
Triumph of the Tusk

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, I gotta ask, is Trunau and their hopeknifes still a thing in Belkzen? Because if that lore hasn't been quietly shuffled beneath the carpet, that stands in pretty stark contrast to these more honorable Warcraft-y orcs we have been presented with lately.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
So, I gotta ask, is Trunau and their hopeknifes still a thing in Belkzen? Because if that lore hasn't been quietly shuffled beneath the carpet, that stands in pretty stark contrast to these more honorable Warcraft-y orcs we have been presented with lately.

As Tyrant's Grasp started off pretty close to Trunau and I had a half-orc PC, I added some of the Trunau / hopeknife lore to the story.

One thing a DM might do is consider that the 'frontier' orc tribes [like the ones which attack Trunau in Giantslayer, and the Twisted Nails who burned down Roslar's Coffer] are the wild, savage ones. They stand in contrast to Ardax and the ones in the interior of Belkzen.

I suspect that the savage orc v. the settled orc might be a major vein through the AP.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hope Trunau doesn't get quietly swept under the rug. Kinda getting tired of Paizo doing that with parts of their lore they don't like anymore. Actively deal with your dark history if you want to change it, don't hide it in a closet like an embarassing secret from your teenage years.

Liberty's Edge

They might not feel the need to specifically cover Turnau either though.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
They might not feel the need to specifically cover Turnau either though.

I'm sure if James turns up in this thread, the answer would be something along the lines of "We had other thing we wanted to do with this AP" and that's okay. But Trunau really stands out as an example of the old extremely bloodthirsty and savage orcs Paizo wrote originally into the setting. And for people who know about the place, it'll always be there as this thought in the back of our heads in the vein of "Yeah, but what about...?".

I'm okay with Paizo changing the setting around their more modern day ideals. I'd just prefer if Paizo would deal actively with their problematic areas, instead of just pretending they never existed or doing mindboggling changes without a good explanation of how they happened. I want to feel immersed into the setting and storytelling mistakes like those rip me right out of the suspension of disbelief.

Liberty's Edge

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magnuskn wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
They might not feel the need to specifically cover Turnau either though.

I'm sure if James turns up in this thread, the answer would be something along the lines of "We had other thing we wanted to do with this AP" and that's okay. But Trunau really stands out as an example of the old extremely bloodthirsty and savage orcs Paizo wrote originally into the setting. And for people who know about the place, it'll always be there as this thought in the back of our heads in the vein of "Yeah, but what about...?".

I'm okay with Paizo changing the setting around their more modern day ideals. I'd just prefer if Paizo would deal actively with their problematic areas, instead of just pretending they never existed or doing mindboggling changes without a good explanation of how they happened. I want to feel immersed into the setting and storytelling mistakes like those rip me right out of the suspension of disbelief.

I must say that I did not play nor read the AP. Isn't it possible that 2 centuries of propaganda and exaggerated facts might explain this extreme view people from Turnau had about all Orcs ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Uh, we are talking about two hundred years of history here. The town was detailed in Towns of the Inner Sea. The town was under pretty much constant (as in very frequent) attacks by Orcs for 200 years and people created the tradition of the hopeknife since they knew that getting dragged off by orcs was a fate worse than death. That's far beyond any "Gosh, they just imagined all the orc attacks and atrocities" territory.

Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.

Liberty's Edge

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magnuskn wrote:

Uh, we are talking about two hundred years of history here. The town was detailed in Towns of the Inner Sea. The town was under pretty much constant (as in very frequent) attacks by Orcs for 200 years and people created the tradition of the hopeknife since they knew that getting dragged off by orcs was a fate worse than death. That's far beyond any "Gosh, they just imagined all the orc attacks and atrocities" territory.

Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.

Granted, if it was reinforced though constant Orcish behavior they witnessed, that is something else entirely.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.

I wouldn't expect to see any more sexual assault-based lore in the setting, thankfully.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.
I wouldn't expect to see any more sexual assault-based lore in the setting, thankfully.

Same. But I'd like Trunau to get a happy denouement, i.e. willingly integrating with the more modern orc society, than being swept under the rug as an embarassing reminder of "old Paizo".

Liberty's Edge

The Raven Black wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Uh, we are talking about two hundred years of history here. The town was detailed in Towns of the Inner Sea. The town was under pretty much constant (as in very frequent) attacks by Orcs for 200 years and people created the tradition of the hopeknife since they knew that getting dragged off by orcs was a fate worse than death. That's far beyond any "Gosh, they just imagined all the orc attacks and atrocities" territory.

Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.

Granted, if it was reinforced though constant Orcish behavior they witnessed, that is something else entirely.

Having just read the Trunau part in Towns of Golarion, the Giantslayer's PG and the relevant parts of the 1st book of the AP, I stand by my earlier statement.

The beliefs behind the Hopeknife tradition can easily be explained by 200 years of reciprocated hatred, violence and atrocities. Especially in a town that only has the Insular and Racially intolerant (Orcs) traits.

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
keftiu wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Ironically, Half-Orc are quite accepted in Trunau, since the residents know best that it isn't their fault how many of them came into the world.
I wouldn't expect to see any more sexual assault-based lore in the setting, thankfully.
Same. But I'd like Trunau to get a happy denouement, i.e. willingly integrating with the more modern orc society, than being swept under the rug as an embarassing reminder of "old Paizo".

It would be greatly interesting to see how Trunau's citizens react to their old enemies/neighbors being in some disarray due to the upheaval the changes in the Orcish Pantheon are likely to have caused.

Especially considering they thought the more peaceful approach of Urgir to be doomed to failure and an early ending.

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