Leadership, organizational levels. How to use? How to count?

Quest for the Frozen Flame

To put it simply: book one says the broken tusks begin as a 5th level organization. This corresponds to 10-13 followers, and lieutenant level 0. The book says these numbers (the lieutenant numbers?) won’t be correct because of reasons, it’s an old organization etc. The book says the organization should grow to 8th level. Page 21, sidebar.

Book two at a certain point asks whether the organization is eg level 11, 12? Book three similarly.

How am I to determine what level the organization is, and when the level increases, and to what level? The starting level determined in the book is so far off that it makes no sense, and even 8th level does not match anything for follower or lieutenant numbers.

Pragmatic solutions, factual/technical solutions, faq or writer clarifications welcome! Thanks!

Silver Crusade

I'm playing and running this. In both campaigns. While we DID sort of track the size of the following, the interesting members, etc for purely roleplaying purposes we just totally ignored the leadership subsystem.

It is taking a mechanism that really isn't suited for what is happening and shoe horning it in. As far as I can see it adds absolutely NOTHING to the campaign except extra book keeping.

Having additional combat characters just makes balancing encounters more difficult. When they made sense I did the typical arm waving of "While you're fighting YOUR enemies off to the side your allies are fighting some other baddies" thing.

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