Harrow Deck - Towers Rules

Product Discussion

So, I've been looking everywhere for the rules to play the game "towers" mentioned multiple times in combination with the harrow deck.

All I found was the reference to the "Harrow Deck Deluxe". Both the wiki and the Harrow Handbook reference the Divination Handbook of the Harrow Deck page 26-30.

The thing is:
I own both, the official Harrow Deck and the Deluxe Harrow Deck, but nowhere I can find the rules for towers.
On the mentioned pages are just interpretations for various cards listed.

I checked everything twice, but by pharasma can't find the rules anywhere. If some might be able to help here (point out where to find, or maybe even directly supply me with the rules), I'd be most grateful.

this guy claim that the rules for towers are in a booklet added to the deluxe Harrow deck. do you still have it?

I don't own that but the pathfinder wiki has a section to explain a bit about the game.

After a bit more googling I found this review that include the rules for the towers game, I don't know if it's all of them though. Another thread in that forum suggest that there are more rules then what the review list. (also that if one can't finish up ALL the towers fleeing at the start would be the best option. If that is true I would add the rule that anyone who finish a tower can add that tower's cards to any player's penalty cash, divided as he see fit)

Thanks zza, I checked again, the booklet coming with the Deluxe Harrow Deck (or at least the version I have), doesn't have the rules.

The Basic Harrow Deck was bought second hand without the booklet.
I however managed to get a digital version, which has the rules.

Just seems odd to me, that the Deluxe Version is missing rules for a game, that are included in the basic version...

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Okay, after comparing the cards from both the normal and the Deluxe Harrow Deck, I might have a hunch, why the Deluxe version hasn't the rules:

In the basic deck the suit symbol is printed on a spot to represent the alignment, with true neutral cards having it in the middle.

The Deluxe deck has the suite printed on the bottom of the card, with a smaller symbol position on the alignment corresponding place on a frame around the picture. The true neutral cards don't have a symbol in the middle in this version.

Without the middle symbol the rules make less sense, since you should play cards, so they don't cover up the middle symbol, which doesn't exist.

A little bit weird, but hey I found the rules, so I've got that going for me, which is nice ;)

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