GM Giuseppe |
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Hello everyone and welcome to our gameplay thread. In your first post I'm going to ask you to describe how your characters had spent their days since they boarded the Jenivere and with whom and how they've interacted during the journey. If you need information about NPCs aboard the Jenivere you can take a look at the Player's Guide or ask directly to me in our discussion thread for more in-depth info. Feel free to describe your routine and your attitude towards any NPC aboard the ship in the detail level you prefer.

Sizara |

Sizara's Relations with the NPCs

Alexite K. |
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Another day on the ship; this had to be the last one.
Alexite breathed deeply, slowly. He touched his mid-section and noted his ribs almost protruding from his chainshirt. He'd been lucky to keep some liquids down and the watery soup that passed for food on the ship wasn't helping any. He was sure he'd lost a few pounds.
He breathed again. It had only been two days since he boarded on Senghor. Two days too long. He should have gone overland. But him being in the port city to trade in some skins and the ship about to leave was too much coincidence. But he was now paying the price.
And it was about to get more expensive. The gnome with the funny hat was approaching. He no doubt had another long-winded tale to tell. Did the man just need the constant attention? With his over-the-top clothes and over-the-top humor, he represented everything that Alexite despised about civilization.
Still he nodded and made a feeble smile at the silly jokes. Could the man not take a hint?
A few 'long' minutes later and he moved on to someone else leaving the ranger to breathe in deeply again. "Next time there is no next time on a ship," he mumbled and tried to keep his breakfast down.
I figured Alexite just recently boarded and wasn't 'having a good time' so his interaction with passengers and crew was 'limited'.

Kali'da Wedo |
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Kali'da was never the shy sort, though she was quite secretive. It was a religious leader's job to be involved with the people of her community, and for the meantime she seems to have adopted the folks aboard the Jenivere as her current charges. But, these people were ben kudu which barred her from practicing the usual rituals she'd have liked to for them.
This is her first time on such a vessel and her curiosity is not hard to see. She'll often entertain herself by examining even the most mundane parts of the ship and try to work out how it all fits together in the bigger picture. She often observes the crew as they work everything from the rigging to swabbing decks and has asked for instruction on the simpler tasks. She is quite proud of her new found skill in tying off the ropes!
If she is ever asked where she is going or why, she simply explains that she is going to find her people, wherever they may be and says no more on the topic. If pressed, she will frown with the same disappointed look that most mothers have mastered until the topic is dropped.
Aerys Mavato
Oh Kali'da likes this one. She is quiet and doesn't make a fuss. Their interactions have included everything from sitting near one another when Kali'da happens to be relaxing at the same time Aerys is, staring silently at nothing together, and generally not speaking. She had heard that she had picked a fight before Kali'da had boarded the ship, but Kali'da is hardly concerned. The crude sailor likely deserved it.
Alizandru Kovack
Kali'da sees the captain as something akin to a chieftain and the crew as his tribe. She shows him a high level of respect due to this perspective she's taken of the situation. She spent most of the first day on board the ship assuring the captain that should he need anything, she is readily available to help. Since then, she has left him mostly alone to lead his crew, confident that should she be needed, he will come to her without her interference.
Alton Devers
It's with a skeptical eye that she looks at the first mate. She's noticed that he doesn't take the captain's discipline with the grace expected of a trusted underling. She's sure he's some sort of threat to the hierarchical balance of the crew, which experience has taught her can be quite dangerous. Of course, it's just as likely that she's overthinking things.
Gelik Aberwhinge
Mwangi history is often told through stories passed down verbally through generations and Kali'da enjoys the art of story telling. This little fellow certainly has strange stories to tell, but they are none the less entertaining and enlightening. She will often engage Gelik in conversation and exchange tales with the fellow, though hers tend to be legends and myths with moral lessons embedded while his seem to err towards fantastical adventures.
Rumors are not Kali'da's favorite form of gossip, but a good leader usually knows most of the rumors flying around. She doesn't give them much attention, but often rumors are born of a seed of truth before growing wild. Kali'da has inquired about the nature of the ruins Ieana is going to study and tells her of the ruined temple grounds her tribe had once made its home in.
Kali'da tries to feed Ishirou her cryptic version of advice as he feels out what's next for him. She tries to get him to open up to her by trying to take on a sisterly role to the man, but he keeps her at arms length. She's sure that she can eventually break through that aloof demeanor and help guide his path, whether he likes it or not.
Jask Derindi
It is not Kali'da's place to question the captain, and so she has done as requested and left the man alone. She's not sure what he's done which irks her because she likes to know everyone's business.
Rambar Terillo
Kali'da has tried now several times to convince the ship's cook to use some of the sweet and tangy spices native to the Mwangi in his cooking, but he seems dead set on ignoring these requests. She's sure there is more than salt and water in that kitchen!
Sasha Nevah
Kali'da often finds herself caught up in conversation with Sasha and uses their talks to practice her Common (which is heavily accented). Kali'da likens Sasha to a flower bud who is now opening her petals to the light. As far as the missing pinky finger goes, Kali'da has decided, with no evidence to support her theories, that it was probably lost while hunting or perhaps in honorable combat.

Jesari Sevandir |
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Jesari leaned against the railings of the Jenivere with chin in hand, staring longingly out into the endless blue that surrounded her. She was pretty sure she was looking back toward her home in Cheliax, though the endless expanse of ocean that stretched to the horizon and the months that had passed since leaving made it a coin flip at best. As much as she hated her home sometimes, she wanted nothing more than the boat to turn around and magically deliver her there in a few hours. It had been so long that the constant rocking of the ship became second nature and even followed her into her dreams. Oh gods...the dreams.
A chill shot down Jesari's spine at the thoughts that crept into her mind. With a defeated sigh and a dismissive shake of her head, the girl pushed herself from the ship's railing and looked toward the pack at her feet and the urn snuggled safely within. Her grandfather always seemed to think that his homeland would somehow have answers for her. He always talked up the Mwangi Expanse like it was some sort of paradise, a place where one went to be free. Jesari found it hard to swallow; people say the same things about boats after all and that couldn't be any farther from the truth as far as Jesari was concerned. This hadn't been the enlightening experience she was promised in the slightest.
Jesari found herself feeling trapped and isolated as days and weeks turned into months aboard this stupid ship; it was like growing up in Cheliax all over again. The differences between herself and those around her were so pronounced; Jesari didn't even know the first thing about boats or what kind of work one was supposed to do aboard one. For this reason, she did her best to stay out of the crew's way, not wanting to be a bother, with this being one of her rarer ventures to the deck of the ship. The captain and his first mate seemed nice enough when she bumped into them, though Jesari wasn't quite able to tell if it was genuine kindness or just professional curtesy toward one of their paying customers. The ship's cook, on the other hand, didn't seem quite as concerned with accomodating those that didn't make their living on the ocean. If Jesari ever ate fish, soup, or any combination of those two again, it'd be too soon.
Because of her unwillingness to mingle with the crew, Jesari found herself sharing time with her fellow passenger below deck more often than not. Gelik has been her most frequent traveling company thus far, as the gnome just seemed more keen to talk to her than some of the others. Sometimes it's just best to give those who want space exactly what they desire instead of trying to force the issue until they hate you for it. Aerys and Ieana obviously fit this description, and Jesari decided early on it would be better to have fewer friends on the ship than more enemies by being overly friendly. Ishirou seemed to be a similar situation, but at least the man didn't lock himself in his room at all hours of the day. It at least indicated that he was more sociable than he was letting on, and Jesari has done her best to get him talking, if only because it meant having something to listen to that isn't the ridiculously elaborate stories of a gnome.
Quietly, Jesari ended her introspection and scooped up her belongings, clutching the pack protectively against her chest as she shuffled back below deck where she felt somewhat less alien. As she walked down the steps and into the ship's hold, she could only pray to Shelyn that this misery would end soon.

GM Giuseppe |
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Jenivere’s long-lasting journey is coming to an end. 102 days are passed since the Jenivere raised its anchor from Magnimar, and through a long route which has lead the ship into some of the most important ports of Avistan and Garund, the Jenivere is now about to land at Eleder’s port, in Sargava. The passengers were recently informed by First Mate Alton Devers that in a couple of days the ship is going to reach its final destination.
- Alexite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
- Hakeem: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
- Jesari: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
- Kali’da: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
- Sizara: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16
Kali’da gains a +2 circumstantial bonus at this check for her habit of spotting clues of discontent in the underlings.
Now that only two days are left to landing in Eleder, you gather with the other passengers to have your supper consisting of the usual watery soup prepared by the ship’s cook, Rambar Terillo.
Gelik is fully committed to tell one of his tales as usual: this one is about a renowned Pathfinder named Eando Kline and his explorations of the Darklands. As always, Gelik adds details that only a gnome would find amusing and here and there he inserts some particulars that are obviously made up by him. In any case, his story is pleasant, all things considered, and at least it helps in breaking the boring monotony that surrounds you.
Sasha seats next to Sizara, involved in a long-lasting talk about the dinosaurs’s species the elf has had the opportunity to stumble across personally. From time to time she glances at Alexite, but if that glance is driven by disdain, romantic interest or a mere curiosity is anyone’s guess.
Aerys sits alone as usual, giving unsatisfied looks at the kitchen assistant who is retarding in the dinner’s service. From time to time she grunts impatiently, and in her eyes one could say to catch a glimpse of disdain.
Ishirou sits next to Hakeem, apparently careless about his surroundings and with a vacuous expression on his face. He carries his trusted katana tied behind his back and from time to time he mumbles a blasphemy against the kitchen assistant. Between a silence and an insult, he also has time to glimpse at Aerys with a mix of shy curiosity and filthy interest.
Ieana, the Varisian scholar, is absent, though this is not a novelty: she has always been eating in her cabins, and lately she turned even more reclusive, locking herself up in her room for entire days.
Suddenly, the kitchen assistant (called Squirrel Jack by the crew for his protruding dentition), a boy in his fourteenth year of life, exit the galley and serves the dinner to everyone. Like the others, you begin eating, when suddenly everything turns black and darkness falls upon you.
- Alexite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
- Hakeem: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
- Jesari: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
- Kali’da: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
- Sizara: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
You take 1 point of damage and now you’re definitively awake. You’re prone and sickened. You’re also unarmed, though you’re still wearing your armor. Please roll for initiative.
Alexite's knowledge (nature) check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8: Alexite doesn't know this creature and never heard of it.

Hakeem Ibuk'o |
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Hakeem could be the boisterous type if he felt it was needed, but more often than not he preferred to hold his tongue and observe what was going on around him. Before speaking, the man wanted to be sure that what he had to say was an improvement on the silence. This could sometimes be confused for timidness, but Hakeem had it well within himself to be bold, when it was called for.
Like a few of the other passengers aboard the Jeneviere, this was his first time aboard a vessel of it's size. He had been on river-going boats but the Jeneviere had an altogether different look and feel than those. In his days on the vessel he kept an eye to the Sea and Sky, beautiful signs of Gozreh's grace. He was a capable sort, and was willing to lend a hand when it was needed on deck. He had no training at sailing, but did alright at it through strength of intuition.
Aerys Mavato:
Hakeem has respectfully kept his distance from Aerys, who tended to keep to herself. He also liked to spend long hours away from the other passengers, and could sympathize with a desire for alone time on the seagoing vessel. He offers a kind smile her way when they cross paths, but it isn't often.
Alizandru Kovack:
Although this Chelish man is pleasant enough with Hakeem and the other passengers, Hakeem's Bas'o heritage instills a natural wariness of Chelish colonials, and he isn't sure about the way that he treats his crew.
Alton Devers
Hakeem likes first mate Devers quite a bit more than the hard-nosed captain of the Jeneviere. Hakeem sometimes shares stories with Alton regarding the free nature of the rolling waves in the sea and how that it's better to follow your heart than chafe under an oppressive personality.
Gelik Aberwhinge
Hakeem doesn't mind the long-winded stories of the little gnome, as they remind him of the stories of his tribal elders. Hakeem is also impressed with his dress, as he seems to take particular care of it. Still, his boasting is off-putting and he doesn't go out of his way to be in Gelik's company.
Ieana had seemed intent on her studies since Hakeem boarded in Senghor. Although rumors abounded, He paid little mind to them. The scholar seemed nice enough, and her attention to her work was respectable.
The Tian man was the first of his kind that Hakeem had met, and he observed him with a quiet curiosity. Although aloof, Ishirou seemed to relate to Hakeem on some level and the two had had drinks once while in port at Senghor. Hakeem does what he can to impart his version of wisdom into the currently directionless man, but advice-giving seems to drive Ishirou away. When keeping to surface topics, the two seem fast friends. Hakeem hopes to eventually break through the shell and help his new friend.
Jask Derindi
Hakeem has seen many prisoners held wrongly, and under dehumanizing conditions, the thought of such was an affront to the man's morals. After learning about Jask, he went to the Captain Kovack and asked for this man to be treated fairly, but the Captain assured Hakeem things were fine, and insisted Jask be left alone. Hakeem has heeded the captain's orders while aboard his ship.
Rambar Terillo
Hakeem hasn't talked much to the silent cook from Senghor. His watery soups aren't all that desirable, and he missed the peppery taste of wild meat like he had grown used to.
Sasha Nevah
Hakeem has seen mostly Sasha's boisterous side since he boarded the Jenivere. He had heard rumors that the red-haired woman had boarded in Ilizmagorti and was much more somber then. Many take to the sea with the wind at their back to leave things behind and he expected that Sasha had done just that. Hakeem didn't pry, and got along very well with Sasha. He's shared stories and prayers with her from the Hymns to the Winds and Waves, engaged in other conversations and passed the time with games of dice and throwing knives.
Later, in the galley...
Hakeem had felt the tense vibrations on the Jenivere in the past few days. The crew was nervous, and that made the passengers nervous. Changes in the course, changes in intentions, it was all unverifiable rumors. Still, the uneasy atmosphere on board was prevalent, and he knew that first mate Devers worried about the Captain's strange behavior, despite his attempt to reassure the crew and passengers.
As they sat down for their supper, Hakeem found a seat beside Ishirou- and across from Kali'da Wedo. Squirrel Jack, as the boy was known, served up the watered-down soup as usual. Hunger pangs tightened across his broad abdomen as Hakeem stirred the contents of the mixture. " It hasn't killed me yet." he thought to himself as he began to eat spoonfuls of the soup along with the rest of the crew and passengers. Between looking at the bowl, he stole glances at Kali'da across from him. The Mwangi woman had caught his eye from the first time he saw her, but he looked at her altogether more respectfully than his friend Ishirou looked at Aerys.
Eating, and thinking about the woman across from him, he was taken off guard as everything turned black, darkness falling upon the galley.

Alexite K. |

Everything is dark and silent. Then, sensations begin to creep back in: the feel of sand below you and of something wet lapping at your feet, the sound of ocean waves crushing against a beach, and a heavy pressure on your legs. Then, you suddenly feel a searing pain in one foot. When you open your eyes, you can see a strange creature that looks like a cross between a lobster and a scorpion pinching one of your feet with his pincer.
The ranger woke up, disoriented to say the least. The comforting feel of solid ground under his feet was soon replaced by shock and pain. Feelings quickly replaced by fear at the monster at his feet.
His hands quickly went to his side and closed reassuringly on the hilt of his knife. The blade slid out as he took account of his surroundings. Where am I? What happened? Where is everyone?
initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
I'll post some more as I found out what's going on and where everyone is.
Just a suggestion: go ahead and roll initiative for me next time or any other passive roll (i.e., no choice to do anything else. Tjis will speed up the game.

Kali'da Wedo |

Kali'da enjoyed communal meal times. Actually, she enjoyed anything communally really. She was certainly not shy about prodding people about their lives, experiences, hopes, and dreams. Sure, they dressed funny, talked funny, and generally acted funny, but she couldn't fault them for their peculiar cultures and ways. After all, the world was very large and she had only experienced a small part of it.
Sitting across from Hakeem and Ishirou gave her a chance to lecture both of them in the importance of spiritual health and things that were good and bad for the soul. "De spirit's help dose who help demselves," she explained as the kitchen assistant dished up the usual tasteless dinner. She took a bite then pointed her spoon at them both. "And anotha' t'ing--"
Whatever that other thing was, it would have to wait, because Kali'da dropped like a sack of rocks.

GM Giuseppe |

- Sea Scorpion 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
- Sea Scorpion 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
- Sea Scorpion 3: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
- Alexite
- Sea Scorpion 1

Alexite K. |

Quick to react, the ranger retracted his foot from the creature's claw.
Seeing the rest of the passengers sprawled around him, his first instinct was to yell at them. "YO! WAKE UP! WE'RE IN DANGER!"
He then gripped his hunting knife tightly and plunged it in the monster in front of him.
to hit: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
free action: yell at companions, kick them if possible
standard action: attack

GM Giuseppe |

Alexite draws his hunting knife and manages to pierce the creature's shell. The sea scorpion produces a rough sizzle and stops moving. However, two other creatures emerge from the churning surf and move toward Jenivere's former passengers. One of them moves towards Kalida and gives her a testing pince, while the other does the same with Hakeem. Your kick wasn't sufficient to wake up Sizara.
You take 1 point of damage and now you’re definitively awake. You’re prone and sickened. You’re also unarmed, though you’re still wearing your armor. You also have your knife on you.
Kali'da Knowledge (nature) check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 Kali'da identifies this strange creature as an ochre eurypterid, a lesser variant of the more dangerous common eurypterids. You know that unlike rats, eurypterids don't spread disease. The most dangerous ability of an ochre eurypterid is its string, which is venomous.
Kali'da Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
You take 1 point of damage and now you’re definitively awake. You’re prone and sickened. You’re also unarmed, though you’re still wearing your armor. You also have your knife on you.
Hakeem's Knowledge (nature) check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Hakeem doesn't know this creature and never heard of it.
Hakeem's Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Round 1 is over. It now begins Round 2.
You take 1 point of damage and now you’re definitively awake. You’re prone and sickened. You’re also unarmed, and you haven't got anything on you except for the tattered remains of your clothes.
Jesari's Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
- Hakeem
- Alexite
- Jesari
- Sea Scorpion 2
- Sea Scorpion 3
- Kali'da
It's your turn, Hakeem.

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

Round 2, Initiative 18
As the sensation of feeling begins to creep back into his limbs, Hakeem becomes aware of his souroundings and the sound and feel of the beach. For a moment it reminds him of his childhood and days spent relaxing by the riverside. The pleasant memory is interupted suddenly by the sharp pain in his foot. His eyes bolted open, and he leveled them at a strange scorpion-lobster that he had never seen that was apparently the source of this sudden pain. A shout from somewhere , and he knew that some of the other passengers were around him but the nausea that lurched in his stomach prevented him from making out details.
Instinctively, the monk pushed off the ground with his heels. Rolling his weight backwards through his shoulders Hakeem extended his arms and then a push from the palms of his hands to put him up and out of the creature's reach.
Acrobatics vs Creature's CMD +5: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Even with the -2 from sickened, I'm assuming that one's a success, right? Full round action, Hakeem stands, moves 5-ft back.
Alexite is up!

Sizara |

Sizara had been busy talking to Sasha. The red haired human was quite interested in learning more about the dinosaurs she had encountered on her journeys. The human had an intense curiosity for dinosaurs that the elf hoped that it didn't get Sasha killed. After the good was bought out and everyone started eating, the elven barbarian began to feel strange...
Then she noticed that some of the other passagers were falling over as if they were blacking out.
This must be really bad souuuuppp...
Sizara tried to stand but she fell over as darkness took her...and the world went black...

GM Giuseppe |

While Hakeem is getting up, the sea scorpion takes advantage of the situation to try and hit the man with his pincer.
Sea Scorpion AoO against Hakeem: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7 Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Luckily, Hakeem is faster than the sea scorpion and manages to avoid his attack by jumping back nimbly.

Alexite K. |

Now with his wits about him and a dead 'whatever', the ranger got up, knife firmly in his hand.
He saw the elven barbarian next to him and kicked her, "Get up! Danger!"
He then moved towards the next creature and stabbed at it.
knife to hit: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 4 - 2 = 22, critical?
knife to hit: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 - 2 = 21, yes
damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (1, 3) + 6 = 10

GM Giuseppe |

Sizara continues to sleep, stubbornly resisting to any attempt to wake her up.
Alexite moves toward the sea scorpion threatening the elf and Sasha, and with a powerful lunge pierces its body and cracks it open.
Jesari is up.

GM Giuseppe |

Jesari stands up and heads towards the pile of crates on her right, hoping to find her crossbow therein.
The last surviving sea scorpion, not sensing any reaction from Kali’da, tries to attack her with its two pincers.
Sea Scorpion Pincer #1: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0
Sea Scorpion Pincer #2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
Damage: 1d2 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Kali'da gets hit once from the sea scorpion, then she rolls over to her left, avoiding the second sea scorpion's assault. Kali'da takes 1 point of non lethal damage. She is still prone and unarmed, and she still occupies her previous square on the map: the roll over was a narrative device.
Kali’da, it’s your turn now.

Kali'da Wedo |

Kali'da reaches for her quarterstaff with the intent of literally beating the creature off, but finds it quite missing. Instinctively her hands go for her dagger; a trusty back up weapon if there ever was one. In one fluid motion, she unsheathes the dagger and brings it down on the creature.
Dagger Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Dagger Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Crazy ben kudu, she thought to herself. If dey wanted me off dere boat, dey could a' just asked nicely!

GM Giuseppe |

Kali'da stabs her dagger into the sea scorpion, feeling its shell breaking under her pressure. Then, a black viscous fluid comes out of the creature's body. The sea scorpion is still alive, but seriously damaged.
You take 1 point of damage and now you’re definitively awake. You’re prone and sickened. You’re also unarmed, and you haven't got anything on you except for the tattered remains of your clothes, you belt pouch, and your hide armor.
Sizara's Initiative check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Hakeem, you go next!

Sizara |

Sizara awakens although it feels like her head is being pounded on as if it was someone's drum. She realizes she's on a beach but the fact that the last thing she remembers is being on the boat eating and then nothing. Okay that must have been extremely bad soup!
When it is her turn she'll stand up and look for the nearest thing to use as a weapon.

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

Round 3, Initiative 18
Hakeem springs forward, leaping over the corpse of the odd sea-scorpion, rolling to the flanks and past the stinger of the creature attacking Kali'da. In one swift motion. he used the momentum to perform a vicious elbow strike, that doesn't quite connect.
" Over here Beast!" He shouted in an attempt to draw it's attention.
Acrobatics vs Creature's CMD to avoid AoO(success): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Unarmed strike, flanking !(miss): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Alexite K. |

The last attack had plunged his knife and fist into the shell of the lobster-thing.
Yelling for the other to wake up, the ranger doubled over and almost vomited the watery soup on the sand. But there was one more creature and it was trying to take a piece of another passenger.
Alexite hopped over the dead lobster-scorpion and once more swung his blade down. The strength of desperation and fear fueled his attack.
knife to hit: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 2 = 18
knife damage: 1d4 + 3 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 - 2 = 2

GM Giuseppe |

And the last sea scorpion is down! Feel free to roleplay in whichever order you want guys, combat is over!

Jesari Sevandir |

Jesari breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against the crates stacked on the beach, her heart pounding and her brain still trying to make sense out of everything. With the immediate threat gone, she began taking a mental inventory which caused a look of horror and panic to slowly creep onto her face. "No, no, no," Jesari repeated to herself, each 'no' growing increasingly more worried and frantic as her hands searched her own person before she began digging through the crates in a frenzy.
Searching the crates for her backpack with her grandfather's urn. She's just sort of haphazardly moving everything to the side or tossing it out onto the beach until she finds it or not.

Sizara |

By the animal spirits! Remind me to never eat watered soup ever again!
The elf stood up and then said, At least we are on land...although I have a bad feeling about this place. I believe we should see who we have alive. And has everyone seen my sword?
She then took a look of her clothes. Sighing and cursing under her breath Sizara added, Oh great my clothes are in tatters. I'm going to have walk around naked save my armor now...why is everyone looking at me like I'm crazy?
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 Since we're on a beach I don't think I could use the Knowledge (nature/jungle) skill check right? Just making sure. And the reason for all of the skill checks is that Sizara is trying to get a sense of things. The thing about her wearing only her armor was meant to be funny!.
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

Alexite K. |

The ranger looked around to try and figure out where he was and, more importantly, to try and determine if there any more creatures trying to make a meal out if him.
Finding none, he looked at his knife and knew he had to clean it before putting it back in its sheath but now he had more important things to do.
he doubled over and retched. Not just retched but emptied out his stomach of things he didn't even know he had. After a couple of dry heaves, he wiped his mouth with salt water and turned to his fellow castaways.
"What happened? Where are we? And where's the ship?"
perception to notice anything: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

The shuffle on the beach is over nearly as quickly as it began, thanks in large part to the Colonial named Alexite. His head still spinning, he did his best to take in the sights of the beach where he found himself at. Stooping low over the other passengers and crew that still hadn't awoken from the commotion, Hakeem carefully tried to stir them from their sleep.
'The last ting' I remember was that damned soup..." He spoke- as much to himself as to Alexite's question.
" I don't believe this is Eleder." He stated dryly, as the waves lapped at his ankles.
Perception, searching crates/ wreckage for clues or equipment: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Kali'da Wedo |

Kali'da sighed in relief as the wicked little sea vermin that had been pinching her toes gave its last twitch of death.
"T'ank ya," she said to the two men who had taken care of the creature. "Now to figya' out where we are." She pushed herself up out of the sand and dusted off what she could. "I'd say we shipwrecked, but I t'ink maybe we just been marooned."
Looking about for any belongings, hers or others', that may have washed up with them or buried in the sand. Perhaps a fancy seashell if she's lucky.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 5
"I'm assumin' dis ain't no port, but does anyone know where we might be? Or how far we might be from anywhere wit' a name at all..."

GM Giuseppe |

The last clear memory all of you have is of sitting down to dinner aboard the Jenivere. After that, there's nothing but a confusing jumble of images, remembered as if in a dream: feelings of nausea, panic, fear and drowning.
Kali'da finds nothing in the sand, expect for splintered wood. Alexite and Sizara are able to spot a familiar looking ship lying wrecked against some rocks. It's the Jenivere, no doubt about it. The ship, listing to port, is partially submerged and its hull is a gaping ruin. The Jenivere leans against a jagged cliff side among several sharp rocks.
Hakeem isn't able to wake up his fellow passengers: he's sure they're all alive, but seems like it takes more than a simple shake to stir them from their sleep.
Taking a look at your surroundings, you all easily understand that you're on a tropical island; none of you, though, is able to understand where precisely this island its located and what's its name.

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

Hakeem searches the crates and barrel with Jesari. " Just foods here, and a barrel of water. It's not your weapons, but it might be useful, depending on how long we are on this island."
Once Sizara points out the wreckage, Hakeem sighs and bows his head. " Our things may still be there, or spread on the cliffs below....and there could still be survivors who need help. We may have to search there."
Turning his attention back to the other passengers, he carries them one by one a little further up the beach (taking the time to do so, and taking any help in doing so willingly) .
" Any of you better at caring for the sick than me? Let's get these people awake, make sure they're alright. It might be a good idea to find a place to store these foodstuffs and water, so Gozreh's tide doesn't take em. I don't know what beach Gozreh's washed us up on this time, but let's try to stay alive long enough to figure it out."

Alexite K. |

Alexite rummaged through the crates trying to find the rest of his weapons.
At the sight of food and water, he calmed down some. "I know a little something about surviving and it looks like we won't die due to lack of foodstuff. I betcha those lobster things are good eating too."
He then neared the unconscious passengers, "Somebody give me hand and let's try and wake these people up. Hopefully one of them knows where we are."
Alexite with ??? will wake the passengers and question them about their whereabouts or anything else useful.

Jesari Sevandir |

Jesari sank to her knees when her searching found only food and water, the weight of the realization of what she had done causing her to slump over in despair. She lost her grandfather's ashes. It wouldn't have been possible for her to feel any worse or hate herself more than she did in that moment. Even though she tried her hardest to hold them back, the tears still came as her unsteady voice apologized to someone that wasn't there. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Jesari had a habit of talking to her grandfather's urn -- there was just something comforting about having something real to hold onto -- but now that it was gone, her words felt hollow. It was like losing him all over again.
It was only when Hakeem made mention of the ship wreckage and the possibility of their equipment still being on board that Jesari was pulled away from her grieving. She hurriedly stumbled across the beach toward the man, latching onto his arm and pleading desperately with him with tearful eyes. "We have to go back. Please."

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

Hakeem did what he could to comfort the woman as she sank to her knees, but it was clear he wasn't sure how to react. He simply placed a hand on her shoulder and rested it there for a moment. " It's okay, It's okay." He repeated softly.
Turning back to the unconcious passengers and Alexite he motioned the Mwangi oracle over "Perhaps Kali'da could help with them?"
As Jesari takes Hakeem's arm and pulls with all of her weight, the man halts her. " Whoa now girl." he began with authority. " I know you're scared and so are the rest of us, but we've got to overcome that, using our heads . " He tapped the side of his skull for emphasis, with what he hoped was a comforting smile on his face.
" Wait, please Jesari. One thing at a time, let's see if we can get everyone up to speed and get our bearings first." He glanced again towards the wreckage of the Jeneviere. " But after that, I promise I'll do everything I can do to help you recover what you lost." He spoke straight into her unfaltering eyes, his hands gripping her shoulders tight so as to show his conviction. " But we've gotta stick together."

Kali'da Wedo |

Kali'da peers out towards where Sizara had brought everyone's attention too, noticing the splintered remnants of the ship.
"Oa maybe we are shipwrecked. What's de big idea though, druggin' everyone like dat just to make us crash. Seems a bit counta' productive," she mused out loud.
Kali'da's attention returned to the beach when she heard her name. "I can be doin' what now? Ah." She looked at the others who were still strewn about the beach and unconcious. "I will do what I can fa' dem. But de ocean is a cruel mistress. No promises on who she already claimed fa' herself."
With that, Kali'da moves to help pull the others to the shade and begins singing songs in her native tongue as she works. Eventually they'd wake up on their own if they were going to wake up at all, but she could help them stay safe in the meantime. She checked for pulses, breathing, and blocked air ways before laying them on their sides. Choking on your own vomit wasn't how anyone wanted to go, after all.
I don't know how many of these checks you want, whether it be one for each person still unconscious or one for doing the same basic first aid checks over and over again. Here, have one for now!
Heal Check: 1d20 ⇒ 17
"Does it look like we can get to de ship to search it?" she called out to Sizara. "Oa is it too dangerous to try?"

GM Giuseppe |

Thanks to the assistance offered by Kali’da, the Jenivere shipwreck’s survivors begin to recover consciousness one after another. It takes some minutes for them to realize the situation they find themselves into.
Ishirou is visibly displeaded, and after brusquely thanking Kali’da he slightly distances himself from the group: he still carries his katana tied behind his back, and after reaching a rock not too far away from the party, he sits on it and begins to dry the blade of his precious weapons with his tattered clothes.
Aerys withdraws too, slowly walking toward the shoreline: her eyes seem to be observing the horizon, and her fists are tightened as the half-elf wanted to burst into tears but something kept her from doing that, driving her to suppress her feelings. After some minutes spent watching the sea, Aerys whispers: That was a good ship….
Sasha gets back on her feet with the usual energy and initially she seems not to realize the gravity of the situation: she looks around herself frantically, as she was searching something or someone. Then a feeble shadow tarnish her face, but a moment later the girl seems to have recovered her enthusiasm and exclaims: C’mon, what’s this all about? We’re only on a strange island in the middle of nowhere without anything, without a ship and without our things…But still we’re together. I bet there’s a way to get out of this mess. A second later her eyes stare at the jungle behind her, revealing what can be interpreted even as enthusiasm.
Gelik abruptly wakes up and begins looking around himself with a dazed expression: his eyes quickly scrutinize every detail, every face. Then the gnome takes on a perplexed expression, tidy his clothes up, pronouncing a short magical formula and studies his clothes with a critical look. His clothes seems to have been washed and appear perfectly clean. One moment later, Gelik begins to look around with an expression of curiosity mixed with discouragement, before pontificating: As it emerges we are shipwrecked, my dear fellow passengers! And I also have reason to believe that this isle is the infamous Smuggler’s Shiv. I’ve read some chronicles on this place, and if you must know, none of them are encouraging. The tales tell of dangerous wild beasts, crude man-eaters and ghosts that haunt the surf. This isle is cursed, if you believe in tales. And tales are always to be trusted.
- Alexite’s Untrained Knowledge (local) check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
- Hakeem’s Untrained Knowledge (geography) check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
- Jesari’s Untrained Knowledge (local) check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
- Kali’da’s Untrained Knowledge (history) check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
- Sizara’s Untrained Knowledge (history) check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
The last to recover is Jask, the mysterious prisoner: he’s still handcuffed and as soon as he opens his eyes he begins to look around with a stoically resigned expression. He cleans himself from the dirt and sand as far as possible, and after that he looks at you with a deep expression, as he wanted to speak with you, but something seems to hold him back, and the man restricts himself to a deep breath.

Jesari Sevandir |

Jesari's head bowed at Hakeem and Sizara's reassurances; their words weren't exactly what she wanted to hear. Still, she didn't speak out against them, only nodding her acknowledgement and trudging off to find a relatively secluded spot to sit down and collect herself while those that had awakened tended to those who had not. While others worked, Jesari sat against one of the crates, her knees pulled to her chest and her eyes looking blankly out toward the ocean. The severity of the predicament she and all the others were in was only just now starting to settle in now that her previous concerns had been put on hold.
Once Gelik had stirred and his words reached her, Jesari found it difficult to put the gloom creeping into her mind at ease. She had heard the occasional visitor to Kintargo make mention of Smuggler's Shiv and it's relative isolation. The chances of a ship swooping by the island to pick them up seemed even more bleak now and any embers of hope her heart held slowly began to dwindle as reality came crashing down on her. Wearily, Jesari studied her fellow survivors before pushing herself to her feet and meekly returning, looking utterly defeated. "So..." Jesari hesitated briefly, looking down at her fidgeting hands as she tried to put her thoughts into words. "What do we do?"

Alexite K. |

The ranger shook his head and muttered under his breath. He then turned to the others, "The gnome is right. I know where we are. This is Smuggler’s Shiv, a notorious Island north of Eleder. It’s not shown on most maps, but is rightfully feared by those who ply the waters of Desperation Bay. The island is named not only for the knife-like shape of its coastline, but for its uncanny habit of wrecking ships that draw too near‒mostly smugglers eager to avoid detection by Sargava’s navy."
When he didn't get a reply right away, he sighed, "It means we're screwed."

Sizara |

I think so but it might be best if we find some weapons if any washed up on the shore along with us. Anybody seen my sword? And by the way, she then looked at the ranger, So this is an island of shipwrecks eh? Strange place to be stranded on. I think we should explore these other wrecks but first let's see what we can gather from our own wreck.

Kali'da Wedo |

Kali'da was rather proud of her work as the passengers slowly woke up. There were ups and downs to having such a large group stranded with you, mainly that it was harder to find resources for everyone, but still it was heartwarming that so many survived.
"Neva' heard of it," she said as she finished giving all the newly awakened passengers a once over. "But it sounds like de place be cursed. Oa maybe just unlucky. First t'ings first, we should probably look fa' somewhere safe to keep ourselves when de night sets in. And betta' to do it soona' rad'er den lata'."

GM Giuseppe |

A shelter on the beach? Sizara, do you have any idea what would mean having the sun hammering down on our heads? Not to mention that we would be completely exposed to the elements. Sasha joins the discussion approaching the elf.
No, if we build proper shelters. Maybe we could use what we can scavenge from the jungle to build something adequate, steps in Gelik. It’s a fantastic idea! I can take care of it personally. With an appearance of hectic enthusiasm, Gelik searches his pocket and extracts a notebook. Strange…, he says with a perplexed expression, my notebook is dry…
And so they are our clothes, points out Jask with his solemn voice, still sitting on the sand.
This makes the situation even more interesting, thinks out loud Gelik. I wonder how we ended up here. It’s clear that were not the waves to drag us here…
While the discussion goes on and the possibility to build a camp on the beach is debated, Aerys approaches, looks at Gelik and Sizara, and with an annoyed expression comments: A beach camp is not an option. There’s low tide now. But soon the tide will rise, and this beach will be completely submerged by the waters. Then she shakes her head in despondency and adds, whispering to herself: Look at what bunch of idiots I had to find myself with…

Hakeem Ibuk'o |

Hakeem did what he could to assist Kali'da and Alexite as they tended to the passengers who came to, one by one. Kali'da certainly did all of the skilled work, but Hakeem was good at taking instruction and took to the task with serious intent. As they woke, Hakeem helped their "patients" to their feet and stayed at their side till he could be relatively sure they wouldnt fall down.
Ishirou in particular seemed downtrodden, who had been eagerly awaiting arrival in Eleder. When he withdrew, Hakeem's instinct was to reach out and try to comfort the Tien man, but he thought better of it. Letting Ishirou find his new place on a rock not too far away, Hakeem studied him quietly as he walked. Odd... He thought to himself. Ishiriou still has his "Katana", as he called it...is it just luck?
Aerys too went off on her own, as she had made a habit of doing even on the Jenivere. " That was a good ship...da first of it's kind I'd seen." He told her, seeking to relate to Aerys on some level to offer some comfort.
Sasha's grim optimism was refreshing, when most of the faces around him looked at the point of tears. " I tend to agree with Sasha.... As bad as t'ings look, it's life and life only. I'd take that bet that there's a way to get out of this mess!" He smiled and spoke loudly enough to be adressing most of the group (apart from the stragglers). His eyes followed Sasha's eyes to the Jungle, and he shared that same sense of enthusiasm.
The little gnome Gelik recovered quickly, and as was his way, rambled on to the best of his ability about the current subject. Even amongst his recounting of man-eaters and pirate tales, there was something in the mess that rung a bell for Hakeem. He wasn't sure if Gelik was right about them being on the isle of smuggler's shiv , but he had heard of the place, and Alexite summed up the details of what he had heard. If they were right about being on the shiv, then they would have a challenge ahead of them in getting off the isle, but not an insurmountable one.
Hakeem turned his attention to Jask, who was slow to wake. The man looked as though he had something he wanted to say, and admittedly Hakeem had wanted to talk to him since he first boarded the Jenivere. " Hello Jask." He began, setting himself calmly down in the sand across from the prisoner. " My name is Hakeem Ibuk'o, of the Bas'o. I wish we could meet under better circumstances. I want to remove your shackles, but I need to know you aren't dangerous to me or those around us. Why were you being held, and is there something you have to say?" the Mwangi man spoke coolly and evenly and offered a reassuring smile as he prodded.
He remained seated while the group mulled over the options of camping on the beach or further into the jungle. " No need to be hurtful, Aerys." He interjected calmly after the comment about 'idiots'. " But you're probably right, the Jungle will offer shelter to us, we just have to remember that it is shelter for many more than us. A few of us should scout out the tree-line and make sure it's safe enough... the others can help with moving these foodstuffs and water out of the reach of high tide."
" It seems how we ended up on this beach is anything but simple. Drugged soups, waking up on a beach with dry clothes and mostly no weapons.... and our shady Captain Kovack no where to be seen. Doesn't quite add up."

Sizara |

Ah I see. Excellent thinking Aerys. I didn't think about the tides.
She looked at the jungle before adding, If we do make shelter in the jungle, we must be extremely careful. It is possible that the island is haunted or inhabited by such evils as head hunters. And trust me, I've fought head hunters before.
Sizara spat on the ground when she said head hunter as if it was a slur or something.
Now let's go check what remains of our ship before the tide gets any higher. Aerys how long do think we have before it is unsafe?
She also addressed Hakeem as well, Thats true. Still the fact that we are all dry means someone saved us but who? Couldn't have been the captain? Maybe the first mate? I don't see him here anywhere? So it might be him. And you are right Hakeem: things aren't adding up.

Kali'da Wedo |

To read when the next tide will come in
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
To know where a safe place to build a shelter would be based on the natural hazards (ie: animals, tide, weather)
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
"Not gonna do us much good to t'ink a' de why an' how just yet. We can t'ink of such t'ings when we get us safe an' sound. An' maybe somet'ing in oua bellies. Not gonna make good choices on bellies full of poisoned soup," Kali'da stated as she scanned the terrain. [b]"If ya can even call de salted wata' the cook anyways be servin' dat."
All things considered, Kali'da's attitudes and behavior had not changed much despite their situation. Oh sure, she wasn't exactly chipper about it all, but whining and fussing wasn't going to solve anything.

GM Giuseppe |

Jask seems relieved when Hakeem speaks to him in a pacific way: My current state is the result of an error. I hadn’t commit a crime in my entire life. I only have some powerful political enemies that would like to see me hanged in Eleder for a past scandal. I know, it’s hard to understand, it’s like that for me too. I will explain myself better later. But trust me, I’m not a threat to anyone.
Then, during the discussion about the campsite, Jask intervenes with a humble voice: I could offer some help if you trust me enough to free me from these shackles. I suspect that the manacle’s key are still in the Jenivere though.
During the discussion about the campsite, Gelik proposes an idea: I propose that one group goes to the ship, trying to retrieve as much as possible for our survival, while another group adventures into the jungle to try to locate a good place for a base camp. What do you think about it? We can later meet on this same beach. Of course, I'll be in the second group, since my adventuring skills and engineering abilities are renowned throughout the Inner Sea region, and are sure to prove helpful in our endeavour.

Alexite K. |

After kicking some sand, the ranger made a plan, "I think we need to see what we have because we will definitely have to stay on the island for a couple of days."
He look ed at the pile of crates, "Let's see what's in those crates and then we can go to the Jenivere and scavenge what we can from it."
He turned to Jask, "I'm OK with letting you free and I trust you are not dangerous to us but know that you are being watched."
To the gnome he said, "Two groups is fine. I'll go to Jenivere but will be back to help set up camp.