SkyknightXi |
First of all, the "if needed" is a nod to whether a Druid with Ranger archetype or vice versa fits the bill. Of course, that doesn't quite allow for the original's animal foci.
If we decide we do need a formal 2e Hunter, I'm wondering whether a class archetype (like how Inquisitor was vectored in as the Vindicator archetype for the Ranger) would be ideal--obviously for Druid or Ranger--as opposed to its own class. I'm also curious how crucial the animal companion might be said to be, on account of the Forester archetype for the Hunter in 1e. It's mostly my noticing that cramming in all of spontaneous druid/hunter spells, animal foci, and animal companion for a class archetype is going to be Sticky.
One idea I have for the archetype setup is that Hunters, if Ranger-basis, can add a small number of primal spells to their focus spell pool. Alternatively, they could gain limited spontaneous primal casting in a fashion similar to the Eldritch Archer. Druid-basis...being trained in martial weapons, not just simple, would obviously be necessary, but would they have to be in the animal order, or can animal foci have a place among the elemental orders?
So that leaves the question of how to bring in the foci. I'm thinking of them as a memorized repertoire. Start with five different foci, add another focus every four levels? There's a ready index at , if you want a sense/reminder of what gets improved by any one focus.
exequiel759 |
I think if the hunter ever happened to be brought up to PF2e it would likely be similar to the summoner but with both the "summoner" and "summon" having a martial chassis. I know the hunter was a spellcaster in PF1e, but since the summoner already fills the gish-companion niche so I think it would make sense to make it a straight up martial. The easiest way would certianly be a class archetype though, making the summoner a martial and thats it.