PFS No Response from Deepmar (Inactive)

Game Master Nefreet

Island Overview Map

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GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

Just recreated the Deepmar Penal Colony Map. I decided to go with Google Slides rather than Roll20. Emailed Customer Service to switch the Campaign over to me. Hoping to be live within the next 48 hours =).

GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

Here's a couple visuals we missed out on earlier. I'll permalink them on the Campaign Info tab eventually and add to them as we go.

  • Girallon
  • Delbina Rask

    I've also added Delbina's token to the map. Who wants to control where she goes?

  • Liberty's Edge

    Male Human (Andoran) Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 5/Golden Legionnaire 3 HP: 83/83 | AC: 31 | T: 16 | FF: 27 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5| Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Perception: +0 | Sense Motive: +0

    I don't mind picking that up.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Hmmm... I figured Paizo would have given me control by now, or at the very least responded to my email. Anyone know how long it usually takes?

    For now, let's continue anyways. I'll post a bit of a recap below with stuff that I'll eventually move to the Campaign Info tab.

    Edit: In addition to the Penal Colony Map I've now included a collection of the NPCs and Creatures you've encountered thus far in my header. I'm all about visuals =)

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    The storm abates as the crew calls out that the island of Deepmar is within sight. Over the prow, the island is just visible through the rain. Although not large, looking to be no more than thirty miles across at its widest point, the island is quite lush, covered in wind-lashed trees and shrubs. Sitting at the island’s southernmost point is a small colony, surrounded by a wooden palisade in front of a single, long dock. The iron doors to the colony appear closed, but no guards can be seen. Indeed, as the boat draws closer, no one can be seen moving about the island.

    Tall, stout timbers topped with inward-facing hooks and barbs surround a small settlement of single-story wooden buildings with thatch roofs. Towers stand to either side of a large gate leading out to the docks. Chickens wander here and there, pecking at the ground—the only evidence of life within the colony.

    Areas you've visited thus far include:

    Both gates are 20 feet tall and consist of 3-inch-thick crisscrossed iron bars, functioning as huge double doors with a massive locking mechanism in the center where the two doors connect. Both gates are locked.

    The wooden palisade surrounding the colony is made of 1-foot-thick reinforced timber and treated with a slick resin, making it difficult to climb.

    A wooden ladder ascends twenty-five feet to a simply fortified guard tower offering a clear view of the colony and the surrounding terrain. Two heavy crossbows are propped neatly against the wall, and a nearby box holds a sizable supply of crossbow bolts.

    The door to this long building is ajar. A sign hanging over the doorway depicts a frothy mug, a plate, and eating utensils. Within, broken plates, forks and spoons, and a few wooden mugs lie scattered about the floor around several long trestle tables.

    This large kitchen is furnished with a pair of stoves, preparation areas, hanging cookware, and shelves stocked with enough food supplies to feed the entire population of the colony for several weeks. Both stoves have been pushed forward to create makeshift barricades that block both the door to the main dining hall and the door leading outside.

    This long building has numerous small, barred windows along its exterior walls and a covered entrance at each end. Within, a series of doors line each side of a long central corridor.

    Both buildings feature 16 simply furnished 10-foot-by-10-foot sleeping chambers. Each chamber contains a small bed, pegs on the wall for hanging clothes, and a single shelf under the small barred window. Aside from a few personal belongings, there is nothing of value in these rooms.

    This building is cheerily painted, in contrast to the rest of the structures in the colony. A variety of potted plants sit alongside the building. The door is ajar, revealing a room with a table, several chairs around it, and many hanging plants.

    This stone building is surrounded by a tall fence. It occupies a spot of land well away from the other buildings in the colony. Its door is also made of stone and has no apparent latch or lock. Large red letters painted multiple times on every side of the fence spell out, “Danger—Keep away!”

    This building is constructed of wood and stone. Though simple in design, it appears opulent compared to the other buildings in the colony. A sign over the porch depicts a pair of white swords on a field of red and black.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    In the interest of expediency instead of having everyone roll Perception checks individually when you enter an area, I'll do group Perceptions. This will help me establish who acts in surprise (if there happens to be a surprise round), as well as what you immediately notice before you have the chance to Take 20.

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Sounds good - or just have standard T10 perceptions to make life easier on you. Either way. We are definitely searching/looking for signs of life (or unlife).

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    T10 really only gets us as high as our highest perception though, unless we are aiding.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    This Module utilizes the rules for Local and Overland Movement, so when you're deciding where to go keep that in mind, and let me know your path.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    My thoughts on handling Knowledge checks to identify creatures:

    DC 5 + CR if the creature is common (such as a Goblin or Zombie).
    DC 15 + CR if the creature is rare (unique, variant, augmented).
    DC 10 + CR for the vast majority of creatures you encounter.

    This check doesn't just represent your Knowledge of the subject but also your ability to determine its strengths and weaknesses based on obvious physical features (such as a metallic hide implying hardness or damage reduction).

    What is my definition of the CRB phrase "useful information"?

    I want players to feel rewarded that they invested in their Knowledge skills. On a successful check you not only get the creature's name and description, but also its type and subtypes. Say you were fighting a Greater Shadow (a CR 8 creature). If you made a DC 18 Knowledge (religion) check you'd know it was a creature of the Undead type and the Incorporeal subtype (and all associated traits of those types).

    For every 5 by which you beat the initial DC you may ask a question about the creature. This eliminates me guessing at what you may consider to be useful. To handle this in a PbP I'll provide a spoiler for "Special Defenses", "Special Attacks", "Special Abilities", "Lore", and "Weaknesses". If your check was high enough to garner a question, simply click on the spoiler that you'd want to know about. Then, in that same post where you rolled your Knowledge check, include which spoiler(s) you read. Everyone in the party may then read those spoilers.

    This means that if you beat the DC by 25 you'd essentially know everything there is to know about that creature. If the creature doesn't have any relevant information then I won't include a spoiler for that section.

    Sovereign Court

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    Good to know, however as my knowledges are limited to Local and Nobility, I don't expect to be rolling to figure out what a lot of creatures are.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    You can still read the spoilers that others identify. I'll just assume it's information being shared, unless someone states otherwise.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles


    Campaign Info tab updated.

    The Exchange

    Trade Prince 8 HP: 75/75 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +9 | CMD 15 | Init. +0 | Perc. +0 (Auto-fail Sound) | Diplomacy +18 | Knowledge(Planes/Religion) +14 | Spellcraft +12
    Solar Wind 8/9 | Spells - 1st: 8/8; 2nd: 8/8; 3rd: 7/7 4th: 4/4 | CLW 30/50 | Sungazer: 8/8 | Astral Caravan: 8/8
    Active Spells/Abilities:
    Constant Detect Poison/Disease

    I just wanted to state that I am supremely happy that I get to play this module with you fellows and that Nefreet has stepped up to GM. Thank you Nefreet!

    Also, I am slightly pumped that I get to play under Nefreet as well!

    Happy Holidays all!

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Haha, thank you!

    This is my first attempt at GMing a PbP, so please feel free to give me feedback. I've already played in several and have taken notes from each of my GMs, so I hope you guys have fun.

    Happy Holidays!

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    I was using some free time to prep your Chronicles and realized that I know none of your characters' information. Can I please have your:

    Player Name:
    PFS ID#:

    I'm assuming everyone has the correct Faction toggled. I'll handle Day Jobs and Faction Journal Cards after the game concludes in case you want to save your reroll for your Day Job.

    If you prefer not to post your information publicly then just PM me.

    Thanks in advance!

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    Robert Moon

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles
    Samuel Deland wrote:
    Haha, sorry I was quiet. I was away for 5 days for Christmas. I'll probably be abit on and off till after New year.

    No worries. That combat signalled the end of Part 1 (there are 3 parts) so I wanted to finish it off.

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Player Name: GM Aarvid
    PFS ID#: 9884-5
    Slow/Normal: normal

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Hey, all. I'm going out of town tomorrow for New Years, and although I'll be back Friday I'll be out of town again on Saturday as well. I'll try to post as I can using my phone, but I won't be able to put up any new maps or move tokens around until basically Sunday.

    Feel free to discuss your options and ask any questions, though.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Once two people make a decision on where to go or what to do we'll move on. I've prepped all creature visuals, tokens, and maps except for the final map itself (which is a bit of nightmare to edit; each square equals 10ft rather than 5ft).

    The Island Overview map is now in my header. I'll keep the Penal Colony map on the Campaign Info tab.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Going out of town Saturday. I'll be able to post but can't move things around on Google Slides.

    Grand Lodge

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Marcel and Samuel...are you both still with us?

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Human (Andoran) Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 5/Golden Legionnaire 3 HP: 83/83 | AC: 31 | T: 16 | FF: 27 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5| Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Perception: +0 | Sense Motive: +0

    Yeah I'm here, Samuel is a combat character with alittle bit of social support. He's not great at the wandering and site investigation, so I'm just watching you guys do it, rather than posting 'Samuel follows' or 'Samuel nods' :p

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    Still here as well, it's difficult for me to post on weekends typically.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles
    Samuel Deland wrote:
    I'm just watching you guys do it, rather than posting 'Samuel follows' or 'Samuel nods' :p

    This module involves a lot of exploration, as well as decision making on where to go and what to do. I know your Perception is +0, but what would Samuel want to do if left to explore on his own? What are you interested in as a player?

    I can tell you guys already that this is a different playthrough from when I first did it. My Druid cast Commune with Nature and we instantly knew everything that was going on, so we went straight to end (for the most part). For us, there was no mystery.

    You guys get to explore!

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles
    Brother Grimdoc wrote:
    this is one time when having a caster that could swap out spells each day would be very handy.

    Yeah, I feel ya. I signed up with Narsius because he was just what your group needed: a divining, blasting, scroll-toting, social Wizard.

    But I think you guys will do fine.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Oh, Samuel, can you post your information, or PM me?

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles
    Marcèl Lebeda wrote:
    "He seemed nice." Marcel says, watching the man run off into the distance.


    You guys can chase after him if you'd like; he's running no faster than the average human.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Everyone needs to go see The Revenant. Tammarak has a lead role!

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Everytime I hear a news story about the zika virus epidemic I think of the mosquitoes in this game.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Just an FYI, I'm going out of town on the 12th thru the 15th. I don't see myself being able to update much during that time, except sporadically using my phone.

    What do you guys want to do/where do you want to go now?

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    I will be traveling that same no worries here.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    My autistic daughter got croup, again. Posting will be limited this week.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    OMGosh, sorry to hear. Of course that's more important.

    The Exchange

    Trade Prince 8 HP: 75/75 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +9 | CMD 15 | Init. +0 | Perc. +0 (Auto-fail Sound) | Diplomacy +18 | Knowledge(Planes/Religion) +14 | Spellcraft +12
    Solar Wind 8/9 | Spells - 1st: 8/8; 2nd: 8/8; 3rd: 7/7 4th: 4/4 | CLW 30/50 | Sungazer: 8/8 | Astral Caravan: 8/8
    Active Spells/Abilities:
    Constant Detect Poison/Disease

    Agreed. I hope that she gets better soon!

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Marcel, definitely take care of her and get her better soon. :)

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Human (Andoran) Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 5/Golden Legionnaire 3 HP: 83/83 | AC: 31 | T: 16 | FF: 27 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5| Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Perception: +0 | Sense Motive: +0

    As above, hope she gets better soon.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    There's a good chance that all of you will eventually be affected by this memory loss at one time or another. For handling combat and limited abilities, the module doesn't give any guidance, so I'll run down a list of things and if you guys have any questions just feel free to ask.

    1) If you're in combat, you won't forget that you're in combat from round to round, but you won't remember what's transpired in previous rounds. If you cast Shield of Faith on round 1, you may very well cast Shield of Faith again on round 2 (or later during combat). If someone became confused, you'd forget they were confused the following round. Visible effects, like bleeding wounds, you can register fast enough to realize that someone's hurt.

    2) Limited resources. If you have a set # of something, like Panache or Judgments, you won't remember when or why you used them previously, but you'll be aware of your remaining numbers and whether you're currently under the effects of one (so you don't waste another use). I'll even extend this to charges on wands and such. So if you've only got 1 Panache left, you'd probably conserve it like normal.

    3) Overall planning. You know your overall mission is to locate or find out what happened to the missing colonists. You might forget how you got there, or who you fought against, but moving forward in the storyline shouldn't be a problem (unless you all were affected at once, and that was when you failed to remember a key piece of information).

    Anyt other situations you guys can think of?

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Spell recovery each day works normally?

    Otherwise, the rest makes sense. Hopefully Grim does not run out of rations :)

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    As long as you get the requisite amount of rest.

    A Wizard might have a difficult time memorizing anything. Good thing your Wizard left when he did ;-)

    Sovereign Court

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|
    GM Nefreet wrote:

    As long as you get the requisite amount of rest.

    A Wizard might have a difficult time memorizing anything. Good thing your Wizard left when he did ;-)

    A wizard would probably keep telling us they need to pause for a moment to prepare their spells.

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Human (Andoran) Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 5/Golden Legionnaire 3 HP: 83/83 | AC: 31 | T: 16 | FF: 27 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5| Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Perception: +0 | Sense Motive: +0

    Suddenly having your role be to be at the front and hit or be hit is a blessing.

    Sovereign Court

    Male Human Swashbuckler 8 | HP 68/68 Panache 3/3 | Init +10 Perc +11 | AC 25 T 18 FF 17 | Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +2|

    Also a good thing none of us have an obedience, as we'd keep wanting to perform those.

    Grand Lodge

    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    I am not sure if Grimdoc would remember if each prior attack was affected by DR or not. Usually he would drop his weapon and switch to adamantium if it were a construct/golem. This badger does not appear to be the case to him. So he would alternatively use the piercing or bludgeoning head of his lucern. I would suspect it is totally random unless he can hit it twice in the same round and switch if one appears to have less affect. If it takes silver or holy...he has a judgement for that...but not sure he would know to switch.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Trade Prince 8 HP: 75/75 | AC 29 | T 12 | FF 27 | Fort +5 | Ref +2 | Will +9 | CMD 15 | Init. +0 | Perc. +0 (Auto-fail Sound) | Diplomacy +18 | Knowledge(Planes/Religion) +14 | Spellcraft +12
    Solar Wind 8/9 | Spells - 1st: 8/8; 2nd: 8/8; 3rd: 7/7 4th: 4/4 | CLW 30/50 | Sungazer: 8/8 | Astral Caravan: 8/8
    Active Spells/Abilities:
    Constant Detect Poison/Disease

    As a heads up, I will be taking the Illinois Bar Exam on Tuesday and Wednesday and travelling to Chicago on Monday. I am aiming to still get posts up, but I cannot promise that it will happen.

    Grand Lodge

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Male DEAD Dwarf Inquisitor 8 / Fighter 1

    Best of luck, Cal.

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Congratulations! I'm finishing up my Undergrad right now, and after some time volunteering I'm thinking of law school myself. Best of luck to you!

    Liberty's Edge

    Male Human (Andoran) Fighter (Shielded Fighter) 5/Golden Legionnaire 3 HP: 83/83 | AC: 31 | T: 16 | FF: 27 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5| Will: +2 | Init: +2 | Perception: +0 | Sense Motive: +0

    Good luck

    GM GM GM ∞ | Slides | Chronicles

    Shield Other can really be dangerous for Life Oracles =P

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