Pact Worlds Common Root Language

General Discussion

Pact Worlds Common is said to be developed from several earlier human languages on Golarion.

While I was reading a Cosmic Birthday, Old Taldan was briefly mentioned as a dead language. I would assume Old Taldan to be that of Inner Sea Common, or Taldane.

This made me curious, what root language from Golarion is the dominant language within Pact Worlds Common. Is there any mentions in any Starfinder books about this? I've only barely started reading Starfinder 1E books early last year, so I've got a lot to learn.

And it makes me wonder if Old Taldane is to Pact Worlds Common as Old English is to Modern English. If, for example, Taldane/old Taldan was the dominant language that developed into Pact Worlds Common, would an Inner Sea character who hypothetically got Samurai Jack'd into the Starfinder future be vaguely understandable by locals? Or is it established to be another language entirely as the base.

This question is, fully aware that proper English does exist as a completely separate language on Earth.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

IMO, Pact World Common is likely based on Old Taldan (Golarion Inner Sea Common) with a heavy admixture of Castrovelan (probably Lashunta with some borrowing from Elven), Akitonian (possibly developed from Azlanti* with influences from the other inhabitants of Akiton), Verthani, etc.

A speaker of Old Taldan trying to understand Pact World Common would probably be like someone who learned Old English trying to understand modern English. If not more so, considering Old English is likely less old compared to modern English than Old Taldan is to Pact World Common.

*- IIRC, Azlant did a lot of intra-system travel via gates and even had extra-system colonies that developed into the Azlanti Star Empire after Earthfall

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