Action Economy to apply balms / blanches to weapons and ammunition?

Rules Questions

Quick question, since my Google-Fu seems to have failed me:

Example Holy Weapon Balm

It says applying it to a weapon is a standard action, for branches it's a full-round action.

It also says one dose is enough for one wweapon or 10 pieces of ammunition.

What would be the action economy for ammunition?
1 standard action (full-round action) per piece or per dose applied to 10 pieces?

In case of the latter if in-combat it would almost always be better to apply it to 10 pieces of ammunition instead of 1 weapon regarding you only get one successful attack with it, since you get more possible hits per "apply-action".

Bonus-Question: would a weapon or ammunition coated in the holy weapon balm be considered "good" for overcoming DR/good and deal weapon damage as well or only the listed bonus damage (2d4) against evil outsiders?

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