Moonlight Stalker Master + 5' step

Rules Questions

Moonlight Stalker Master (Combat)
You leave your opponents swinging at shadows while you slide elusively through the darkness.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Stalker Feint, Bluff 9 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial trait.

Benefit: While you have concealment, your opponents’ miss chance against you increases by 10%. If an opponent misses you due to your concealment, you can spend an immediate action to move 5 feet, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step.

So if your opponent has a full attack and he misses you on his first attack, you take a 5 foot step away from him and out of his threatened space does he lose the rest of his attacks on you?

Yonman wrote:

Moonlight Stalker Master (Combat)

You leave your opponents swinging at shadows while you slide elusively through the darkness.

Prerequisite: Int 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Moonlight Stalker, Moonlight Stalker Feint, Bluff 9 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial trait.

Benefit: While you have concealment, your opponents’ miss chance against you increases by 10%. If an opponent misses you due to your concealment, you can spend an immediate action to move 5 feet, this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step.

So if your opponent has a full attack and he misses you on his first attack, you take a 5 foot step away from him and out of his threatened space does he lose the rest of his attacks on you?

As per usual, the answer is: it depends.

If that was the first attack, the opponent can choose not to use its full attack and take a move action.

If the opponent hasn't moved or taken its 5 foot step, it can take a 5 foot step towards you and continue its full attack.

If the opponent took its 5 foot step prior to attacking, missed on its second attack, and doesn't have another target within its threatening range, yes - it loses its remaining attacks.

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