Let's Play Rise of the Runelords!

Game Master Abandoned Arts

Hey, folks. So - if you're reading this for the first time, you are absolutely free to hop over to the discussion thread and begin contributing right now; anyone can join this game at any time. We're always in "recruitment."

Here's the idea. I'm hosting a Rise of the Runelords: Anniversary Edition "Let's Play" campaign. For those of you not familiar with the "let's play" phenomenon: basically one "host" will run a game that a large crowd of participants can have impact over. Or, in this case, full (albiet collective) hive-mind autonomy over. It's basically... Twitch Plays Pathfinder?

We've built one party of four adventurers. Anyone who can post can play - but not by adding their own character to the party. Instead, new players (that's you) will discuss and vote on actions that the characters should take over in the discussion thread, and the host (that's me) will execute those actions once a day or so in the gameplay thread. No one player will control any one character; instead, everyone will vote or deliberate together on the actions that the party should take. The host (me, again) will thereafter simply execute those actions in the gameplay thread (round-by-round, turn-by-turn, or scene-by-scene, as appropriate), based on the popularity of voted-in actions. Then, you (the players) will begin discussing, voting, and deliberating again on what actions to take next, in response.

The game will never end because this-or-that player quits, disappears, or gets bored. The GM (me) only has to post roughly once a day, whenever he (I) has the time, and never has to wait for players or chase errant participants down. We, as a community, could actually complete a play-by-post campaign, start to finish. Shock! Awe!

Dedicated players can see the whole campaign through, and casual participants can come and go as they please. Interested parties in our little experiment can simply spectate, if they choose - everyone will be welcome in the discussion thread, always.

If you're still reading this: come on in!