Rise of the New Runelords 4713 AR

Game Master Harakani

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This is the Kingdom Phase 1, 4713-4714AR for the Rise of the New Runelords game at http://paizo.com/campaigns/RiseOfTheNewRunelords

M Azlanti Guardian Magus


Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3



Also dotting.

At the moment, lacking other factors, I have this at Hargran's LN alignment (Economy +2, Stability +2)

Okay; everyone pick their roles. Will assume existing roles are carried through where possible. Yell out now if you don't like it.
Ruler (Cha): Hargan =+0
High Priest (Wis, Cha): Anglon =+5 stability
Magister (Cha, Int): Master in Grey =+7 economy
General (Cha, Str): Valerianna =+3 stability
Grand Diplomat (Cha, Int): Ronald =+6 stability
Marshal (Dex, Wis): Simon =+2 economy
Treasurer (Int, Wis): Denat =+7 economy
Royal Enforcer (Dex, Str): Forsten =+6 loyalty
Councilor (Cha, Wis): Molly =+2 loyalty
Warden (Con, Str): Ambassador Garess = +3 loyalty
Spymaster (Dex, Int): Ambassador Pikmik =+3 one of any

Ronald and Simon were both interested in Diplomat, but Sion used to be Marshall, so I left him as that
Changed Molly to Councilor as she really would make a terrible Warden mechanic-wise.

stability 2+5+3+6=16
economy 2+7+2+7=18
loyalty 6+2+3=11

Pikmik will support Stability for +3 unless ordered otherwise.


Hargran provides 50BP (200,000 GP)
-4 BP for goods not rescued at the start
+1 BP from Harsk's Cart

Treasure from Harsk was
potions of cure moderate wounds (3), potions of pass without trace (2), screaming bolts (4), tanglefoot bag, +2 studded leather, +1 battleaxe, +2 heavy crossbow with 26 bolts, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak of resistance +2, antitoxin,
Treasure from Hasathorex was d
Belt of Con +2
Bracer +1

None of this treasure is being donated to the kingdom

Taxes, diplomacy and other kingdom-wide decisions.
Q: How many holidays per year? 0->24
Q: how hard are you promoting your kingdom? None, token, standard, aggressive or expansionist?
Q: How hard are you taxing your citizens? None, Light, Normal, heavy, Overwhelming?

Sootscale Hex
You may claim the sootscale caverns as a Free City if you wish. This will take a successful Stability check. Warning: it's a pretty cruddy city, and has 1 Tenements and 1 Barracks. Can negotiate on this if this is unreasonable

Claiming the Keep will cost 1 BP
Preparing for a city will cost 1 BP - for now, Simon's Sketches would probably bankrupt you if you started now.

You may construct one building.
You may, optionally, construct a house, mansion, noble villa or tenement.

Oh - and if you incorporate the trading post you can have it as a free Shop, Watchtower or Stable. Happy (belated) Christmas.

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

Personally, having the trading post as the lead-off city with the Sootscales included (assuming we make the stability check), would be good.

That gets us a Barracks, a Tenement, and Shop, with a House and (probably) Smithy (as our built structure this turn).

Thats a DC 22 (roll of 3 or better) stability check to bring in the kobolds, and 9 BP expended for Economy +2, Stability +1, Unrest +0 for the kingdom


Productivity +1, Base Value +500gp, for the trading post/shop


Defense +2, Law +1 for the kobolds

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

Grey's number one priority is getting ahold of a Lyre of Building at first convenience.

My plan is to have Legion learn Perform Harp (he has a pretty high int, and a bunch of unspent skill points). As a Construct he doesn't have to worry about stopping, ever. As long as he can continue to make a DC 18 check (not hard at our level, especially after I make him a skill-boost item), he'll not only be a nigh-unlimited source of Unseen Servants, but also will be 300 skilled workers and my very own Theme Music.

With a scroll of Fabricate (1125 gp) I can make in a few weeks (6, 500 gp)

I have about 3000 gp. Who's willing to chip in? Can we tax people to help with this, under the promise that as soon as it's made, their lives will start getting a whole lot better?

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

I'm basically with Ronald in terms of the basic mechanics.

As for Holidays, Grey would be in favor of more. He's big on people enjoying their lives.

Conversely, he's also big on high taxes to support the infrastructure he's going to build. Eventually, once it's all built, I'm hoping it will be self sustaining enough to lower them, but at the moment we're looking at a New Deal situation where everyone is going to pitch in a lot to make big things happen.

As for promotion, I'd say none yet. Let's not draw attention to ourselves until we know we can hold what we've taken.

It is possible to get BP from the kingdom on a 1:2000 rate, but you have to make a check, or people think you are just taking/wasting the money.

Sounded weird to me, but I work in Science and once I made that connection it worked.

"Oh sure, the money we've given to the Grey Academy went into researching ways for better food, housing, security, defence and lifespan... but how can he show this new thing is going to help us, and isn't just throwing away money on some non-existent problem. Remember when he took all that money to make Wraith Repellent? That field has been on for decades, and we've never even seen a wraith."

AC 33 ;touch 23;flat-footed 27;Fort+8,Ref+10,Will+11; Init+6; Percep +23;CMB+7;CMD33
eldritch knight 7/monk (sohei) 1/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer, wildblooded) 1


Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

He, he.

Wraith repellent.

That reminds me, do we have a good necromancer? Someone who can perchance make an undead who controls other undead?


Roland's approach sounds good to me as well, though kingdom building and it's rules, intricacies, and synergies is something I'm admittedly still fairly unfamiliar with.

I would also prefer a number of holidays. One/calendar month seems a good ratio. And ostensibily, keeping them happy with holidays should, in theory, counteract making them grumpy with increased taxes.

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10
Ronald Dranstus wrote:

He, he.

Wraith repellent.

That reminds me, do we have a good necromancer? Someone who can perchance make an undead who controls other undead?

Not yet. Making intelligent undead doesn't happen until about 11th level. If we could find a ghoul or shadow, I could probably control them though.

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20

Crafting an item of Wall of Stone would be very helpful for both making stuff (walls, crude buildings) and raw materials. I also think limiting means of ingress (between1-3) with high security and trap the hell out of the remaining area.

So: 12 holidays, no promotion, overwhelming taxation?

What it says on the tin; Caffiene addict 20

Standard promotion and normal taxation. heavy at most, but it needs to be worth it for the people.


If not standard promotion, then token. And I agree that normal taxation is a good place to start. We need to establish a healthy population density before we can tax them for all their worth and rule them like kings! Errr... before we can suitably tax them and ensure an enduring just and noble government.

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

alright, sounds good.

LN alignment (Economy +2, Stability +2)

Upkeep Phase
Skip on first round.
Determine Kingdom Stability
Pay Consumption
Fill your vacant magic item slots
Modify Unrest

Edict PhasePhase 2: Edict
Assign Leadership
Ruler (Cha): Hargan =+0
High Priest (Wis, Cha): Anglon =+5 stability
Magister (Cha, Int): Master in Grey =+7 economy
General (Cha, Str): Valerianna =+3 stability
Grand Diplomat (Cha, Int): Ronald =+6 stability
Marshal (Dex, Wis): Simon =+2 economy
Treasurer (Int, Wis): Denat =+7 economy
Royal Enforcer (Dex, Str): Forsten =+6 loyalty
Councilor (Cha, Wis): Molly =+2 loyalty
Warden (Con, Str): Ambassador Garess = +3 loyalty
Spymaster (Dex, Int): Ambassador Pikmik =+3 one of any
stability +19
economy +18
loyalty +11

Claim and Abandon Hexes
Claim Keep hex -1BP
Build Terrain Improvements
Create and Improve Settlements
Build city on trading post hex-1 BP
Build Smithy -6 BP. Grants economy +1 stability +1
Intention was to Build a House, but Hargran declares it must be a mansion -10 BP, Stability +1 Law +1 Society +1
Build Shop Free, Economy +1, productivity +1, base value +500
Create Army Units
Issue Edicts
Promotion: Token +1 stability +1 consumption
Taxation: Normal +2 economy, -2 loyalty
Holidays: 12 +3 Loyalty, +3 Consumption

Edict PhasePhase 3: Income
Make withdrawals from the Treasury
2000gp is -1BP, +1 Unrest. Cheaper to sell your excess items directly...
Make deposits to the Treasury
Sell expensive items for BP
Collect Taxes
economy: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (9) + 24 = 33 +6 BP

Edict PhasePhase 4: Event

What is the name of the Sootscale village?
What is the name of the new city on the trading post?
What buildings are you building? I assumed Ronald's suggestion, but changed House to Mansion as there was no unrest to lower. You could talk him out of it if you like. You will need a house-class vehicle for the shop.
Where do you want to build them? there was an online city builder people have referred to on the boards before. Anyone have any idea where?
Do you want to withdraw money? Might be cheaper to sell items directly. This one time I'll allow it (Hargran is using his teleport staff to do trading convoys)

I've lost the rules on taking over a willing settlement. Anyone?

Male Human Cleric 7 Hierophant 2 / F+7,R+4,W+12 / AC 17/10/17 CMD 16 / HP 48/48 / Init +2 Per +5 / Spells 7/7,6/6,4/4,3/3 / Bursts 6/6 / Mythic Power 7/7

Couldn't find it in Ultimate Campaign. I think it happens in one of the Kingmaker books. Should just be a stability check. Don't know the DC.

"We should build a shrine so people have a place to pray."
We should build anything that increases our economy check.

Special Terrain. Free City. P211 Ucam. Stability check. Technically I think you cannot do it until next turn... screw that.
Stability: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34


HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

Any objection to just calling the Sootscale village Sootscale?

As for our new city on the old trading post, how about Threshold? It seems appropriate for the entrance to our realm, and for a new beginning.

Male Human Wizard (conjurer) 8/ Archmage 3

Nothing to add, I agree with what has been said.

M Azlanti Guardian Magus

Threshold sounds cool if a bit grandiose, but I think that fits with our aspirations :p How about Sootscale Grotto? I find that amusing for some reason.

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

I'm good with Threshold & Sootscale Grotto.

Although Kobold Slum or Breeding Pit would work as well :)


Wow - Threshold is an *awesome* name! Great suggestion! I like Sootscale Grotto too.

AC 33 ;touch 23;flat-footed 27;Fort+8,Ref+10,Will+11; Init+6; Percep +23;CMB+7;CMD33
eldritch knight 7/monk (sohei) 1/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer, wildblooded) 1

I vote "Threshold" and I like "Sootscale Grotto." The latter sounds like one of the pleasant names you put on a Slum to make it sound better to people who don't know any better. It's like calling a Ghetto "Palisade park." :-)

Also, I have Hero Lab and it has an option to build a kingdom. Admittedly I've never used it, but if you're interested I can see how to do it.


For some reason I also like the name Horizon for a city or town

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

That's a good one. I think it would be better to save it for a city on a mountain, or something like that.

Is anyone selling items, or (hypothetically) crafting anything?

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

Grey is pretty much always going to be crafting something. I figure at any given point I'm making components for all kinds of stuff.

M Azlanti Guardian Magus

New character, so no :)

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

No materials to craft currently. ..

AC 33 ;touch 23;flat-footed 27;Fort+8,Ref+10,Will+11; Init+6; Percep +23;CMB+7;CMD33
eldritch knight 7/monk (sohei) 1/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer, wildblooded) 1

I have craft wondrous, but I don't think I have any money with which to make anything. I have 101 ideas for stuff.

there are items you can sell

Male Human Wizard (conjurer) 8/ Archmage 3
The Master in Grey wrote:
Grey is pretty much always going to be crafting something. I figure at any given point I'm making components for all kinds of stuff.

Like a +1 bec de corbin maybe ? ;)

Male Human Cleric 7 Hierophant 2 / F+7,R+4,W+12 / AC 17/10/17 CMD 16 / HP 48/48 / Init +2 Per +5 / Spells 7/7,6/6,4/4,3/3 / Bursts 6/6 / Mythic Power 7/7

I have no items I can sell and I believe Forsten is taking my Cloak of Resistance +1.

Male Human Cleric 7 Hierophant 2 / F+7,R+4,W+12 / AC 17/10/17 CMD 16 / HP 48/48 / Init +2 Per +5 / Spells 7/7,6/6,4/4,3/3 / Bursts 6/6 / Mythic Power 7/7

I could make some wands if someone wants one? and is willing to front me the money

Do people want to take money out of the kingdom?
Remember you can sell the loot you got from Hargran and Hasathorex that you don't want and have't used.

HP 36/36, Temp HP 7, AC 12, +0 Fort, +1 Ref, +4 Will, Mythic 6/7, Command 10/10, Bolster 10/10

let's not take kingdom money yet. My experience with Kingmaker reminds me that kingdom cash tends to disappear fast. A couple bad turns in a row, and we'll be scrambling. Best to build up a buffer at the beginning. We can make money the way adventurers are supposed to. Killing things and taking their stuff.

Speaking of, what's our next target in terms of exploration or conquest?

Male Human Cleric 7 Hierophant 2 / F+7,R+4,W+12 / AC 17/10/17 CMD 16 / HP 48/48 / Init +2 Per +5 / Spells 7/7,6/6,4/4,3/3 / Bursts 6/6 / Mythic Power 7/7

I'm a big fan of claiming hexes and building farms and roads.

I sort of figured once this kingdom turn ends and you go mythic you'd be at the enemy keep in days... but happy with whatever.

People are talking of crafting; as I say you can sell off items you have acquired that you do not want such as the +1 battleaxe or the +2 heavy crossbow, and use that money to craft.

If someone wants to do this please speak up... or perhaps this is easier.
Of the loot so far collected, who wants what?

M Azlanti Guardian Magus

Is there a list somewhere?

AC 33 ;touch 23;flat-footed 27;Fort+8,Ref+10,Will+11; Init+6; Percep +23;CMB+7;CMD33
eldritch knight 7/monk (sohei) 1/sorcerer (tattooed sorcerer, wildblooded) 1

Oh that's right. We do have an enemy camp in desperate need of a good curb stomping. I highly recommend we do that at earliest possibility.

Yep. List is in post #5

Human Illusionist 8/Archmage 3

Oh yes please.

Enemies should be eliminated with extreme prejudice, post haste.

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