Amusing Coincidence in Spore War aka Paizo are You In My Discord Chat? (SporeWar Book 2 Spoilers)

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

So, last Sunday, my elf player in our homebrew campaign decided they would do some more backstory work and decided to be from Riverspire, as a part of the Morgethai family.
Today, my .pdf drops into my files and I find out that Riverspire heavily features and the Morgethais have an entire plot point including art of the featured member.

From the time my fallen paladin who turned to Arazni, regained his power, and swore an 'Oath in Crimson' to her at the final battle of that AP, to the announcement of Shadows at Sundown a day after my table had a long chat about wanting to do a followup to our beloved CotCT campaign, to now this, I think perhaps we may have tapped into something or someone on the AP team is actually hiding in my walls.

Thank you once again for giving me exactly what I need when I need it.

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