[PFS2e] Undeath domain in PFS2e

Pathfinder Society


I have an idea for a character spinning around my head - but needs access to Undeath domain. Is there any way? I only find deities which have must choose unholy for sanctification, or if that is not the case, fall under "Outer Gods" or "Queen of the Night". And there seems no ACP option. Did I miss anything? Thanks in advance.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

Bones Oracle + Domain Acumen at lvl 2, or oracle dedication and basic mysteries -> domain acumen, costing you lvl 2 and 4 feats.

I'm not sure if there are any other ways currently to access it. But is there a specific reason why you need the domain, maybe that could be substituted with something else? Like touch of the void from champion?


I would like to build a human duskwalker with beastmaster archetype and ghost as companion and then be able to cast Malignant Sustenance. Cleric would have been ideal, to have lots of harms on top.

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