Upgrading the Agile Mythic Simple Template.

Homebrew and House Rules

So the Mythic Simple Templates all give 2 total Mythic Ranks at 11 or more HD, except for Agile. I wanted to fix this, and I have two solutions, one of them probably a bit better than the other one.

So every 2 Mythic Ranks is worth +1 CR, so 1 Mythic Rank is thus worth +1/2 CR, which rounds up to +1 CR until you get another Mythic Rank, and is actually +1 CR. I bring this up, because it means if I can easily halve a +1 CR template, then I can just add that into the Agile template at 11 or more HD, and add a second Mythic Rank then.

So there are two such templates that are generic enough to possibly fit with this:

The Advanced template. Half of it would be +2 to all Ability Scores (no restriction on Intelligence though since it is a Mythic Simple Template) and +1 increase to Natural Armor.

And the Alchemically Quickened template. It is a first party template, but not on aon as far as I can tell. Half of it would be base speed increases by 5 ft (retroactively apply this before the +30 ft increase to all movement types (so if the base creature's base speed is less than 30 ft, it'll technically increase by 10 ft total), and each round in which the creature moves more than 10 ft, it gains the effects of a blur spell until it's first turn next round, except the blur spell only gives a 10% miss chance, and is treated as a level 1 spell. I already included some changes in the text to accomodate it being added to the Agile template.

So obviously, in keeping with the speed theme of the Agile template, the second option should be better, but I wanted everyone's opinions on all of this. Thank you for any words of wisdom you can give for this.

My experience with Mythic Adventures says it is best to just follow the rules as written. That's what I recommend when making any and all adjustments involving Mythic rules. That said, if this plan is what works for your table, then go for it.

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