springs forward again. Anlessa stomps down, but the skull scrambles between her legs and leaps up, biting her on the calf hard enough to draw blood. The wound burns slightly and tingles with faint numbness afterward before the spider hops away, hissing again with mandibles spread open.

Were that not bad enough, the other spider scrambles with great speed towards Erik, leaping up at the young man with legs spread. The boy winds up with the profoundly heavy iron prybar and tried to batter the skull away, but he over-exerts himself and the iron bar smashes into the corner of the doorway with a loud crash and shards of stone. The spider lands at Erik's feet, and the boy whips the bar down at the ground, shattering a stone tile but missing the spider entirely. It springs up and bite him on the arm, leaving a streak of blood as its large mandibles sink into flesh.

Erik shakes the spider off, its bony shell clattering to the floor, multiple red eyes peering out of the open mouth as the spider hisses noisily.

Alyona continues to hold the lantern up, hoping the others will handle the spiders. She stands ready to kick one should it try to bite her.

The ifrit blinks and turns around when he hears the signs of battle going on behind him - he can't exactly see what it is that everyone is fighting, however, bodies blocking the way. No way to help the others, so he can do only one thing at this point.

"Run," He hisses to the others, before continuing to press forward. They had to save Ilesea, after all. So it was better for them to not be noticed.

As the alarm rings around him, Stands on the Spiral doesn't see the threat until they’re already upon him. Seeing no lit torches nearby with which to light his own, he steps into the doorway beside Erik and swings wide above the spider skull, using his unlit torch as a club. The haft of wood serves poorly as a weapon and the shoanti boy finds himself striking the floor instead of the spider with a hard, wooden crack.
       << Encounter: Spiders in the Ossuary | Round II | Hazards: Dim Light | Encounter Map: The Ossuary >>
As the harrowing fight breaks out in the pale azure light of Alyonna's lantern, the chittering hisses of oversized spiders and panicked shouts, hastened breaths and noisy clatter of makeshift weapons carries down the hall. Moving away from the others, Alanar finds himself deeper in the labyrinthine crypt. Down the stairs he cannot see his companions any longer, only the smooth stone walls and stone-tiled floor. Then, nearing the bottom of the stairs he spies another alcove in the east wall containing a skeletal figure adorned in gold and jewels, carrying a tall wooden staff studded with gemstones and plated with patterns in gold leaf.

Beyond, the hallway continues south, terminating at another arched alcove displaying a skeletal figure seated on a throne, holding a tarnished crown in one hand and a flanged mace-like scepter studded with gemstones and plated with precious metals in the other.
Erik = 23
Taeo = 19
Aldon = 16
Shenhua = 11
Anlessa = 10
Skull Spiders = 9
Alyonna = 6
Alanar = 5
Deriku = 5

Closer Inspection: Staff:

This staff is made from an ancient, grayed wood and is studded with colorful gemstones and plated with gold leaf in geometric patterns. Hairline fractures run up and down its length, showing that it has become brittle with age.

Quarterstaff [Two-Handed Simple Weapon] (masterwork; fragile; double-weapon) 1d6/1d6 20/x2
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.
Masterwork: A masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls.
Double-Weapon: A double-weapon may be used for two-weapon fighting

Closer Inspection: Scepter:

This ancient scepter has a flanged head like a mace, clearly designed as a decoration and not truly intended to be wielded as a weapon. The flanges of the mace's head could still inflict great harm, but likely would break off on a strong hit.

Light Mace [One-Handed Simple Weapon] (masterwork; fragile) 1d6 20/x2
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.
Masterwork: A masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

@Anlessa: I forgot to give you Shenhua's aid another bonus on your attack roll last round, so please apply a +2 bonus to any attack roll you make this round to make up for it.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Erik, Taeo, Aldon, Shenhua and Anlessa are up!

Female Human Commoner 1

"Ow!" Anlessa shouts as the spider bites into her, taking a half step back. "Messin' with me an' messin with others kind, that's only goin' t' get you smashed!" Eyes narrowed, and now seemingly rightly pissed, she kicks at the spider again. It worked last time, why not this time?


Kick! (Unarmed strike): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
>> Critical hit confirmation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
>>> Damage: 2d3 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3

That is one of the lamest critical hits ever. That's probably my entire pool of good rolls for a while too T_T

Also, for future reference, should I include the spider's AoO in my post? Sorry, still new to the whole PbP thing.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Given the combat being so small including the AoO yourself won't be necessary. I may opt for that in larger battles. We'll see!
Furthermore, tiny-sized creatures actually have to crawl into your square to hurt you in combat (which is why you get the attacks of opportunity) and don't threaten squares around them, therefore they (to the best of my knowledge) can't take advantage of attacks of opportunity unless they're in your square. In Anlessa's case it can take the AoO, but if someone else attacked the spider in her square with an unarmed strike they wouldn't risk that.
...Which reminds me I should move the spiders.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

As Anlessa brings her foot down at the spider it lunges up at her, biting at the side of her leg again with its sharp mandibles. The bite stings, and the burning sensation is now much more intense, coursing up through the back of her calf and bringing with it that same numbing tingle.

Nevertheless, Anlessa's kick shatters the spider's skull carapace, sending splinters of bone flying in every direction. The spider is smashed down to the floor, legs twitching but otherwise unmoving. It doesn't appear to be dead, but it's not doing anything anymore.

Skull Spider, AoO <Bite>: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14 (hit)
>> Damage: 1d2 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1 (minimum 1)
>>> Anlessa: Fort Save vs Skull Spider Venom (DC 10): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8(fail)
>>>> Anlessa suffers 1 point of strength damage

Skull Spider Venom:

Cure: 1 save
Frequency: 1/round for 4 rounds

North Hall skull spider is unconscious

Male Fey-touched (Idyllkin) half-elf Commoner 1

"Wow, nice stomp! Are you OK?" Taeo asks Anlessa as he smacks his torch into the unconscious spider watching it's unconscious body twitch and sizzle under the flame. "Gee-yick!"


torch: 2d3 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 - 2 = 5

(1d3+1 base torch damage, x2, -2 for Taeo's STR ...let me know if that's not right. I've never done a coup de grâce with a torch which I'm using as an improvised weapon before...)

Male Human Commoner 1

"Oh you rotten little b******," Erik swears quietly, his arm throbbing. Meanwhile, judging from the sounds coming from the rear of the group, it seems like Anlessa and the others found a horrible little playmate of their own. At least they seem to be having better luck dealing with it, possibly.

Arright, you little s***s. You wanna play it that way? I can play that game, too. You're about to be the meat in a pain sandwich. He doesn't bother swinging the prybar again--the wretched thing weighs too much for him to have much hope of landing the blow required to smash the horrible little abomination. Instead, while it's distracted by Spiral's swing at it with the unlit torch, Erik maneuvers around it, slipping into the chamber the creature had come out of and fervently hoping there aren't more of the little fiends lurking in here.

Erik squelches that thought quickly and instead makes his move, going for a stomp... but again the weight of the prybar in his hands pulls him off balance, making his attack clumsy--the spider easily skitters out of the way. Erik hisses in outrage.

5' Step East
Standard Action: Unarmed Attack

Stomp: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (5) - 1 = 4

Human Commoner 1, HP: 6/6, AC: 15/15/10, SV: 0/5/-1, INIT: +2, CMB: +0, CMD: 15, ATT: None, PERC: +3

Shen Hua bends down to look at Anlessa's leg to see if there is anything she can do.

Heal Untrained/No Tools: 1d20 - 1 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 1 - 2 = -1

Unfortunately, Shen Hua has no better idea how to deal with wounds than she does in dealing with spiders.

Male Human Commoner 1

Spurred on by Anlessa's impressive performance, Aldon moves in to swing at the spider plaguing Erik, teeth gritted. The hilt of his sword is cold, chilled by what must have been many years in the tomb. It does not seem a condition long to last, however, as Aldon's rising temper and the sweat beading on his palms warms it nicely.

He heaves the sword towards their venomous little opponent with a grunt, but in his haste the sword goes wide. "Dammit!"

The miss is frustrating, Aldon having hoped to end this irritating and unnerving encounter with one blow. He now chastises himself for the thought. It's arrogant and impractical, not suited to keeping the others out of danger.

Aldon exhales in whistle between his teeth. With one of the skull spiders down it seems less like a fight that he's involved in and more an extermination. Hopefully they can finish it quick and then get after Alanar, if only to save him from himself. If any of them swings true, that is.

Move: 10ft - 1se, 1e
Standard: Swing at the spider.
Attack: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

The one remaining spider swiftly dodges Erik's attempt to smash it, and it's single-minded relentlessness brings it back for more. As Erik scrambles away it prepares to jump. Deriku spots the motion but is too slow to strike it with his torch before it's airborne, leaping towards Erik on long, spidly legs. The young boy is able to knock it away with a nudge from his iron prybar, but can't hit it hard enough to do more than keep it at bay.


GM Rolls:

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Skull Spider (East Chamber)
Move Action: Move into Erik's Square (provokes from Erik and Deriku)
INTERRUPT > Erik: Attack of Opportunity <Iron Prybar>: 1d20 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (6) - 2 - 4 = 0 (miss)
INTERRUPT > Deriku: Attack of Opportunity <Torch>: 1d20 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (14) - 2 - 4 = 8 (miss)
Skull Spider: Attack <Bite> @ Erik: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9 (miss)
Alanar, Deriku, and Alyonna are up.
Protip: Those who aren't fighting could help others by aiding another for AC or Attack bonus. Cooperation could be the difference between survival or death!

Male Ifrit Commoner/1

More weapons - that seemed useful to Alanar, sneaking silently to avoid the attention of any more creatures. He can still hear the others fighting behind him up the stairs, so that is a good thing.

He grabs onto the quarterstaff, a silent prayer for forgiveness in his mind as he takes it, turning around.


Move Action: 15ft 3s
Move Action: Picked up staff

Alyona steps over next to Erik, kicking at the spider hoping to distract it so he can smash it.

5' step east one square

Aid Another vs AC 10: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Wow. Really tempted to change my descriptive text and turn that into a possible critical hit, but I won't. Erik, you've got a +2 to hit, use the bar. Deriku aid him as well please, and Aldon if you go before him. That'll give him a decent chance to hit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Or better yet, give me the bar! I didn't realize I was stronger than all you boys until just now. You're all a bunch of noodle arms, especially the "tough" barbarian kid (~_~)*

Male Fey-touched (Idyllkin) half-elf Commoner 1

Yes, I'd noticed that a while back. Taeo and Stands at the Spiral are swinging away with our 7 STRs.

Male Human Commoner 1

Bahaha, yep! Comes from having a miserable diet during his early years; it'd be an exaggeration to say that the prybar weighs more than Erik does, but... probably not that much of one. :P

If Alyona asks he'd probably hand it over--he's none too happy with the thing as a weapon--but doing it in battle might be a bit awkward, not sure on the PF rules as to what actions it would require (posting from work so it'd be a bit difficult to look up, too). I'll also note that swinging a 2h weapon while holding a lantern might also be awkward... want to trade after the spider's smashed?

That works for me.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

It's hard to tell from the map, but could I take a move action to get behind Erik and wait for the others to come in for the flanking bonus? Then we can all just beat on Erik with sticks until the spider is dead.

And I have a 6 Strength, thankyouverymuch, which will one day be a beefcake 8. I' wouldn't have grown up to be a barbarian, I would have grown up to be a creepy death shaman.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Deriku: Sorry I totally missed your question on Friday. Yes, you can definitely do that. It's 15 feet to move straight through Erik's space or 20 feet (5 feet squeezing) to move around him and not provoke an AoO from the spider by moving through the square it shares with Erik.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Commoner 1

"Surround it!" Stands on the Spiral says, squeezing between Erik and the wall to avoid the horrid creature's mandibles. Standing in the alcove, he waits for a chance to strike, hefting his torch over one shoulder.

Even with assistance, however, he doubts his chances of hitting the tiny, scurrying monster.

Move 20 ft. E (5 ft. squeezing to avoid AoO)

Ready Action: Wait for flanking bonus against spider, then

Melee (torch, unlit): 1d20 - 2 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (11) - 2 - 4 + 2 = 7

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

As the harrowing fight breaks out in the pale azure light of Alyonna's lantern, the chittering hisses of oversized spiders and panicked shouts, hastened breaths and noisy clatter of makeshift weapons carries down the hall. Moving away from the others, Alanar finds himself deeper in the labyrinthine crypt. Down the stairs he cannot see his companions any longer, only the smooth stone walls and stone-tiled floor. Then, nearing the bottom of the stairs he spies another alcove in the east wall containing a skeletal figure adorned in gold and jewels, carrying a tall wooden staff studded with gemstones and plated with patterns in gold leaf.

Beyond, the hallway continues south, terminating at another arched alcove displaying a skeletal figure seated on a throne, holding a tarnished crown in one hand and a flanged mace-like scepter studded with gemstones and plated with precious metals in the other.

"Oh you rotten little b******," Erik swears quietly, his arm throbbing. Meanwhile, judging from the sounds coming from the rear of the group, it seems like Anlessa and the others found a horrible little playmate of their own. At least they seem to be having better luck dealing with it, possibly.

Arright, you little s***s. You wanna play it that way? I can play that game, too. You're about to be the meat in a pain sandwich. He doesn't bother swinging the prybar again--the wretched thing weighs too much for him to have much hope of landing the blow required to smash the horrible little abomination. Instead, while it's distracted by Spiral's swing at it with the unlit torch, Erik maneuvers around it, slipping into the chamber the creature had come out of and fervently hoping there aren't more of the little fiends lurking in here.

Erik squelches that thought quickly and instead makes his move, going for a stomp... but again the weight of the prybar in his hands pulls him off balance, making his attack clumsy--the spider easily skitters out of the way. Erik hisses in outrage.

Spurred on by Anlessa's impressive performance, Aldon moves in to swing at the spider plaguing Erik, teeth gritted. The hilt of his sword is cold, chilled by what must have been many years in the tomb. It does not seem a condition long to last, however, as Aldon's rising temper and the sweat beading on his palms warms it nicely.

He heaves the sword towards their venomous little opponent with a grunt, but in his haste the sword goes wide. "Dammit!"

The miss is frustrating, Aldon having hoped to end this irritating and unnerving encounter with one blow. He now chastises himself for the thought. It's arrogant and impractical, not suited to keeping the others out of danger.

Aldon exhales in whistle between his teeth. With one of the skull spiders down it seems less like a fight that he's involved in and more an extermination. Hopefully they can finish it quick and then get after Alanar, if only to save him from himself. If any of them swings true, that is.

Shen Hua bends down to look at Anlessa's leg to see if there is anything she can do. Unfortunately, Shen Hua has no better idea how to deal with wounds than she does in dealing with spiders.

"Ow!" Anlessa shouts as the spider bites into her, taking a half step back. "Messin' with me an' messin with others kind, that's only goin' t' get you smashed!" Eyes narrowed, and now seemingly rightly pissed, she kicks at the spider again. It worked last time, why not this time?

Anlessa brings her foot down at the spider it lunges up at her, biting at the side of her leg again with its sharp mandibles. The bite stings, and the burning sensation is now much more intense, coursing up through the back of her calf and bringing with it that same numbing tingle.

Nevertheless, Anlessa's kick shatters the spider's skull carapace, sending splinters of bone flying in every direction. The spider is smashed down to the floor, legs twitching but otherwise unmoving. It doesn't appear to be dead, but it's not doing anything anymore.

"Wow, nice stomp! Are you OK?" Taeo asks Anlessa as he smacks his torch into the unconscious spider watching it's unconscious body twitch and sizzle under the flame. "Gee-yick!"

The one remaining spider swiftly dodges Erik's attempt to smash it, and it's single-minded relentlessness brings it back for more. As Erik scrambles away it prepares to jump. Deriku spots the motion but is too slow to strike it with his torch before it's airborne, leaping towards Erik on long, spidly legs. The young boy is able to knock it away with a nudge from his iron prybar, but can't hit it hard enough to do more than keep it at bay.

Alyona steps over next to Erik, kicking at the spider hoping to distract it so he can smash it. Just as the spider tries to scuttle back, Alyonna's foot stamps down beside it, causing it to scurry back towards Alanar, keeping it in good smashing range.

"Surround it!" Stands on the Spiral says, squeezing between Erik and the wall to avoid the horrid creature's mandibles. Standing in the alcove, he waits for a chance to strike, hefting his torch over one shoulder.

Even with assistance, however, he doubts his chances of hitting the tiny, scurrying monster.

Down the hall away from the fight, Alanar had discovered more weapons - that seemed useful to the ifrit, sneaking silently to avoid the attention of any more creatures. He can still hear the others fighting behind him up the stairs, so that is a good thing.
        << Encounter: Spiders in the Ossuary | Round III | Hazards: Dim Light | Encounter Map: Ancient Ossuary >>
Something catches Alanar's attention when he stands before the seated figure on the throne. From the long corridor that exntended past his line of sight he could make out a sound -- distant, though -- but the sound of a young woman sobbing mournfully. Given that everything else in this crypt is either long dead or has eight spindly legs...


Erik = 23 (benefitting from +2 attack from aid another)
Aldon = 16
Shenhua = 11
Anlessa = 10
Taeo = 19 >acted after Anlessa; delayed initiative change<
Skull Spiders = 9
Alyonna = 6
Alanar = 5
Deriku = 5 (readied: attack @ spider)


Erik, Aldon, Shenhua, Anlessa and Taeo are up!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

I'm going to add an addendum when I have a moment to include the other two enshrined figures Deriku will be able to see now that he's in the room. Shouldn't matter until his turn anyway.

Male Ifrit Commoner/1

The ifrit pauses as he hears the soft sounds of sobbing, turning around and looking down the corridor. Abandoning going for the stave, he instead heads for the sounds. Tiptoeing quietly and going slow, because he doesn't want to attract any spiders.

Merciful Sarenrae, keep your servants safe. Guide me to the salvation of Ilesea, so she may greet your dawn anew, He prays to himself on the way forward.

It's only halfway down that he starts to realize that no one is following him.

Human Commoner 1, HP: 6/6, AC: 15/15/10, SV: 0/5/-1, INIT: +2, CMB: +0, CMD: 15, ATT: None, PERC: +3

Unable to help Anlessa, Shen Hua will move to encircle the spider at her first opportunity, trying to help anyone else hit the spider by kicking it to the center of the circle.

While she does manage to keep her feet, it is rapidly becoming clear to the young Tien girl that she is not cut out for combat.

Move 5' SW, 15' S and 5' E to be 10' S of Alyona.

Ready Action: Aid another for whoever hits the spider. She should get a flank with Deriku there.

Aid Another: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 2 - 4 = 0

Female Human Commoner 1

"Ugh," Anlessa groans, reaching down to rub at her leg. "Feelin' not so good, thinkin' from the bite," she remarks, eyes narrowed as she stares at the spider's body again.

It sounds like they're still dleaing with one to the south, so she moves as quickly as she can, trying not to pay much mind to the bite. Unwilling to get up close and personal to handle another spider, though, she stands ready in case more appear.


Move: move 4 sqs. south
Standard: Ready an action: Attack any spiders that come near (because that seems to be working for her)

Fort save vs. Spider venom (DC10): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 -> Fail

Male Human Commoner 1

"That's the plan, Spiral," Erik replies to Stands on the Spiral, stepping back to do just that--now the spider is trapped between them. Alyona's kick at the vile creature seems to distract its attention, and Erik moves to take advantage, launching a kick of his own... but despite their combined efforts, the creature is able to skitter aside yet again, hissing at Erik.

Erik hisses back. "Dammit, we don't have time for this!" he mutters, grinding his teeth in frustration.

5' Step West
Standard Action: Unarmed Attack

Stomp: 1d20 - 1 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) - 1 + 2 + 2 = 5

"Giwe me the bar please. I vill end this," Alyona says, offering the lantern in return.

Male Human Commoner 1

"You're right, we don't." Aldon goes to back up Erik and Deriku, moving cautiously, grasping the hilt of the saber by both hands. He raises it high, eyes narrowed. The quickness of the spider and the rather lackluster attacks made by all of them were disheartening, but victory was imminent. He can feel it.

Aldon swings downward with as much force as he can muster whilst still maintaining control.

For the love of all that's good, please let us kill this creepy frickin' spider.

This time his swing seems to be more on target, and Aldon breathes in through his teeth, hoping for success.

Move: 10ft - 2e
Standard: Attack.
1d20 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 + 2 = 16
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Male Fey-touched (Idyllkin) half-elf Commoner 1

Taeo dogdges past Shenhua and Alyonna, running toward the kids fighting the remaining spider. When he gets near, Taeo waves his hand briefly toward the spider -- pulling it back fast when the creature starts moving toward him -- in order to get it into position for the next person to swing at it.


Move: I think I can move to 5' south of SotS's square and still have a Stnd action left, without entering the spider's square. If that's true, Taeo moves to 5' S of SotS. (If I've got that wrong, Taeo moves to 5' S of Aldon's new position.)
Stnd: Aid next attacker
Note: Taeo counts as armed for giving a flanking bonus to others, since he's got the torch.

Aid: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

"That's the plan, Spiral," Erik replies to Stands on the Spiral, stepping back to do just that--now the spider is trapped between them. Alyona's kick at the vile creature seems to distract its attention, and Erik moves to take advantage, launching a kick of his own... but despite their combined efforts, the creature is able to skitter aside yet again, hissing at Erik.

Erik hisses back. "Dammit, we don't have time for this!" he mutters, grinding his teeth in frustration.

"You're right, we don't." Aldon goes to back up Erik and Deriku, moving cautiously, grasping the hilt of the saber by both hands. He raises it high, eyes narrowed. The quickness of the spider and the rather lackluster attacks made by all of them were disheartening, but victory was imminent. He can feel it.

Aldon swings downward with as much force as he can muster whilst still maintaining control...

For the love of all that's good, please let us kill this creepy frickin' spider.

...and this time his swing seems to be more on target, his "borrowed" saber cleaving into three of the spider's legs and the cheekbone of its skull shell. The spider scuttles only a couple of inches before toppling over onto its side in a clack-clatter of bone on stone. Some of its legs twitch helplessly, others begin to curl towards the bottom of the skull. It's still alive, even if just barely.

Unable to help Anlessa, Shen Hua moves to help surround the now downed spider. Ready to strike out at it should it try getting up. While she does manage to keep her feet, it is rapidly becoming clear to the young Tien girl that she is not cut out for combat.

"Ugh," Anlessa groans, reaching down to rub at her leg. "Feelin' not so good, thinkin' from the bite," she remarks, eyes narrowed as she stares at the spider's body again.

It sounds like they're still dleaing with one to the south, so she moves as quickly as she can, trying not to pay much mind to the bite. Unwilling to get up close and personal to handle another spider, though, she stands ready in case more appear.

"Giwe me the bar please. I vill end this," Alyona says, offering the lantern in return. Handing it off to her, Erik takes the blackflame lantern and hands the young Irriseni woman the prybar. Gripped in both hands, Alyona hefts it up and then brings it down with a sturdy crack sound, splitting the skull and finishing the incapacitated spider off.
      << ENCOUNTER RESOLVED | XP Award: 25xp each >>

@Anlessa: suffers another 1 point of Str damage. 2/4 Rounds

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

@Anlessa: Make your remaining 2 Fort saves vs the venom. If you succeed on the first one you do not need to make the second.
Aldon's attack incapacitated the spider so I had Alyona finish it off, since she wanted the bar anyway.

Female Human Commoner 1

Fort Save vs. Spider Poison (DC 10) The First: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5---> Fail
Fort Save vs. Spider Poison (DC 10) The Second: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6---> Fail

Remember how I said I used up all my good rolls on that crit? Yeah.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Hahaha wow. So, in total Anlessa has 4 points of strength damage and the poison runs its course in a brisk 24 seconds.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

With the spiders dead, Deriku gets a better look at his surroundings without the frantic pace of the fight distracting him. Where the spider had come from, indeed, lies a headless skeleton they'd all seen before. Two other skeletons rest in alcoves on the north and south sides of the room likewise dressed in opulent clothing and swathed in linens that have gone nearly transparent with age, revealing the skeletal countenances of the figures that are shrouded.

The north figure reclines on a high-backed chaise lounge, a fan held up over the lower half of her skeletal mouth made from moth-eaten fabric and brittle wood. Laid on the lounge at her side is a basket-hilted rapier in a a sapphire-studded scabbard. The figure to the south holds a tarnished chalice of silver bordered by lozenge-shaped moonstones and keeps a highly embellished gold-plated longsword in his lap.


Closer Inspection: Gilded Rapier:

This gilded rapier is sheathed in a jewel-studded scabbard. While it is beautiful, it is also largely ornamental and does not appear to be intended for use in combat.

Rapier [Light martial weapon] (masterwork; fragile) 1d6 18-20/x2
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.
Masterwork: A masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Closer Inspection: Longsword:

This decorative longsword has a distinctive sunburst crossguard and star-shaped pommel. The blade is double-edged and plated with gold.

Longsword [One-handed martial weapon] (masterwork; fragile) 1d8 19-20/x2
Fragile: A fragile weapon breaks on a critical hit.
Masterwork: A masterwork weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

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