Savith's Vorpal Sword?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Savith killed the Yuan-Ti God Ydersius by wielding a Vorpal Sword forged by Aroden, effectively destroying the ancient threat of the Yuan-Ti against the Azlanti forever.

Why does this Artifact of Legend not have a name?

PCs in my game just discovered the sword and it's becoming a part of the campaign. Please help me come up with a cool name, apropos of the canon, for this sword (since the legendary Designers must've accidentally skipped over the awesome tradition (nay, 'Sacred Cow'). (I mean, we have an Awesome name for The Azlanti Diamond and it isn't 1/1,000,000,000th as important in Pathfinder history!)


(P.S.: if you feel uncomfortable calling the Yuan-Ti the "Yuan-Ti" just because Paizo legally has to call them 'Snake People' -- that's A-Okay -- call 'em Snake-Man or whatever. I'd still love to hear some cool sounding names I can use for Savith's sword!

Liberty's Edge

The Mongoose Tooth.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

If you wanna call serpentfolk by their actual ancestral name, it's "Sekmin." The middle layer of the Darklands, Sekamina, is named after their ancient empire.

Vorpal Savith, Bane of 1000 Writhing Coils. The Azlanti name is probably shorter, but unpronounceable as it would have sounded in the mouth of Savith to a modern speaker. :P

And as far as I know, pure caste Serpentfolk in Pathfinder are canonically called Sekmin, and lend their name to the Darklands realm of Sekamina, hence why they're replacing Drow as the big underground threat in 2e. Lower caste Serpentfolk are called Aapoph, which has always made me wonder if there's a connection between Ydersius and the Osiriani underworld serpent Apep/Apophis - massive serpents, underground, said to be beheaded, one by an Azlanti warrior-mage and the other by the gods themselves in defence of the sun's nightly voyage.

Edit: what Mr. Jacobs said.

have to ask, where does the "forged by Aroden" part come from?

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