WOTR House Rules - Stip Campaign

Wrath of the Righteous

Posting some of the alternate rules we used here:

Rebuilding Drezen

There are 6 Drezen priorities that you can choose to invest in. All will have a game impact, and the precise nature of these investments (what they are in terms of story and, to a lesser extent, game impact, is largely up to you)

1. Economic growth. This includes agriculture/farming sustainability, and is a precondition for unlocking later military and defense options

2. Magical development. Attracts scholars and casters, and is a precondition for unlocking certain types of military units and speeding up crafting

3. Scouting and outposts. The forward defenses and early warning systems you support outside of Drezen. This decreases the likelihood of random encounters, (will not impact treasure or experience), unlock adventure hooks for you (so you can stay in Drezen and focus on development) reduce the probability that Drezen can be ambushed, and that convoys to Drezen can be attacked

4. Military buildup. This will increase the size of your army, and the types of troops you have

5. Drezen defenses. This will increase the types of bonuses your troops will have while defending Drezen, as well as potential troop upgrades

6. Morale. How motivated are your soldiers and civilians. This will increase the recovery of troops/improve their morale, and ultimately unlock faster development elsewhere.

Every three weeks you can advance a phase in one priority (there are 18 total options so uninterrupted with no further support would take a little over a year). PCs dedicating themselves to a specific priority for 8 hours a day can advance it half a phase (so 1 phase over 6 weeks or two PCs in a three week period). This is RP, so you'll need to explain how and what you are doing, which will impact the flavor, and in some cases outcomes. You can push for 12 hours a day to make up for time spent adventuring - basically you need to invest 168 hours of leadership, and 168 hours is an individual PC cap per 3 week period

No priority can advance more than one phase in a 3 week period

You are building a fortified town in the middle of the worldwound. You will be dependent on support and resupply from Mendev, and the demons won't make that easy. There will be attacks on supply lines, and likely the city. These attacks can delay priority development unless addressed.

Time spent crafting comes at the exclusion of development if you craft for more than 4 hours.

Horgus's management also grants a bonus half phase investment every 3 weeks. Other surviving NPCs provide different bonuses you'll learn about later

Priority phase investment:

Note that phase 1 in any area provides no bonuses. You are phase zero in all areas at start

1. Economic growth
Phase 1: Rebuilding surrounding town, establish trade routes, etc -> faster population Growth
Phase 2: Ease of buying and selling – increasing gold limit of items that can be purchased in town
Phase 3: Required for phase 3 Magic development and Morale, or to choose Phase 3 military/defense multiple times

2. Magical development
Phase 1: Research labs/libraries
Phase 2: attract scholars -bonuses to long term research checks
Phase 3: Increase speed of item crafting , unlocks spellcasting military and defense options
3. Scouting and outposts
Phase 1: Increase scouting/establish forward outposts
Phase 2: Decrease likelihood of random encounters events that can delay phase progression (attacked convoys, etc), identify hexes
Phase 3: Drezen cannot be ambushed, provides some bonuses to defense, faster hex exploration
4. Military Buildup
Phase 1: Rebuilding army infrastructure
Phase 2: Army build up-increase of troops
Phase 3: Increase troops-quality or quantity (can be selected multiple times)
5. Drezen defenses
Phase 1: Repair defenses (+4 DV, +2 OV)
Phase 2: Stat bonuses related to defense (+2 Offense/Defense in surrounding area)
Phase 3: Improved Stat bonuses (can be selected multiple times) when defending the city. Unit upgrades falls under defense (improving the units you have, rather than newer, better units)
6. Morale
Phase 1: Quality of life improvements , ½ recovery of health
Phase 2: Increase recovery of troops/morale bonuses, full health recovery
Phase 3: Can make two phase selections going forward (selected once - ongoing bonus)

[b]Mass Combat[b]

I used the mass combat rules (pulled from the SRD). PCs and NPCs could be assigned to units during the combats and this gave those units buffs or abilities, reflecting the likely battlefield impact their presence would have

Common Buffs
Sword of Valor: +4 OM and DV to any army defending the greater Drezen area

Citadel Drezen: Currently grants +2 to any army stationed in the citadel (up to 500 troops can garrison the citadel while participating in combat)

NPC Bonuses (unless otherwise noted, bonus applies to assigned army):
Anevia Tirabade: (scouting increases OM and DV by 2)
Aravashinal: (Grants spell breaker tactic - +4 DV vs army with spellcating)
Irabeth: grants Blooded but Unbroken boon to all armies (+1 to offense when at half hit points, +2 with leadership of 10 or higher)

PC Bonuses (bonus applies to assigned army):
Cyrus: can increase OM or DV by +1 when casting
Rischa: +2 to morale
Kiryin: +1 to OM against demons
Zograthy: can increase OM or DV by +1 when casting
Queso: can increase OM or DV by +1 when casting
Wick: +1 to OM when using expert flanker

The battlebliss rules won't format properly so I'm trying to embed a link to a googledoc.

i hope this works

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