Raised in belief and other indirect divine connections

Rules Discussion

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

My main question is wondering how the background is affected in organized play with the loss of a large number of deities, some of which may not even be fully listed yet. This has, however, lead me to wonder about other things of similar nature as that background. The official ruling is that lost gods provide no mechanical benefits, and I'm looking for the more specific side of that. If I had to guess the background can be used regardless of if the deity is dead, missing, still around, or has any level of restriction, namely because the character doesn't need to still worship the deity. On the other had even though a character that has other indirect connections, things learned in the teachings rather than gained from the deity itself, doesn't gain anything from their worship will still have to follow the traditional rules and be limited by those restrictions.

Huh. That's a really interesting point. And creates some potentially interesting character ideas. A Forlorn Elf with Raised by Belief (Aroden) who's still not over Aroden's death?

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Shouldn't this be a question asked in the Organized Play forums?

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