How much do we actually know about the dimension of time?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion



I'm just putting something together for an upcoming session and I was wondering if anyone knows any good sources about the dimension of time. I'm aware the wiki has a bit, but it really isn't that much. I can obviously make my own stuff, and I most likely will, but if there's any more additional content I can draw on, I'd love to have a look.


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BotBrain wrote:


I'm just putting something together for an upcoming session and I was wondering if anyone knows any good sources about the dimension of time. I'm aware the wiki has a bit, but it really isn't that much. I can obviously make my own stuff, and I most likely will, but if there's any more additional content I can draw on, I'd love to have a look.


Hmm, for books, The Rise of New Thassillon is largely set in the Dimension of Time. That's the 6th book of an entire adventure path, so you'd either get an just that book (which may be unsatisfying) or the entire adventure path (which would be expensive).

Basically the explorable region of the dimension is the island of Stethelos, which is not terribly large and is inhabited by guardians like time flayers and time dragons, plus whoever else has the actual power to get to the plane (it is NOT easily accessible by any stretch of the imagination; in the adventure the PCs need to use a powerful artifact and obscure ritual to manage it). This makes it a good place to stock any ridiculously powerful NPCs you want. Note that people who stay too long have to avoid falling under the spell of the anima mundi, a kind of green moss that covers the whole area and and constantly whispers to people. The whole place is ruled by the god Tawil at'Umr, who is very powerful and capricious, and may ask for PCs to make odd sacrifices if they want to travel into the past.

The other place people could theoretically go is the woods on the Desolate Shore, which are implied to lead to wherever the Hounds of Tindalos come from. However it is obscenely dangerous. The PCs would probably need the blessing of Tawil to even think about venturing there...

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