Big smiles for Starfinder 2e

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I've been away from RPGs in general for a while, but had to come back when I heard there were SF2e test rules available to try out.

Out the gate, let me say flipping through it put a big smile on my face.

I'd heard SF2 was being designed to be compatible with Pathfinder 2e and I'm very happy to see how true that is. I have a very specific taste in Pathfinder, and that taste is the "Proficiency Without Level" optional rule. I'm glad to see SF2 structured in a way that allows that rule to be used here too.

Almost as important, I have a very specific taste in Starfinder, and that taste is as a "D&D in space" game rather than its own, stand-alone game. Dwarves and wizards in space more than Ysoki and Solarians in space, if you get my meaning. I'm stoked to see that Pathfinder races and classes can seemingly be ported in without any modification. Or, I guess more accurately, the sci-fi skills, feats and equipment can be used by Pathfinder characters.

But the biggest smile came when I saw the first feat listed: "Additional Spoons." Spoon theory is such a niche thing that my wife says about her condition that it's like the game was calling out to us specifically. I mean, I had to explain what feats were to her, but we got there eventually. Footnote to that, after I told her about it, she showed me an image where apparently the new approach to "out of spoons" is to say you're "out of spell slots," so we've really come full circle.

Anyways, really excited to see SF2 compatibility with my favorite parts of PF2.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The PF2 compatibility is already paying dividends. We jumped into SF2 for a Spooky Scary Skeletons in Space one-shot for the spooky season. Everything worked flawlessly, as my group jumped in with both feet to their roles as Skeleton space pirates. Everything was smooth, familiar, and engaging.

I had boatloads of feat options ready to go, and the new features like space guns and jetpacks and computers all slotted right in to their skillsets.

We can't wait to explore free archetype in SF2, as well as mixing and matching PF2 classes.

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